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[Исходник] aCis [Diff File] 343 to 344

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Название: aCis [Diff File] 343 to 344

Добавил: Eanseen

Добавлен: 22 Mar 2015

Категория: Исходники серверов

Автор: aCis

Хроники: Interlude



Файл для обновления с версии 343 до 344


Changeset 344


Duels - part I


I decide to commit first part of Duels, as there is already a lot of work.

All is functional, and far better written than before. Part 2 will get few fixes && little tweaks for Party Duels, probably 10% of what I'm commiting now.


- General cleanup : aCis code style, DuelState Enum creation, setIsInDuel > setInDuel rename. Numerous comments && Javadoc as documentation.



- Fix a ConcurrentException on DuelManager (couldn't handle simultaneous Duel creations).

- Duel id is correctly calculated (it was probably very, very sad before).



- Chaotic players (karma > 0) can't start or accept a duel request.

- Fix a potential ConcurrentException on buff/debuff storing.

- Fix a NPE with _playerConditions.

- Fix few custom String for SystemMessage counterparts.

- Fix the way duels handle disconnected players. It is considered as a surrender, as L2OFF. Ty sahar for report.

- Fix an issue with surrender SystemMessage winner name.

- Fix the max range for duel request && check task.

- Fix the check task

- It is fired once the duel is accepted (instead of after countdowns). A duel can now be disturbed during the countdown.

- Added missing checks for party duels (zones, interrupted state, distance, pvpflag).

- Fix RequestDuelAnswerStart checks, which are now exactly the same than RequestDuelStart packet.

- Fix when a party in a command channel requests or accepts a party duel, that party is automatically withdrawn from the command channel.

- Fix parties teleport, which are ported back to previous stored location no matter the duel end (in prevision to arena coordinates).


Victory/lose animations

- Fix an issue with kneel animation for 'B player/party winner' case.

- Add Victory animation for winners.

- Animations are sent even if one side is missing.



- Revert party duel timer to 120 seconds (retail time).

- The 1vs1 countdown is setted to 5sec instead of 3sec + "void" 3sec. Messages for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 cases.

- The party countdown is setted to 30sec instead of 20sec, with messages for 30, 20, 15, 10 cases. It also uses 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 messages from 1vs1.

- Drop the 5sec timer at the end of a duel.

- The two left tasks, CheckTask && StartTask, use scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate to avoid to generate tasks every seconds.



- Rework PartyMatchList, ExListPartyMatchingWaitingRoom serverpackets.



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  В 23.03.2015 в 07:41, Eanseen сказал:

Доступен теперь бесплатно ;)

У тебя новых случайно нету? :)

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