Бафы Wind Walk = 4342,2
Agility = 1087,3
Acumen = 4355,3
Berz = 1062,2
Bless Shield = 4353,6
Blessed Body = 4347,6 Blessed Soul = 4348,6
Concentration = 4351,6
Death Whisper = 4360,3
Empower = 4356,3
Focus = 4359,3
Guidance = 4358,3 Haste = 4357,2
Magic Barrier = 4349,2
Mental Shield = 4346,4
Might = 4345,3
Resist Shock = 4350,4
Shield = 4344,3 Vampiric Rage = 4354,4
Wild Magic = 1303,1
Body Of Avatar = 1311,6 Танцы Dance of Aqua Guard = 307,1
Dance of Concentration = 276,1
Dance of Earth Guard = 309,1
Dance of Fire = 274,1
Dance of Fury = 275,1
Dance of Inspiration = 272,1 Dance of Light = 277,1
Dance of the Mystic = 273,1
Dance of Protection = 311,1
Siren's Dance = 365,1
Dance of the Vampire = 310,1
Dance of the Warrior = 271,1 Сонги Song of Champion = 364,1
Song of Earth = 264,1
Song of Flame Guard = 306,1
Song of Hunter = 269,1
Song of Invocation = 270,1
Song of Life = 265,1 Song of Meditation = 363,1
Song of Renewal = 349,1
Song of Storm Guard = 308,1
Song of Vengeance = 305,1
Song of Vitality = 304,1
Song of Warding = 267,1 Song of Water = 266,1
Song of Wind = 268,1 Специальный бафы Greater Might = 1388,3
Greater Shield = 1389,3
Chant of Victory = 1363,1
Prophecy of Fire = 1356,1
Prophecy of Water = 1355,1
Prophecy of Wind = 1357,1 Chant of Magnus = 1413,1
Blessing of Seraphim = 4702,13
Gift of Seraphim = 4703,13
Gift of Queen = 4700,13
Blessing of Queen = 4699,13
Nobless = 1323,1 Резисты Unholy Resistance = 1393,3
Holy Resistance = 1392,3
Resist Aqua = 1182,3
Resist Wind = 1189,3
Resist Fire = 1191,3
Elemental Protection = 1352,1 Divine Protection = 1353,1
Invigor = 1032,3
Holy Weapon = 1043,1
Regeneration = 1044,3
Mana Regeneration = 1047,4
Kiss of Eva = 1073,2 Decrease Weight = 1257,3 Скилы/бафы Dash = 4,2
Iron Will = 72,3
Bear Spirit Totem = 76,1
Wolf Spirit Totem = 83,1
Puma Spirit Totem = 282,1
Bison Spirit Totem = 292,1 Rabbit Spirit Totem = 298,1
Ogre Spirit Totem = 109,1
Hawk Spirit Totem = 425,1
Detect Insect Weakness = 75,1
Detect Monster Weakness = 80,1
Detect Animal Weakness = 87,1 Detect Dragon Weakness = 88,1
Detect Plant Weakness = 104,1
Attack Aura = 77,2
War Cry = 78,2
Reflect Damage = 86,3
Majesty = 82,3 Rapid Shot = 99,2
Rage = 94,2
Ultimate Defense = 110,2
Ultimate Evasion = 111,2
Deflect Arrow = 112,4
Battle Roar = 121,6 Spirit Barrier = 123,3
Thrill Fight = 130,2
Hawk Eye = 131,3
Guts = 139,3
Frenzy = 176,3
Sprint = 230,2 Lionheart = 287,3
Duelist Spirit = 297,2
Soul of Sagittarius = 303,4
Angelic Icon = 406,3
Critical Blow = 409,10
Mortal Strike = 410,3 Stealth = 411,3
Rapid Fire = 413,8
Dead Eye = 414,8
Spirit of Sagittarius = 415,3
Blessing of Sagittarius = 416,3
Zealot = 420,3 Fell Swoop = 421,5
Infernal Form = 423,3
Blazing Skin = 1232,3
Freezing Skin = 1238,3
Seed of Fire = 1285,1
Seed of Water = 1286,1 Seed of Wind = 1287,1
Prayer = 1307,3 Chants & Pa'agrios Бафы от Варка Chant of Life = 1229,18
Chant of Fury = 1251,2
Chant of Evasion = 1252,3
Chant of Rage = 1253,3
Chant of Revenge = 1284,3
Chant of Fire = 1006,3 Chant of Battle = 1007,3
Chant of Shielding = 1009,3
Chant of Spirit = 1362,1
Chant of Vampire = 1310,4
Flame Chant = 1002,3
Chant of Eagle = 1309,3 Chant of Predator = 1308,3
Earth Chant = 1391,3
War Chant = 1390,3 Бафы От Овера Eye of Pa'agrio = 1364,1
Soul of Pa'agrio = 1354,1
Pa'agrio's Emblem = 1415,1
Pa'agrio's Fist = 1416,1
Victories of Pa'agrio = 1414,1
Pa'agrian Gift = 1003,3 The Glory of Pa'agrio = 1008,3
The Tact of Pa'agrio = 1260,3
The Wisdom of Pa'agrio = 1004,3
Under the Protection of Pa'agrio = 1250,3
The Heart of Pa'agrio = 1256,13
The Rage of Pa'agrio = 1261,2 The Vision of Pa'agrio = 1249,3
The Tact of Pa'agrio = 1260,3
Blessings of Pa'agrio = 1005,3 Pa'agrian Haste = 1282,2