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  [delete] Deleting directory C:\source\build\classes
[mkdir] Created dir: C:\source\build\classes
[javac] C:\source\build.xml:55: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
[javac] Compiling 77 source files to C:\source\build\classes
[javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.6
[javac] C:\source\commons\src\main\java\l2p\commons\collections\EmptyIterator.java:11: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: Iterator
[javac] 	private static final Iterator INSTANCE = new EmptyIterator();
[javac] 						 ^
[javac]   missing type arguments for generic class Iterator<E>
[javac]   where E is a type-variable:
[javac]	 E extends Object declared in interface Iterator
[javac] C:\source\commons\src\main\java\l2p\commons\collections\EmptyIterator.java:11: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: EmptyIterator
[javac] 	private static final Iterator INSTANCE = new EmptyIterator();
[javac] 												 ^
[javac]   missing type arguments for generic class EmptyIterator<E>
[javac]   where E is a type-variable:
[javac]	 E extends Object declared in class EmptyIterator
[javac] C:\source\commons\src\main\java\l2p\commons\collections\JoinedIterator.java:57: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: Iterator
[javac] 		this(iterators.toArray(new Iterator[iterators.size()]));
[javac] 								   ^
[javac]   missing type arguments for generic class Iterator<E>
[javac]   where E is a type-variable:
[javac]	 E extends Object declared in interface Iterator
[javac] C:\source\commons\src\main\java\l2p\commons\dbcp\BasicDataSource.java:23: error: BasicDataSource is not abstract and does not override abstract method getParentLogger() in CommonDataSource
[javac] public class BasicDataSource implements DataSource
[javac]		^
[javac] C:\source\commons\src\main\java\l2p\commons\net\nio\impl\IClientFactory.java:3: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: MMOClient
[javac] public interface IClientFactory<T extends MMOClient>
[javac]										   ^
[javac]   missing type arguments for generic class MMOClient<T>
[javac]   where T is a type-variable:
[javac]	 T extends MMOConnection declared in class MMOClient
[javac] C:\source\commons\src\main\java\l2p\commons\net\nio\impl\MMOClient.java:5: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: MMOConnection
[javac] public abstract class MMOClient<T extends MMOConnection>
[javac]										   ^
[javac]   missing type arguments for generic class MMOConnection<T>
[javac]   where T is a type-variable:
[javac]	 T extends MMOClient declared in class MMOConnection
[javac] C:\source\commons\src\main\java\l2p\commons\net\nio\impl\MMOConnection.java:15: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: MMOClient
[javac] public class MMOConnection<T extends MMOClient>
[javac]									  ^
[javac]   missing type arguments for generic class MMOClient<T>
[javac]   where T is a type-variable:
[javac]	 T extends MMOConnection declared in class MMOClient
[javac] C:\source\commons\src\main\java\l2p\commons\net\nio\impl\SelectorThread.java:24: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: MMOClient
[javac] public class SelectorThread<T extends MMOClient> extends Thread
[javac]									   ^
[javac]   missing type arguments for generic class MMOClient<T>
[javac]   where T is a type-variable:
[javac]	 T extends MMOConnection declared in class MMOClient
[javac] C:\source\commons\src\main\java\l2p\commons\net\nio\impl\SelectorThread.java:51: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: SelectorThread
[javac] 	private static final List<SelectorThread> ALL_SELECTORS = new ArrayList<SelectorThread>();
[javac] 							  ^
[javac]   missing type arguments for generic class SelectorThread<T>
[javac]   where T is a type-variable:
[javac]	 T extends MMOClient declared in class SelectorThread
[javac] C:\source\commons\src\main\java\l2p\commons\net\nio\impl\SelectorThread.java:51: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: SelectorThread
[javac] 	private static final List<SelectorThread> ALL_SELECTORS = new ArrayList<SelectorThread>();
[javac] 																			^
[javac]   missing type arguments for generic class SelectorThread<T>
[javac]   where T is a type-variable:
[javac]	 T extends MMOClient declared in class SelectorThread
[javac] C:\source\commons\src\main\java\l2p\commons\net\nio\impl\SendablePacket.java:5: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: MMOClient
[javac] public abstract class SendablePacket<T extends MMOClient> extends l2p.commons.net.nio.SendablePacket<T>
[javac]												^
[javac]   missing type arguments for generic class MMOClient<T>
[javac]   where T is a type-variable:
[javac]	 T extends MMOConnection declared in class MMOClient
[javac] C:\source\commons\src\main\java\l2p\commons\net\nio\impl\ReceivablePacket.java:5: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: MMOClient
[javac] public abstract class ReceivablePacket<T extends MMOClient> extends l2p.commons.net.nio.ReceivablePacket<T>
[javac]												  ^
[javac]   missing type arguments for generic class MMOClient<T>
[javac]   where T is a type-variable:
[javac]	 T extends MMOConnection declared in class MMOClient
[javac] C:\source\commons\src\main\java\l2p\commons\net\nio\impl\IPacketHandler.java:5: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: MMOClient
[javac] public interface IPacketHandler<T extends MMOClient>
[javac]										   ^
[javac]   missing type arguments for generic class MMOClient<T>
[javac]   where T is a type-variable:
[javac]	 T extends MMOConnection declared in class MMOClient
[javac] C:\source\commons\src\main\java\l2p\commons\net\nio\impl\IMMOExecutor.java:4: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: MMOClient
[javac] public interface IMMOExecutor<T extends MMOClient>
[javac]										 ^
[javac]   missing type arguments for generic class MMOClient<T>
[javac]   where T is a type-variable:
[javac]	 T extends MMOConnection declared in class MMOClient
[javac] C:\source\commons\src\main\java\l2p\commons\net\nio\impl\MMOExecutableQueue.java:9: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: MMOClient
[javac] public class MMOExecutableQueue<T extends MMOClient> implements Queue<ReceivablePacket<T>>, Runnable
[javac]										   ^
[javac]   missing type arguments for generic class MMOClient<T>
[javac]   where T is a type-variable:
[javac]	 T extends MMOConnection declared in class MMOClient
[javac] C:\source\commons\src\main\java\l2p\commons\util\TroveUtils.java:22: warning: [serial] serializable class TIntObjectHashMapEmpty has no definition of serialVersionUID
[javac] 	private static class TIntObjectHashMapEmpty<V> extends TIntObjectHashMap<V>
[javac] 				   ^
[javac] C:\source\commons\src\main\java\l2p\commons\util\TroveUtils.java:42: warning: [serial] serializable class TIntArrayListEmpty has no definition of serialVersionUID
[javac] 	private static class TIntArrayListEmpty extends TIntArrayList
[javac] 				   ^
[javac] 1 error
[javac] 17 warnings

C:\source\build.xml:55: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

Total time: 3 seconds

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