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Проблема с бафером

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Доброго времени суток!

взял бафера от сюда  http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/144160-ultimate-buffer-for-acis-by-povis111/page-7  (не реклама)

Прошу помощи, осталось несколько ошибок


if (Util.isDigit(event)) { // isDigit-ругается тут!!!

else if (fightingPlayerIsAllowedToHealHP == false && AttackStanceTaskManager.getInstance().get(player))

package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.scripting.scripts.custom;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import net.sf.l2j.L2DatabaseFactory;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.SkillTable;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.scripting.Quest;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.scripting.QuestState;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.taskmanager.AttackStanceTaskManager;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.util.Util;

public class Buffer extends Quest {
    private static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(Buffer.class.getName());
    int NPC_BUFF_ID = 30068;   //Buffer's id
    private static final String qn = "Buffer";
    int currentChat = 1;
    final Map<String, Integer> h = new HashMap<String, Integer>(900 /* capacity */, 0.75f /* loadfactor */);
    final Map<String, String> pwhoedit = new HashMap<String, String>(900 /* capacity */, 0.75f /* loadfactor */);
    final Map<String, Integer> BuffSet = new HashMap<String, Integer>(900 /* capacity */, 0.75f /* loadfactor */);
    final Map<String, String> CharSet = new HashMap<String, String>(900 /* capacity */, 0.75f /* loadfactor */);

    private static final int[] ChantsDefault = {1363, 1413, 1390, 1391, 1007, 1309, 1252, 1006, 1002, 1251, 1308, 1253, 1009, 1362, 1310}; //used for scheme buffer chants
    private static final int[] Chants = {1363, 1413, 1390, 1391, 1007, 1309, 1252, 1006};
    private static final int[] Chants2 = {1002, 1251, 1308, 1253, 1009, 1362, 1310};
    private static final int[] ProphetSEEE = {1085, 1354, 1045, 1243, 1048, 1078, 1242, 1353, 1352, 1077, 1087, 1059, 1311, 1388, 1389, 1240, 1086, 1392, 1043, 1032, 1073, 1036, 1035, 1068, 1182, 1191, 1033, 1259, 1189, 1040, 1393, 1268, 1303, 1204, 1062};
    private static final int[] ProphetSEEEscheme1 = {1085, 1354, 1045, 1243, 1048, 1078, 1242, 1353, 1352, 1077, 1087, 1059, 1311, 1388, 1389, 1240, 1086, 1392}; //used for scheme buffer prp/se/ee
    private static final int[] ProphetSEEEscheme2 = {1043, 1032, 1073, 1036, 1035, 1068, 1182, 1191, 1033, 1259, 1189, 1040, 1393, 1268, 1303, 1204, 1062};//used for scheme buffer prp/se/ee
    private static final int[] ProphetSEEE1 = {1085, 1354, 1045, 1243, 1048, 1078, 1242, 1353, 1352, 1077, 1087, 1059};
    private static final int[] ProphetSEEE2 = {1311, 1388, 1389, 1240, 1086, 1392, 1043, 1032, 1073, 1036, 1035, 1068};
    private static final int[] ProphetSEEE3 = {1182, 1191, 1033, 1259, 1189, 1040, 1393, 1268, 1303, 1204, 1062};
    private static final int[] Prophecies = {1356, 1355, 1357, 1363, 1413, 1414};
    private static final int[] CatorUnicorn = {4699, 4702, 4700, 4703};//used for scheme buffer Cat/unicorn
    private static final int[] Dances = {307, 276, 309, 274, 275, 272, 277, 273, 311, 366, 365, 310, 271};//used for scheme buffer dances
    private static final int[] Songs = {364, 264, 306, 269, 270, 265, 363, 349, 308, 305, 304, 267, 266, 268};//used for scheme buffer songs

     * >--------- Configs ---------<*
    //Can flagged players buff themselves, if false a message will be shown.
    boolean flagIsAllowedToBuff = true;
    //Can flagged players Restore HP/MP/CP, if false a message will be shown.
    boolean flagIsAllowedToHealHP = false;
    boolean flagIsAllowedToHealCP = false;
    boolean flagIsAllowedToHealMP = false;
    //Can fighting players buff themselves, if false a message will be shown.
    boolean fightingPlayerIsAllowedToBuff = false;
    //Can fighting players Restore HP/MP/CP, if false a message will be shown.
    boolean fightingPlayerIsAllowedToHealHP = false;
    boolean fightingPlayerIsAllowedToHealCP = false;
    boolean fightingPlayerIsAllowedToHealMP = false;
    //Can player heal while he is dead?
    boolean deadPlayerIsAllowedToHeal = false;
    //Can player buff while he is dead?
    boolean deadPlayerIsAllowedToBuff = false;
    //Can player heal while casting a spell?
    boolean castingPlayerIsAllowedToHeal = false;
    //Can player buff while casting a spell?
    boolean castingPlayerIsAllowedToBuff = false;
    //Buffers html type Default/Modern
    String BufferHtmlType = "Default";
    public String onTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) {
        if (BufferHtmlType == "Default") {
            return "DefaultMain.htm";
        } else if (BufferHtmlType == "Modern") {
            return "ModernMain.htm";
        return "DefaultMain.htm";
    public Buffer(int questId, String name, String descr) {
        super(-1, "custom");
    public String onFirstTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) {
        QuestState st = player.getQuestState(qn);

        if (st == null) {
            if (BufferHtmlType == "Default") {
                return "Defaultgg.htm";
            } else return "Moderngg.htm";

        if (npc == null || player == null)
            return null;

        if (npc.getNpcId() == NPC_BUFF_ID) {
            if (BufferHtmlType == "Default") {
                return "DefaultMain.htm";
            } else return "ModernMain.htm";

        return null;
    public String onAdvEvent(String event, L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) {
        String htmltext = "gg.htm";
        if (BufferHtmlType == "Default") {
            htmltext = "Defaultgg.htm";
        } else htmltext = "Moderngg.htm";

        QuestState st = player.getQuestState(qn);
        if (st == null)
            return htmltext;
        StringTokenizer zt = new StringTokenizer(event);
        if (Util.isDigit(event)) { // isDigit-ругается тут!!!
            htmltext = null;
            int action = Integer.parseInt(event);

            if (action == 1) {
                if (flagIsAllowedToHealHP == false && player.getPvpFlag() > 0) {
                    return "You have a flag, get rid of it now, now, now!";
                } else if (fightingPlayerIsAllowedToHealHP == false && AttackStanceTaskManager.getInstance().get(player)) { // get(player)) ругается тут!!
                    return "You are not allowed to Heal HP while fighting!";
                } else if (deadPlayerIsAllowedToHeal == false && player.isAlikeDead()) {
                    return "You are not allowed to Heal HP while you are dead!";
                } else if (castingPlayerIsAllowedToHeal == false && player.isCastingNow()) {
                    return "You are not allowed to Heal HP while you are casting!";
                } else {
                    if (BufferHtmlType == "Default") {
                        StringBuilder txtAd = new StringBuilder();
                        txtAd.append("<html><title>Buffer by povis111 o_O Schemes</title><body>");
                        txtAd.append("<br><br><table width=\"150\"><tr><td><font color=\"LEVEL\">Insert a Name for Scheme</font></td></tr></table>");
                        txtAd.append("<table width=\"150\"><tr><td><edit var=\"schemename\" width=150 height=15></td><td><button value=\"Create\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer create $schemename\" width=100 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td></tr></table>");
                        if (pwhoedit.get(player.getName()) != null)
                            txtAd.append("<br><center><font color=\"00FF00\">Currently editing: " + pwhoedit.get(player.getName()) + "</font></center>");
                            txtAd.append("<br><center><font color=\"FF0000\">No scheme selected for editing!</font></center>");

                        txtAd.append("<table width=115><tr>");
                        txtAd.append("<td><button value=\"Buff\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer buff $scheme\" width=70 height=17 back=\"sek.cbui94\" fore=\"sek.cbui92\"></td>");
                        txtAd.append("<td><combobox width=135 height=17 var=\"scheme\" list=" + setNamesForChar(player.getName()) + "</td><td><button value=\"Delete\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer delete $scheme\" width=70 height=17 back=\"sek.cbui94\" fore=\"sek.cbui92\"></td></tr>");

                        txtAd.append("<center><button value=\"Edit\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer edit $scheme\" width=70 height=17 back=\"sek.cbui94\" fore=\"sek.cbui92\"></center>");
                        txtAd.append("<br><table><tr><td><button value=\"Dances\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 101\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"");
                        txtAd.append("</td><td><button value=\"Songs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 8\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td><button value=\"Chants\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 3\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td></tr></table>");
                        txtAd.append("<br><table><tr><td><button value=\"PRP/SE/EE\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 44\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"");
                        txtAd.append("</td><td><button value=\"Cat/Unicorn\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 6\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td><button value=\"Prophecies\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 5\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td></tr></table>");
                        txtAd.append("<br><table><tr><td><button value=\"Heal HP\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 1\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"");
                        txtAd.append("</td><td><button value=\"Heal CP\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 199\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td><button value=\"Heal MP\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 198\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td></tr></table>");
                        txtAd.append("<br><table width=300><tr><td width=94 height=21></td><td><button value=\"Cancel Buffs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 197\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td width=94 height=21></td></tr></table>");
                        NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(NPC_BUFF_ID);
                    } else if (BufferHtmlType == "Modern") {
                        return "ModernMain.htm";
            } else if (action == 2) {
                if (BufferHtmlType == "Default") {
                    return "DefaultMain.htm";
                } else if (BufferHtmlType == "Modern") {
                    return "ModernMain.htm";
            } else if (action > 2) {
                if (action == 198) {
                    if (flagIsAllowedToHealMP == false && player.getPvpFlag() > 0) {
                        return "You have a flag, get rid of it now, now, now!";
                    } else if (fightingPlayerIsAllowedToHealMP == false && AttackStanceTaskManager.getInstance().get(player)) {
                        return "You are not allowed to Heal MP while fighting!";
                    } else {
                        if (BufferHtmlType == "Default") {
                            StringBuilder txtAd = new StringBuilder();
                            txtAd.append("<html><title>Buffer by povis111 o_O Schemes</title><body>");
                            txtAd.append("<br><br><table width=\"150\"><tr><td><font color=\"LEVEL\">Insert a Name for Scheme</font></td></tr></table>");
                            txtAd.append("<table width=\"150\"><tr><td><edit var=\"schemename\" width=150 height=15></td><td><button value=\"Create\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer create $schemename\" width=100 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td></tr></table>");
                            if (pwhoedit.get(player.getName()) != null)
                                txtAd.append("<br><center><font color=\"00FF00\">Currently editing: " + pwhoedit.get(player.getName()) + "</font></center>");
                                txtAd.append("<br><center><font color=\"FF0000\">No scheme selected for editing!</font></center>");

                            txtAd.append("<table width=115><tr>");
                            txtAd.append("<td><button value=\"Buff\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer buff $scheme\" width=70 height=17 back=\"sek.cbui94\" fore=\"sek.cbui92\"></td>");
                            txtAd.append("<td><combobox width=135 height=17 var=\"scheme\" list=" + setNamesForChar(player.getName()) + "</td><td><button value=\"Delete\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer delete $scheme\" width=70 height=17 back=\"sek.cbui94\" fore=\"sek.cbui92\"></td></tr>");

                            txtAd.append("<center><button value=\"Edit\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer edit $scheme\" width=70 height=17 back=\"sek.cbui94\" fore=\"sek.cbui92\"></center>");
                            txtAd.append("<br><table><tr><td><button value=\"Dances\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 101\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"");
                            txtAd.append("</td><td><button value=\"Songs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 8\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td><button value=\"Chants\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 3\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td></tr></table>");
                            txtAd.append("<br><table><tr><td><button value=\"PRP/SE/EE\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 4\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"");
                            txtAd.append("</td><td><button value=\"Cat/Unicorn\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 6\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td><button value=\"Prophecies\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 5\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td></tr></table>");
                            txtAd.append("<br><table><tr><td><button value=\"Heal HP\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 1\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"");
                            txtAd.append("</td><td><button value=\"Heal CP\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 199\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td><button value=\"Heal MP\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 198\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td></tr></table>");
                            txtAd.append("<br><table width=300><tr><td width=94 height=21></td><td><button value=\"Cancel Buffs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 197\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td width=94 height=21></td></tr></table>");
                            NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(NPC_BUFF_ID);
                        } else if (BufferHtmlType == "Modern") {
                            return "ModernMain.htm";
                } else if (action == 199) {
                    if (flagIsAllowedToHealCP == false && player.getPvpFlag() > 0) {
                        return "You have a flag, get rid of it now, now, now!";
                    } else if (fightingPlayerIsAllowedToHealCP == false && AttackStanceTaskManager.getInstance().get(player)) {
                        return "You are not allowed to Heal CP while fighting!";
                    } else {
                        if (BufferHtmlType == "Default") {
                            StringBuilder txtAd = new StringBuilder();
                            txtAd.append("<html><title>Buffer by povis111 o_O Schemes</title><body>");
                            txtAd.append("<br><br><table width=\"150\"><tr><td><font color=\"LEVEL\">Insert a Name for Scheme</font></td></tr></table>");
                            txtAd.append("<table width=\"150\"><tr><td><edit var=\"schemename\" width=150 height=15></td><td><button value=\"Create\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer create $schemename\" width=100 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td></tr></table>");
                            if (pwhoedit.get(player.getName()) != null)
                                txtAd.append("<br><center><font color=\"00FF00\">Currently editing: " + pwhoedit.get(player.getName()) + "</font></center>");
                                txtAd.append("<br><center><font color=\"FF0000\">No scheme selected for editing!</font></center>");

                            txtAd.append("<table width=115><tr>");
                            txtAd.append("<td><button value=\"Buff\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer buff $scheme\" width=70 height=17 back=\"sek.cbui94\" fore=\"sek.cbui92\"></td>");
                            txtAd.append("<td><combobox width=135 height=17 var=\"scheme\" list=" + setNamesForChar(player.getName()) + "</td><td><button value=\"Delete\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer delete $scheme\" width=70 height=17 back=\"sek.cbui94\" fore=\"sek.cbui92\"></td></tr>");

                            txtAd.append("<center><button value=\"Edit\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer edit $scheme\" width=70 height=17 back=\"sek.cbui94\" fore=\"sek.cbui92\"></center>");
                            txtAd.append("<br><table><tr><td><button value=\"Dances\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 101\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"");
                            txtAd.append("</td><td><button value=\"Songs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 8\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td><button value=\"Chants\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 3\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td></tr></table>");
                            txtAd.append("<br><table><tr><td><button value=\"PRP/SE/EE\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 4\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"");
                            txtAd.append("</td><td><button value=\"Cat/Unicorn\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 6\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td><button value=\"Prophecies\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 5\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td></tr></table>");
                            txtAd.append("<br><table><tr><td><button value=\"Heal HP\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 1\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"");
                            txtAd.append("</td><td><button value=\"Heal CP\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 199\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td><button value=\"Heal MP\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 198\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td></tr></table>");
                            txtAd.append("<br><table width=300><tr><td width=94 height=21></td><td><button value=\"Cancel Buffs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 197\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td width=94 height=21></td></tr></table>");
                            NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(NPC_BUFF_ID);
                        } else if (BufferHtmlType == "Modern") {
                            return "ModernMain.htm";
                } else if (action == 197) {
                    if (BufferHtmlType == "Default") {
                        StringBuilder txtAd = new StringBuilder();
                        txtAd.append("<html><title>Buffer by povis111 o_O Schemes</title><body>");
                        txtAd.append("<br><br><table width=\"150\"><tr><td><font color=\"LEVEL\">Insert a Name for Scheme</font></td></tr></table>");
                        txtAd.append("<table width=\"150\"><tr><td><edit var=\"schemename\" width=150 height=15></td><td><button value=\"Create\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer create $schemename\" width=100 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td></tr></table>");
                        if (pwhoedit.get(player.getName()) != null)
                            txtAd.append("<br><center><font color=\"00FF00\">Currently editing: " + pwhoedit.get(player.getName()) + "</font></center>");
                            txtAd.append("<br><center><font color=\"FF0000\">No scheme selected for editing!</font></center>");

                        txtAd.append("<table width=115><tr>");
                        txtAd.append("<td><button value=\"Buff\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer buff $scheme\" width=70 height=17 back=\"sek.cbui94\" fore=\"sek.cbui92\"></td>");
                        txtAd.append("<td><combobox width=135 height=17 var=\"scheme\" list=" + setNamesForChar(player.getName()) + "</td><td><button value=\"Delete\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer delete $scheme\" width=70 height=17 back=\"sek.cbui94\" fore=\"sek.cbui92\"></td></tr>");

                        txtAd.append("<center><button value=\"Edit\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer edit $scheme\" width=70 height=17 back=\"sek.cbui94\" fore=\"sek.cbui92\"></center>");
                        txtAd.append("<br><table><tr><td><button value=\"Dances\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 101\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"");
                        txtAd.append("</td><td><button value=\"Songs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 8\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td><button value=\"Chants\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 3\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td></tr></table>");
                        txtAd.append("<br><table><tr><td><button value=\"PRP/SE/EE\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 4\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"");
                        txtAd.append("</td><td><button value=\"Cat/Unicorn\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 6\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td><button value=\"Prophecies\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 5\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td></tr></table>");
                        txtAd.append("<br><table><tr><td><button value=\"Heal HP\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 1\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"");
                        txtAd.append("</td><td><button value=\"Heal CP\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 199\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td><button value=\"Heal MP\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 198\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td></tr></table>");
                        txtAd.append("<br><table width=300><tr><td width=94 height=21></td><td><button value=\"Cancel Buffs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 197\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td width=94 height=21></td></tr></table>");
                        NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(NPC_BUFF_ID);
                    } else {
                        return "ModernMain.htm";
                } else if (action == 100) {
                    StringBuilder txtAd = new StringBuilder();
                    txtAd.append("<html><title>Buffer by povis111 o_O Schemes</title><body>");
                    txtAd.append("<br><br><table width=\"150\"><tr><td><font color=\"LEVEL\">Insert a Name for Scheme</font></td></tr></table>");
                    txtAd.append("<table width=\"150\"><tr><td><edit var=\"schemename\" width=150 height=15></td><td><button value=\"Create\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer create $schemename\" width=100 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td></tr></table>");
                    if (pwhoedit.get(player.getName()) != null)
                        txtAd.append("<br><center><font color=\"00FF00\">Currently editing: " + pwhoedit.get(player.getName()) + "</font></center>");
                        txtAd.append("<br><center><font color=\"FF0000\">No scheme selected for editing!</font></center>");

                    txtAd.append("<table width=115><tr>");
                    txtAd.append("<td><button value=\"Buff\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer buff $scheme\" width=70 height=17 back=\"sek.cbui94\" fore=\"sek.cbui92\"></td>");
                    txtAd.append("<td><combobox width=135 height=17 var=\"scheme\" list=" + setNamesForChar(player.getName()) + "</td><td><button value=\"Delete\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer delete $scheme\" width=70 height=17 back=\"sek.cbui94\" fore=\"sek.cbui92\"></td></tr>");

                    txtAd.append("<center><button value=\"Edit\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer edit $scheme\" width=70 height=17 back=\"sek.cbui94\" fore=\"sek.cbui92\"></center>");
                    txtAd.append("<br><table><tr><td><button value=\"Dances\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 101\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"");
                    txtAd.append("</td><td><button value=\"Songs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 8\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td><button value=\"Chants\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 3\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td></tr></table>");
                    txtAd.append("<br><table><tr><td><button value=\"PRP/SE/EE\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 4\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"");
                    txtAd.append("</td><td><button value=\"Cat/Unicorn\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 6\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td><button value=\"Prophecies\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 5\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td></tr></table>");
                    txtAd.append("<br><table><tr><td><button value=\"Heal HP\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 1\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"");
                    txtAd.append("</td><td><button value=\"Heal CP\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 199\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td><button value=\"Heal MP\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 198\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td></tr></table>");
                    txtAd.append("<br><table width=300><tr><td width=94 height=21></td><td><button value=\"Cancel Buffs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 197\" width=94 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td width=94 height=21></td></tr></table>");
                    NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(NPC_BUFF_ID);
                } else if (action == 101) {
                    StringBuilder txtAd = new StringBuilder();
                    txtAd.append("<html><title>Buffer by povis111 o_O Dances</title><body><table width=270><tr><td width=15><button value=\"\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI.CheckBox\" fore=\"L2UI.CheckBox_checked\"></td><td>Name</td><td>Level</td><td>Info</td></tr><center>");
                    for (int buffAdd : Dances) {
                        int buffAddd = buffAdd + 10000;
                        int skLevel = SkillTable.getInstance().getMaxLevel(buffAdd);
                        txtAd.append("<table width=250><tr>");
                        if (isAlreadyAdded(player, pwhoedit.get(player.getName()), buffAdd)) {
                            txtAd.append("<td><button value=\"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer add " + pwhoedit.get(player.getName()) + " " + buffAdd + "\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI.CheckBox\" fore=\"L2UI.CheckBox_checked\"></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAdd + "\"><font color=00FF00>" + returnSkName(buffAdd) + "</font></a></td><td><font color=C0C0C0>" + skLevel + "</font></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAddd + "\"><font color=FFFF00>Info</font></a></td></tr>");
                        } else {
                            txtAd.append("<td><button value=\"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer add " + pwhoedit.get(player.getName()) + " " + buffAdd + "\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI.CheckBox_checked\" fore=\"L2UI.CheckBox\"></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAdd + "\"><font color=FF0000>" + returnSkName(buffAdd) + "</font></a></td><td><font color=C0C0C0>" + skLevel + "</font></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAddd + "\"><font color=00FFFF>Info</font></a></td></tr>");
                    txtAd.append("<center><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 100\" width=90 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</center>");

                    NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(NPC_BUFF_ID);
                    setCurChat(player.getName(), 7);
                if (flagIsAllowedToBuff == false && player.getPvpFlag() > 0) {
                    return "You have a flag, get rid of it now, now, now!";
                } else if (fightingPlayerIsAllowedToBuff == false && AttackStanceTaskManager.getInstance().get(player)) {
                    return "You are not allowed to Buff while fighting!";
                } else if (deadPlayerIsAllowedToBuff == false && player.isAlikeDead()) {
                    return "You are not allowed to Buff while you are dead!";
                } else if (castingPlayerIsAllowedToBuff == false && player.isCastingNow()) {
                    return "You are not allowed to Heal while you are casting!";
                } else {
                    if (action == 3) {

                        if (BufferHtmlType == "Default") {
                            StringBuilder txtAd = new StringBuilder();
                            txtAd.append("<html><title>Buffer by povis111 o_O Chants</title><body><table width=270><tr><td width=15><button value=\"\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI.CheckBox\" fore=\"L2UI.CheckBox_checked\"></td><td>Name</td><td>Level</td><td>Info</td></tr><center>");
                            for (int buffAdd : ChantsDefault) {
                                String skName = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buffAdd, 1).getName();
                                int skLevel = SkillTable.getInstance().getMaxLevel(buffAdd);
                                int buffAddd = buffAdd + 10000;
                                txtAd.append("<table width=200><tr>");
                                if (isAlreadyAdded(player, pwhoedit.get(player.getName()), buffAdd)) {
                                    txtAd.append("<td><button value=\"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer add " + pwhoedit.get(player.getName()) + " " + buffAdd + "\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI.CheckBox\" fore=\"L2UI.CheckBox_checked\"></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAdd + "\"><font color=00FF00>" + skName + "</font></a></td><td><font color=C0C0C0>" + skLevel + "</font></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAddd + "\"><font color=FFFF00>Info</font></a></td></tr>");
                                } else {
                                    txtAd.append("<td><button value=\"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer add " + pwhoedit.get(player.getName()) + " " + buffAdd + "\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI.CheckBox_checked\" fore=\"L2UI.CheckBox\"></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAdd + "\"><font color=FF0000>" + skName + "</font></a></td><td><font color=C0C0C0>" + skLevel + "</font></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAddd + "\"><font color=00FFFF>Info</font></a></td></tr>");
                            txtAd.append("<center><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 100\" width=90 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</center>");
                            NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(NPC_BUFF_ID);
                            setCurChat(player.getName(), 3);
                        } else if (BufferHtmlType == "Modern") {
                            StringBuilder txtAd = new StringBuilder();
                            txtAd.append("<html><title>Buffer by povis111 o_O Chants</title><body>");
                            txtAd.append("<table align=center><tr><td align=center><button value=\"1\" width=95 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\"></td><td align=center><button value=\"2\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 32\" width=95 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab2\"></td></tr></table>");
                            for (int buffAdd : Chants) {
                                String skName = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buffAdd, 1).getName();
                                int buffAddd = buffAdd + 10000;
                                txtAd.append("<table><tr><td width=32><button action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAdd + "\" width=32 height=32 back=\"icon.skill" + buffAdd + "\" fore=\"icon.skill" + buffAdd + "\"></td><td width=180><table width=230><tr><td>" + skName + "</td></tr><tr><td><font color=ae9977>" + returnSkInfo(buffAddd) + "</font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>");

                            txtAd.append("<br><center><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 2\" width=75 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</center>");
                            NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(NPC_BUFF_ID);
                            setCurChat(player.getName(), 31);
                    } else if (action == 31) {
                        if (BufferHtmlType == "Modern") {
                            StringBuilder txtAd = new StringBuilder();
                            txtAd.append("<html><title>Buffer by povis111 o_O Chants</title><body>");
                            txtAd.append("<table align=center><tr><td align=center><button value=\"1\" width=95 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\"></td><td align=center><button value=\"2\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 32\" width=95 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab2\"></td></tr></table>");

                            for (int buffAdd : Chants) {
                                String skName = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buffAdd, 1).getName();
                                int buffAddd = buffAdd + 10000;
                                txtAd.append("<table><tr><td width=32><button action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAdd + "\" width=32 height=32 back=\"icon.skill" + buffAdd + "\" fore=\"icon.skill" + buffAdd + "\"></td><td width=180><table width=230><tr><td>" + skName + "</td></tr><tr><td><font color=ae9977>" + returnSkInfo(buffAddd) + "</font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>");
                            txtAd.append("<br><center><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 2\" width=75 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</center>");
                            NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(NPC_BUFF_ID);
                    } else if (action == 32) {
                        setCurChat(player.getName(), 32);
                        if (BufferHtmlType == "Modern") {
                            StringBuilder txtAd = new StringBuilder();
                            txtAd.append("<html><title>Buffer by povis111 o_O Chants</title><body>");
                            txtAd.append("<table align=center><tr><td align=center><button value=\"1\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 31\" width=95 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab2\"></td><td align=center><button value=\"2\" width=95 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\"></td></tr></table>");
                            for (int buffAdd : Chants2) {
                                String skName = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buffAdd, 1).getName();
                                int buffAddd = buffAdd + 10000;
                                txtAd.append("<table><tr><td width=32><button action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAdd + "\" width=32 height=32 back=\"icon.skill" + buffAdd + "\" fore=\"icon.skill" + buffAdd + "\"></td><td width=180><table width=230><tr><td>" + skName + "</td></tr><tr><td><font color=ae9977>" + returnSkInfo(buffAddd) + "</font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>");
                            txtAd.append("<br><center><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 2\" width=75 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</center>");
                            NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(NPC_BUFF_ID);
                    } else if (action == 44) {
                        setCurChat(player.getName(), 44);
                        if (BufferHtmlType == "Default") {
                            StringBuilder txtAd = new StringBuilder();
                            txtAd.append("<html><title>Buffer by povis111 o_O PRP/SE/EE</title><body><table width=270><tr><td width=15><button value=\"\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI.CheckBox\" fore=\"L2UI.CheckBox_checked\"></td><td>Name</td><td>Level</td><td>Info</td></tr><center>");
                            for (int buffAdd : ProphetSEEEscheme1) {
                                String skName = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buffAdd, 1).getName();
                                int skLevel = SkillTable.getInstance().getMaxLevel(buffAdd);
                                int buffAddd = buffAdd + 10000;
                                txtAd.append("<table width=200><tr>");
                                if (isAlreadyAdded(player, pwhoedit.get(player.getName()), buffAdd)) {
                                    txtAd.append("<td><button value=\"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer add " + pwhoedit.get(player.getName()) + " " + buffAdd + "\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI.CheckBox\" fore=\"L2UI.CheckBox_checked\"></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAdd + "\"><font color=00FF00>" + skName + "</font></a></td><td><font color=C0C0C0>" + skLevel + "</font></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAddd + "\"><font color=FFFF00>Info</font></a></td></tr>");
                                } else {
                                    txtAd.append("<td><button value=\"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer add " + pwhoedit.get(player.getName()) + " " + buffAdd + "\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI.CheckBox_checked\" fore=\"L2UI.CheckBox\"></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAdd + "\"><font color=FF0000>" + skName + "</font></a></td><td><font color=C0C0C0>" + skLevel + "</font></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAddd + "\"><font color=00FFFF>Info</font></a></td></tr>");
                            txtAd.append("<table><tr><td><button value=\"1\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 44\" width=90 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td><button value=\"2\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 45\" width=90 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 100\" width=90 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td></tr></table>");
                            NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(NPC_BUFF_ID);
                    } else if (action == 4) {
                        if (BufferHtmlType == "Default") {
                            StringBuilder txtAd = new StringBuilder();
                            txtAd.append("<html><title>Buffer by povis111 o_O PRP/SE/EE</title><body><table width=270><tr><td width=15><button value=\"\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI.CheckBox\" fore=\"L2UI.CheckBox_checked\"></td><td>Name</td><td>Level</td><td>Info</td></tr><center>");
                            for (int buffAdd : ProphetSEEEscheme1) {
                                String skName = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buffAdd, 1).getName();
                                int skLevel = SkillTable.getInstance().getMaxLevel(buffAdd);
                                int buffAddd = buffAdd + 10000;
                                txtAd.append("<table width=200><tr>");
                                if (isAlreadyAdded(player, pwhoedit.get(player.getName()), buffAdd)) {
                                    txtAd.append("<td><button value=\"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer add " + pwhoedit.get(player.getName()) + " " + buffAdd + "\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI.CheckBox\" fore=\"L2UI.CheckBox_checked\"></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAdd + "\"><font color=00FF00>" + skName + "</font></a></td><td><font color=C0C0C0>" + skLevel + "</font></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAddd + "\"><font color=FFFF00>Info</font></a></td></tr>");
                                } else {
                                    txtAd.append("<td><button value=\"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer add " + pwhoedit.get(player.getName()) + " " + buffAdd + "\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI.CheckBox_checked\" fore=\"L2UI.CheckBox\"></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAdd + "\"><font color=FF0000>" + skName + "</font></a></td><td><font color=C0C0C0>" + skLevel + "</font></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAddd + "\"><font color=00FFFF>Info</font></a></td></tr>");
                            txtAd.append("<table><tr><td><button value=\"1\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 44\" width=90 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td><button value=\"2\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 45\" width=90 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 100\" width=90 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td></tr></table>");
                            NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(NPC_BUFF_ID);
                            setCurChat(player.getName(), 44);
                        } else if (BufferHtmlType == "Modern") {
                            setCurChat(player.getName(), 41);
                            StringBuilder txtAd = new StringBuilder();
                            txtAd.append("<html><title>Buffer by povis111 o_O Prp/SE/EE</title><body>");
                            txtAd.append("<table align=center><tr><td align=center><button value=\"1\" width=95 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\"></td><td align=center><button value=\"2\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 42\" width=95 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab2\"></td><td align=center><button value=\"3\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 43\" width=95 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab2\"></td></tr></table>");

                            for (int buffAdd : ProphetSEEE1) {
                                String skName = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buffAdd, 1).getName();
                                int buffAddd = buffAdd + 10000;
                                txtAd.append("<table><tr><td width=32><button action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAdd + "\" width=32 height=32 back=\"icon.skill" + buffAdd + "\" fore=\"icon.skill" + buffAdd + "\"></td><td width=180><table width=230><tr><td>" + skName + "</td></tr><tr><td><font color=ae9977>" + returnSkInfo(buffAddd) + "</font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>");
                            //txtAd.append("<br><center><table width=180><button value=\"1\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 41\" width=75 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"<button value=\" 2\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 42\" width=75 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"<button value=\" 3\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 43\" width=75 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</center></table>");
                            txtAd.append("<br><center><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 2\" width=75 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</center></html></head></body>");
                            NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(NPC_BUFF_ID);
                    } else if (action == 45) {
                        setCurChat(player.getName(), 45);
                        if (BufferHtmlType == "Default") {
                            StringBuilder txtAd = new StringBuilder();
                            txtAd.append("<html><title>Buffer by povis111 o_O PRP/SE/EE</title><body><table width=270><tr><td width=15><button value=\"\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI.CheckBox\" fore=\"L2UI.CheckBox_checked\"></td><td>Name</td><td>Level</td><td>Info</td></tr><center>");
                            for (int buffAdd : ProphetSEEEscheme2) {
                                String skName = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buffAdd, 1).getName();
                                int skLevel = SkillTable.getInstance().getMaxLevel(buffAdd);
                                int buffAddd = buffAdd + 10000;
                                txtAd.append("<table width=200><tr>");
                                if (isAlreadyAdded(player, pwhoedit.get(player.getName()), buffAdd)) {
                                    txtAd.append("<td><button value=\"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer add " + pwhoedit.get(player.getName()) + " " + buffAdd + "\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI.CheckBox\" fore=\"L2UI.CheckBox_checked\"></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAdd + "\"><font color=00FF00>" + skName + "</font></a></td><td><font color=C0C0C0>" + skLevel + "</font></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAddd + "\"><font color=FFFF00>Info</font></a></td></tr>");
                                } else {
                                    txtAd.append("<td><button value=\"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer add " + pwhoedit.get(player.getName()) + " " + buffAdd + "\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI.CheckBox_checked\" fore=\"L2UI.CheckBox\"></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAdd + "\"><font color=FF0000>" + skName + "</font></a></td><td><font color=C0C0C0>" + skLevel + "</font></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAddd + "\"><font color=00FFFF>Info</font></a></td></tr>");
                            txtAd.append("<table><tr><td><button value=\"1\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 44\" width=90 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td><button value=\"2\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 45\" width=90 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td><td><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 100\" width=90 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</td></tr></table>");
                            NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(NPC_BUFF_ID);
                    } else if (action == 41) {
                        if (BufferHtmlType == "Modern") {
                            setCurChat(player.getName(), 41);
                            StringBuilder txtAd = new StringBuilder();
                            txtAd.append("<html><title>Buffer by povis111 o_O Prp/SE/EE</title><body>");
                            txtAd.append("<table align=center><tr><td align=center><button value=\"1\" width=95 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\"></td><td align=center><button value=\"2\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 42\" width=95 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab2\"></td><td align=center><button value=\"3\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 43\" width=95 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab2\"></td></tr></table>");

                            for (int buffAdd : ProphetSEEE1) {
                                String skName = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buffAdd, 1).getName();
                                int buffAddd = buffAdd + 10000;
                                txtAd.append("<table><tr><td width=32><button action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAdd + "\" width=32 height=32 back=\"icon.skill" + buffAdd + "\" fore=\"icon.skill" + buffAdd + "\"></td><td width=180><table width=230><tr><td>" + skName + "</td></tr><tr><td><font color=ae9977>" + returnSkInfo(buffAddd) + "</font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>");
                            //txtAd.append("<br><center><table width=180><button value=\"1\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 41\" width=75 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"<button value=\" 2\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 42\" width=75 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"<button value=\" 3\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 43\" width=75 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</center></table>");
                            txtAd.append("<br><center><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 2\" width=75 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</center></html></head></body>");
                            NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(NPC_BUFF_ID);
                    } else if (action == 42) {
                        if (BufferHtmlType == "Modern") {
                            setCurChat(player.getName(), 42);
                            StringBuilder txtAd = new StringBuilder();
                            txtAd.append("<html><title>Buffer by povis111 o_O Prp/SE/EE</title><body>");
                            txtAd.append("<table align=center><tr><td align=center><button value=\"1\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 41\" width=95 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab2\"></td><td align=center><button value=\"2\" width=95 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\"></td><td align=center><button value=\"3\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 43\" width=95 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab2\"></td></tr></table>");
                            for (int buffAdd : ProphetSEEE2) {
                                String skName = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buffAdd, 1).getName();
                                int buffAddd = buffAdd + 10000;
                                txtAd.append("<table><tr><td width=32><button action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAdd + "\" width=32 height=32 back=\"icon.skill" + buffAdd + "\" fore=\"icon.skill" + buffAdd + "\"></td><td width=180><table width=230><tr><td>" + skName + "</td></tr><tr><td><font color=ae9977>" + returnSkInfo(buffAddd) + "</font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>");
                            txtAd.append("<br><center><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 2\" width=75 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</center></html></head></body>");
                            NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(NPC_BUFF_ID);
                    } else if (action == 43) {
                        if (BufferHtmlType == "Modern") {
                            setCurChat(player.getName(), 43);
                            StringBuilder txtAd = new StringBuilder();
                            txtAd.append("<html><title>Buffer by povis111 o_O Prp/SE/EE</title><body>");
                            txtAd.append("<table align=center><tr><td align=center><button value=\"1\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 41\" width=95 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab2\"></td><td align=center><button value=\"2\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 42\" width=95 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab2\"></td><td align=center><button value=\"3\" width=95 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.skill_tab1\"></td></tr></table>");

                            for (int buffAdd : ProphetSEEE3) {
                                String skName = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buffAdd, 1).getName();
                                int buffAddd = buffAdd + 10000;
                                txtAd.append("<table><tr><td width=32><button action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAdd + "\" width=32 height=32 back=\"icon.skill" + buffAdd + "\" fore=\"icon.skill" + buffAdd + "\"></td><td width=180><table width=230><tr><td>" + skName + "</td></tr><tr><td><font color=ae9977>" + returnSkInfo(buffAddd) + "</font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>");
                            txtAd.append("<br><center><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 2\" width=75 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</center></html></head></body>");
                            NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(NPC_BUFF_ID);
                    } else if (action == 5) {
                        if (BufferHtmlType == "Default") {
                            StringBuilder txtAd = new StringBuilder();
                            txtAd.append("<html><title>Buffer by povis111 o_O Prophecies</title><body><table width=270><tr><td width=15><button value=\"\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI.CheckBox\" fore=\"L2UI.CheckBox_checked\"></td><td>Name</td><td>Level</td><td>Info</td></tr><center>");
                            for (int buffAdd : Prophecies) {
                                String skName = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buffAdd, 1).getName();
                                int skLevel = SkillTable.getInstance().getMaxLevel(buffAdd);
                                int buffAddd = buffAdd + 10000;
                                txtAd.append("<table width=200><tr>");
                                if (isAlreadyAdded(player, pwhoedit.get(player.getName()), buffAdd)) {
                                    txtAd.append("<td><button value=\"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer add " + pwhoedit.get(player.getName()) + " " + buffAdd + "\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI.CheckBox\" fore=\"L2UI.CheckBox_checked\"></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAdd + "\"><font color=00FF00>" + skName + "</font></a></td><td><font color=C0C0C0>" + skLevel + "</font></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAddd + "\"><font color=FFFF00>Info</font></a></td></tr>");
                                } else {
                                    txtAd.append("<td><button value=\"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer add " + pwhoedit.get(player.getName()) + " " + buffAdd + "\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI.CheckBox_checked\" fore=\"L2UI.CheckBox\"></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAdd + "\"><font color=FF0000>" + skName + "</font></a></td><td><font color=C0C0C0>" + skLevel + "</font></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAddd + "\"><font color=00FFFF>Info</font></a></td></tr>");
                            txtAd.append("<center><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 100\" width=90 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</center>");
                            NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(NPC_BUFF_ID);
                            setCurChat(player.getName(), 5);
                        } else if (BufferHtmlType == "Modern") {
                            StringBuilder txtAd = new StringBuilder();
                            txtAd.append("<html><title>Buffer by povis111 o_O Prophecies</title><body>");
                            for (int buffAdd : Prophecies) {
                                String skName = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buffAdd, 1).getName();
                                int buffAddd = buffAdd + 10000;
                                txtAd.append("<table><tr><td width=32><button action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAdd + "\" width=32 height=32 back=\"icon.skill" + buffAdd + "\" fore=\"icon.skill" + buffAdd + "\"></td><td width=180><table width=230><tr><td>" + skName + "</td></tr><tr><td><font color=ae9977>" + returnSkInfo(buffAddd) + "</font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>");

                            txtAd.append("<br><center><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 2\" width=75 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</center></html></head></body>");
                            NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(NPC_BUFF_ID);
                            setCurChat(player.getName(), 5);
                    } else if (action == 6) {
                        if (BufferHtmlType == "Default") {
                            StringBuilder txtAd = new StringBuilder();
                            txtAd.append("<html><title>Buffer by povis111 o_O Cat/Unicorn</title><body><table width=270><tr><td width=15><button value=\"\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI.CheckBox\" fore=\"L2UI.CheckBox_checked\"></td><td>Name</td><td>Level</td><td>Info</td></tr><center>");
                            for (int buffAdd : CatorUnicorn) {
                                String skName = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buffAdd, 1).getName();
                                int skLevel = SkillTable.getInstance().getMaxLevel(buffAdd);
                                int buffAddd = buffAdd + 10000;
                                txtAd.append("<table width=200><tr>");
                                if (isAlreadyAdded(player, pwhoedit.get(player.getName()), buffAdd)) {
                                    txtAd.append("<td><button value=\"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer add " + pwhoedit.get(player.getName()) + " " + buffAdd + "\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI.CheckBox\" fore=\"L2UI.CheckBox_checked\"></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAdd + "\"><font color=00FF00>" + skName + "</font></a></td><td><font color=C0C0C0>" + skLevel + "</font></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAddd + "\"><font color=FFFF00>Info</font></a></td></tr>");
                                } else {
                                    txtAd.append("<td><button value=\"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer add " + pwhoedit.get(player.getName()) + " " + buffAdd + "\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI.CheckBox_checked\" fore=\"L2UI.CheckBox\"></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAdd + "\"><font color=FF0000>" + skName + "</font></a></td><td><font color=C0C0C0>" + skLevel + "</font></td><td><a action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAddd + "\"><font color=00FFFF>Info</font></a></td></tr>");
                            txtAd.append("<center><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 100\" width=90 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</center>");
                            NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(NPC_BUFF_ID);
                            setCurChat(player.getName(), 6);
                        } else if (BufferHtmlType == "Modern") {
                            StringBuilder txtAd = new StringBuilder();
                            txtAd.append("<html><title>Buffer by povis111 o_O Cat/Unicorn</title><body>");
                            for (int buffAdd : CatorUnicorn) {
                                String skName = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buffAdd, 1).getName();
                                int buffAddd = buffAdd + 10000;
                                int skId = 0;
                                if (buffAdd == 4700 || buffAdd == 4699) {
                                    skId = 1331;
                                } else if (buffAdd == 4702 || buffAdd == 4703) {
                                    skId = 1332;
                                txtAd.append("<table><tr><td width=32><button action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer " + buffAdd + "\" width=32 height=32 back=\"icon.skill" + skId + "\" fore=\"icon.skill" + skId + "\"></td><td width=180><table width=230><tr><td>" + skName + "</td></tr><tr><td><font color=ae9977>" + returnSkInfo(buffAddd) + "</font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>");

                            txtAd.append("<br><center><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest Buffer 2\" width=75 height=21 back=\"sek.cubi304\" fore=\"sek.cubi304\"</center></html></head></body>");
                            NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(NPC_BUFF_ID);
                            setCurChat(player.getName(), 6);
        //код удалил не могу создать тему слишком длинная
        }//else if(id == 1){	return "";	}
        return ("Unknown Info for skill: " + id);

    public int returnChat(String name) {
        if (h.get(name) > 0)
            return h.get(name);

        return 1;

    public void setCurChat(String name, int currChat) {
        h.put(name, currChat);

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        new Buffer(-1, qn, "custom");
Изменено пользователем MrSunrise1992

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if (Util.isDigit(event)) {

удали это условие вообще

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Это скорее всего проверка на то, является ли строка "event" числом, можешь сам реализовать проверку, например так:

public static boolean isDigit(String str)  
    double d = Double.parseDouble(str);  
  catch(NumberFormatException nfe)  
    return false;  
  return true;  

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а тут что можно сделать? else if (fightingPlayerIsAllowedToHealHP == false && AttackStanceTaskManager.getInstance().get(player)) {  ругается тут!!

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а тут что можно сделать? else if (fightingPlayerIsAllowedToHealHP == false && AttackStanceTaskManager.getInstance().get(player)) {  ругается тут!!

 else if (!fightingPlayerIsAllowedToHealHP && player.isInCombat()) {
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 else if (!fightingPlayerIsAllowedToHealHP && player.isInCombat()) {

Спасибо все прекрасно работает!

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