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antibot.php старая <----- указал же
Очень просто и легко объясняется 22_22 сектор карты битый, либо не существует. Проверь клиент. ShadowProjector 22_22.ShadowProjector2015
<skill id="9008" levels="1" name="Custom Mana Potion"> <set name="itemConsumeId" val="728" /> <set name="itemConsumeCount" val="1" /> <set name="isPotion" val="true" /> <set name="magicLvl" val="1" /> <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE" /> <set name="power" val="100" /> <set name="skillType" val="MANAHEAL" /> <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF" /> </skill> item id 728 (1)
В самом бат файле армора. 2 Вариант в базе армор
- 4 ответа
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item.canBeEnchanted() <-------------!!!!!!!!!!! Вроде бы заточка and item.isAugmented() <------------------ проверка на аргумент and item.getAugmentation().getAugmentSkill() != None <<<<<<<<----------------Проверка на скил в аргументе and itemType == 0 <---------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! вид итема возможно надо так and not itemType == 0 или убрать and not item.isEquipped(): <------------ если не надет В виде java Правда Лож if ( item.canBeEnchanted() && item.isAugmented() && ( item.getAugmentation().getAugmentSkill() != null ) && (itemType == 0) && ! item.isEquipped()) { augment = item.getAugmentation().getAugmentSkill() augment,level = str(augment.getId()),str(augment.getLevel()) augment = self.getAugmentSkill(int(augment), int(level)) ........................... }
antibot.php старая <?php header ("Content-type: image/jpeg"); session_start(); $im = imagecreate (60,21) or die ("You must activate GD library on your web server"); $black = imagecolorallocate ($im, 0, 0, 0); $white = imagecolorallocate ($im, 255, 255, 255); $grey = imagecolorallocate ($im, 128, 128, 128); for ($i=0;$i<30;$i++) { $color = imagecolorallocate ($im, rand(0,128), rand(0,128), rand(0,128)); imageline($im, rand(0,60), rand(0,21), rand(0,60), rand(0,21), $color); imageellipse($im, rand(0,60), rand(0,21), rand(0,60), rand(0,21), $color); } function gen_img_cle($num = 5) { $key = ''; $chaine = "A1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8X9KMN"; for ($i=0;$i<$num;$i++) $key.= $chaine[rand()%strlen($chaine)]; return $key; } $code = gen_img_cle(); $_SESSION['seccode'] = $code; for($i=0;$i<strlen($code);$i++) $key[$i] = substr($code, $i, 1); $i = 5; foreach ($key as $value) { $color = imagecolorallocate ($im, rand(128,255), rand(128,255), rand(128,255)); $font = 'arial.ttf'; imagestring ($im, 5, $i, 3, $value, $color); $i += 10; } imagejpeg($im, null, 60); ?>
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あ か さ た な は ま や ら わ い き し ち に ひ み り う く す つ ぬ ふ む ゆ る を え け せ て ね へ め れ お こ そ と の ほ も よ ろ ん
ちとんわひ на 1 символ ошибся так что извини
http://forummaxi.ru/topic/66902-мирная-зона-на-l2jlovely/ <<<----- тока у тебя наоборот идет
/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package *.gameserver.instancemanager; import java.io.File; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.Collection; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javolution.util.FastList; import javolution.util.FastMap; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import *.Config; import *.L2DatabaseFactory; import *.gameserver.model.L2World; import *.gameserver.model.L2WorldRegion; import *.gameserver.model.actor.L2Character; import *.gameserver.model.zone.L2ZoneForm; import *.gameserver.model.zone.L2ZoneType; import *.gameserver.model.zone.form.ZoneCuboid; import *.gameserver.model.zone.form.ZoneCylinder; import *.gameserver.model.zone.form.ZoneNPoly; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2ArenaZone; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2BigheadZone; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2BossZone; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2CastleTeleportZone; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2CastleZone; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2ClanHallZone; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2DamageZone; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2DerbyTrackZone; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2FishingZone; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2FortZone; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2HellBoundZone; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2JailZone; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2LandingZone; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2MotherTreeZone; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2NoHqZone; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2NoLandingZone; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2NoStoreZone; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2OlympiadStadiumZone; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2PaganZone; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2PeaceZone; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2PoisonZone; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2ScriptZone; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2SwampZone; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2TownZone; import *.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2WaterZone; /** * This class manages the augmentation data and can also create new augmentations. * * @author durgus */ public class ZoneManager { private final static Log _log = LogFactory.getLog(ZoneManager.class); private final FastMap<Integer, L2ZoneType> _zones = new FastMap<Integer, L2ZoneType>(); public static final ZoneManager getInstance() { return SingletonHolder._instance; } // ========================================================= // Data Field // ========================================================= // Constructor private ZoneManager() { load(); } public void reload() { // int zoneCount = 0; // Get the world regions int count = 0; L2WorldRegion[][] worldRegions = L2World.getInstance().getAllWorldRegions(); for (int x = 0; x < worldRegions.length; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < worldRegions[x].length; y++) { worldRegions[x][y].clearZones(); count++; } } GrandBossManager.getInstance().getZones().clear(); _log.info("Removed zones in " + count + " regions."); load(); } // ========================================================= // Method - Private @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private final void load() { _log.info("Loading zones..."); Connection con = null; int zoneCount = 0; _zones.clear(); // Get the world regions L2WorldRegion[][] worldRegions = L2World.getInstance().getAllWorldRegions(); try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setValidating(false); factory.setIgnoringComments(true); File file = new File(Config.DATAPACK_ROOT + "/data/zones/zone.xml"); if (!file.exists()) { if (Config.DEBUG) _log.info("The zone.xml file is missing."); return; } Document doc = factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(file); FastList[][] regZones = new FastList[worldRegions.length][]; for (Node n = doc.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling()) { if ("list".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName())) { for (Node d = n.getFirstChild(); d != null; d = d.getNextSibling()) { if ("zone".equalsIgnoreCase(d.getNodeName())) { NamedNodeMap attrs = d.getAttributes(); int zoneId = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getNamedItem("id").getNodeValue()); int minZ = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getNamedItem("minZ").getNodeValue()); int maxZ = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getNamedItem("maxZ").getNodeValue()); String zoneType = attrs.getNamedItem("type").getNodeValue(); String zoneShape = attrs.getNamedItem("shape").getNodeValue(); // Create the zone L2ZoneType temp = null; if (zoneType.equals("FishingZone")) temp = new L2FishingZone(zoneId); else if (zoneType.equals("ClanHallZone")) temp = new L2ClanHallZone(zoneId); else if (zoneType.equals("PeaceZone")) temp = new L2PeaceZone(zoneId); else if (zoneType.equals("Town")) temp = new L2TownZone(zoneId); else if (zoneType.equals("OlympiadStadium")) temp = new L2OlympiadStadiumZone(zoneId); else if (zoneType.equals("CastleZone")) temp = new L2CastleZone(zoneId); else if (zoneType.equals("CastleTeleportZone")) temp = new L2CastleTeleportZone(zoneId); else if (zoneType.equals("FortZone")) temp = new L2FortZone(zoneId); else if (zoneType.equals("DamageZone")) temp = new L2DamageZone(zoneId); else if (zoneType.equals("PoisonZone")) temp = new L2PoisonZone(zoneId); else if (zoneType.equals("SwampZone")) temp = new L2SwampZone(zoneId); else if (zoneType.equals("Arena")) temp = new L2ArenaZone(zoneId); else if (zoneType.equals("MotherTree")) temp = new L2MotherTreeZone(zoneId); else if (zoneType.equals("BigheadZone")) temp = new L2BigheadZone(zoneId); else if (zoneType.equals("LandingZone")) temp = new L2LandingZone(zoneId); else if (zoneType.equals("NoLandingZone")) temp = new L2NoLandingZone(zoneId); else if (zoneType.equals("JailZone")) temp = new L2JailZone(zoneId); else if (zoneType.equals("DerbyTrackZone")) temp = new L2DerbyTrackZone(zoneId); else if (zoneType.equals("BossZone")) temp = new L2BossZone(zoneId); else if (zoneType.equals("WaterZone")) temp = new L2WaterZone(zoneId); else if (zoneType.equals("NoStoreZone")) temp = new L2NoStoreZone(zoneId); else if (zoneType.equals("PaganZone")) temp = new L2PaganZone(zoneId); else if (zoneType.equals("NoHqZone")) temp = new L2NoHqZone(zoneId); else if (zoneType.equals("HellBoundZone")) temp = new L2HellBoundZone(zoneId); else if (zoneType.equals("ScriptZone")) temp = new L2ScriptZone(zoneId); // Check for unknown type if (temp == null) { _log.warn("ZoneData: No such zone type: " + zoneType); continue; } // Get the zone shape from sql try { PreparedStatement statement = null; // Set the correct query statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT x,y FROM zone_vertices WHERE id=? ORDER BY 'order' ASC "); statement.setInt(1, zoneId); ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery(); // Create this zone. Parsing for cuboids is a // bit different than for other polygons // cuboids need exactly 2 points to be defined. // Other polygons need at least 3 (one per // vertex) if (zoneShape.equalsIgnoreCase("Cuboid")) { int[] x = { 0, 0 }; int[] y = { 0, 0 }; boolean successfulLoad = true; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (rset.next()) { x = rset.getInt("x"); y = rset.getInt("y"); } else { _log.warn("ZoneData: Missing cuboid vertex in sql data for zone: " + zoneId); rset.close(); statement.close(); successfulLoad = false; break; } } if (successfulLoad) temp.setZone(new ZoneCuboid(x[0], x[1], y[0], y[1], minZ, maxZ)); else continue; } else if (zoneShape.equalsIgnoreCase("NPoly")) { FastList<Integer> fl_x = new FastList<Integer>(), fl_y = new FastList<Integer>(); while (rset.next()) { fl_x.add(rset.getInt("x")); fl_y.add(rset.getInt("y")); } // An nPoly needs to have at least 3 // vertices if ((fl_x.size() == fl_y.size()) && (fl_x.size() > 2)) { // Create arrays int[] aX = new int[fl_x.size()]; int[] aY = new int[fl_y.size()]; // This runs only at server startup so // don't complain :> for (int i = 0; i < fl_x.size(); i++) { aX = fl_x.get(i); aY = fl_y.get(i); } // Create the zone temp.setZone(new ZoneNPoly(aX, aY, minZ, maxZ)); } else { _log.warn("ZoneData: Bad sql data for zone: " + zoneId); rset.close(); statement.close(); continue; } } else if (zoneShape.equalsIgnoreCase("Cylinder")) { // A Cylinder zone requires a center point // at x,y and a radius int zoneRad = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getNamedItem("rad").getNodeValue()); if (rset.next() && zoneRad > 0) { int zoneX = rset.getInt("x"); int zoneY = rset.getInt("y"); // create the zone temp.setZone(new ZoneCylinder(zoneX, zoneY, minZ, maxZ, zoneRad)); } else { _log.warn("ZoneData: Bad sql data for zone: " + zoneId); rset.close(); statement.close(); continue; } } else { _log.warn("ZoneData: Unknown shape: " + zoneShape); rset.close(); statement.close(); continue; } rset.close(); statement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.warn("ZoneData: Failed to load zone coordinates: " + e); } // Check for additional parameters for (Node cd = d.getFirstChild(); cd != null; cd = cd.getNextSibling()) { if ("stat".equalsIgnoreCase(cd.getNodeName())) { attrs = cd.getAttributes(); String name = attrs.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue(); String val = attrs.getNamedItem("val").getNodeValue(); temp.setParameter(name, val); } } addZone(zoneId, temp); L2ZoneForm form = temp.getZone(); // Register the zone into any world region it // intersects with... // currently 11136 test for each zone :> int ax, ay, bx, by; for (int x = 0; x < worldRegions.length; x++) { if (regZones[x] == null) regZones[x] = new FastList[worldRegions[x].length]; for (int y = 0; y < worldRegions[x].length; y++) { ax = (x - L2World.OFFSET_X) << L2World.SHIFT_BY; bx = ((x + 1) - L2World.OFFSET_X) << L2World.SHIFT_BY; ay = (y - L2World.OFFSET_Y) << L2World.SHIFT_BY; by = ((y + 1) - L2World.OFFSET_Y) << L2World.SHIFT_BY; if (form.intersectsRectangle(ax, bx, ay, by)) { if (Config.DEBUG) { _log.info("Zone (" + zoneId + ") added to: " + x + " " + y); } if (regZones[x][y] == null) regZones[x][y] = new FastList<L2ZoneType>(); regZones[x][y].add(temp); } } } // Special managers for granbosses... if (temp instanceof L2BossZone) GrandBossManager.getInstance().addZone((L2BossZone) temp); // Increase the counter zoneCount++; } } } } for (int x = 0; x < worldRegions.length; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < worldRegions[x].length; y++) { if (regZones[x][y] != null) worldRegions[x][y].setZones(regZones[x][y]); } } } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Error while loading zones.", e); return; } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } _log.info("ZoneManager: Loaded: " + zoneCount + " zones."); } /** * Add new zone * * @param zone */ public void addZone(Integer id, L2ZoneType zone) { _zones.put(id, zone); } /** * Returns all zones registered with the ZoneManager. To minimise iteration processing retrieve zones from L2WorldRegion for a specific location instead. * * @return zones */ public Collection<L2ZoneType> getAllZones() { return _zones.values(); } public L2ZoneType getZoneById(int id) { return _zones.get(id); } /** * Returns all zones from given coordinates (plane) * * @param x * @param y * @return zones */ public FastList<L2ZoneType> getZones(int x, int y) { L2WorldRegion region = L2World.getInstance().getRegion(x, y); FastList<L2ZoneType> temp = new FastList<L2ZoneType>(); for (L2ZoneType zone : region.getZones()) { if (zone.isInsideZone(x, y)) temp.add(zone); } return temp; } /** * Returns all zones from given coordinates * * @param x * @param y * @param z * @return zones */ public FastList<L2ZoneType> getZones(int x, int y, int z) { L2WorldRegion region = L2World.getInstance().getRegion(x, y); FastList<L2ZoneType> temp = new FastList<L2ZoneType>(); for (L2ZoneType zone : region.getZones()) { if (zone.isInsideZone(x, y, z)) temp.add(zone); } return temp; } public final L2ArenaZone getArena(L2Character character) { for (L2ZoneType temp : ZoneManager.getInstance().getZones(character.getX(), character.getY(), character.getZ())) { if (temp instanceof L2ArenaZone && temp.isCharacterInZone(character)) return ((L2ArenaZone) temp); } return null; } public final L2OlympiadStadiumZone getOlympiadStadium(L2Character character) { for (L2ZoneType temp : ZoneManager.getInstance().getZones(character.getX(), character.getY(), character.getZ())) { if (temp instanceof L2OlympiadStadiumZone && temp.isCharacterInZone(character)) return ((L2OlympiadStadiumZone) temp); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access") private static class SingletonHolder { protected static final ZoneManager _instance = new ZoneManager(); } } Это у меня а ты у себя в ядре глянь
Можешь дать ядро серва посмотреть через скайп
zone_vertices таблица у тебя есть а? и data\zones \ папка есть а?
Вот что я узнал может поможет class wild_giant_strider extends LineagePawn Config(User); defaultproperties { GroundMaxSpeed=60.00 GroundMinSpeed=60.00 ControllerClass=Class'LineageMonster.HerdMonster' CollisionRadius=32.00 CollisionHeight=44.20 }
//================================================================================ // strider. //================================================================================ class strider extends LineagePawn Config(User); defaultproperties { GroundMaxSpeed=180.00 GroundMinSpeed=120.00 GroundSpeed=120.00 WalkingPct=0.40 ControllerClass=Class'HerdMonster' bNeedSetPawnResource=False Mesh=SkeletalMesh'LineageMonsters.strider_m00' CollisionRadius=23.00 CollisionHeight=31.00 }Вот класс страйдера Клиенская часть
class wyvern extends LineagePawn Config(User); defaultproperties { GroundMaxSpeed=70.00 GroundMinSpeed=70.00 GroundSpeed=70.00 AirSpeed=400.00 JumpZ=100.00 WalkingPct=0.40 EyeHeight=0.00 bNeedSetPawnResource=False Mesh=SkeletalMesh'LineageMonsters.wyvern_m00' CollisionRadius=60.00 CollisionHeight=80.00 Buoyancy=50.00 RotationRate=(Pitch=8192,Yaw=4096,Roll=6000), RotationLimit=(Pitch=8192,Yaw=65535,Roll=12000), } Из LineageMonster.u Если над другова пета выташу
Ну это я не могу сказать что не так Извеняй
Вообще то я тебе попробовал помочь. Я тоже могу не все знать. Как и ты также. Разная сборка по разному ведет себя . Да и интерлюд клиентов, и System сток разных, и по разному ведут себя.Я под свой сервер (из 6 ток 1 подошла )
http://l2maxi.ru/java/addons/4621-interlude-mountain-lion-pet.html Вот скачай, и проверь. Не мое.
l2j. папка: там виды сборок . Для гейм запросов INSERT INTO `accounts` (`login`,`password`,`accessLevel`,`l2email`) VALUES ('{login}','{pass}','0','{l2email}')",
Это не мой мануал это 1 человека на сайте
Клиентская сторона: LineageMonster.u <<-- класс для определение, и обработки не стандартных HPC как петы рб и т.д npcname-e.dat <<--русский патч ников титулов npcname-ru.dat <<-- англ патч ников титулов npcname-kz.dat <<-- киргиский патч ников титулов Смотря какой есть npcgrp.dat <<-- Его модель с текстурами и вид + состояние Эти файлы + текстура от пета. Отвечают - ли будет он ездовым . Удачи в деле