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# --------------------------------

# Geo Configuration -

# --------------------------------

# 0 = geodata disabled (default).

# 1 = enabled geodata.

# If ForceGeodata = true, it requires ~ 3 GB

# If ForceGeodata = false, then the required rate of screws 7200


# 2 = geodata and pathnode (search path) are included.

# Pathnode are't active for Players, active AllowPlayersPathnode= True

# If ForceGeodata, ForcePathNod = true, it requires about 5 GB

# If ForceGeodata, ForcePathNod = false, then the required rate of screws 7200


# -1 = Pathnode (search path) enabled.

# If ForcePathNod = true, it requires about 2 GB

# If ForcePathNod = false, then the required rate of screws 7200

# Test function! There may be mistakes!

GeoData = 0


0 на 1- гео, 2 - гео и пачнод

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  В 31.03.2013 в 22:54, rooti сказал:

# --------------------------------

# Geo Configuration -

# --------------------------------

# 0 = geodata disabled (default).

# 1 = enabled geodata.

# If ForceGeodata = true, it requires ~ 3 GB

# If ForceGeodata = false, then the required rate of screws 7200


# 2 = geodata and pathnode (search path) are included.

# Pathnode are't active for Players, active AllowPlayersPathnode= True

# If ForceGeodata, ForcePathNod = true, it requires about 5 GB

# If ForceGeodata, ForcePathNod = false, then the required rate of screws 7200


# -1 = Pathnode (search path) enabled.

# If ForcePathNod = true, it requires about 2 GB

# If ForcePathNod = false, then the required rate of screws 7200

# Test function! There may be mistakes!

GeoData = 0


0 на 1- гео, 2 - гео и пачнод


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