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  1. [English] Nice...can you make "mini dusk sword" ? Thanks for this share
  2. [English] Hello,sorry if this isn't the correct area to post something like that,but i can't start a topic in many sections from forum. I need help to fix (include) some textures in .UTX and from .UTX to armorgrp.dat I've downloaded some files from an armor and it is in .DDS extension,i've tried to make .utx files using UT2004 but without success,if anyone can help me,will let link below from .DDS I'm using INTERLUDE client NOTE: File credits: CriticalError Link to download file (.DDS) https://yadi.sk/d/1HlceaKRdsbWE Thanks in advance.
  3. Sure i know that doesn't exist,but i think this one,improvised or not,is better than a antharas modded glow Just for me,or antharas FIST and antharas avenger (axe) both of them i mean the glow of them,they are only BLUE ? misses other colors,maybe pink/purple/red on the glow I'll see your PM,and reply you soon,thanks. -------------------- Edit: THANK YOU ASKY They are fully working now,it was missing some textures that i told you above, "luci..._00" My only problem now,is the FIST...glow are outside from weapon,i'll try to fix it by changing some values at junkA1,junkA2,junkA3...etc i'll make feedback soon as possible.
  4. Thanks for your attention,i'm trying here,but without success until now. I'll try to fix my pole,blunt and fist --- I've found "original" Lindvior FISTS (tyrant),anyone know how to WORK on it to remove the name from weapon ? See below
  5. [EN] Well...finally...i've downloaded some jokersss files "lindweapfinal" found on forum... Still having trouble with: Lindvior Fighter (FIST - tyrant) Lindvior (antharas weapon) Stormer (spear/polearm) And now i found Lindvior Hammer (BLUNT 1 HAND FIGHTER,small than Caster) (Have Effects but,the effects don't "evolve" all weapon,i think its v1 files) I'll post some screens Screens below: Already tried to change staticmeshes with "justbringit" but fail. Have trouble only with these 3 weapons above at images,anyone have ideia how to fix it ? -------------- Weapon.grp from "lindweapfinal" works fine as dream,don't need to change anything like junkA1,junkA2. Thanks guys
  6. Glow still in wrong way,if is not so much abuse,can you post an "pack" that all weapons are done right ? I'm not trying to be disrespectful or rude,what i mean is all working as well in 1 file (sorry) In your weapon.grp have many weapons from lucifer,"avangard" i already downloaded his files here in forum and these files don't exist at his "pack" ------------------------------ I'm already done by my self (i mean do it work properly here) Lindvior Thrower (bow) (Fully working,drop texture,drop icon when it is dragged off to the ground,weapon.grp,itemname.grp) Lindvior Slasher (2 hand sword - Titan SWORD) (Fully working,drop texture,drop icon when it is dragged off to the ground,weapon.grp,itemname.grp) Lindvior Cutter (1 hand sword - fighter) (Fully working,drop texture,drop icon when it is dragged off to the ground,weapon.grp,itemname.grp) Lindvior Shaper (dagger) (Fully working,drop texture,drop icon when it is dragged off to the ground,weapon.grp,itemname.grp) Lindvior Caster (1 hand blunt - mage weapon ?) (Fully working,drop texture,drop icon when it is dragged off to the ground,weapon.grp,itemname.grp) Lindvior (antharas) Avenger (1 hand blunt - i think is best for fighter,dwarfs) (At this one,i fail at drop texture,he have drop texture from CASTER (so bad) and drop icon,don't have both working,weapong.grp and itemname.grp done) I unsuccessful doing Lindvior Fighter (FISTS - Tyrant) and Lindvior (antharas) Stormer (spear,polearm) work as well And now after post it,will try to do DUAL swords,its "only" repeat CUTTER And yes,i using interlude client ;p ------------- Edit: LOL my dual sword which as just "copy paste" from cutter,shows me a giant grey ball ¬¬
  7. After 6h~7h +++ trying to fix my weapon.grp,it isn't done yet Many junkA1,2,3 doesn't match so i need to add "00" to each line and repeat for all weapons,when it is done,my itemname is broken,when i fix itemname,my weapon texture in game is (censored) i'm almost done with this lol Can any1,a good soul,send me an weapon.grp fully working ? ------------- NOTE: 4 POSTS in sequence,coz i can't EDIT my others post to avoid this "flood" Sorry for this.
  8. [EN] 3 posts in sequence...sorry,but can't edit others anymore (maybe will have more if no1 post after me saying something,i'll continue doing feedback) is not an attempt to flood Sad to see that we can't have an lindvior blunt weapon for fighters different from an magic blunt,or a magic staff,same for spear,that need to use ANTHARAS spear modded In lindvior weapons we see an "dragon" in each weapon,but for antharas modded weapons have just "antharas eye" from normal antharas weapon Glow at STORMER (antharas spear) still in wrong way at 'justbrinit" files How to turn it to right place ? ​
  9. [EN] Any1 already have tried to DROP an WEAPON? They have no texture on the ground...missing Englne.u file I've downloaded both files,"Justbringit.rar" and " LindviorOriginalweapons+fiks.rar" and they don't have this file. Note: At weapon.grp already have "droptex1" set to Englne.lind_XXXWEAPON XXXWEAPON,mean any weapon of this set. Ex: For lindvior thrower droptex1 = Englne.lind_thrower_t00 ---------- Note: When they go to the ground,texture seems only grey
  10. [EN] Well...i'm in trouble...after done BOW,CASTER and CUTTER lindvior weapons,i stuck at SLASHER... Slasher shows to me like a giant ball on character or giant grey "block" at weapon,weapon.grp seems wrong to me Anyone can tell me which one of 2 files is the correct one ? "Justbringit.rar" or " LindviorOriginalweapons+fiks.rar" Thanks in advance
  11. I tryin' to make they work here haha Ofc they work,not for me,not yet ----------- magic blunt done ;p
  12. Ok,thanks,but this still not my native language T_T (i need to learn how to write it correct,so...) Fixed lindvior bow...just other weapons now lol
  13. There's no problem in write in english ? ROFL
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