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Нпц Точилка

Рекомендуемые сообщения

Ув. Форумчане установил нпц точилку всё нормально но когда сервер перегружаю в гс пишет вот такое по этому нпц



=======================================================================-[ Npc ]

Initializing Walkers Routes Table.

WalkerRoutesTable: Loaded 167 Npc Walker Routes.

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 119 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 119

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 120 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 120

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 121 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 121

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 122 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 122

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 123 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 123

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 124 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 124

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 125 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 125

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 126 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 126

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 127 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 127

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 128 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 128

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 129 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 129

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 130 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 130

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 131 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 131

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 132 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 132

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 133 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 133

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 134 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 134

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 135 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 135

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 136 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 136





Помогите сборка l2jfrozen

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Поделиться на другие сайты
Ув. Форумчане установил нпц точилку всё нормально но когда сервер перегружаю в гс пишет вот такое по этому нпц



=======================================================================-[ Npc ]

Initializing Walkers Routes Table.

WalkerRoutesTable: Loaded 167 Npc Walker Routes.

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 119 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 119

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 120 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 120

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 121 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 121

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 122 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 122

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 123 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 123

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 124 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 124

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 125 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 125

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 126 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 126

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 127 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 127

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 128 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 128

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 129 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 129

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 130 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 130

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 131 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 131

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 132 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 132

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 133 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 133

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 134 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 134

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 135 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 135

NPCTable: Error defining learning data for NPC 20703: specified classId 136 is h

igher then max one 118 specified into ClassID Enum --> check your Database to be

complient with it 136





Помогите сборка l2jfrozen

Это строчки в которых что-то не правильно

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Ну это понятно что что-то не работает но вот вопрос что

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вроде как одно значение не совпадает с указанным, тут надо исходники самого нпс

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