SteveDogs 1081 Опубликовано 23 апреля, 2023 Просмотр файла Invision Community Nulled [4.7.9] Core Added support for Emoji 14. Added a minimum of one day end date to Alerts. Improved the database checker to change member id columns to BIGINT if they are nearing a limit. Improved performance in some situations when posting content. Improved outbound connection speed when connecting to the same host multiple times. Move web app settings to a new controller in the AdminCP. Fixed an issue where moving conversations between folders may move to the wrong folder or fail to move. Fixed an issue where the member_create webhook wouldn't include custom profile field data. Fixed an issue where club settings would be shown on the ACP-Settings-Clubs page even if clubs were disabled. Fixed an issue where "this club" was not set as the default search context when viewing clubs. Fixed an issue where deleting a post from a hidden topic could remove the topic from the activity streams. Fixed an issue where the same emoji may show in the shortcode popup more than once where the name is the same. Fixed an issue where pasting files into the editor may display an unsupported file type notification. Fixed an issue where profanity filters were being applied to account email addresses. Hid ACP statistics blocks for Clubs when Clubs are disabled. Fixed an issue where users could edit comments that were hidden by a moderator. Hid member-menu in ModCP Approval Queue when reviewing content posted by guests. Allow users to reply to alerts even if they have messenger restrictions that would prevent them from doing so. Allow iOS/Safari notifications from Safari 16.4 onwards. Accordion titles on the Notifications settings page now wrap to multiple lines if they're too wide for the browser window. Commerce Increased number of days PayPal Subscriptions are checked for payments. Updated PayPal integration to v2 API where appropriate. Updated PayPal Payout API to latest version. Updated Maxmind integration to latest API, added support for tracking pixel. Fixed an issue where a customer may be charged before accepting the terms and conditions when requiring T&Cs and using Stripe. Fixed an issue where incoming emails containing '-' or '.' may be discard. Fixed an issue where a fatal error is thrown during email processing if the email character set is not supported by current PHP configuration. Deprecated, Braintree and 2Checkout payment gateways. Removed Hosting Reseller support. Pages Added the media URL to the ACP - Media Details sidebar. Added the ability for records to use the publish date field when synchronising with forum topics. Fixed an issue where the Media Preview Image wouldn't be shown on the ACP - Media Details page. Fixed an issue where it was possible to create paths that conflicted with system folders. Fixed an issue where comment counts displayed in the record feed when comments were disabled. Forums Added support for mark solved in clubs. Downloads Removed an unnecessary span tag from the rows template. Added the moderator checkbox to grid view as it was previously missing. Added status badges (pinned, hidden, etc) to the grid view. Padding has been added to grid cells while viewing files in profiles. Gallery Added some customization options to the Overview page. Now, when searching for images via the "Insert other attachment" editor option, searching by album name returns images from that album. Events Added links to subscribe to and download iCal events on the overview page. Fixed an issue where the "All Calendars" dropdown link would load the overview page instead of monthly view. Fixed an issue where the 'Copy Event' link would be shown even if the member had no permission to create new events in the calendar. Fixed an issue where recurring events would time out for some locales and languages. Fixed an issue where venue events may not show on the happening near me map. Converters Added basic support for converting [table] and bbcode from XenForo. Changes affecting third-party developers and designers Added a new constant NOTIFICATION_BACKGROUND_THRESHOLD to determine when to defer sending notifications to background process. Switched from cURL to cURL multi handle for improved connection re-use. GraphQL, REST, Webhooks and Zapier Removed the reference to the ipAddress in the Members REST Endpoint documentation. Fixed an issue where API calls to /core/members/{id}/warnings did not work if a reason was specified. Deprecations and Removal Announcements This release sees the following items deprecated Commerce physical product sales Commerce support desk/support requests Payment Gateways for Braintree, and 2Checkout Добавил SteveDogs Добавлено 04/23/23 Категория Скрипты\движки Автор invision-community Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
SteveDogs 1081 Опубликовано 23 апреля, 2023 Для генерации фейкового онлайна на форуме, используем данный плагин, подходит для всех версий. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты