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Весь контент emporial101

  1. emporial101

    [Problem] With New Skill

    Hello i create skill for sets and when equip set dont see . <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <list> <skill id="32002" levels="1" name="God Armor"> <!-- Confirmed CT2.5 --> <set name="magicLvl" val="85" /> <set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE" /> <set name="skillType" val="BUFF" /> <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF" /> <for> <add order="0x10" stat="STR" val="3" /> <!-- STR +3 --> <sub order="0x10" stat="CON" val="2" /> <!-- CON -2 --> <mul order="0x30" stat="pAtk" val="1.0659" /> <!-- P. Atk. +6.59% --> <add order="0x40" stat="rCrit" val="12.74" /> <!-- Critical rate +12.74 --> <sub order="0x40" stat="bleedVuln" val="50" /> <!-- Resistance to bleed attacks +50% --> <sub order="0x40" stat="rootVuln" val="50" /> <!-- Resistance to hold attacks +50% --> <sub order="0x40" stat="sleepVuln" val="50" /> <!-- Resistance to sleep attacks +50% --> <mul order="0x30" stat="magicDamVul" val="0.98" /> <!-- Resistance to damage magic +2% --> <add order="0x40" stat="maxHp" val="550" /> <!-- Max. HP +550 --> <add order="0x40" stat="fireRes" val="5" /> <!-- Resistance to fire attributes +5 --> <add order="0x40" stat="waterRes" val="5" /> <!-- Resistance to water attributes +5 --> <add order="0x40" stat="windRes" val="5" /> <!-- Resistance to wind attributes +5 --> <add order="0x40" stat="earthRes" val="5" /> <!-- Resistance to earth attributes +5 --> <add order="0x40" stat="absorbDam" val="3" /> <!-- Steal opponent's HP on attack --> <add order="0x10" stat="cloak" val="1" /> <!-- Opens cloak slot --> </for> </skill> and when equip armor dont see .
  2. emporial101

    [Help] ]Stats

    Hello i today working on stats and have problem set right or only 50+ hp or p.def What must write to stats when i want to armor set only 50+ hp . Thanks
  3. emporial101

    [Help] ]Cloak S

    Yes i looking and find it and thanks
  4. emporial101

    [Help] ]Cloak S

    Im using l2jfree and have problem wearing cloaks your set not in complete. What must write to xml ? Rhx
  5. emporial101

    [Help] Any God Files

    Hello any new gods l2j project with valiance or Epeisodion Thanks
  6. emporial101

    [Wanted] Utx Viewer

    i meaned l2j icon viewer
  7. emporial101

    [Wanted] Utx Viewer

    hello i wanted utx viewer on lineage 2 thanks
  8. emporial101

    Game Server Problem

    idk what must reapir
  9. emporial101

    Need Help 2 Server On 1 Pc

    i have all install and only have problem with conect i change ports and not work
  10. emporial101

    Need Help 2 Server On 1 Pc

    hello wanted help i want run 2 server on 1 pc its can or no idk . change port and now cant connect on server wtf thanks for help
  11. emporial101

    Lindvior Pack

    free or payed ?
  12. emporial101

    Lindvior Pack

    Hello any good free pack or pay with much things fixed ? thanks for info
  13. Hello i looking for lindvior server pack what in english and its free . Can get ? thanks
  14. emporial101


    I can use okay thanks
  15. emporial101


    can use source from other project i really make good lindvior server .
  16. emporial101


    I want make publick lindvior server and want ask its good idea i want fix things repiar quest translate + update ?
  17. Hello where find system + file edit on l2 lindvior
  18. emporial101

    [Need] Webdesign Dle 9.2

    wedos.cz have idk work ioncube
  19. How add to server im no much skilled
  20. How make this effect in server ??
  21. emporial101

    [Need] Webdesign Dle 9.2

    Hello Any here good dle design i wanted and not much .. On webhosting cant install sw13.. Thx
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