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ID Букв в Эвенте (l2day)

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То есть поиск и гугл уже забанили ? :)))


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3875	L2Day - A		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	
3876	L2Day - C		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	
3877	L2Day - E		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	
3878	L2Day - F		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	
3879	L2Day - G		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	
3880	L2Day - H		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	
3881	L2Day - I		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	
3882	L2Day - L		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	
3883	L2Day - N		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	
3884	L2Day - O		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	
3885	L2Day - R		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	
3886	L2Day - S		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	
3887	L2Day - T		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	
3888	L2Day - II		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	

Изменено пользователем FBI
  • Upvote 1

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То есть поиск и гугл уже забанили ? :)))


Включаешь файледит и смотришь ид итемов )

3875	L2Day - A		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	3876	L2Day - C		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	3877	L2Day - E		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	3878	L2Day - F		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	3879	L2Day - G		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	3880	L2Day - H		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	3881	L2Day - I		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	3882	L2Day - L		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	3883	L2Day - N		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	3884	L2Day - O		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	3885	L2Day - R		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	3886	L2Day - S		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	3887	L2Day - T		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0	3888	L2Day - II		L2 Day event item. Create the special word and take it to the event coordinator for a surprise gift!	-1					0	0	0



Спасибо.. да нет. искал в гугле как только мог :) только афиша что на каком то серве запустили эвент :)


Спасибо. + поставил.

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