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Весь контент AbsolutePower

  1. L2jhellas new discord: https://discord.gg/3zv2W2fvuU
  2. new links L2JHellas discord : https://discordapp.com/invite/HY8nMPp new svn : https://bitbucket.org/NickAbsolutePower/l2jhellas/src/master/ for more info visit our forum
  3. Links: Forum: http://l2jhellas.com/ Svn: https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/l2hellas/trunk/ Timeline: https://www.assembla.com/spaces/l2hellas/subversion/commits/list Goals: Our goal is to provide a stable and free Interlude pack. a lot of reworks-optimization has been done. How can i help? Everyone can become a part of the project! The first step is to register in our forum(links above) and give us feedback(Suggestions,ideas). Bug reports and custom patches from users are welcomed as well. That way you will help us grow stronger and keep providing you a stable and free interlude pack. project progresses can be seen by timeline
  4. l2jhellas got new site: https://l2jhellas.com/ for more info you can read hellas timeline-updates a ton of code has been reworked-organized-improved. pack base is L2jArchid but a lot of reworks -fixes has been done so its totaly l2jhellas base = l2jhellas. its a free interlude project a sample of fixes: deleted old knownlist system(new system still in test mode but working well until now) doors,zones,walkers,packets,configs clean up and rework. almost 25-35% has been reworked Implement:Fence system. fix:cp-hp-mp regeneration calculate,miss calculate,karma calculate,serverlist status,message correction when xp-sp added. organize:npc randomAnimation,PvpFlag. forgeofgods reports: Fix Attack in peacezone,z location waterstate check,guards attack pk players,deodata-world map dimensions. Implement:CastleTraps part1 for tests,NextAction. Organization-improvements: ShortCutpackets: removed switch case, no need since its only 1-3 cases. castle doors are hp avaible only in siege,also removed double packet send, no need since doorstatusupdate got already those packets. unhardcoded RequestQuestAbort. Action removed switch case, no need since its only 1-3 cases. FriendInvite:added 2 check to avoid double invite - invite self. Mobs now can forgetobjects correctly. Removed some unused configs. forgeofgods reports: fix quest bug. Npefix: L2AttackableAi implement: flood protector checks. Rework: Duel,commandchannel Removed: double flood protector,PacketHistory,Javolution. forgeofgods reports: fix Adventure Guildsman. Added check to avoid multiple broadcast social action when interact with npc. Removed ValidateLocation to avoid "jumps" ValidateLocation sent only when player client position is wrong. implement:BossForever xml Extractable Items patch. Racetrack teleport fix. 7sDungeon teleport fix. SocialAction now send on every player in radius. Implement SocialAction Floodprotector. ObserverMode spawn fix. onIntentionActive is now set player to active,implement nextaction. onEvtReadyToAct implement nextaction. organization: Emum moved inside gameserver.emum package. Deleted double classrace(classid)-playerrace. Deleted unused IL2EntryProcedure,IL2Procedure. Customs Rework: Auto Equip System unhardcoded. Fix: Guards can attack karma players inside towns. Npe in autoattackstart AttackStanceTaskManager avoid to check for cubis if cubics are not active. Summon: summon add attackstance when owner attacked. add pvp status(summon-owner) when casting Offensive skill on player outside of pvp zone. Owner: add attackstance when summon hit a target or pet get attacked. Misc. MagicUseTask enabled printStackTrace to check for errors Fix: Augmentation skill level. thanks apollo19. Admin addAnnouncement npe. Mobs return home if too far from spawn point. prevent to attack invisible chars. L2GamePacketHandler fix arrayoutofbound-npe. build file(Requirements) removed check for subversion. thanks to forgeofgods. Implement: Augmentation in shortcuts,and update shortcut when delete-add augmentation. packets flood protection.(from l2j). WaterZoneManager to hold information for fishing waterzone to avoid searching all over the zones about it. Rework: unhardcoded RequestShortCutReg. player fishing. deleted all fishing zones,only 2 fishing places,giran-gludio fishing places. When player enter in a fishing zone a auestion mark appears(instructions about fishing). Organization: NpcData move in datatables.sql. Xml datatables are now loading with parser. Removed:FishingZoneManager. Fix: admin change name stuck fix. Fishing animation-fishing unhardcoded Avoid to search inside objects for players, replaced with getPlayer method. doDie set hp to 0. stuck when you are on boat. cubic skill range. Rework: Login server AuthClient AbnormalEffect CharSelectInfo misc rework clean up,finilyze,typo,rename. Implement: AbnormalEffect emum. geometry. Delete: Duplicate world store object. Territory WaterZoneManager mplement Elfocrash L2jRoboto FakePlayer engine. Fix: Attack animation thanks to forgeofgods Implement forgeofgods patch: deleted unused libs, changed MySQL databasefactory, as it dont have problem for any MySQL version, removed loggerfactory and replaced with java logger,roboto moved inside extensions,npe attack fix. Modify message Bow attack range. l2off like: on action player is following the target and attack only if target is attackable or control pressed. l2off like: you give only one hit if the player is not autoattackable. l2off like: when stun effect finish player stop following target. player equipped with cursed weapon can't use resurrection scrolls. EnterWorld exploit fix thanks to Tryskell. UseItem exploit fix thanks to Tryskell. FakePlayer implement resurrection action when a fake player will go to vilage his AI will change(2 random ai's enchanter-walker.) Revert mysqlconnector 1.33. Organization: L2ArmorType,L2EtcItemType,L2WeaponType moved inside emum package Fix: Revert: Drop item l2off like thanks forgeofgods for report. GmOnly server status. thanks Anderuimm for report. Missing Config for PremiumRateDropAdena. smallfix for hellasinfo from forgeofgods. Clan pledge status fix. Cleanup-delete: some custom-unused configs for example pvp-pk color system, no need since the rank system exist. rank system will be the main pvp custom engine. ExperienceData xml removed,no need since implemented a better way. Voiced commands removed:ClCmd, MailCmd(and the custom mail system), SetCmd,StatCmd(no need since rank system exist), L2AccountManagerInstance. and lot of more has been removed. Rework:Polymorph,player team,Charinfo packet. Revision 548: Implement 255 tutorial. Fix: chasing attack thanks to forgeofgods for report. Clean up and fix for 2000++ warnings, sql leaks-simple warnings for java 8. Revision 549: update mysql connector. Fix: Summon stuck. Boat thanks cyberwar for report Update summon xyz in boat. Teleport to location instant close active trade. Dual-normal-bow Attack calculate. doRevive player revive first then restore exp/sp stats Cleanup: Minor cleanup on formulas. Fix: Boat pay ticket thanks to cyberwar. Achievement invupdate to avoid visual item bug thanks to PeNaChO. Macro visual bug thanks to PeNaChO. Duel: duel party teleport players to empty olympiad stadium. (if teleport is canceled due full arena the duel will run normally in same position) minor rework on isAutoAttackable. Remove: Anti afk. Fix: TopTable:sql empty statement thanks to koki150 curse village empty npcs. on addskill: checks for passive-trigger skill UserInfo packet:calculate relation,fix vehicle id,write baseclass. CharInfo packet: fix vehicle id,write baseclass. when pet is dead and player exit game, pet doesn't show master name pet show abnormal visual effect bleed,poison etc.(if exist) pet show owner team(if exist) Abstraction and cleanup of Npc-summon-Polymorph info packet. AchievementsManager minor rework on addToConditionList. on logout(deleteobject) if player is sitting on trhone stand up and delete. Summon correct spawn-fail message summon pk-pvp flag now depends on owner Rework: minor rework on L2PcInstance sendInfo Organization: ClassId moved inside emum package ZoneId moved inside emum package player and summon funcs has been moved to respective classes. Removed: L2MaxPolyModel Connection Test table. dont forget to update your database. Summon: -if the target is dead the summon go back to his owner. -on finishcasting only offensive skills start autoattack. -onEvtAttacked implement avoidattack. -onEventAttackedDoorTask avoid to search all over the vissibleobjects for siegeguards now searching only in specific range. -npcs should not get in combat if not attackable. -door logout and move over exploit. -AquireSkill added a check to avoid underflow exception. Removed: StackIDFactory CompactionIDFactory GameGuardQuery(you can add it if you want) Fix: -Owner Summon animation. -pvp damage in pease zone. -l2off like npc interaction rotate the player to face the npc -The infamous "Air" phx script fix. -CastleManager npe. -onMagicFinalizer npe -attacking monsters circling the player removed rnd and added a check to avoid nearby mobs around the player without any sense. -player speed to synchronize with server-client. -when using delux key if there is no Success chests attack before decaying. -deathpenalty and player exp percent lost close enough to official,removed delevel config, and now player lvl > 9 and without lucky skill, on die loosing exp. there are some exceptions for example: can't lose exp in pvparena-siege participants inside siege zone etc. also added a emum(PlayerExpLost) to avoid hardcode. Rework: ItemsAutoDestroy SkillTreeData FleeingNPCs are correctly working(Rabbit-Elpy) Clean up: SpawnTable L2Spawn:removed spawnlistener HitMan config. Champion config delete, champion are now static in core(config.java) you can modify it there. NpcBufferTable NpcBufferInstance BuffTemplateTable NpcBufferSkillIdsTable Quests: Added: Config to enable-disable FakePlayer system Q114_ResurrectionOfAnOldManager, thanks to BossForever. Q333_HuntOfTheBlackLion, thanks to BossForever. Q334_TheWishingPotion. Q335_TheSongOfTheHunter. Q336_CoinsOfMagic. Added Quests: Q024_InhabitantsOfTheForestOfTheDead Q115_TheOtherSideOfTruth Q136_MoreThanMeetsTheEye Q137_TempleChampionPart1 Q138_TempleChampionPart2 Q139_ShadowFoxPart1 Q140_ShadowFoxPart2 Q141_ShadowFoxPart3 Q142_FallenAngelRequestOfDawn Q143_FallenAngelRequestOfDusk Q343_UnderTheShadowOfTheIvoryTower Q386_StolenDignity Q501_ProofOfClanAlliance Q503_PursuitOfClanAmbition Q505_BloodOffering Q635_InTheDimensionalRift Q648_AnIceMerchantsDream Q998_FallenAngelSelect(custom) Rework-Cleanup: delete L2CharPosition and replace with Location, thanks kara for report. L2CasinoInstance thanks kara for report. deleted PlayerToAssasinate Fix: monsters: prevent to think in not active regions. Fix: -player karma lost thanks xfranky for report. -player curson bug, thanks raxzerax for report. -admin respawn-delete npc properly delete npcs from database thanks xfranky for report. -on raidboss death player points are properly update. -castle-clanhall wrong message. thanks xfranky for report. -player sendRelationChanged added a check to avoid invisible exploit. -player can properly Equip-uneuip weapons when finish casting. -IpCatcher: perma ban (mac address-ip address) now working properly. -revert char-userinfo player classid. -Auctioneer: read actions issue added propper messages Rework: -L2AttackableAI -L2GuardInstance -Sweep (skill handler) Clean up: -AdminDisconnect -AdminClanFull -AdminNoble and more admin command handlers. -casino manager thanks to StinkyMadness Implement: -(custom)Admin item search thanks to StinkyMadness -(custom)IconData + xml parser. for iteam search, also can be used for every icon we wanna parse in html. i put almost all usable icons. Removed: -AdminMassHero -Formulas: calcFestivalRegenModifier Fix: -PackageSendableList: item type. -player : on pickup item added a task to wait for the animation to finish. -player : interact with a moving npc player stop movement to avoid ungly stuck effect. -olympiad npe thanks to Velucio for report. -Admin Commands run through a task, that way we avoid to freeze the server. example: //respawn-reload npc now you dont feel anything. -invetory items update thanks to NoWayOut. -npc spawn store(due rework), thanks to NoWayOut. -monsters attacking skills(due rework) thanks to NoWayOut. Added Quests: -Q118_ToLeadAndBeLed -Q120_PavelsLastResearch -Q025_HidingBehindTheTruth Removed: -PcColorTable-characters_colors.sql -BuffTemplateTable. -L2BuffTemplate -custom raid event. -raid event sql parameter. -hitman sql parameter. -buff_templates.sql -raid event htmls. -PlayerToAssasinate.java. -EventDroplist.java and more unused classes. Organization: -Emum player-items-skills-sound has been moved to respective classes-package. -L2Item-invetory has been moved to respective classes-package. -L2Party-Partymatch-l2commandchanngel has been moved to actor.group.party package. -Events seperate engine-managers. dont forget to update your database. Fix: -Action,RequestMagicSkillUse,UseItem added onActionRequest -getAi npe. -monster return home if the target is dead. -prevent to request-move in same position. -recipe craft exploit. -On player die stop FakeDeath effect. -trade exploit. -CharacterCreate messages corrected. -EventEngine cpu overload. -Conditionplayerstate side position. -Remove lucky skill if player lvl > 9 l20ff like.thanks Cibo for report. -Spoil thanks Cibo for report. -geodata target issue, thanks to NoWayOut-Cibo for report. -character running backwards thanks to Cibo for report. -On player hit if the target is invul sound shield implemented l20ff like. -CCE on maybeMoveToPawn. -Player Recommend(improvement-fix):avoid using expencive operation.(search target) -Gm View Character henna info. -Ground skilluse: heading correction. -Ground skilluse(improvement+exploit): avoid using expencive operation. search skill id from player's skills instead of skilltable. Rework: -movetoloc(slight rework) -updateposition(slight rework) -RandomAnimationTaskManager implement: -Position(unity emum) -ChatType(unity emum) replace integer types and edit classes to feet with the new emum. -PlayerCreateFailReason(emum) and edit CharacterCreate-CharCreateFail to feet with the new emum. -CrownList(emum) -NobleSkills(emum) and edit classes to feet with the new emum. -HeroSkills(emum) and edit classes to feet with the new emum. Removed: -Formulas:Dmg bonuses in PvP fight(custom) -CrownTable -NobleSkillTable -HeroSkillTable -SiegeReward (custom) -Geoeditor. -account manager(sql) thanks Cibo for report. -Config MAX_CHAT_LENGTH and replaced in Say2 static lenght(100). -Config ALLOWL2WALKER (its static true.) -ChatFilterPunishment config, and kept only the main chatfilter. -hasVotedHop-hasVotedTop unused sqls-methods. from characters.sql Organization: -PetitionState moved in emum.player package. -PetitionType moved in emum.player package. Dont forget to update your database.
  5. l2jhellas got new site: https://l2jhellas.com/ for more info you can read hellas timeline-updates :) a ton of code has been reworked-organized-improved. pack base is L2jArchid but a lot of reworks -fixes has been done so its totaly l2jhellas base = l2jhellas. its a free interlude project :) a sample of fixes: deleted old knownlist system(new system still in test mode but working well until now) :) doors,zones,walkers,packets,configs clean up and rework. almost 25-35% has been reworked Implement:Fence system. fix:cp-hp-mp regeneration calculate,miss calculate,karma calculate,serverlist status,message correction when xp-sp added. organize:npc randomAnimation,PvpFlag. forgeofgods reports: Fix Attack in peacezone,z location waterstate check,guards attack pk players,deodata-world map dimensions. Implement:CastleTraps part1 for tests,NextAction. Organization-improvements: ShortCutpackets: removed switch case, no need since its only 1-3 cases. castle doors are hp avaible only in siege,also removed double packet send, no need since doorstatusupdate got already those packets. unhardcoded RequestQuestAbort. Action removed switch case, no need since its only 1-3 cases. FriendInvite:added 2 check to avoid double invite - invite self. Mobs now can forgetobjects correctly. Removed some unused configs. forgeofgods reports: fix quest bug. Npefix: L2AttackableAi implement: flood protector checks. Rework: Duel,commandchannel Removed: double flood protector,PacketHistory,Javolution. forgeofgods reports: fix Adventure Guildsman. Added check to avoid multiple broadcast social action when interact with npc. Removed ValidateLocation to avoid "jumps" ValidateLocation sent only when player client position is wrong. implement:BossForever xml Extractable Items patch. Racetrack teleport fix. 7sDungeon teleport fix. SocialAction now send on every player in radius. Implement SocialAction Floodprotector. ObserverMode spawn fix. onIntentionActive is now set player to active,implement nextaction. onEvtReadyToAct implement nextaction. organization: Emum moved inside gameserver.emum package. Deleted double classrace(classid)-playerrace. Deleted unused IL2EntryProcedure,IL2Procedure. Customs Rework: Auto Equip System unhardcoded. Fix: Guards can attack karma players inside towns. Npe in autoattackstart AttackStanceTaskManager avoid to check for cubis if cubics are not active. Summon: summon add attackstance when owner attacked. add pvp status(summon-owner) when casting Offensive skill on player outside of pvp zone. Owner: add attackstance when summon hit a target or pet get attacked. Misc. MagicUseTask enabled printStackTrace to check for errors Fix: Augmentation skill level. thanks apollo19. Admin addAnnouncement npe. Mobs return home if too far from spawn point. prevent to attack invisible chars. L2GamePacketHandler fix arrayoutofbound-npe. build file(Requirements) removed check for subversion. thanks to forgeofgods. Implement: Augmentation in shortcuts,and update shortcut when delete-add augmentation. packets flood protection.(from l2j). WaterZoneManager to hold information for fishing waterzone to avoid searching all over the zones about it. Rework: unhardcoded RequestShortCutReg. player fishing. deleted all fishing zones,only 2 fishing places,giran-gludio fishing places. When player enter in a fishing zone a auestion mark appears(instructions about fishing). Organization: NpcData move in datatables.sql. Xml datatables are now loading with parser. Removed:FishingZoneManager. Fix: admin change name stuck fix. Fishing animation-fishing unhardcoded Avoid to search inside objects for players, replaced with getPlayer method. doDie set hp to 0. stuck when you are on boat. cubic skill range. Rework: Login server AuthClient AbnormalEffect CharSelectInfo misc rework clean up,finilyze,typo,rename. Implement: AbnormalEffect emum. geometry. Delete: Duplicate world store object. Territory WaterZoneManager mplement Elfocrash L2jRoboto FakePlayer engine. Fix: Attack animation thanks to forgeofgods Implement forgeofgods patch: deleted unused libs, changed MySQL databasefactory, as it dont have problem for any MySQL version, removed loggerfactory and replaced with java logger,roboto moved inside extensions,npe attack fix. Modify message Bow attack range. l2off like: on action player is following the target and attack only if target is attackable or control pressed. l2off like: you give only one hit if the player is not autoattackable. l2off like: when stun effect finish player stop following target. player equipped with cursed weapon can't use resurrection scrolls. EnterWorld exploit fix thanks to Tryskell. UseItem exploit fix thanks to Tryskell. FakePlayer implement resurrection action when a fake player will go to vilage his AI will change(2 random ai's enchanter-walker.) Revert mysqlconnector 1.33. Organization: L2ArmorType,L2EtcItemType,L2WeaponType moved inside emum package Fix: Revert: Drop item l2off like thanks forgeofgods for report. GmOnly server status. thanks Anderuimm for report. Missing Config for PremiumRateDropAdena. smallfix for hellasinfo from forgeofgods. Clan pledge status fix. Cleanup-delete: some custom-unused configs for example pvp-pk color system, no need since the rank system exist. rank system will be the main pvp custom engine. ExperienceData xml removed,no need since implemented a better way. Voiced commands removed:ClCmd, MailCmd(and the custom mail system), SetCmd,StatCmd(no need since rank system exist), L2AccountManagerInstance. and lot of more has been removed. Rework:Polymorph,player team,Charinfo packet. Revision 548: Implement 255 tutorial. Fix: chasing attack thanks to forgeofgods for report. Clean up and fix for 2000++ warnings, sql leaks-simple warnings for java 8. Revision 549: update mysql connector. Fix: Summon stuck. Boat thanks cyberwar for report Update summon xyz in boat. Teleport to location instant close active trade. Dual-normal-bow Attack calculate. doRevive player revive first then restore exp/sp stats Cleanup: Minor cleanup on formulas. Fix: Boat pay ticket thanks to cyberwar. Achievement invupdate to avoid visual item bug thanks to PeNaChO. Macro visual bug thanks to PeNaChO. Duel: duel party teleport players to empty olympiad stadium. (if teleport is canceled due full arena the duel will run normally in same position) minor rework on isAutoAttackable. Remove: Anti afk. Fix: TopTable:sql empty statement thanks to koki150 curse village empty npcs. on addskill: checks for passive-trigger skill UserInfo packet:calculate relation,fix vehicle id,write baseclass. CharInfo packet: fix vehicle id,write baseclass. when pet is dead and player exit game, pet doesn't show master name pet show abnormal visual effect bleed,poison etc.(if exist) pet show owner team(if exist) Abstraction and cleanup of Npc-summon-Polymorph info packet. AchievementsManager minor rework on addToConditionList. on logout(deleteobject) if player is sitting on trhone stand up and delete. Summon correct spawn-fail message summon pk-pvp flag now depends on owner Rework: minor rework on L2PcInstance sendInfo Organization: ClassId moved inside emum package ZoneId moved inside emum package player and summon funcs has been moved to respective classes. Removed: L2MaxPolyModel Connection Test table. dont forget to update your database. Summon: -if the target is dead the summon go back to his owner. -on finishcasting only offensive skills start autoattack. -onEvtAttacked implement avoidattack. -onEventAttackedDoorTask avoid to search all over the vissibleobjects for siegeguards now searching only in specific range. -npcs should not get in combat if not attackable. -door logout and move over exploit. -AquireSkill added a check to avoid underflow exception. Removed: StackIDFactory CompactionIDFactory GameGuardQuery(you can add it if you want) Fix: -Owner Summon animation. -pvp damage in pease zone. -l2off like npc interaction rotate the player to face the npc -The infamous "Air" phx script fix. -CastleManager npe. -onMagicFinalizer npe -attacking monsters circling the player removed rnd and added a check to avoid nearby mobs around the player without any sense. -player speed to synchronize with server-client. -when using delux key if there is no Success chests attack before decaying. -deathpenalty and player exp percent lost close enough to official,removed delevel config, and now player lvl > 9 and without lucky skill, on die loosing exp. there are some exceptions for example: can't lose exp in pvparena-siege participants inside siege zone etc. also added a emum(PlayerExpLost) to avoid hardcode. Rework: ItemsAutoDestroy SkillTreeData FleeingNPCs are correctly working(Rabbit-Elpy) Clean up: SpawnTable L2Spawn:removed spawnlistener HitMan config. Champion config delete, champion are now static in core(config.java) you can modify it there. NpcBufferTable NpcBufferInstance BuffTemplateTable NpcBufferSkillIdsTable Quests: Added: Config to enable-disable FakePlayer system Q114_ResurrectionOfAnOldManager, thanks to BossForever. Q333_HuntOfTheBlackLion, thanks to BossForever. Q334_TheWishingPotion. Q335_TheSongOfTheHunter. Q336_CoinsOfMagic. Added Quests: Q024_InhabitantsOfTheForestOfTheDead Q115_TheOtherSideOfTruth Q136_MoreThanMeetsTheEye Q137_TempleChampionPart1 Q138_TempleChampionPart2 Q139_ShadowFoxPart1 Q140_ShadowFoxPart2 Q141_ShadowFoxPart3 Q142_FallenAngelRequestOfDawn Q143_FallenAngelRequestOfDusk Q343_UnderTheShadowOfTheIvoryTower Q386_StolenDignity Q501_ProofOfClanAlliance Q503_PursuitOfClanAmbition Q505_BloodOffering Q635_InTheDimensionalRift Q648_AnIceMerchantsDream Q998_FallenAngelSelect(custom) Rework-Cleanup: delete L2CharPosition and replace with Location, thanks kara for report. L2CasinoInstance thanks kara for report. deleted PlayerToAssasinate Fix: monsters: prevent to think in not active regions. Fix: -player karma lost thanks xfranky for report. -player curson bug, thanks raxzerax for report. -admin respawn-delete npc properly delete npcs from database thanks xfranky for report. -on raidboss death player points are properly update. -castle-clanhall wrong message. thanks xfranky for report. -player sendRelationChanged added a check to avoid invisible exploit. -player can properly Equip-uneuip weapons when finish casting. -IpCatcher: perma ban (mac address-ip address) now working properly. -revert char-userinfo player classid. -Auctioneer: read actions issue added propper messages Rework: -L2AttackableAI -L2GuardInstance -Sweep (skill handler) Clean up: -AdminDisconnect -AdminClanFull -AdminNoble and more admin command handlers. -casino manager thanks to StinkyMadness Implement: -(custom)Admin item search thanks to StinkyMadness -(custom)IconData + xml parser. for iteam search, also can be used for every icon we wanna parse in html. i put almost all usable icons. Removed: -AdminMassHero -Formulas: calcFestivalRegenModifier Fix: -PackageSendableList: item type. -player : on pickup item added a task to wait for the animation to finish. -player : interact with a moving npc player stop movement to avoid ungly stuck effect. -olympiad npe thanks to Velucio for report. -Admin Commands run through a task, that way we avoid to freeze the server. example: //respawn-reload npc now you dont feel anything. -invetory items update thanks to NoWayOut. -npc spawn store(due rework), thanks to NoWayOut. -monsters attacking skills(due rework) thanks to NoWayOut. Added Quests: -Q118_ToLeadAndBeLed -Q120_PavelsLastResearch -Q025_HidingBehindTheTruth Removed: -PcColorTable-characters_colors.sql -BuffTemplateTable. -L2BuffTemplate -custom raid event. -raid event sql parameter. -hitman sql parameter. -buff_templates.sql -raid event htmls. -PlayerToAssasinate.java. -EventDroplist.java and more unused classes. Organization: -Emum player-items-skills-sound has been moved to respective classes-package. -L2Item-invetory has been moved to respective classes-package. -L2Party-Partymatch-l2commandchanngel has been moved to actor.group.party package. -Events seperate engine-managers. dont forget to update your database. Fix: -Action,RequestMagicSkillUse,UseItem added onActionRequest -getAi npe. -monster return home if the target is dead. -prevent to request-move in same position. -recipe craft exploit. -On player die stop FakeDeath effect. -trade exploit. -CharacterCreate messages corrected. -EventEngine cpu overload. -Conditionplayerstate side position. -Remove lucky skill if player lvl > 9 l20ff like.thanks Cibo for report. -Spoil thanks Cibo for report. -geodata target issue, thanks to NoWayOut-Cibo for report. -character running backwards thanks to Cibo for report. -On player hit if the target is invul sound shield implemented l20ff like. -CCE on maybeMoveToPawn. -Player Recommend(improvement-fix):avoid using expencive operation.(search target) -Gm View Character henna info. -Ground skilluse: heading correction. -Ground skilluse(improvement+exploit): avoid using expencive operation. search skill id from player's skills instead of skilltable. Rework: -movetoloc(slight rework) -updateposition(slight rework) -RandomAnimationTaskManager implement: -Position(unity emum) -ChatType(unity emum) replace integer types and edit classes to feet with the new emum. -PlayerCreateFailReason(emum) and edit CharacterCreate-CharCreateFail to feet with the new emum. -CrownList(emum) -NobleSkills(emum) and edit classes to feet with the new emum. -HeroSkills(emum) and edit classes to feet with the new emum. Removed: -Formulas:Dmg bonuses in PvP fight(custom) -CrownTable -NobleSkillTable -HeroSkillTable -SiegeReward (custom) -Geoeditor. -account manager(sql) thanks Cibo for report. -Config MAX_CHAT_LENGTH and replaced in Say2 static lenght(100). -Config ALLOWL2WALKER (its static true.) -ChatFilterPunishment config, and kept only the main chatfilter. -hasVotedHop-hasVotedTop unused sqls-methods. from characters.sql Organization: -PetitionState moved in emum.player package. -PetitionType moved in emum.player package. Dont forget to update your database.
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