MrSunrise1992 0 Опубликовано 28 мая, 2016 (изменено) Доброго времени! Помогите решить проблему с ошибкой в гс NpcTable: Error parsing NPC templates : No enum constant NpcTable: Loaded 6474 NPC templates. /* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.HerbDropTable; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Skill; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.MinionData; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.base.ClassId; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.item.DropCategory; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.item.DropData; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.scripting.EventType; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.scripting.Quest; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.templates.StatsSet; public class NpcTemplate extends CharTemplate { public static enum AIType { DEFAULT, ARCHER, MAGE, HEALER, CORPSE } public static enum Race { UNKNOWN, UNDEAD, MAGICCREATURE, BEAST, ANIMAL, PLANT, HUMANOID, SPIRIT, ANGEL, DEMON, DRAGON, GIANT, BUG, FAIRIE, HUMAN, ELVE, DARKELVE, ORC, DWARVE, OTHER, NONLIVING, SIEGEWEAPON, DEFENDINGARMY, MERCENARIE; public static final Race[] VALUES = values(); } protected static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(NpcTemplate.class.getName()); private final int _npcId; private final int _idTemplate; private final String _type; private final String _name; private final String _title; private final boolean _cantBeChampionMonster; private final byte _level; private final int _exp; private final int _sp; private final int _rHand; private final int _lHand; private final int _enchantEffect; private final int _corpseTime; private int _dropHerbGroup; private Race _race = Race.UNKNOWN; private AIType _aiType; private final int _ssCount; private final int _ssRate; private final int _spsCount; private final int _spsRate; private final int _aggroRange; private String[] _clans; private int _clanRange; private int[] _ignoredIds; private final boolean _canMove; private final boolean _isSeedable; private final List<L2Skill> _buffSkills = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<L2Skill> _debuffSkills = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<L2Skill> _healSkills = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<L2Skill> _longRangeSkills = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<L2Skill> _shortRangeSkills = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<L2Skill> _suicideSkills = new ArrayList<>(); private List<DropCategory> _categories; private List<MinionData> _minions; private final List<ClassId> _teachInfo = new ArrayList<>(); private final Map<Integer, L2Skill> _skills = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private final Map<EventType, List<Quest>> _questEvents = new HashMap<>(); public NpcTemplate(StatsSet set) { super(set); _npcId = set.getInteger("id"); _idTemplate = set.getInteger("idTemplate", _npcId); _type = set.getString("type"); _name = set.getString("name"); _title = set.getString("title", ""); _cantBeChampionMonster = _title.equalsIgnoreCase("Quest Monster") || isType("L2Chest"); _level = set.getByte("level", (byte) 1); _exp = set.getInteger("exp", 0); _sp = set.getInteger("sp", 0); _rHand = set.getInteger("rHand", 0); _lHand = set.getInteger("lHand", 0); _enchantEffect = set.getInteger("enchant", 0); _corpseTime = set.getInteger("corpseTime", 7); _dropHerbGroup = set.getInteger("dropHerbGroup", 0); if (_dropHerbGroup > 0 && HerbDropTable.getInstance().getHerbDroplist(_dropHerbGroup) == null) { _log.warning("Missing dropHerbGroup information for npcId: " + _npcId + ", dropHerbGroup: " + _dropHerbGroup); _dropHerbGroup = 0; } if (set.containsKey("raceId")) setRace(set.getInteger("raceId")); _aiType = set.getEnum("aiType", AIType.class, AIType.DEFAULT); _ssCount = set.getInteger("ssCount", 0); _ssRate = set.getInteger("ssRate", 0); _spsCount = set.getInteger("spsCount", 0); _spsRate = set.getInteger("spsRate", 0); _aggroRange = set.getInteger("aggro", 0); if (set.containsKey("clan")) { _clans = set.getStringArray("clan"); _clanRange = set.getInteger("clanRange"); if (set.containsKey("ignoredIds")) _ignoredIds = set.getIntegerArray("ignoredIds"); } _canMove = set.getBool("canMove", true); _isSeedable = set.getBool("seedable", false); _categories = set.getList("drops"); _minions = set.getList("minions"); if (set.containsKey("teachTo")) { for (int classId : set.getIntegerArray("teachTo")) addTeachInfo(ClassId.VALUES[classId]); } addSkills(set.getList("skills")); } public int getNpcId() { return _npcId; } public int getIdTemplate() { return _idTemplate; } public boolean isCustomNpc() { return _npcId != _idTemplate; } public String getType() { return _type; } /** * Checks types, ignore case. * @param t the type to check. * @return true if the type are the same, false otherwise. */ public boolean isType(String t) { return _type.equalsIgnoreCase(t); } public String getName() { return _name; } public String getTitle() { return _title; } public boolean cantBeChampion() { return _cantBeChampionMonster; } public byte getLevel() { return _level; } public int getRewardExp() { return _exp; } public int getRewardSp() { return _sp; } public int getRightHand() { return _rHand; } public int getLeftHand() { return _lHand; } public int getEnchantEffect() { return _enchantEffect; } public int getCorpseTime() { return _corpseTime; } public int getDropHerbGroup() { return _dropHerbGroup; } public Race getRace() { return _race; } public void setRace(int raceId) { // Race.UNKNOWN is already the default value. No needs to handle it. if (raceId < 1 || raceId > 23) return; _race = Race.VALUES[raceId]; } public AIType getAiType() { return _aiType; } public int getSsCount() { return _ssCount; } public int getSsRate() { return _ssRate; } public int getSpsCount() { return _spsCount; } public int getSpsRate() { return _spsRate; } public int getAggroRange() { return _aggroRange; } public String[] getClans() { return _clans; } public int getClanRange() { return _clanRange; } public int[] getIgnoredIds() { return _ignoredIds; } public boolean canMove() { return _canMove; } public boolean isSeedable() { return _isSeedable; } public void addShortOrLongRangeSkill(L2Skill skill) { if (skill.getCastRange() > 150) _longRangeSkills.add(skill); else if (skill.getCastRange() > 0) _shortRangeSkills.add(skill); } public List<L2Skill> getSuicideSkills() { return _suicideSkills; } public List<L2Skill> getHealSkills() { return _healSkills; } public List<L2Skill> getDebuffSkills() { return _debuffSkills; } public List<L2Skill> getBuffSkills() { return _buffSkills; } public List<L2Skill> getLongRangeSkills() { return _longRangeSkills; } public List<L2Skill> getShortRangeSkills() { return _shortRangeSkills; } /** * @return the list of all possible UNCATEGORIZED drops of this L2NpcTemplate. */ public List<DropCategory> getDropData() { return _categories; } /** * @return the list of all possible item drops of this L2NpcTemplate. (ie full drops and part drops, mats, miscellaneous & UNCATEGORIZED) */ public List<DropData> getAllDropData() { final List<DropData> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (DropCategory tmp : _categories) list.addAll(tmp.getAllDrops()); return list; } /** * Add a drop to a given category. If the category does not exist, create it. * @param drop * @param categoryType */ public void addDropData(DropData drop, int categoryType) { synchronized (_categories) { // Category exists, stores the drop and return. for (DropCategory cat : _categories) { if (cat.getCategoryType() == categoryType) { cat.addDropData(drop, isType("L2RaidBoss") || isType("L2GrandBoss")); return; } } // Category doesn't exist, create and store it. final DropCategory cat = new DropCategory(categoryType); cat.addDropData(drop, isType("L2RaidBoss") || isType("L2GrandBoss")); _categories.add(cat); } } /** * @return the list of all Minions that must be spawn with the L2Npc using this L2NpcTemplate. */ public List<MinionData> getMinionData() { return _minions; } public List<ClassId> getTeachInfo() { return _teachInfo; } public void addTeachInfo(ClassId classId) { _teachInfo.add(classId); } public boolean canTeach(ClassId classId) { return _teachInfo.contains((classId.level() == 3) ? classId.getParent() : classId); } public Map<Integer, L2Skill> getSkills() { return _skills; } public void addSkills(List<L2Skill> skills) { for (L2Skill skill : skills) { if (!skill.isPassive()) { if (skill.isSuicideAttack()) _suicideSkills.add(skill); else { switch (skill.getSkillType()) { case BUFF: case CONT: case REFLECT: _buffSkills.add(skill); break; case HEAL: case HOT: case HEAL_PERCENT: case HEAL_STATIC: case BALANCE_LIFE: case MANARECHARGE: case MANAHEAL_PERCENT: _healSkills.add(skill); break; case DEBUFF: case ROOT: case SLEEP: case STUN: case PARALYZE: case POISON: case DOT: case MDOT: case BLEED: case MUTE: case FEAR: case CANCEL: case NEGATE: case WEAKNESS: case AGGDEBUFF: _debuffSkills.add(skill); break; case PDAM: case MDAM: case BLOW: case DRAIN: case CHARGEDAM: case FATAL: case DEATHLINK: case MANADAM: case CPDAMPERCENT: case GET_PLAYER: case INSTANT_JUMP: case AGGDAMAGE: addShortOrLongRangeSkill(skill); break; } } } _skills.put(skill.getId(), skill); } } public Map<EventType, List<Quest>> getEventQuests() { return _questEvents; } public List<Quest> getEventQuests(EventType EventType) { return _questEvents.get(EventType); } public void addQuestEvent(EventType eventType, Quest quest) { List<Quest> eventList = _questEvents.get(eventType); if (eventList == null) { eventList = new ArrayList<>(); eventList.add(quest); _questEvents.put(eventType, eventList); } else { eventList.remove(quest); if (eventType.isMultipleRegistrationAllowed() || eventList.isEmpty()) eventList.add(quest); else _log.warning("Quest event not allow multiple quest registrations. Skipped addition of EventType \"" + eventType + "\" for NPC \"" + getName() + "\" and quest \"" + quest.getName() + "\"."); } } } а когда делаю спавн такая ошибка SpawnTable: Could not store spawn in the DB:com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Out of range value for column 'npc_templateid' at row 1 Изменено 28 мая, 2016 пользователем MrSunrise1992 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
MrSunrise1992 0 Опубликовано 28 мая, 2016 Доброго времени! Помогите решить проблему с ошибкой в гс NpcTable: Error parsing NPC templates : No enum constant NpcTable: Loaded 6474 NPC templates. /* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.HerbDropTable; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Skill; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.MinionData; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.base.ClassId; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.item.DropCategory; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.item.DropData; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.scripting.EventType; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.scripting.Quest; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.templates.StatsSet; public class NpcTemplate extends CharTemplate { public static enum AIType { DEFAULT, ARCHER, MAGE, HEALER, CORPSE } public static enum Race { UNKNOWN, UNDEAD, MAGICCREATURE, BEAST, ANIMAL, PLANT, HUMANOID, SPIRIT, ANGEL, DEMON, DRAGON, GIANT, BUG, FAIRIE, HUMAN, ELVE, DARKELVE, ORC, DWARVE, OTHER, NONLIVING, SIEGEWEAPON, DEFENDINGARMY, MERCENARIE; public static final Race[] VALUES = values(); } protected static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(NpcTemplate.class.getName()); private final int _npcId; private final int _idTemplate; private final String _type; private final String _name; private final String _title; private final boolean _cantBeChampionMonster; private final byte _level; private final int _exp; private final int _sp; private final int _rHand; private final int _lHand; private final int _enchantEffect; private final int _corpseTime; private int _dropHerbGroup; private Race _race = Race.UNKNOWN; private AIType _aiType; private final int _ssCount; private final int _ssRate; private final int _spsCount; private final int _spsRate; private final int _aggroRange; private String[] _clans; private int _clanRange; private int[] _ignoredIds; private final boolean _canMove; private final boolean _isSeedable; private final List<L2Skill> _buffSkills = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<L2Skill> _debuffSkills = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<L2Skill> _healSkills = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<L2Skill> _longRangeSkills = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<L2Skill> _shortRangeSkills = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<L2Skill> _suicideSkills = new ArrayList<>(); private List<DropCategory> _categories; private List<MinionData> _minions; private final List<ClassId> _teachInfo = new ArrayList<>(); private final Map<Integer, L2Skill> _skills = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private final Map<EventType, List<Quest>> _questEvents = new HashMap<>(); public NpcTemplate(StatsSet set) { super(set); _npcId = set.getInteger("id"); _idTemplate = set.getInteger("idTemplate", _npcId); _type = set.getString("type"); _name = set.getString("name"); _title = set.getString("title", ""); _cantBeChampionMonster = _title.equalsIgnoreCase("Quest Monster") || isType("L2Chest"); _level = set.getByte("level", (byte) 1); _exp = set.getInteger("exp", 0); _sp = set.getInteger("sp", 0); _rHand = set.getInteger("rHand", 0); _lHand = set.getInteger("lHand", 0); _enchantEffect = set.getInteger("enchant", 0); _corpseTime = set.getInteger("corpseTime", 7); _dropHerbGroup = set.getInteger("dropHerbGroup", 0); if (_dropHerbGroup > 0 && HerbDropTable.getInstance().getHerbDroplist(_dropHerbGroup) == null) { _log.warning("Missing dropHerbGroup information for npcId: " + _npcId + ", dropHerbGroup: " + _dropHerbGroup); _dropHerbGroup = 0; } if (set.containsKey("raceId")) setRace(set.getInteger("raceId")); _aiType = set.getEnum("aiType", AIType.class, AIType.DEFAULT); _ssCount = set.getInteger("ssCount", 0); _ssRate = set.getInteger("ssRate", 0); _spsCount = set.getInteger("spsCount", 0); _spsRate = set.getInteger("spsRate", 0); _aggroRange = set.getInteger("aggro", 0); if (set.containsKey("clan")) { _clans = set.getStringArray("clan"); _clanRange = set.getInteger("clanRange"); if (set.containsKey("ignoredIds")) _ignoredIds = set.getIntegerArray("ignoredIds"); } _canMove = set.getBool("canMove", true); _isSeedable = set.getBool("seedable", false); _categories = set.getList("drops"); _minions = set.getList("minions"); if (set.containsKey("teachTo")) { for (int classId : set.getIntegerArray("teachTo")) addTeachInfo(ClassId.VALUES[classId]); } addSkills(set.getList("skills")); } public int getNpcId() { return _npcId; } public int getIdTemplate() { return _idTemplate; } public boolean isCustomNpc() { return _npcId != _idTemplate; } public String getType() { return _type; } /** * Checks types, ignore case. * @param t the type to check. * @return true if the type are the same, false otherwise. */ public boolean isType(String t) { return _type.equalsIgnoreCase(t); } public String getName() { return _name; } public String getTitle() { return _title; } public boolean cantBeChampion() { return _cantBeChampionMonster; } public byte getLevel() { return _level; } public int getRewardExp() { return _exp; } public int getRewardSp() { return _sp; } public int getRightHand() { return _rHand; } public int getLeftHand() { return _lHand; } public int getEnchantEffect() { return _enchantEffect; } public int getCorpseTime() { return _corpseTime; } public int getDropHerbGroup() { return _dropHerbGroup; } public Race getRace() { return _race; } public void setRace(int raceId) { // Race.UNKNOWN is already the default value. No needs to handle it. if (raceId < 1 || raceId > 23) return; _race = Race.VALUES[raceId]; } public AIType getAiType() { return _aiType; } public int getSsCount() { return _ssCount; } public int getSsRate() { return _ssRate; } public int getSpsCount() { return _spsCount; } public int getSpsRate() { return _spsRate; } public int getAggroRange() { return _aggroRange; } public String[] getClans() { return _clans; } public int getClanRange() { return _clanRange; } public int[] getIgnoredIds() { return _ignoredIds; } public boolean canMove() { return _canMove; } public boolean isSeedable() { return _isSeedable; } public void addShortOrLongRangeSkill(L2Skill skill) { if (skill.getCastRange() > 150) _longRangeSkills.add(skill); else if (skill.getCastRange() > 0) _shortRangeSkills.add(skill); } public List<L2Skill> getSuicideSkills() { return _suicideSkills; } public List<L2Skill> getHealSkills() { return _healSkills; } public List<L2Skill> getDebuffSkills() { return _debuffSkills; } public List<L2Skill> getBuffSkills() { return _buffSkills; } public List<L2Skill> getLongRangeSkills() { return _longRangeSkills; } public List<L2Skill> getShortRangeSkills() { return _shortRangeSkills; } /** * @return the list of all possible UNCATEGORIZED drops of this L2NpcTemplate. */ public List<DropCategory> getDropData() { return _categories; } /** * @return the list of all possible item drops of this L2NpcTemplate. (ie full drops and part drops, mats, miscellaneous & UNCATEGORIZED) */ public List<DropData> getAllDropData() { final List<DropData> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (DropCategory tmp : _categories) list.addAll(tmp.getAllDrops()); return list; } /** * Add a drop to a given category. If the category does not exist, create it. * @param drop * @param categoryType */ public void addDropData(DropData drop, int categoryType) { synchronized (_categories) { // Category exists, stores the drop and return. for (DropCategory cat : _categories) { if (cat.getCategoryType() == categoryType) { cat.addDropData(drop, isType("L2RaidBoss") || isType("L2GrandBoss")); return; } } // Category doesn't exist, create and store it. final DropCategory cat = new DropCategory(categoryType); cat.addDropData(drop, isType("L2RaidBoss") || isType("L2GrandBoss")); _categories.add(cat); } } /** * @return the list of all Minions that must be spawn with the L2Npc using this L2NpcTemplate. */ public List<MinionData> getMinionData() { return _minions; } public List<ClassId> getTeachInfo() { return _teachInfo; } public void addTeachInfo(ClassId classId) { _teachInfo.add(classId); } public boolean canTeach(ClassId classId) { return _teachInfo.contains((classId.level() == 3) ? classId.getParent() : classId); } public Map<Integer, L2Skill> getSkills() { return _skills; } public void addSkills(List<L2Skill> skills) { for (L2Skill skill : skills) { if (!skill.isPassive()) { if (skill.isSuicideAttack()) _suicideSkills.add(skill); else { switch (skill.getSkillType()) { case BUFF: case CONT: case REFLECT: _buffSkills.add(skill); break; case HEAL: case HOT: case HEAL_PERCENT: case HEAL_STATIC: case BALANCE_LIFE: case MANARECHARGE: case MANAHEAL_PERCENT: _healSkills.add(skill); break; case DEBUFF: case ROOT: case SLEEP: case STUN: case PARALYZE: case POISON: case DOT: case MDOT: case BLEED: case MUTE: case FEAR: case CANCEL: case NEGATE: case WEAKNESS: case AGGDEBUFF: _debuffSkills.add(skill); break; case PDAM: case MDAM: case BLOW: case DRAIN: case CHARGEDAM: case FATAL: case DEATHLINK: case MANADAM: case CPDAMPERCENT: case GET_PLAYER: case INSTANT_JUMP: case AGGDAMAGE: addShortOrLongRangeSkill(skill); break; } } } _skills.put(skill.getId(), skill); } } public Map<EventType, List<Quest>> getEventQuests() { return _questEvents; } public List<Quest> getEventQuests(EventType EventType) { return _questEvents.get(EventType); } public void addQuestEvent(EventType eventType, Quest quest) { List<Quest> eventList = _questEvents.get(eventType); if (eventList == null) { eventList = new ArrayList<>(); eventList.add(quest); _questEvents.put(eventType, eventList); } else { eventList.remove(quest); if (eventType.isMultipleRegistrationAllowed() || eventList.isEmpty()) eventList.add(quest); else _log.warning("Quest event not allow multiple quest registrations. Skipped addition of EventType \"" + eventType + "\" for NPC \"" + getName() + "\" and quest \"" + quest.getName() + "\"."); } } } а когда делаю спавн такая ошибка SpawnTable: Could not store spawn in the DB:com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Out of range value for column 'npc_templateid' at row 1 Можно закрывать разобрался сам! неправильно создан нпс! в хмл Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты