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Файлы, опубликованные Eanseen

  1. Бесплатный

    Lineage 2 CMS

    Представляем вашему вниманию новую CMS для игровых серверов Lineage 2
    Главные отличия от аналогов:
    - Никаких SQL запросов и работы с базой данных напрямую, CMS работает с Java сервером, что исключает любые sql инъекции, взломы через web и прочее
    - Работает с сервером по протоколу XMLRPC
    - Используется технология ASP.NET MVC 5
    Требуется доработка Lineage 2 сервера для работы с CMS, но это даже плюс, т.к. открываются новые возможности.
    Например через Web игрок сам себе может выбрать цвет ника через интерактивную палитру или управлять своим инвентарем через Web.
    CMS состоит из 2х частей:
    1. Главный сайт
    - Новости
    - Темы с форума
    - Статистика
    2. Личный кабинет
    - Мастер аккаунт и управление игровыми аккаунтами
    - Информация о IP с которых заходили
    - Управление паролями с использованием Секретного вопроса и ответа
    - Пополнение баланса через unitpay.ru и lead2pay
    - Тех.поддержка (тикет система)
    - Система денежных сертификатов
    - Реферальная система
    - Система бонусов
    - L2Top и MMOTop
    База данных в LCDCMS\Models\LCDCMS.edmx.sql
    В комплекте идут примеры кода для работы CMS по протоколу XMLRPC
    Для разработки использовалась Visual Studio 2013, CMS написана мной полностью с нуля

    977 раз скачали


  2. Бесплатный

    aCis [Full Source]

    Очередная ревизия от команды aCis. Хотелось бы напомнить, что сборка славится своей оптимизацией, что очень радует.
    Changeset 340
    Caches, Announcements, Misc
    - Filters are moved back into classes.
    - Drop of //admin_fix_cache_crest admincommand.
    - Drop of OLD_PLEDGE related stuff.
    - BMP filter edited for DDS one, crests are stored under .dds format file. Consider to CONVERT .bmp into .dds !
    - Crests are stored on a Map for an easier management.
    Announcements - Ty Sikken, xblx (&& me ofc).
    - Renamed Announcements > AnnouncementTable, moved into datatables. Addition of Announcement model. General cleanup and rework.
    - Addition of critical announcement type.
    - Addition of scheduled announcement ; you can schedule your announcement to happen X times, every Y times.
    - Saved under XML format instead of TXT.
    - Drop of //reload_announcements (handled directly by AdminAdmin //reload generic admincommand), //announce_menu (no use).
    - Merge of numerous announcements admincommands, now handled by //announce <list|all|add|add_auto|del>.
    - Addition of //say admincommand (critical counterpart for //ann).
    - Old //announce renamed for //ann.
    - Little reorganization on Gameserver.java.
    PS : so basically, regarding Announcements admincommands, you only have :
    - //ann && //say for instant announcements type.
    - //announce <list|all|add|add_auto|del> for advanced mode.
    - //reload announcement.

    238 раз скачали


  3. Бесплатный

    aCis [Diff File] 342 to 343

    Файл для обновления с версии 342 до 343
    Changeset 343
    Scripts, Inventories, Misc
    - Addition of Q220, Q226. Ty roko91.
    - Drop the unused "block" system on PcInventory.
    - Drop the "quests slots" system on PcInventory. Easier slots check.
    - Fix Packet Forge tool. Ty roko91 for the fix.
    - Fix a NPE on ShortcutInit packet.
    - Fix a NPE on removeCrest().
    - Fix a NPE on calculateRewards(), overhit related. Ty SweeTs for the fix.
    - Added a missing check on pickup method, related to overweight. Now you can't be 110% full...
    - RequestDestroyItem got its checks edited, with the addition of CANNOT_DESTROY_NUMBER_INCORRECT message (for both < 1 and > max item number conditions).
    - Remove GMs priviledges on few packets, leading to a most appropriated casual player experience for : attack stance on restart/logout, slot/weight overbuy, outofcontrol Action.

    70 раз скачали


  4. Бесплатный

    aCis [Diff File] 339 to 340

    Файл для обновления с версии 339 до 340
    Changeset 340
    Caches, Announcements, Misc
    - Filters are moved back into classes.
    - Drop of //admin_fix_cache_crest admincommand.
    - Drop of OLD_PLEDGE related stuff.
    - BMP filter edited for DDS one, crests are stored under .dds format file. Consider to CONVERT .bmp into .dds !
    - Crests are stored on a Map for an easier management.
    Announcements - Ty Sikken, xblx (&& me ofc).
    - Renamed Announcements > AnnouncementTable, moved into datatables. Addition of Announcement model. General cleanup and rework.
    - Addition of critical announcement type.
    - Addition of scheduled announcement ; you can schedule your announcement to happen X times, every Y times.
    - Saved under XML format instead of TXT.
    - Drop of //reload_announcements (handled directly by AdminAdmin //reload generic admincommand), //announce_menu (no use).
    - Merge of numerous announcements admincommands, now handled by //announce <list|all|add|add_auto|del>.
    - Addition of //say admincommand (critical counterpart for //ann).
    - Old //announce renamed for //ann.
    - Little reorganization on Gameserver.java.
    PS : so basically, regarding Announcements admincommands, you only have :
    - //ann && //say for instant announcements type.
    - //announce <list|all|add|add_auto|del> for advanced mode.
    - //reload announcement.

    61 раз скачали


  5. Бесплатный

    aCis [Diff File] 340 to 341

    Файл для обновления с версии 340 до 341
    Changeset 341
    MMOCore, Announcements, Eclipse settings, Scripts, Misc
    MMOCore - basic update to latest L2J version.
    - Add a try/catch to avoid core crashing.
    - Disable Nagle's algorithm (better latency, but bigger bandwitdh usage). It's a real time application, for love of goodness !
    - Client is setted on putPacketIntoWriteBuffer method.
    - Fix an issue regarding Announcement limit.
    - Add //announce all_auto, allowing to announce auto tasks. Add the appropriate button on Announcements admin panel.
    Eclipse settings
    - Added project based Java8 compliance on both projects.
    - Copied project settings from gameserver to datapack. It seems I was using workbench settings on datapack.
    - Fix few missing stuff on datapack, such as static keywords or nested return.
    - "Incomplete switch cases on enum option" is now setted to "Ignore".
    - addition of SecondClassChange script. I can't test all cases and HTMs, so please report any issue on forums.
    - addition of Q662. Ty RooT.
    - numerous packets cleanups
    - clean one nested Item Class.
    - improve readability or performance.
    - reduce the amount or complexity of variables / parameters when not needed.
    - HennaInfo is fixed, the class level defines the number of henna slots. Ty RooT.
    - getItems() from Inventory returns a List, not an array anymore.
    - Fix possible double attacks issue, ty Hasha.
    - Decrease timer between multiple pickups.
    - Added a new multisell bypass, with a newbie check for L2Merchant exchange equipment. Ty ArhsGr.
    - Fix a NPE regarding CrestCache rework. Ty katara for report.

    90 раз скачали


  6. Бесплатный

    aCis [Diff File] 341 to 342

    Файл для обновления с версии 341 до 342
    Changeset 342
    FloodProtectors, Scripts, Misc
    - Simplified FP system (took L2JFree one). Timers are still configurable via config, all others configs are dropped (totally pointless).
    - A parameter setted to 0 means the action is always possible (you can enable/disable any FP that way).
    - GLOBAL_CHAT && TRADE_CHAT FPs are desactivated by default. GLOBAL_CHAT handles "All" and "Shout" chats.
    - SOCIAL timer has been tweaked to handle animations at the most global running speeds. Edit if you don't like.
    - addition of Q224, Q228, Q663. Ty to roko91 and RooT.
    - Fix, anew, the movement stuck issue.
    - Drop the empty folder in taskmanager.
    - You can use arrows UP and DOWN to move the character without making your client crashes. No configs.
    - Chats and RollDice handlers cleanup (nothing fantastic). Roll dice message is sent to anyone.
    - Complete StopRotation packet. Ty RooT.

    68 раз скачали


  7. Бесплатный

    aCis [Diff File] 343 to 344

    Файл для обновления с версии 343 до 344
    Changeset 344
    Duels - part I
    I decide to commit first part of Duels, as there is already a lot of work.
    All is functional, and far better written than before. Part 2 will get few fixes && little tweaks for Party Duels, probably 10% of what I'm commiting now.
    - General cleanup : aCis code style, DuelState Enum creation, setIsInDuel > setInDuel rename. Numerous comments && Javadoc as documentation.
    - Fix a ConcurrentException on DuelManager (couldn't handle simultaneous Duel creations).
    - Duel id is correctly calculated (it was probably very, very sad before).
    - Chaotic players (karma > 0) can't start or accept a duel request.
    - Fix a potential ConcurrentException on buff/debuff storing.
    - Fix a NPE with _playerConditions.
    - Fix few custom String for SystemMessage counterparts.
    - Fix the way duels handle disconnected players. It is considered as a surrender, as L2OFF. Ty sahar for report.
    - Fix an issue with surrender SystemMessage winner name.
    - Fix the max range for duel request && check task.
    - Fix the check task
    - It is fired once the duel is accepted (instead of after countdowns). A duel can now be disturbed during the countdown.
    - Added missing checks for party duels (zones, interrupted state, distance, pvpflag).
    - Fix RequestDuelAnswerStart checks, which are now exactly the same than RequestDuelStart packet.
    - Fix when a party in a command channel requests or accepts a party duel, that party is automatically withdrawn from the command channel.
    - Fix parties teleport, which are ported back to previous stored location no matter the duel end (in prevision to arena coordinates).
    Victory/lose animations
    - Fix an issue with kneel animation for 'B player/party winner' case.
    - Add Victory animation for winners.
    - Animations are sent even if one side is missing.
    - Revert party duel timer to 120 seconds (retail time).
    - The 1vs1 countdown is setted to 5sec instead of 3sec + "void" 3sec. Messages for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 cases.
    - The party countdown is setted to 30sec instead of 20sec, with messages for 30, 20, 15, 10 cases. It also uses 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 messages from 1vs1.
    - Drop the 5sec timer at the end of a duel.
    - The two left tasks, CheckTask && StartTask, use scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate to avoid to generate tasks every seconds.
    - Rework PartyMatchList, ExListPartyMatchingWaitingRoom serverpackets.

    118 раз скачали


  8. Бесплатный

    Lineage 2 CMS

    Истоки нашей CMS идут из 2015 года, именно в этом году, была выпущена наша первая CMS.
    Рынок требовал удобный, качественный и самое главное безопасный продукт, коих на рынке тогда не было. Со временем функционал нашей CMS модернизировался и развивался, благодаря технологии Spring Framework
    Но все же, в процессе тестов CMS с использованием технологии Spring Framework зарекомендовала себя очень хорошо, и было принято решение заняться новой версией с учетом полученного опыта и отзывов.
    Старую версию было решено выложить в открытый доступ, мы уверены что данные исходники помогут начинающим разработчикам

    283 раза скачали


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