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[manual] Привязка По Ip

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Сейчас вам объясню, как добавить конфигурацию в сервер для привязки аккаунтов по IP адресу.


Это поможет защитится от злостного брута логина. И обезопасит аккаунты игроков.


Добавляем проверку в LoginController.java


PreparedStatement preparedstatement1 = con.prepareStatement((new StringBuilder()).append("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE login='")+ user +("';").toString()); 
ResultSet resultset1 = preparedstatement1.executeQuery(); 
if(!address.getHostAddress().equalsIgnoreCase(resultset1.getString("lastIP" )) && resultset1.getBoolean("ipblock")) 
ok = false; 
_log.warning((new StringBuilder()).append("IP Block mode: Failed attempt: account ") + user + (" IP: ") + address.getHostAddress());


Добавляем voicecommadnhandlers/ipblock.java:


package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.l2jfrozen.L2DatabaseFactory;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.util.FloodProtectors;

* by Silvein
* L2Maxi.ru 
public class ipblock implements IVoicedCommandHandler
private static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(ipblock.class.getName());
private static final String[] VOICED_COMMANDS =

public boolean useVoicedCommand(String s, L2PcInstance l2pcinstance, String s1)
if (s.startsWith("ipblock"))
Object obj = null;
Object obj1 = null;
Connection connection = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
PreparedStatement preparedstatement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE login=?");
preparedstatement.setString(1, l2pcinstance.getAccountName());
ResultSet resultset = preparedstatement.executeQuery();
if (resultset.getBoolean("IPBlock"))
PreparedStatement preparedstatement1 = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE accounts SET ipblock = 0 WHERE login=?");
preparedstatement1.setString(1, l2pcinstance.getAccountName());
l2pcinstance.sendMessage("IP Block mode: account blocking _off");
_log.info("changing IP Block mode for account " + l2pcinstance.getAccountName() + ": Blocking off");
PreparedStatement preparedstatement2 = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE accounts SET ipblock = 1 WHERE login=?");
preparedstatement2.setString(1, l2pcinstance.getAccountName());
l2pcinstance.sendMessage("IP Block mode: account blocking _on IP: " + resultset.getString("lastIP"));
_log.info("changing IP Block mode for account " + l2pcinstance.getAccountName() + ": Blocking on");
catch (SQLException sqlexception)
_log.warning("Could not store IPBlock mode: " + sqlexception);
return true;
public String[] getVoicedCommandList()


Добавляем в voicecommandhandler.java:


import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers.ipblock;

registerVoicedCommandHandler(new ipblock());


Добавляем в БД accounts.sql:


`login` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL default '',
`password` VARCHAR(45) ,
`lastactive` DECIMAL(20),
`access_level` INT,
`lastIP` VARCHAR(20),
`ipblock` int(1) UNSIGNED default 0,
`lastServer` int(4) default 1,
PRIMARY KEY (`login`)


Не забываем менять импорты на свои!

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PreparedStatement preparedstatement1 = con.prepareStatement((new StringBuilder()).append("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE login='")+ user +("';").toString());
ResultSet resultset1 = preparedstatement1.executeQuery();
if(!address.getHostAddress().equalsIgnoreCase(resultset1.getString("lastIP")) && resultset1.getBoolean("ipblock"))
ok = false;
_log.warning((new StringBuilder()).append("IP Block mode: Failed attempt: account ") + user + (" IP: ") + address.getHostAddress())

Куда это вставить? вот мой loginController:


* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <[url="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/"]http://www.gnu.org/licenses/[/url]>.
package com.l2emu.loginserver;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
import java.security.KeyPairGenerator;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.interfaces.RSAPrivateKey;
import java.security.spec.RSAKeyGenParameterSpec;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javolution.util.FastMap;
import javolution.util.FastSet;
import javolution.util.FastCollection.Record;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import com.l2emu.Config;
import com.l2emu.L2DatabaseFactory;
import com.l2emu.loginserver.GameServerTable.GameServerInfo;
import com.l2emu.loginserver.gameserverpackets.ServerStatus;
import com.l2emu.loginserver.serverpackets.LoginFail.LoginFailReason;
import com.l2emu.tools.codec.Base64;
import com.l2emu.tools.crypt.ScrambledKeyPair;
import com.l2emu.util.Rnd;
public class LoginController
private final static Log _log = LogFactory.getLog(LoginController.class);
private static LoginController _instance;
/** Time before kicking the client if he didnt logged yet */
private final static int LOGIN_TIMEOUT = 60 * 1000;
/** Clients that are on the LS but arent assocated with a account yet */
protected FastSet<L2LoginClient> _clients = new FastSet<L2LoginClient>();
/** Authed Clients on LoginServer */
protected FastMap<String, L2LoginClient> _loginServerClients = new FastMap<String, L2LoginClient>().setShared(true);
private Map<String, BanInfo> _bannedIps = new FastMap<String, BanInfo>().setShared(true);
private Map<InetAddress, FailedLoginAttempt> _hackProtection;
protected ScrambledKeyPair[] _keyPairs;
protected byte[][] _blowfishKeys;
private static final int BLOWFISH_KEYS = 20;
public static void load() throws GeneralSecurityException
synchronized (LoginController.class)
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new LoginController();
throw new IllegalStateException("LoginController can only be loaded a single time.");
public static LoginController getInstance()
return _instance;
private LoginController() throws GeneralSecurityException
_log.info("Loading LoginController...");
_hackProtection = new FastMap<InetAddress, FailedLoginAttempt>();
_keyPairs = new ScrambledKeyPair[10];
KeyPairGenerator keygen = null;
keygen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
RSAKeyGenParameterSpec spec = new RSAKeyGenParameterSpec(1024, RSAKeyGenParameterSpec.F4);
// generate the initial set of keys
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
_keyPairs[i] = new ScrambledKeyPair(keygen.generateKeyPair());
_log.info("Cached 10 KeyPairs for RSA communication");
testCipher((RSAPrivateKey) _keyPairs[0]._pair.getPrivate());
// Store keys for blowfish communication
* This is mostly to force the initialization of the Crypto Implementation, avoiding it being done on runtime when its first needed.<BR>
* In short it avoids the worst-case execution time on runtime by doing it on loading.
* @param key
* Any private RSA Key just for testing purposes.
* @throws GeneralSecurityException
* if a underlying exception was thrown by the Cipher
private void testCipher(RSAPrivateKey key) throws GeneralSecurityException
// avoid worst-case execution, KenM
Cipher rsaCipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/nopadding");
rsaCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key);
private void generateBlowFishKeys()
_blowfishKeys = new byte[bLOWFISH_KEYS][16];
for (int i = 0; i < BLOWFISH_KEYS; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < _blowfishKeys[i].length; j++)
_blowfishKeys[i][j] = (byte) (Rnd.get(255) + 1);
_log.info("Stored " + _blowfishKeys.length + " keys for Blowfish communication");
* @return Returns a random key
public byte[] getBlowfishKey()
return _blowfishKeys[(int) (Math.random() * BLOWFISH_KEYS)];
public void addLoginClient(L2LoginClient client)
synchronized (_clients)
public void removeLoginClient(L2LoginClient client)
synchronized (_clients)
public SessionKey assignSessionKeyToClient(String account, L2LoginClient client)
SessionKey key;
key = new SessionKey(Rnd.get(0), Rnd.get(0), Rnd.get(0), Rnd.get(0));
_loginServerClients.put(account, client);
return key;
public void removeAuthedLoginClient(String account)
public boolean isAccountInLoginServer(String account)
return _loginServerClients.containsKey(account);
public L2LoginClient getAuthedClient(String account)
return _loginServerClients.get(account);
public static enum AuthLoginResult
public AuthLoginResult tryAuthLogin(String account, String password, L2LoginClient client) throws HackingException
AuthLoginResult ret = AuthLoginResult.INVALID_PASSWORD;
// check auth
if (loginValid(account, password, client))
// login was successful, verify presence on Gameservers
ret = AuthLoginResult.ALREADY_ON_GS;
if (!isAccountInAnyGameServer(account))
// account isnt on any GS verify LS itself
ret = AuthLoginResult.ALREADY_ON_LS;
// dont allow 2 simultaneous login
synchronized (_loginServerClients)
if (!_loginServerClients.containsKey(account))
_loginServerClients.put(account, client);
ret = AuthLoginResult.AUTH_SUCCESS;
// remove him from the non-authed list
if (client.getAccessLevel() < 0)
ret = AuthLoginResult.ACCOUNT_BANNED;
return ret;
* Adds the address to the ban list of the login server, with the given duration.
* @param address
* The Address to be banned.
* @param expiration
* Timestamp in miliseconds when this ban expires
* @throws UnknownHostException
* if the address is invalid.
public void addBanForAddress(String address, long expiration) throws UnknownHostException
InetAddress netAddress = InetAddress.getByName(address);
if (!_bannedIps.containsKey(netAddress.getHostAddress()))
_bannedIps.put(netAddress.getHostAddress(), new BanInfo(netAddress, expiration));
* Adds the address to the ban list of the login server, with the given duration.
* @param address
* The Address to be banned.
* @param duration
* is miliseconds
public void addBanForAddress(InetAddress address, long duration)
if (!_bannedIps.containsKey(address.getHostAddress()))
_bannedIps.put(address.getHostAddress(), new BanInfo(address, System.currentTimeMillis() + duration));
public boolean isBannedAddress(InetAddress address)
String[] parts = address.getHostAddress().split("\\.");
BanInfo bi = _bannedIps.get(address.getHostAddress());
if (bi == null)
bi = _bannedIps.get(parts[0] + "." + parts[1] + "." + parts[2] + ".0");
if (bi == null)
bi = _bannedIps.get(parts[0] + "." + parts[1] + ".0.0");
if (bi == null)
bi = _bannedIps.get(parts[0] + ".0.0.0");
if (bi != null)
if (bi.hasExpired())
return false;
return true;
return false;
public Map<String, BanInfo> getBannedIps()
return _bannedIps;
* Remove the specified address from the ban list
* @param address
* The address to be removed from the ban list
* @return true if the ban was removed, false if there was no ban for this ip
public boolean removeBanForAddress(InetAddress address)
return _bannedIps.remove(address.getHostAddress()) != null;
* Remove the specified address from the ban list
* @param address
* The address to be removed from the ban list
* @return true if the ban was removed, false if there was no ban for this ip or the address was invalid.
public boolean removeBanForAddress(String address)
return this.removeBanForAddress(InetAddress.getByName(address));
catch (UnknownHostException e)
return false;
public SessionKey getKeyForAccount(String account)
L2LoginClient client = _loginServerClients.get(account);
if (client != null)
return client.getSessionKey();
return null;
public int getOnlinePlayerCount(int serverId)
GameServerInfo gsi = GameServerTable.getInstance().getRegisteredGameServerById(serverId);
if (gsi != null && gsi.isAuthed())
return gsi.getCurrentPlayerCount();
return 0;
public boolean isAccountInAnyGameServer(String account)
Collection<GameServerInfo> serverList = GameServerTable.getInstance().getRegisteredGameServers().values();
for (GameServerInfo gsi : serverList)
GameServerThread gst = gsi.getGameServerThread();
if (gst != null && gst.hasAccountOnGameServer(account))
return true;
return false;
public GameServerInfo getAccountOnGameServer(String account)
Collection<GameServerInfo> serverList = GameServerTable.getInstance().getRegisteredGameServers().values();
for (GameServerInfo gsi : serverList)
GameServerThread gst = gsi.getGameServerThread();
if (gst != null && gst.hasAccountOnGameServer(account))
return gsi;
return null;
public int getTotalOnlinePlayerCount()
int total = 0;
Collection<GameServerInfo> serverList = GameServerTable.getInstance().getRegisteredGameServers().values();
for (GameServerInfo gsi : serverList)
if (gsi.isAuthed())
total += gsi.getCurrentPlayerCount();
return total;
public int getMaxAllowedOnlinePlayers(int id)
GameServerInfo gsi = GameServerTable.getInstance().getRegisteredGameServerById(id);
if (gsi != null)
return gsi.getMaxPlayers();
return 0;
* @return
public boolean isLoginPossible(L2LoginClient client, int serverId)
GameServerInfo gsi = GameServerTable.getInstance().getRegisteredGameServerById(serverId);
int access = client.getAccessLevel();
if (gsi != null && gsi.isAuthed())
boolean loginOk = (gsi.getCurrentPlayerCount() < gsi.getMaxPlayers() && gsi.getStatus() != ServerStatus.STATUS_GM_ONLY) || access > 0;
if (loginOk && client.getLastServer() != serverId)
Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement statement = null;
con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
String stmt = "UPDATE accounts SET lastServer = ? WHERE login = ?";
statement = con.prepareStatement(stmt);
statement.setInt(1, serverId);
statement.setString(2, client.getAccount());
catch (Exception e)
_log.warn("Could not set lastServer: " + e);
catch (Exception e)
return loginOk;
return false;
public void setAccountAccessLevel(String account, int banLevel)
Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement statement = null;
con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
String stmt = "UPDATE accounts SET accessLevel=? WHERE login=?";
statement = con.prepareStatement(stmt);
statement.setInt(1, banLevel);
statement.setString(2, account);
catch (Exception e)
_log.warn("Could not set accessLevel: " + e);
catch (Exception e)
public boolean isGM(String user)
boolean ok = false;
Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement statement = null;
con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT accessLevel FROM accounts WHERE login=?");
statement.setString(1, user);
ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery();
if (rset.next())
int accessLevel = rset.getInt(1);
if (accessLevel > 0)
ok = true;
catch (Exception e)
_log.warn("could not check gm state:" + e);
ok = false;
catch (Exception e)
return ok;
* <p>
* This method returns one of the cached [email="{@link"]{@link[/email] ScrambledKeyPair ScrambledKeyPairs} for communication with Login Clients.
* </p>
* @return a scrambled keypair
public ScrambledKeyPair getScrambledRSAKeyPair()
return _keyPairs[Rnd.get(10)];
* user name is not case sensitive any more
* @param user
* @param password
* @param address
* @return
public boolean loginValid(String user, String password, L2LoginClient client)// throws HackingException
boolean ok = false;
InetAddress address = client.getConnection().getInetAddress();
// log it anyway
_log.debug("'" + (user == null ? "null" : user) + "' " + (address == null ? "null" : address.getHostAddress()) + " logins_ip");
// player disconnected meanwhile
if (address == null)
return false;
Connection con = null;
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA");
byte[] raw = password.getBytes("UTF-8");
byte[] hash = md.digest(raw);
byte[] expected = null;
int access = 0;
int lastServer = 1;
con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT password, accessLevel, lastServer FROM accounts WHERE login=?");
statement.setString(1, user);
ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery();
if (rset.next())
expected = Base64.decode(rset.getString("password"));
access = rset.getInt("accessLevel");
lastServer = rset.getInt("lastServer");
if (lastServer <= 0)
lastServer = 1; // minServerId is 1 in Interlude
if (Config.DEBUG)
_log.info("account exists");
// if account doesnt exists
if (expected == null)
if ((user.length() >= 2) && (user.length() <= 14))
statement = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO accounts (login,password,lastactive,accessLevel,lastIP) values(?,?,?,?,?)");
statement.setString(1, user);
statement.setString(2, Base64.encodeBytes(hash));
statement.setLong(3, System.currentTimeMillis());
statement.setInt(4, 0);
statement.setString(5, address.getHostAddress());
_log.info("Created new account for " + user + ".");
return true;
_log.warn("Invalid username creation/use attempt: " + user);
return false;
_log.warn("Account missing for user " + user);
FailedLoginAttempt failedAttempt = _hackProtection.get(address);
int failedCount;
if (failedAttempt == null)
_hackProtection.put(address, new FailedLoginAttempt(address, password));
failedCount = 1;
failedCount = failedAttempt.getCount();
if (failedCount >= Config.LOGIN_TRY_BEFORE_BAN)
_log.info("Banning '" + address.getHostAddress() + "' for " + Config.LOGIN_BLOCK_AFTER_BAN + " seconds due to " + failedCount + " invalid user name attempts");
this.addBanForAddress(address, Config.LOGIN_BLOCK_AFTER_BAN * 1000);
return false;
// is this account banned?
if (access < 0)
return false;
// check password hash
ok = true;
for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++)
if (hash[i] != expected[i])
ok = false;
if (ok)
statement = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE accounts SET lastactive=?, lastIP=? WHERE login=?");
statement.setLong(1, System.currentTimeMillis());
statement.setString(2, address.getHostAddress());
statement.setString(3, user);
catch (Exception e)
_log.warn("Could not check password:" + e);
ok = false;
catch (Exception e)
if (!ok)
_log.debug("'" + user + "' " + address.getHostAddress() + " logins_ip_fails");
FailedLoginAttempt failedAttempt = _hackProtection.get(address);
int failedCount;
if (failedAttempt == null)
_hackProtection.put(address, new FailedLoginAttempt(address, password));
failedCount = 1;
failedCount = failedAttempt.getCount();
if (failedCount >= Config.LOGIN_TRY_BEFORE_BAN)
_log.info("Banning '" + address.getHostAddress() + "' for " + Config.LOGIN_BLOCK_AFTER_BAN + " seconds due to " + failedCount + " invalid user/pass attempts");
this.addBanForAddress(address, Config.LOGIN_BLOCK_AFTER_BAN * 1000);
_log.debug("'" + user + "' " + address.getHostAddress() + " logins_ip");
return ok;
public boolean loginBanned(String user)
boolean ok = false;
Connection con = null;
con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT accessLevel FROM accounts WHERE login=?");
statement.setString(1, user);
ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery();
if (rset.next())
int accessLevel = rset.getInt(1);
if (accessLevel < 0)
ok = true;
catch (Exception e)
// digest algo not found ??
// out of bounds should not be possible
_log.warn("could not check ban state:" + e);
ok = false;
catch (Exception e)
return ok;
class FailedLoginAttempt
// private InetAddress _ipAddress;
private int _count;
private long _lastAttempTime;
private String _lastPassword;
public FailedLoginAttempt(InetAddress address, String lastPassword)
// _ipAddress = address;
_count = 1;
_lastAttempTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
_lastPassword = lastPassword;
public void increaseCounter(String password)
if (!_lastPassword.equals(password))
// check if theres a long time since last wrong try
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - _lastAttempTime < 300 * 1000)
// restart the status
_count = 1;
_lastPassword = password;
_lastAttempTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// trying the same password is not brute force
_lastAttempTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
public int getCount()
return _count;
public void increaseCounter()
class BanInfo
private InetAddress _ipAddress;
// Expiration
private long _expiration;
public BanInfo(InetAddress ipAddress, long expiration)
_ipAddress = ipAddress;
_expiration = expiration;
public InetAddress getAddress()
return _ipAddress;
public boolean hasExpired()
return System.currentTimeMillis() > _expiration && _expiration > 0;
class PurgeThread extends Thread
public void run()
for (; 
synchronized (_clients)
for (Record e = _clients.head(), end = _clients.tail(); (e = e.getNext()) != end;)
L2LoginClient client = _clients.valueOf(e);
if (client.getConnectionStartTime() + LOGIN_TIMEOUT >= System.currentTimeMillis())
synchronized (_loginServerClients)
for (FastMap.Entry<String, L2LoginClient> e = _loginServerClients.head(), end = _loginServerClients.tail(); (e = e.getNext()) != end;)
L2LoginClient client = e.getValue();
if (client.getConnectionStartTime() + LOGIN_TIMEOUT >= System.currentTimeMillis())
Thread.sleep(2 * LOGIN_TIMEOUT);
catch (InterruptedException e)

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Капец.Под спойлер кинуть не?никак?

Не лады у меня со спойлерами((((

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Не дано мне спойлеры ставить(( щас всё сделаю как было до этого

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Ну мне бы хоть по ип, а то по железу надо либо платную защиту покупать либо самому ковырять

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вечером в асю стукни помогу, ася в профиле! (щас на работе)

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Ну мне бы хоть по ип, а то по железу надо либо платную защиту покупать либо самому ковырять

по ип из 100 максимум 10 привяжет и то не факт.

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Кто не привяжется, то если у него вскроют аккаунт, то не придётся разбираться

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Что бы привязать по HWID нужно долго работать с клиентом или покупать разные защиты. Без клиентской части это не реализовать

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