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Как то так.


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.CharTemplateTable.getInstance(CharTe


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:149)

at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:507)


Error in file C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\╨рсюўшщ ёЄюы\l2jsoftware\L2-CaSaR\

L2JX 8.10.2011\gameserver\data\stats\weapon\9500-9530.xml

java.lang.IllegalStateException: No SQL data for Item ID: 9500 - name: R90 Akra


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.DocumentItem.parseItem(DocumentItem.java


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.DocumentItem.parseDocument(DocumentItem.


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parse(DocumentBase.java:111


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadData(SkillsEngine.java:


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadWeapons(SkillsEngine.ja


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.ItemTable.<init>(ItemTable.java:254)


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.ItemTable.getInstance(ItemTable.java


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.templates.L2PcTemplate.addItem(L2PcTemplate.jav


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.CharTemplateTable.<init>(CharTemplat


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.CharTemplateTable.getInstance(CharTe


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:149)

at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:507)


Error in file C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\╨рсюўшщ ёЄюы\l2jsoftware\L2-CaSaR\

L2JX 8.10.2011\gameserver\data\stats\weapon\Freya Axe.xml

java.lang.IllegalStateException: No SQL data for Item ID: 9916 - name: Freya Axe


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.DocumentItem.parseItem(DocumentItem.java


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.DocumentItem.parseDocument(DocumentItem.


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parse(DocumentBase.java:111


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadData(SkillsEngine.java:


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadWeapons(SkillsEngine.ja


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.ItemTable.<init>(ItemTable.java:254)


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.ItemTable.getInstance(ItemTable.java


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.templates.L2PcTemplate.addItem(L2PcTemplate.jav


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.CharTemplateTable.<init>(CharTemplat


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.CharTemplateTable.getInstance(CharTe


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:149)

at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:507)


Error in file C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\╨рсюўшщ ёЄюы\l2jsoftware\L2-CaSaR\

L2JX 8.10.2011\gameserver\data\stats\weapon\Freya.xml

java.lang.IllegalStateException: No SQL data for Item ID: 9526 - name: Vesper Cu

tter - Focus

at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.DocumentItem.parseItem(DocumentItem.java


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.DocumentItem.parseDocument(DocumentItem.


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parse(DocumentBase.java:111


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadData(SkillsEngine.java:


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadWeapons(SkillsEngine.ja


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.ItemTable.<init>(ItemTable.java:254)


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.ItemTable.getInstance(ItemTable.java


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.templates.L2PcTemplate.addItem(L2PcTemplate.jav


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.CharTemplateTable.<init>(CharTemplat


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.CharTemplateTable.getInstance(CharTe


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:149)

at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:507)


Error in file C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\╨рсюўшщ ёЄюы\l2jsoftware\L2-CaSaR\

L2JX 8.10.2011\gameserver\data\stats\weapon\terra shield.xml

java.lang.IllegalStateException: No SQL data for Item ID: 10589 - name: Terra Sh


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.DocumentItem.parseItem(DocumentItem.java


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.DocumentItem.parseDocument(DocumentItem.


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.DocumentBase.parse(DocumentBase.java:111


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadData(SkillsEngine.java:


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.SkillsEngine.loadWeapons(SkillsEngine.ja


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.ItemTable.<init>(ItemTable.java:254)


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.ItemTable.getInstance(ItemTable.java


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.templates.L2PcTemplate.addItem(L2PcTemplate.jav


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.CharTemplateTable.<init>(CharTemplat


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.CharTemplateTable.getInstance(CharTe


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:149)

at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:507)


ItemTable: Loaded 1313 Weapons.

CharTemplateTable: Loaded 89 Character Templates.

====================================================-[ Geodata - Path Finding ]

Geodata Engine: Disabled.

====================================================================-[ Skills ]

Initializing Walkers Routes Table.

WalkerRoutesTable: Loaded 167 Npc Walker Routes.

WalkerRoutesTable: Error while loading Npc Walkers Routes: null

SkillSpellbookTable: Loaded 334 Spellbooks.

Buffer reload: entries 86, muls 0

==========================================================-[ Trade Controller ]

TradeController: Loaded 506 Buylists.

TradeController: Loaded 120 Limited Buylists.

=====================================================================-[ Items ]

Extractable items data: Loaded 333 extractable items!

Summon items data: Loaded 14 summon items.

ArmorSetsTable: Loaded 51 armor sets.

FishTable: Loaded 270 Fishes.

=====================================================================-[ Henna ]

HennaTable: Loaded 180 templates.

HennaTreeTable: Loaded 7128 Henna Tree Templates.

=======================================================================-[ Npc ]

NpcTable: Loaded 6566 Npc Templates.

NpcTable: Loaded 449 Minions.

==================================================================-[ Managers ]

Initializing ClanHallManager

Loaded: 0 clan halls

Loaded: 44 free clan halls

CrownManager: initialized

Restored 0 clans from the database.

Initializing AuctionManager

Loaded: 38 auction(s)

Initializing DuelManager

Initializing BoatManager

Initializing MercTicketManager

Loaded: 0 Mercenary Tickets

Initializing PetitionManager

Initializing CursedWeaponsManager

Loaded : 2 cursed weapon(s).

=============================================================-[ Castle Sieges ]

Initializing CastleManager

MapRegionTable: Loaded 18 regions.

Loaded: 9 castles.

Initializing SiegeManager

Loading zones...

Initializing ArenaManager

Initializing TownManager

Initializing OlympiadStadiaManager

Initializing GrandBossManager

GrandBossManager: Queen Ant(29001) status is 0.

GrandBossManager: Core(29006) status is 0.

GrandBossManager: Orfen(29014) status is 0.

GrandBossManager: Antharas(29019) status is 0.

GrandBossManager: Baium(29020) status is 0.

GrandBossManager: Zaken(29022) status is 0.

GrandBossManager: Valakas(29028) status is 0.

GrandBossManager: Sailren(29065) status is 0.

GrandBossManager: Antharas(29066) status is 0.

GrandBossManager: Antharas(29067) status is 0.

GrandBossManager: Antharas(29068) status is 0.

GrandBossManager: Loaded 11 Instances

Initializing FishingZoneManager

Done: loaded 503 zones.

=================================================================-[ Spawnlist ]

Siege of Dion: Sat Nov 12 20:00:00 MSK 2011

Siege of Oren: Sun Nov 13 16:00:00 MSK 2011

Siege of Gludio: Sat Nov 12 20:00:00 MSK 2011

Siege of Giran: Sun Nov 13 16:00:00 MSK 2011

Siege of Innadril: Sun Nov 13 16:00:00 MSK 2011

Siege of Aden: Sat Nov 12 20:00:00 MSK 2011

Siege of Goddard: Sun Nov 13 16:00:00 MSK 2011

DayNightSpawnManager: Day/Night handler initialised

Siege of Rune: Sat Nov 12 20:00:00 MSK 2011

Siege of Schuttgart: Sat Nov 12 20:00:00 MSK 2011

SpawnTable: Loaded 37052 Npc Spawn Locations.

RaidBossSpawnManager: Could not load raidboss #25517 from DB

RaidBossSpawnManager: Loaded 191 Instances

RaidBossSpawnManager: Scheduled 0 Instances

===================================================================-[ Recipes ]

RecipeController: Loaded 871 Recipes.

=====================================================================-[ Cache ]


: Initialized.

Cache[Crest]: 0,000MB on 0 files loaded. (Forget Time: 300s , Capacity: 50)

=========================================================-[ Helper Buff Table ]

Helper Buff Table: Loaded 14 Templates.

==================================================================-[ Teleport ]

TeleportLocationTable: Loaded 771 Teleport Location Templates.

LevelUpData: Loaded 89 Character Level Up Templates.

=============================================================-[ Announcements ]

Announcements: Loaded 3 Announcements.

GameServer: Loaded 0 Auto Announcements.

=====================================================================-[ Manor ]

ManorManager: Loaded 256 seeds

Initializing CastleManorManager

Manor System: Manor refresh updated

Manor System: Manor period approve updated

Manor System: New Schedule for period approve @ Mon Oct 31 06:00:18 MSK 2011

======================================================-[ Seven Signs Festival ]

SevenSigns: Currently in the Competition (Quest Event) period!

SevenSigns: The Seal of Avarice remains unclaimed.

SevenSigns: The Seal of Gnosis remains unclaimed.

SevenSigns: The Seal of Strife remains unclaimed.

SevenSigns: The competition, if the current trend continues, will end in a tie t

his week.

SevenSigns: Next period begins in 1 days, 3 hours and 10 mins.

SevenSignsFestival: The first Festival of Darkness cycle begins in 2 minute(s).

====================================================================-[ Events ]

Initializing ItemsAutoDestroy.

AwayManager: initialized.

TvTEventEngine: Started.

Initializing CoupleManager

Loaded: 0 couples(s)

StaticObject: Loaded 29 StaticObject Templates.

==================================================================-[ Handlers ]

AdminCommandHandler: Loaded 387 handlers.

ChatHandler: Loaded 13 handlers.

ItemHandler: Loaded 2043 handlers.

SkillHandler: Loaded 75 handlers.

UserCommandHandler: Loaded 14 handlers.

VoicedCommandHandler: Loaded 20 handlers.

AutoChatHandler : Loaded {0} handlers in total.

AutoSpawnHandler : Loaded 129 handlers in total.

=====================================================================-[ Doors ]

Searching clan halls doors:

DoorTable: Loaded 548 Door Templates.

==========================================================-[ Elite Clan Halls ]

ClanHallSiege: Bandits Stronghold

ClanHallSiege: Devastated Castle - 97860 sec. until siege begin

ClanHallSiege: Fortress of Resistanse - 454260 sec. to capture

ClanHallSiege: Wild Beasts Farm

ClanHallSiege: Fortress of The Dead

ClanHallSiege: Rainbow Springs Chateau

=========================================================-[ Augmentation Data ]

Initializing AugmentationData.

AugmentationData: Loaded: 52 augmentation stats.

AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 107 purple and 54 red skills

=============================================================-[ Quest Manager ]

Initializing QuestManager

==========================================================-[ Dimensional Rift ]

DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 7 room types with 56 rooms.

DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 462 dimensional rift spawns, 0 errors.

===========================================================-[ Four Sepulchers ]

FourSepulchersManager: loaded 20 Mysterious-Box spawns.

FourSepulchersManager: loaded 716 Physical type monsters spawns.

FourSepulchersManager: loaded 716 Magical type monsters spawns.

FourSepulchersManager: loaded 92 Church of duke monsters spawns.

FourSepulchersManager: loaded 68 Emperor's grave NPC spawns.

FourSepulchersManager: spawned Conquerors' Sepulcher Manager

FourSepulchersManager: spawned Emperors' Sepulcher Manager

FourSepulchersManager: spawned Great Sages' Sepulcher Manager

FourSepulchersManager: spawned Judges' Sepulcher Manager

FourSepulchersManager: Beginning in Attack time.

==================================================================-[ Olympiad ]

Olympiad System: Loading Olympiad System....

Olympiad System: Currently in Olympiad Period

Olympiad System: Period Ends....

Olympiad System: In 1 days, 22 hours and 10 mins.

Olympiad System: Next Weekly Change is in....

Olympiad System: 0 days, 0 hours and 0 mins.

Olympiad System: Loaded 0 Nobles

Olympiad System: Competition Period Starts in 0 days, 3 hours and 11 mins.

Sun Oct 30 14:49:21 MSK 2011 Atk announce scheduled to 50.0 minute of this hour.


Olympiad System: Event starts/started : Sun Oct 30 18:00:21 MSK 2011

Olympiad System: Added weekly points to nobles

Hero System: Loaded 0 Heroes.

Hero System: Loaded 0 all time Heroes.

================================================================-[ Van Halter ]

VanHalter.loadRoyalGuard: Loaded 30 Royal Guard spawn locations.

VanHalter.loadTriolRevelation: Loaded 11 Triol's Revelation spawn locations.

VanHalter.loadRoyalGuardCaptain: Loaded 1 Royal Guard Captain spawn locations.

VanHalter.loadRoyalGuardHelper: Loaded 1 Royal Guard Helper spawn locations.

VanHalter.loadGuardOfAltar: Loaded 4 Guard Of Altar spawn locations.

VanHalter.loadVanHalter: Loaded High Priestess van Halter spawn locations.

VanHalter.loadRitualOffering: Loaded Ritual Offering spawn locations.

VanHalter.loadRitualSacrifice: Loaded Ritual Sacrifice spawn locations.

VanHalter : State of High Priestess van Halter is 0.

GrandBossManager: Updated High Priestess van Halter (npcID: 29062) status to 1

VanHalter : Spawn Van Halter.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.grandboss.VanHalterManager.init


at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:369)

at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:507)

FourSepulchersManager: Entry time: Sun Oct 30 14:55:21 MSK 2011


В чём проблема? кто поможет.

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У тебя нету данных вещей в БД сервера или ты допустил ошибки в их ID:

Item ID: 9500 - name: R90 Akra Shield
Item ID: 9916 - name: Freya Axe
Item ID: 9526 - name: Vesper Cutter - Focus
Item ID: 10589 - name: Terra Shild

По поводу вот этой ошибки:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.grandboss.VanHalterManager.init
at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:369)
at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:507)

Удали из сборки сервера по пути server\gameserver\lib\ папку cachedir

Далее скачай вот это ядро и поставь его с заменой в папку server\gameserver\lib\

Работоспособность обеспечиваю 100%

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русские деректории убери из пути к серверу. только английские буквы должны быть

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русские деректории убери из пути к серверу. только английские буквы должны быть

Ничего подобного, уже более 1 года занимаюсь серверами и всегда они у меня были расположены по пути:

C:\Documents and Settings\Администратор\Рабочий стол\сервер

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У меня две проблемы одна с логин сервером другая с гейм сервером!

Когда запускаешь логин сервер,после загрузки логин контроллера идет ошибка exception in thread main java.lang.nullpointerexception.Пробовал менять версию ява сервера но не помогло.

А с гейм сервером выходит ошибка NPC 35372 not found!


Не-подскажите что делать?

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дело в русской директероии СЧИТАЮ что ответ дан харе спамить

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дело в русской директероии СЧИТАЮ что ответ дан харе спамить

Ты вообще видишь почему эти ошибки были? Тут директория пусть хоть на китайском будет. Прочти логи лучше.

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У меня две проблемы одна с логин сервером другая с гейм сервером!

Когда запускаешь логин сервер,после загрузки логин контроллера идет ошибка exception in thread main java.lang.nullpointerexception.Пробовал менять версию ява сервера но не помогло.

А с гейм сервером выходит ошибка NPC 35372 not found!


Не-подскажите что делать?

По поводу логина хз, нужно смотреть плотнее.

А по поводу гейма добавь данного npc в бд

INSERT INTO `npc` VALUES (35372, 35372, 'Partisan Soldier', 0, '', 0, 'Monster.ol_mahum', 13.50, 25.00, 35, 'male', 'L2Monster', 40, 1220, 446, 7.11, 1.84, 40, 43, 30, 21, 20, 10, 612, 1, 192, 169, 89, 137, 282, 0, 333, 2, 0, 0, 55, 121, 'partisan_clan', 500, 0, 0, 'LAST_HIT', 0, 0, 0, 'fighter');


INSERT INTO `npc` VALUES (35372, 35372, 'Partisan Soldier', 0, '', 0, 'Monster.ol_mahum', 13.50, 25.00, 35, 'male', 'L2Monster', 40, 1220, 446, 7.11, 1.84, 40, 43, 30, 21, 20, 10, 612, 1, 192, 169, 89, 137, 282, 0, 333, 2, 0, 0, 55, 121, 'partisan_clan', 500, 0, 0, 'LAST_HIT');

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