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1380 просмотров профиля
  1. Название: aCis last rev 367 Build+Source Добавил: L2FreeZone Добавлен: 30 Mar 2017 Категория: Исходники серверов Автор: aCis Tryskell Хроники: Interlude Changeset 367 (668) Reorganization ! You will hate me. Edit all instance types. All instances types are shortcuted as following : L2PetInstance > Pet (remove "L2" and "Instance" from naming convention, to shortcut checks and writing style). Mother classes simply lose the "L2" prefix (L2Attackable, L2Character, L2Playable,...). The previous rule doesn't apply exactly on following cases : - L2BufferInstance > SchemeBuffer (fits better with the role). - L2PcInstance > Player (I guess Pc stands for 'player character', so make it more intuitive). - L2SummonInstance > Servitor (to avoid confusion between L2Summon and L2SummonInstance ; the first being mother class of all summons and second being summoners servitors). - L2XMassTreeInstance > ChristmasTree (because we aren't #1337 #YOLO #Swag #doge). - L2WarehouseInstance > WarehouseKeeper (conflict with Warehouse, part of Inventory). - L2CastleWarehouseInstance > CastleWarehouseKeeper (to fit with above). - L2CabaleBufferInstance > CabalBuffer (cabal in english, not cabale). - L2ArtefactInstance > HolyThing (L2OFF naming). - L2ObservationInstance > BroadcastingTower (more proper name). - L2NpcInstance > Folk (because those are considered as non attackable targets). - L2MutedNpcInstance > MutedFolk (because they are based on Folk). - L2FriendlyMobInstance > FriendlyMonster (Monster not Mob). - L2NpcWalkerInstance > Walker (drop of Npc). - L2TeleporterInstance > Gatekeeper (fits better with the role). - L2DoormenInstance > Doorman (not plural). - L2CastleDoormenInstance > CastleDoorman (not plural). - L2ClanHallDoormenInstance > ClanHallDoorman (not plural). - L2GoldenRamInstance > GoldenRamMercenary (more informative). - L2CastleTeleporterInstance > CastleGatekeeper. - All "Manager" ending NPC types are followed by "Npc" to avoid any conflict with instancemanager (ex : L2ClanHallManagerInstance > ClanHallManagerNpc), even if there isn't any conflict (just respect same rule everytime). - Rename StaticObject serverpacket to StaticObjectInfo (after all we got CharInfo, PetInfo, UserInfo,...), to avoid conflict with StaticObject instance type. Misc - Fix //removecastle admincommand (owner was still listed). - Fix Christmas Trees (and cleanup the instance). Ty Azik for report. - Deletion of GNU headers. Reasons : - aCis uses its own licence. - There is more licence than actual code characters in 80% of classes (notably packets). - Faster search tool, lighweight-ier sources when distributed. - Edit of licence.htm with latest aCis ToA. PS : Since it's a complete mess, I will share, exceptionally, the complete pack on rev 367. For people who already owns a server, may Elmoroden gods pity you. I'm the best troll ever. Нажмите здесь, чтобы скачать файл
  2. Версия 367

    151 раз скачали

    Changeset 367 (668) Reorganization ! You will hate me. Edit all instance types. All instances types are shortcuted as following : L2PetInstance > Pet (remove "L2" and "Instance" from naming convention, to shortcut checks and writing style). Mother classes simply lose the "L2" prefix (L2Attackable, L2Character, L2Playable,...). The previous rule doesn't apply exactly on following cases : - L2BufferInstance > SchemeBuffer (fits better with the role). - L2PcInstance > Player (I guess Pc stands for 'player character', so make it more intuitive). - L2SummonInstance > Servitor (to avoid confusion between L2Summon and L2SummonInstance ; the first being mother class of all summons and second being summoners servitors). - L2XMassTreeInstance > ChristmasTree (because we aren't #1337 #YOLO #Swag #doge). - L2WarehouseInstance > WarehouseKeeper (conflict with Warehouse, part of Inventory). - L2CastleWarehouseInstance > CastleWarehouseKeeper (to fit with above). - L2CabaleBufferInstance > CabalBuffer (cabal in english, not cabale). - L2ArtefactInstance > HolyThing (L2OFF naming). - L2ObservationInstance > BroadcastingTower (more proper name). - L2NpcInstance > Folk (because those are considered as non attackable targets). - L2MutedNpcInstance > MutedFolk (because they are based on Folk). - L2FriendlyMobInstance > FriendlyMonster (Monster not Mob). - L2NpcWalkerInstance > Walker (drop of Npc). - L2TeleporterInstance > Gatekeeper (fits better with the role). - L2DoormenInstance > Doorman (not plural). - L2CastleDoormenInstance > CastleDoorman (not plural). - L2ClanHallDoormenInstance > ClanHallDoorman (not plural). - L2GoldenRamInstance > GoldenRamMercenary (more informative). - L2CastleTeleporterInstance > CastleGatekeeper. - All "Manager" ending NPC types are followed by "Npc" to avoid any conflict with instancemanager (ex : L2ClanHallManagerInstance > ClanHallManagerNpc), even if there isn't any conflict (just respect same rule everytime). - Rename StaticObject serverpacket to StaticObjectInfo (after all we got CharInfo, PetInfo, UserInfo,...), to avoid conflict with StaticObject instance type. Misc - Fix //removecastle admincommand (owner was still listed). - Fix Christmas Trees (and cleanup the instance). Ty Azik for report. - Deletion of GNU headers. Reasons : - aCis uses its own licence. - There is more licence than actual code characters in 80% of classes (notably packets). - Faster search tool, lighweight-ier sources when distributed. - Edit of licence.htm with latest aCis ToA. PS : Since it's a complete mess, I will share, exceptionally, the complete pack on rev 367. For people who already owns a server, may Elmoroden gods pity you. I'm the best troll ever.


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