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aCis 368 Build, Source, Diff


1 изображение

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Changeset 368 (712)


Chamberlain Manor's Certificates feature, Cleanup Config, Login, MMOCore, Instance rename && reorganization part II, Logging rework, Misc


Chamberlain Manor's Certificates
- Implement a missing castle chamberlain feature, the possibility to buy Manor's Certificates. HTMs and behavior is OFF-like.
- Added "//reset_certificates castleName" admincommand. Integrate it on the castle panel (had to reorganize it a little).


Cleanup Config
- Drop DATABASE_MAX_IDLE_TIME time (set to 0 by default).
- Re-order login/server .properties
- Drop ACCEPT_ALTERNATE_ID / REQUEST_ID from login on Config.java (weren't existing on .properties, not used by login)


- Drop external/internal hostnames system ; only one hostname is allowed.
- LoginServerThread cleanup :
- Drop _waitingClients (synchronized, check logic already handled by the other CHMap).
- Drop some variables (7 were calling Config), some unused methods. Some rename are made.
- Move some of the security check logic here and there to make it cleaner.
- ServerStatus content is reorganized in both LS and GS sides. Addition of age limit / pvp server tags.
- FloodProtectedListener connections are registered on a ConcurrentHashMap.
- Creation of ServerData class (was part of ServerList packet). Cleanup of ServerList for easier proxy handler implementation.
- Creation of GameServerInfo class (was part of GameServerTable).


- Avoid to crash on packet read buffer underflow (client connection is dropped instead).
- Tweak MMOCore values to process packets x4 faster (5k packets = from 16s to 4s).


Instance rename && reorganization part II
- L2Object is renamed WorldObject.
- Character (previously L2Character) is renamed Creature due to class already defined on JDK (and making imports complicated).
- AI models are renamed to fit with new naming convention (PlayerAI, PlayableAI, CreatureAI, etc).
- The package gameserver.ai is now moved on gameserver.model.actor.ai (best location). ai.model is renamed ai.type (because gameserver.model.actor.ai.model was redundant).
- Templates, Stat && Status models are renamed to fit with new naming convention.


Logging rework
- log.cfg is renamed logging.properties.
- Drop 'audit' layer && associated IllegalPlayerAction system (all punishements are deleted, DefaultPunish && DefaultPunishParam configs are dropped). Reason : that's the point you write integrity checks.
- Drop GMAudit, uses the default formatter/handler/filter (all GMs are written on the same file).
- Whole logging system is moved into commons. Create 'filter', 'formatter' && 'handler' packages on log. Rename package 'log' to 'logging'.
- All handlers got a limit and a count to avoid to flood server with logs. The log limit is set to 1mo instead of 500ko. The count is setted to 5 files.
- All logs are now moved in their own folders (those folders are created by default).
- Logs name pattern has been edited (typeName_count.txt), the extension is now .txt.
- All formatters are based on same writting style.


- Merge math methods from Util with MathUtil. Delete Util.
- banned_ip.cfg is renamed banned_ips.properties.
- FloodProtectors class is moved from gameserver.util to gameserver.network.
- Addition of SysUtil, holding system related methods.
- L2Bookmark > Bookmark + basic cleanup of BookmarkTable.
- Minor cleanup of GameServer and L2LoginServer (don't keep references when not needed, drop of "L2" > LoginServer).
- MinionList cleanup, replace the CopyOnWriteArrayList (poor performance).
- Minor cleanup of RaidBoss (drop a double isMovementDisabled() check).
- Fix a typo error on query prior to sieges rework, ty HaddWik for report. Minor Siege class cleanup.
- SevenSigns minor cleanup (drop 3 redundant static variables and one method).
- Slight cleanup of RecipeShopSellList packet (avoid .get on a for loop).
- villagemaster/30594.htm edit.


PS: if you got better log writting style, I would eventually integrate it.
PS2: build.xml is edited, some .properties are edited.

Что нового в версии 08/12/17 05:35   Просмотр изменений


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