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"Super" things will be useless if the pack will be like frozen. My goal it's to keep it alive with many reworks/fixes and useful mods for pvp server. It's a project ready for live server. You should work on your "balance" if you choose to use it for custom server. Best regards. Thank you buddy.
You can build your pvp server now. I started working with this project months ago. It's based on aCis latest rev. [370] L2jNetwork project is active with forum for help. We do not support custom items. Do not ask me for "balance". You should work on it for "balance". (As always) You're the only one who can make your own balance based on your items/skills if is customs. Please view our changesets for more info about updates. You can also view our configs. Our goal is that to provide you ready files to start build your pvp server. We work almost everyday for fixes/new mods and etc. Check for us now! http://l2jnetwork.com
Hey members. VIP System Activate by Item Activate by admin command << //vipon [] //vipoff [] //vipon [name] [days] >> Set exp/sp rates Set Adena drop Set Drop/Rb Drop Set spoil rates Set enchant chance [Armor/weapon] VIP Manager [NPC] Only VIP Players can use those services. Get Noblesse Get full rec Change Sex Clean your pk kills Teleport to your party member Teleport to your clan member. Teleport Restrictions: Sieges, Olympiad, Events, Party Rift, Jail, Duel, ObserverMode(oly), Non-Party members. Watch Video: Config Preview: # Do not forget to add the item handler on xml/items 3481. # <set name="handler" val="VipStatusItem" /> aCis 350 DOWNLOAD PATCH INFO: Go to your eclipse, select aCis_datapack & aCis_gameserver (the same time), right click -> Team --> Apply Patch, select <Files> and find the location of Patch in your computer. Code review: http://pastebin.com/j5GEqr8Y aCis 367 http://pastebin.com/fHPWTrq3
Yes.. It was unavailable for maintenance. Now is online again.
L2JNetwork Free Project Files You can build your pvp server now. I started working with this project months now. It's based on aCis latest rev. [366] We do not support custom items. Do not ask me for "balance". You should work on it for "balance". (As always) You're the only one who can make your own balance based on your items/skills if is customs. Good luck! Bellow you will find the free revision(11). Free revision contains acis rev 350 and not 366 like our latest updates. Our free revision do not promise you ready files for live server.. But you can build your server as you can. We have a lot of fixes/cleaned files/mods on our latest revision. Please view our changesets for more info about latest updates. FREE Revision(11) SVN + Changesets: http://l2jnetwork.com/index.php?/topic/46-free-project-files/
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