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  • Allex

  1. neophyte


    Be a cool guy Share the source too
  2. How strong CPU need To load up Geodata on Glorydays? is dualcore 3ghz enough or need quad core? on 2,4ghz dualcore is 50/50
  3. @@AwakenDev you mean Lineage2 The epic tales of aden with ertheia race kor client?
  4. @@AwakenDev excuse me are you will updae your server packet to epeisodion? i saw your screen shoot,and your tallk with Gaikotsu
  5. @@fani 4th class quest is like 5 mins and dualclass quest is like 10-15mins @@lutino thankyou
  6. use google my friend and dual class is working too
  7. lol dude you havent even awaken your 4th class thats why as you say you have hi5 skills :DDDDD
  8. @@AwakenDev why did you stop working on your previous pack? and started work on diferent source pack? i dont get it
  9. neophyte

    Glory Days To Livindor?

    I dident understand this very well i just so far edited GamePacketHandler.java i can login in and make char and then my char is grey color and its imposible to cant start the game
  10. neophyte

    Glory Days To Livindor?

    hello i have question how can i make my glory days server support lindvior client? because i wana realy move to lidvior finaly
  11. AllianceCrest.java needs to rework because it give errors when add,Good luck with your pack you will need to do so much to get it stable.
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