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  1. Wish to sell the pack that L2Age/L2World/L2Woa was using + bug fixes. # The pack is based on l2r and has been developed for more then 2++ years. # I can say its most advanced pack with close to retail features and custom modifications on the market nowadays. # Several servers was using it so its 100% Stable. # What will you recive as customer: - Stable Complied pack. - Access to private SVN with updates. - Support for customers. - Constantly updating the pack. (Daily / Weekly) # Additional payment for: - Custom features by request. - Nexus Engine last version + alot of fixes. - Geodata (best or one of the best around) - Phantom Bot system. Some of the features will be listed here. If you want detailed info contact me at skype (listed below). Gallery of Community Board and other features - http://imgur.com/a/z503x/all 99% of all h5 features are tested and working. Skills compared with ru-offi server. AI support for almost every major NPC/Boss. Skill/Damage Formula comfurmed from ru-offi. Skill/Class balance system. ... and much more..... (if you have questions or wanna test it add my skype: l2agedev) Custom Features Fully Retail Community Board (backup) Fully Custom Community Board: - Gatekeeper Image http://i.imgur.com/Xsitabd.png - Buffer Image http://i.imgur.com/hcLK7eq.png - GMSHOP Image http://i.imgur.com/7V18Y4X.png - PartyMatching System - Class Master Image http://i.imgur.com/R8VQGUQ.png - Warehouse Image http://i.imgur.com/svte6FI.png - BlackSmith - Drop Calculator + Item Info - Images http://i.imgur.com/SnjWkkh.png http://i.imgur.com/tBqL2Yn.png http://i.imgur.com/FbgYPeU.png http://i.imgur.com/cwdi6Nq.png http://i.imgur.com/YyRPuRK.png http://i.imgur.com/PwfegJU.png - Raid Boss info Image http://i.imgur.com/0Kl6g2G.png - Grand Boss info Image http://i.imgur.com/vxhj6bJ.png - Donation page. Images http://i.imgur.com/Jp9RDN7.png http://i.imgur.com/wXl2ko0.png http://i.imgur.com/HBVgXDm.png - Auction Images http://i.imgur.com/31zmQIp.png - http://i.imgur.com/iitKDoP.png - http://i.imgur.com/VKS0cZ2.png - Ranking Manager Image http://i.imgur.com/QZVvQYd.png - Achievements Manager - Friends Manager Image http://i.imgur.com/ePpMVvR.png - Clan Managment Images http://i.imgur.com/VRI0kdw.png - http://i.imgur.com/mQiHhFn.png - http://i.imgur.com/faVkikC.png - http://i.imgur.com/90TJ2eq.png - Enchant/Attribute Board - Images http://i.imgur.com/uuAgKZH.png - http://i.imgur.com/pj4JLTG.png - Character statistics board. http://i.imgur.com/SU7Ykqc.png - All kind of services as change sex/level up/ name color/reduce pk.. etc etc # Achievement System : Images http://i.imgur.com/SAvRP0w.png - http://i.imgur.com/dReOQMn.png - Over 40 achievements and easy implementation of new. - Configurable rewards. # Cancel Restoration system. - Return canceled buff after xx time. # Character Intro System Images http://i.imgur.com/11TzrRh.jpg - http://i.imgur.com/3wQA2cV.png - http://i.imgur.com/Wj4UAC1.png - http://i.imgur.com/ceqrDvE.png - Accepting terms of usage - Setting up character security password - Setting email to recover password. - Referral system with rewards. # Character Colorization Image - http://i.imgur.com/SNWi0oK.png - Different color name for clan members, ally members, clan war members. # Advanced Premium System - Fully configurable - Exp, Sp, Drop, attribute, enchant, karma, fame bonus. - Drop by item id. - Bonus functions: whereis command, infinity arrow/shots, can shop/buff/warehous/change class outside peace zone, usage of global chat. # Poll System Image http://i.imgur.com/aBNc6ic.png - Ask your players questions related or not related with the server. # Captcha - Advanced anti-bot System. Image - http://i.imgur.com/Wcgd6xn.png - Custom algorithm for catching bot players. - Options how to work captcha against bots. # Bot Report System. http://i.imgur.com/plc2yj0.png - Admin can review reports with options to check reported player. - Report for bot/fake shop/abuse/ etc... # Emoticon chat system. http://i.imgur.com/Q0SyH6P.png - On certain words character performs different actions. - Easy configurable. # Custom PvP System. - Killing spree messages & rewards. - Attribute items on pvp/pk kills. - Fame rewards - Enchant items on pvp/pk kills. - Special PvP zone with rewards and various effects. # Fake PC - System making NPC looking as Players. # Quest sAddon System - Adjust XP/SP/Drop rate/Rewards rate for certain quest. Example : quest_drop_rates - _001_LettersOfLove = 2 (rate of quest drop items will be x2) # Anti-Feed check by hwid/ip # Protected olympiad by hwid/ip # System to register account and recover password by email. # Secondary character protection, bind your IP/HWID. Image - http://i.imgur.com/084UIrC.png # Find Party command. Easy setup of party for instance or farming http://i.imgur.com/7RuJ8QV.png # Custom Shift + click for player and NPC. http://i.imgur.com/9Ikba3C.png # Events - Unique Trivia Event http://i.imgur.com/Kf1eJWC.png http://i.imgur.com/6gLYCvw.png - Unique GMHunter Event. - Unique Lindvior Boss Event. - GvG Event fully working. - Bounty Hunters. - Town Defence. # Most of retail events are implemented and working. # Latest nexus-engine v3.0 with custom fixes and mods. Image http://i.imgur.com/LmSnFcX.jpg - Most advanced event engine with over 13 main events. - Support mini events. - Fully info nexus-engine.net (not supported anymore by the owner) # Character Control Panel Image http://i.imgur.com/3inE2zn.png - Enable/Disable character related functions. # Voiced commands. Images + Info - http://i.imgur.com/3BTgGlj.png http://i.imgur.com/E16a88s.png This just a little part of the things that this pack contains. For test server add me to skype. Pack price: 50euro (Paid only Once) Monthly Support + access to updates: 30 euro (After the month expires you have 7 days to the pay the fee otherwise server wont be able to start.) Im also interested of selling the source for that skype me. For questions skype me:
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