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[Source]L2jOfficial Ertheia

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Hey all,

So after I spent 222$ for this crap, I decided to share it, simply because it doesn't worth a penny, its the latest revision they released (as if there's any change between each rev...).

Everything about this pack is a lie it seems like a complete random old junk they found somewhere although seller said that everything works perfectly, even to specific questions like I asked if fan range is impkemenated and he said yes, while in source its not even declared anywhere, seller isn't even a dev and acts like a complete kid who knows nothing about deving at all.


Some examples:

* Said that fan range is implemenated while it isn't, after I asked him why he lied, I got a childish response (see image below...).

* None of the new skills actually seems to be working, small example is that no class is set to learn R+ grade at any stage.

* Geodata throws endless errors when enabled.

* I didn't even get customer and SVN access as promised (probably they don't even have/know what SVN is).

* more...


When I complained to him he started acting like a complete kid, shows 0 knowledge and evnatually added me to skype's ignore list.

He's user on this forum is: http://www.maxcheate...ernando-razuri/

So here's the pack judge yourself, hope I can avoid more people being fooled by them.




Изменено пользователем emporial101

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я уже давно говорил что они гуано продают 

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DWO улыбнуло так еще и не полная =)

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