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Исходный Код Acis 295 Ревы + Fix's

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И так, решил выложить исходный код aCis за 295 реву + мои фиксы и заодно попробуем хайд

Автором фиксов является meX т.е. я :db: )


Собственно фиксы с 290 ревы до 295:



Changeset 291


AIs, misc



- addition of the cursed ToIVortex script.

- addition of FirstClassChange script (mix of 4-6 scripts), ty to Fernandopm. Compared to his version :

- addition of ids 32097 and 32098 (+56 missing HTMs).

- cleanup the advEvent (a single array is kept instead of making *8 map checks).

- Pa'agrio and others typos.

- edit ShadowWeapon ids ; it takes directly ids from scripts FirstClassChange && SecondClassChange (as second script isn't made yet, the array is still local).

- fix Barakiel minions AI.


- fix subclass crap (Maximilion/Jurek and others Mystic/Priest).

- fix dozen of typos on village_master HTMs, and harmonize links position (L2J team was dyslexic back in 2007...).

- all first masters got a link for shadow weapon coupons exchange.

- all second masters got a link for subclass. First masters who had one is dropped.

- addition of //show_scripts npcId : allow to see events affecting the given template.

- fix L2EffectZone concurrent exception. As L2EffectZone are always supposed to have a skillid, initialize the map directly in order to avoid null checks.

- after a check on L2OFF, bring the speed modifier when you run in water from 0.5 to 0.41.

- revert canceling target fix but keep the cleanup (no whining anymore).

- fix an issue on summon window stats about runspeed (it was only visual). In same time, getMoveSpeed() becomes an int.

Note : I tested 6 IDs out of 20+, and obviously hasn't the will to test/fix eventual typos on the 800+ HTMs, if there is issues, you know where to complain.







Changeset 292



- [L2J 5772] Moving effect flags out of CharEffectList into L2EffectFlag enum.

- cancels enchant process while moving.

- equipped shadow weapons are now correctly handled at player login/logout (armors as weapons). Tasks can be canceled now (before it was running even unequipped).

- 40% of Inventory file has been splitted into listeners.

- fix //show_characters.

- fix PaganTeleporter. Statue don't react to faded mark, triol's mirror hasn't any checks and the zone with faded mark is implemented.

- added back handwritten ids for zone system. Dropped zone name (no use).

- reintroduction of ZONE_SCRIPT for... scripts. Use that XML for your custom scripts.

- drop merchant_areas_list SQL (unused).

- random cleanup.


- zones ids are still dynamically generated, but it will be replaced by a written id (if found). Scripts use ids 100000+.



Changeset 293



- Numerous fixes on UseItem, mostly related to messages and readability. Unhardcode Calculator itemhandler.

- ChristmasTree itemhandler wasn't loaded.

- effects affecting players are restored before Enterworld access (fix HP/MP/CP issues at restart)

- critical rate of summons is corrected.

- fix a concurrent exception on PcFreight as object access was followed by list clear inside the loop (?). _depositedFreight is also initialized with player instance and never null anymore (drop null checks).

- pets don't share anymore master reuse. Master don't receive anymore infos regarding pet uses (notably, icons-related stuff). Ty CreamCracker for report.

- fix pet pickup message (on multiple items).

- 6 items are now considered as potions (etcitem type is potion), ty Root for report.

PS : as items reuse system isn't really developed on IL chronicle (potions only ?), I decided pets timestamps won't be saved in db.


Changeset 294


Scripts, Misc



- Cleanup Core.

- addition of Q373.

- addition of StakatoNest AI. The whole behavior is postIL, but there are some evidences that AI was in preparation (perhaps fully working ? Who knows, it's the sort of definitively lost data) in IL time.



- Fix previous commit regarding skill bar at restart (nice catch Trance).

- Drop GlobalVariable system, as we got ServerVariables system.

- Cleanup Quest (avoid to return L2ZoneType and others misc).

- fix few max quests number checks (25 quests max according client ingame quest panel)

- drop a double QuestList packet send at quest aborting.

- cleanup of show_skilllist (use a simple array of L2Skill instead of a Map, no iterator, StringBuffer > StringBuilder).

- drop null checks on NPC skills templates (never null).

- fix summons skill level at skill launch (was generated from summon level...). The data was ok, but the level was overriden for godamn known reason.

- the generic addfuncs are initialized before skills addfuncs (there were no problems, it's just more logical to load regular funcs then skills funcs).

- gates level mod is reinitialized to L2Character one (potential problem about evasion), add 2 funcs for gates instead of overriden pdef/mdef (Ty masssttteeerrr ).



Changeset 295


Sailren, MovieMaker, Zone system && GrandBossManager, misc


Sailren AI

- A wild Sailren appeared ! Ty UnAfraid for the L2OFF script (leeched cinematic, oust location, exit gk locations, and inactive timer duration).

- addition of the blank npc 32110 (for the animation), one L2BossZone, change of type for L2GrandBoss, one line added in grandboss_data.sql and edition of GrandBossTeleporters script to handle Shilen Stone / Teleport Cube behaviors.


MovieMaker enhancements

- you can now see all parameters of sequences on main panel.

- if you haven't a target, the movie takes you as target.

- addition of "Back" buttons on Edit and Add HTMs, returning to main panel.

Zone system && GrandBossManager

- GrandBossManager singleton system is dropped (use static approach).

- Cleanup and few method renames.

- Few fixes :

- lists and maps from L2BossZone can't be null anymore (drop involved checks) and use concurrent versions.

- GMs are now registered in _playersAllowed list - as regular players - if they used the "legit" way. They still have priviledges to teleport on such area and not being bothered by restriction.

- avoid to add a zone if it was already existing (just a security check, as List allows doublons).

- Reintroduction on ids on L2BossZone zones, in order to correctly load/save allowed players (cause a problem notably if you add/remove zones meanwhile).

- L2ZoneType variables concerning zones children are moved in zones children :

- affectedRace > L2MotherTreeZone.

- affectedLvlMin / targetClass > L2EffectZone.

- Following parameters are dropped : affectedClassId, affectedClassType, affectedLvlMax.

- drop of internal flag _checkAffected, as isAffected() uses now inheritance.

- All null checks concerning L2BossZone zones on scripts are dropped (as those scripts can't, anyway, work without those zones...).



- Addition of door HPs view (happens in peace time or for siege defenders). isEnemy() is dropped and replaced by isAutoAttackable() for doors HP view.

- All configs related to GBs are renamed. Hardcoded safeties are dropped, so don't edit configs when drunk.

- fix clan ranks for heroes and nobles + L2ClanMember cleanup, ty BaT for report.

- all variables on individual AIs are organized as following : zone, private static final, public static final, public.

PS : while L2ScriptZone are using 10XXXX ids, L2BossZone will use 11XXXX ones. Remember about it while adding custom zones !




Мои фиксы:



исправление баюм квеста

исправление локаций (Настроены под L2OFF)

исправление цен в бд (Настроены под L2OFF)

исправление спавнлиста (Настроен под L2OFF)

Парсер L2OFF файлов

Исправлен КБ (Настроен под L2OFF)

Исправлен баг с BspS

FIx XML (Скиллы, npc)






Так же, по просьбам могу добавлять всякие вкусняшки в исходный код





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и стоит ли делать на них сборку ?),

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Как думаешь работать с этим кодом тяжело для новичка ?

и стоит ли делать на них сборку ?),

в aCis'е код легкий, не засоренный, можно будет на нем работать

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Спасибо что залил на Депозит. pre_1367092407__really.png

Всегда пожалуйста 8P

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