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Весь контент Rsk

  1. В ядре NpcInfo можно установить свечение или вывести в конфиг, но будет показывать у всех NPC. Можно конечно заморочиться для каждого отдельно но зачем оно нужно...
  2. Rsk

    [C4] l2jlisvus rev.507

    Версия 507

    160 раз скачали

    ƒл¤ запуска требуетс¤ Java 1.7 Fixed Atk Speed exploits. Thanks Karakan & Odoir. Fixed Baium strange behaviour. Stuck-Sub implementation and general changes. For more details, check forum. Check forum for details. Continuing previous revision. Admin features reworked. Details will be posted soon. Fixed library problem for previous revision. Thanks Pret for reporting. - Corrected GM teleportation to Core. - Equipped items should not be sold (there is no bug though). - Added few Admin Shop comforts. GM Shop html window will pop up e... New GeoEngine. Check forum for details. Continuing Headquarters work. - Fixed players buffing/debuffing Siege Flags. *Note for previous revision: Removed 2 non-needed packets in PetStat. Few GM Shop changes. - Renamed Potions list to Consumables and added all missing consumables. - Fixed Dyes 1/2 list being in "armors" team. Now there is an html which directs to those 2 buylists. - Fixed small visual problem with S grade it... New Class Master. Thanks Pandragon. - Minor fix for HP/MP when starting level is set to more than 1. - Placed some Rift entering checks to be done earlier to save time. Configurable starting level for new characters. Thanks Yusuketh. - Configurable starting level for new subclass. Thanks Yusuketh. - Players cannot use teleporters while flagged or in combat. Thanks Yusuketh. - Custom starting spawn point ... Reverted deprecation check in build.xml. - Admin Raid Boss Teleports updated. Replaced old bad teleports (reported some of them as wrong some time ago) with new, more correct and more organized. - Fixed bug for Core minions. - Small check... Telnet Server update. - Updated Telnet Login server side to match Telnet Game server. - Added debugFull, and teleports reload commands. - Seperated Login port from Game port. It must not be the same if both Login and Game Telnet server are ... Intended format for most htmls. Sorry for doing so many commits but it was a big patch. Thanks Pandragon. Intended format for most htmls part 2. Thanks Pandragon. Intended format for most htmls part 1. Thanks Pandragon. Boat general & movement update. Fixes some old bugs. Also, boats are now compatible with coordsynchronization. - Removed useless packets, checks, and fixed problem with passenger xyz coords being updated to rarely. - Also, little cleaning... Movement check and vertical movement fixes. Next revision will be related to movement, as well. Problem with lack of coord synchronization while following is not fixed. Implementing Shift + target, based on Pret's idea. Thanks a lot. - Fixed rbs & minions not attacking if their companion was affected by a non-damage skill. It's based on Pret's concept. Thanks a lot. - Fixed Saga quests not being reloaded... Possible fix for parsing exception. Thanks Pret. - Fixed GG NPE. Thanks avoegio. Also, added log warning for gameguard reply. - Clan members can no longer cast curses to each other. Thanks Pret. - Small check for extractable items. Imperial Slaves will now spawn when GraveKeeper is attacked even if player is not undertaking clan lvl 5 quest. Also, reduced teleportation chance to a more logical rate. - Corrected minion count data to C4. Thanks nemiroff, Karakan, and ... TvT Event update. - Reported bugs fixes. More details will be posted in forums. Champion System. Thanks Karakan for sharing the prototype version of l2j. This is an updated, bugless (the old one was indeed buggy) version with few extra configs (different title, min & max drop chance, passive or aggro etc). - Small fi...Updated and fixed all bugs for SQL Account Manager. It cleans all account & character-related tables, just like it should. (still buggy with clan data in l2j). - Added new settings for server & settings, classpath and javabuilder for data... Fixed polymorphing issues for npc id 1062. Thanks lordeze. - Small correction for Legacy of Insolence quest. Added more rewards gained by Walderal. - Removed Shining Bow recipes from Gather the Flames quest. Thanks lordeze. - Small fix fo... New Script Engine. Removed Polymorphing_mob and added Polymorphing_onAttack script. It's the same script as L2J's but rewritten from java to python. However, the original script was buggy. Monsters that disappeared when attacked (in order to polymorph),... Task completed. There are few more surprises for quest system to come. *Sorry for commit spamming. More quest. Few more and we are done. Added method getRandom(int) to Quest.java. This allows us to use random values on AI scripts. - Little more of quest work. Continuing previous revision. - Updated 2nd class quests. Added Polymorphing mob script. Thanks Karakan. - Changed int(st.get()) to st.getInt() for several quests, in order to get rid of jython errors. These quests are 1st class quests, noblesse-related quests, subclass-related quests, pet-relat... A mixed major update containing Dimensional Rift implementation & bug fixes. Check forum for details. Fixed Target NPE error. Thanks Karakan. - Datapack support for Dimensional Rift (still working on core). General update. Check forum for details. Fixes for previous update. - Fixed Drain-Type skills not consuming spiritshots. - Fixed enchant scrolls being consumed even if item has reached maximum enchant limit. Datapack-sided update. Check forum for details. Core-sided update. I' ll commit datapack part separately to avoid too big files. Updated and fixed flaws for Test of the Healer quest. Thanks xlinkinx. - Fixed Whisper of Dreams Part 2 problem. Thanks Karakan. - Added missing Roy the Cat NPC to npc table. Thanks Chiuvi. - Trove engine. It will be used more in the futu... Fixed WhisperOfDreams quests. Thanks Karakan. -Since many complain about this, i add ss/bss novice rewards to quests missing them, according to guides. Details were got by Annchen before, but rewards had been added only for 1 of those ques... Missing HTML message for Class Master. Thanks arteon. This was commited accidentally. -.- Anyway, fixing the fix. Fixed skill ClassCastException. Thanks manutuning2. - Fixed Soul Crystal leveling ClassCastException. Thanks Karakan. - DeadLock Detector implementation. It can be activated in options.properties. - A useful RB check for admins who kill t... Small check update. - Separating RaidDefenceMultiplier to PDef and MDef respectively. Thanks Karakan. Christmas Update. Details will be posted at forum, as soon as possible. Check forum for details. Configurable teleportation to towns, the castles of which are under attack. Thanks Cartman and dandiarena. Login Server optimization. There had been a case where LS loaded all ThreadPool types just for a single schedule in IP ban. This was completely a waste, so LS now uses a different way to declare IP ban time. Also, LS will now load server id... Removing a useless (for svn) file. - Small check to fix Fake Death issues in stucksub servers. Thanks Cartman. Proper html for npc 7668. Thanks Karakan. - Corrected merchant html for Dragon Valley trader. - Corrected Giran Dragon Valley teleport. Thank you "all". - Test of Reformer quest update. Fixed some issues and corrected conditions (They ... Correction for previous revision. Sorry about that. Fixed map region problem with players getting ported from Alligator Island to Giran Castle Town. Thanks WilliamFS. - Fixed map region problem with players getting ported from Lair of Valakas to Talking Island Village. - Fixed NPE error. T... Fixed Multisell exploit. Thanks lordeze. - Fixed 2 merchant htmls being broken, therefore causing critical errors to players. - Corrected FOG noblesse teleport. Thanks Cartman. - Added missing viewNpc configuration. Thanks Karakan. - Fixe... Corrected stats for Adventurer's/Traveler's items. Thanks Karakan. - Fixed Magic Skill Block not working. Thanks Cartman. - Added missing minions for some mobs. Thanks Cartman. - Corrected a check of previous commit in AttackableKnownList... Added 5 Archangels to Baium AI (L2J-like). However, once players attack Baium, angels will as well. - Fixed Confuse mob skills not considering success rate and landing even on RBs. Also, improved the way confuse skills work. - Corrected R... Oops. Missed an engine. Some cleaning and related stuff. - Added method maxNegated for those who want to put a limit to buffs removed by Cancel or Touch of Death. - Fixed negate skills not removing several effects. - Build improvements. Also, it was about time t... Updated An Arrogant Search quest. Now it's fully working. Thanks Romash for reporting. Implemented the part that player can undertake this quest with 2 more companions, as well. After many tests, i believe the new quest is stable. - Corre... Added configurations to allow/disallow each class transfer (1st,2nd,3rd) separately. Thanks DanielaCZ. - Added merchant bought/sold htmls. Admins who have not Subversion installed or Eclipse can't define its path, should be able to compile. Thanks DanielaCZ. Added class change with html pop up window. Players don't have to get back to town to change class anymore. Added some beauty to class change htmls. Both this, and class master are configurable, but seperately in case somebody doesn't want ... Added random walk support for Town Pets. It's configurable, just like NPC walkers. Thanks xlinkinx for reporting. - Added a missing Town Pet (Dorothy) to spawnlist. - Replaced ugly recipe registration messages with more proper ones, and a... More changes as regarding to stability, and few implementations. Check forum for more details. Using boolean hasAggro() for skill that cause hate when casted. Removing commons-logging-1.1 library. It wasn't being used anywhere, plus it caused eclipse errors for some kind of reason. Small fixes for compile warnings. Fixed Bluff not cancelling cast & attack. Thanks yusuketh. Aggro skills do not affect players in C4. Thanks yusuketh. Tutorial update. It's more C4-like now, plus some improvements. C4 novice status is back. If one character reaches level 6... Pursuit Clan Ambition quest fixes. - Fixed players not being able to talk to Blacksmith Kusto until they hand over the eggs to Martien. - Witch cleo quest part spawns 2 more witches, but it spawned witch cleo once more, so as to talk. Use o... Party Matching implementation. Check forum for details. Added Manage Clan option to Admin Panel. Admins can create a clan, delete it, or change its level. -Fixed Admin Panel login html not working. -Added Grand Boss jewels to gmshop -> S grade items. Thanks WilliamFS for sharing. -Fixed serious... NPC related update. Check forum for details. Total optimization of hate while casting support magic on hated player. My eyes couldn't believe it was being done in such an awful way. The formula is still the same, but hate and its checks are being done in a more nice and bugless way. R... GeoEditor Update. Removed check from autoAttackCondition. There is no reason for mobs to attack petrified players, plus i have no clue about it being retail. Added TvT commands (.tvtjoin and .tvtleave) for TvT Event. Thanks DanielaCZ & romali for suggesting. Corrected enchant values and did few checks. TvTManager was renamed to TvTEvent and moved to entity folder. Removed a folder that remained from previous update & cleaning. Added message for potion use. Removed isEffectReplaceable check from quick healing potion. Implemented admin command //giveitem, based on jamaica's share. Thanks a lot. Eclipse is misbehaving. Oops. Previous revision got error. Updating Libraries. This is an update of pure optimization. AI Update. Check forum for more details. AutoAnnouncement implementation by L2JServer. Thanks a lot jamaica. Added a configuration to modify buff duration. Thanks vitorjose12 and WilliamFS for suggesting. Details will be posted in forum. Have fun. Missing Quests (Part 3). Thanks a lot roko91. Check forum for more details. This is a general update. Missing Quests Part 2. Special thanks to roko91. Core support for onAggroRangeEnter. Possible ClassCastException fix. Ai thread pool is being used now. Have a nice summer. Missing Quests Part 1. All done by roko91. Missing htmls by roko91. Thanks a lot roko91. Added a message for effect zones in admin command handler related to command "zone_check". Creating a branch. Effect Zone support. Added Big Head zones (Hot springs). Thanks G-hamster for reporting, and roko91 for feedback. Added missing NPC spawns. Thanks roko91. Added a small fix for disabled skills that had no cast range. Database Updates. Fixed a dozen of NPEs in Remedy handler. Updated Proof of Clan Alliance quest. Fixed all errors & bugs and added some exploit protections. Fixed Symbol of Loyalty being stackable in items table and non-stackable in client. Added a check to ... Minor change for TvT Event. Added all S grade (including hero) weapons to GMShop. Just click S grade Items to move to weapons and armors. ^^ Fixed Friend List not working. Friends were being notified too early, and before they are registered to L2World. Fixed Little Wing's Adventure quest being fully exploitable. Mystery Potion is a buff now, just like retail and players can fig... Fixed flying players not being visible on wyvern to other players but only themselves. - Fear skills do no affect players at pvp anymore. That's the retail way. - Fixed players with fear state being able to move to a target, cast a skill ... Small fix for PartySpelled packet. I heard that if a party member clicked to see another members' buffs, he would get a critical error. I believe this is caused if player has more than 20 effects, which is the retail limit. Now, once effect... Retail inventory item order. The last item obtained should be the first in the item list. This was achieved by using a special loop in ItemList packet. Auto Attack update. Auto attack hits number should be more accurate now. This might also fix auto attack stop caused in server machines with low memory or heavy CPU. Also, fixed stackorder for Resist Aqua/Fire/Wind. This caused problems. More TvT checks. Thanks DanielaCZ. Fixed Noblesse quest. Thanks G-hamster. Added messages for TvT Registration. TvT Manager being instanced caused bugs. Some methods have become static for the sake of TvT engine working like it should. Now Focus Attack skill of warlord class is retail like.When activated, player can hit a single target at a time. Add...


  3. Rsk

    [C4] l2jlisvus rev.507

    Название: [C4] l2jlisvus rev.507 Добавил: Rsk Добавлен: 14 Mar 2015 Категория: Сборки Автор: l2jХроники: Прочее ƒл¤ запуска требуетс¤ Java 1.7 Fixed Atk Speed exploits. Thanks Karakan & Odoir. Fixed Baium strange behaviour. Stuck-Sub implementation and general changes. For more details, check forum. Check forum for details. Continuing previous revision. Admin features reworked. Details will be posted soon. Fixed library problem for previous revision. Thanks Pret for reporting. - Corrected GM teleportation to Core. - Equipped items should not be sold (there is no bug though). - Added few Admin Shop comforts. GM Shop html window will pop up e... New GeoEngine. Check forum for details. Continuing Headquarters work. - Fixed players buffing/debuffing Siege Flags. *Note for previous revision: Removed 2 non-needed packets in PetStat. Few GM Shop changes. - Renamed Potions list to Consumables and added all missing consumables. - Fixed Dyes 1/2 list being in "armors" team. Now there is an html which directs to those 2 buylists. - Fixed small visual problem with S grade it... New Class Master. Thanks Pandragon. - Minor fix for HP/MP when starting level is set to more than 1. - Placed some Rift entering checks to be done earlier to save time. Configurable starting level for new characters. Thanks Yusuketh. - Configurable starting level for new subclass. Thanks Yusuketh. - Players cannot use teleporters while flagged or in combat. Thanks Yusuketh. - Custom starting spawn point ... Reverted deprecation check in build.xml. - Admin Raid Boss Teleports updated. Replaced old bad teleports (reported some of them as wrong some time ago) with new, more correct and more organized. - Fixed bug for Core minions. - Small check... Telnet Server update. - Updated Telnet Login server side to match Telnet Game server. - Added debugFull, and teleports reload commands. - Seperated Login port from Game port. It must not be the same if both Login and Game Telnet server are ... Intended format for most htmls. Sorry for doing so many commits but it was a big patch. Thanks Pandragon. Intended format for most htmls part 2. Thanks Pandragon. Intended format for most htmls part 1. Thanks Pandragon. Boat general & movement update. Fixes some old bugs. Also, boats are now compatible with coordsynchronization. - Removed useless packets, checks, and fixed problem with passenger xyz coords being updated to rarely. - Also, little cleaning... Movement check and vertical movement fixes. Next revision will be related to movement, as well. Problem with lack of coord synchronization while following is not fixed. Implementing Shift + target, based on Pret's idea. Thanks a lot. - Fixed rbs & minions not attacking if their companion was affected by a non-damage skill. It's based on Pret's concept. Thanks a lot. - Fixed Saga quests not being reloaded... Possible fix for parsing exception. Thanks Pret. - Fixed GG NPE. Thanks avoegio. Also, added log warning for gameguard reply. - Clan members can no longer cast curses to each other. Thanks Pret. - Small check for extractable items. Imperial Slaves will now spawn when GraveKeeper is attacked even if player is not undertaking clan lvl 5 quest. Also, reduced teleportation chance to a more logical rate. - Corrected minion count data to C4. Thanks nemiroff, Karakan, and ... TvT Event update. - Reported bugs fixes. More details will be posted in forums. Champion System. Thanks Karakan for sharing the prototype version of l2j. This is an updated, bugless (the old one was indeed buggy) version with few extra configs (different title, min & max drop chance, passive or aggro etc). - Small fi...Updated and fixed all bugs for SQL Account Manager. It cleans all account & character-related tables, just like it should. (still buggy with clan data in l2j). - Added new settings for server & settings, classpath and javabuilder for data... Fixed polymorphing issues for npc id 1062. Thanks lordeze. - Small correction for Legacy of Insolence quest. Added more rewards gained by Walderal. - Removed Shining Bow recipes from Gather the Flames quest. Thanks lordeze. - Small fix fo... New Script Engine. Removed Polymorphing_mob and added Polymorphing_onAttack script. It's the same script as L2J's but rewritten from java to python. However, the original script was buggy. Monsters that disappeared when attacked (in order to polymorph),... Task completed. There are few more surprises for quest system to come. *Sorry for commit spamming. More quest. Few more and we are done. Added method getRandom(int) to Quest.java. This allows us to use random values on AI scripts. - Little more of quest work. Continuing previous revision. - Updated 2nd class quests. Added Polymorphing mob script. Thanks Karakan. - Changed int(st.get()) to st.getInt() for several quests, in order to get rid of jython errors. These quests are 1st class quests, noblesse-related quests, subclass-related quests, pet-relat... A mixed major update containing Dimensional Rift implementation & bug fixes. Check forum for details. Fixed Target NPE error. Thanks Karakan. - Datapack support for Dimensional Rift (still working on core). General update. Check forum for details. Fixes for previous update. - Fixed Drain-Type skills not consuming spiritshots. - Fixed enchant scrolls being consumed even if item has reached maximum enchant limit. Datapack-sided update. Check forum for details. Core-sided update. I' ll commit datapack part separately to avoid too big files. Updated and fixed flaws for Test of the Healer quest. Thanks xlinkinx. - Fixed Whisper of Dreams Part 2 problem. Thanks Karakan. - Added missing Roy the Cat NPC to npc table. Thanks Chiuvi. - Trove engine. It will be used more in the futu... Fixed WhisperOfDreams quests. Thanks Karakan. -Since many complain about this, i add ss/bss novice rewards to quests missing them, according to guides. Details were got by Annchen before, but rewards had been added only for 1 of those ques... Missing HTML message for Class Master. Thanks arteon. This was commited accidentally. -.- Anyway, fixing the fix. Fixed skill ClassCastException. Thanks manutuning2. - Fixed Soul Crystal leveling ClassCastException. Thanks Karakan. - DeadLock Detector implementation. It can be activated in options.properties. - A useful RB check for admins who kill t... Small check update. - Separating RaidDefenceMultiplier to PDef and MDef respectively. Thanks Karakan. Christmas Update. Details will be posted at forum, as soon as possible. Check forum for details. Configurable teleportation to towns, the castles of which are under attack. Thanks Cartman and dandiarena. Login Server optimization. There had been a case where LS loaded all ThreadPool types just for a single schedule in IP ban. This was completely a waste, so LS now uses a different way to declare IP ban time. Also, LS will now load server id... Removing a useless (for svn) file. - Small check to fix Fake Death issues in stucksub servers. Thanks Cartman. Proper html for npc 7668. Thanks Karakan. - Corrected merchant html for Dragon Valley trader. - Corrected Giran Dragon Valley teleport. Thank you "all". - Test of Reformer quest update. Fixed some issues and corrected conditions (They ... Correction for previous revision. Sorry about that. Fixed map region problem with players getting ported from Alligator Island to Giran Castle Town. Thanks WilliamFS. - Fixed map region problem with players getting ported from Lair of Valakas to Talking Island Village. - Fixed NPE error. T... Fixed Multisell exploit. Thanks lordeze. - Fixed 2 merchant htmls being broken, therefore causing critical errors to players. - Corrected FOG noblesse teleport. Thanks Cartman. - Added missing viewNpc configuration. Thanks Karakan. - Fixe... Corrected stats for Adventurer's/Traveler's items. Thanks Karakan. - Fixed Magic Skill Block not working. Thanks Cartman. - Added missing minions for some mobs. Thanks Cartman. - Corrected a check of previous commit in AttackableKnownList... Added 5 Archangels to Baium AI (L2J-like). However, once players attack Baium, angels will as well. - Fixed Confuse mob skills not considering success rate and landing even on RBs. Also, improved the way confuse skills work. - Corrected R... Oops. Missed an engine. Some cleaning and related stuff. - Added method maxNegated for those who want to put a limit to buffs removed by Cancel or Touch of Death. - Fixed negate skills not removing several effects. - Build improvements. Also, it was about time t... Updated An Arrogant Search quest. Now it's fully working. Thanks Romash for reporting. Implemented the part that player can undertake this quest with 2 more companions, as well. After many tests, i believe the new quest is stable. - Corre... Added configurations to allow/disallow each class transfer (1st,2nd,3rd) separately. Thanks DanielaCZ. - Added merchant bought/sold htmls. Admins who have not Subversion installed or Eclipse can't define its path, should be able to compile. Thanks DanielaCZ. Added class change with html pop up window. Players don't have to get back to town to change class anymore. Added some beauty to class change htmls. Both this, and class master are configurable, but seperately in case somebody doesn't want ... Added random walk support for Town Pets. It's configurable, just like NPC walkers. Thanks xlinkinx for reporting. - Added a missing Town Pet (Dorothy) to spawnlist. - Replaced ugly recipe registration messages with more proper ones, and a... More changes as regarding to stability, and few implementations. Check forum for more details. Using boolean hasAggro() for skill that cause hate when casted. Removing commons-logging-1.1 library. It wasn't being used anywhere, plus it caused eclipse errors for some kind of reason. Small fixes for compile warnings. Fixed Bluff not cancelling cast & attack. Thanks yusuketh. Aggro skills do not affect players in C4. Thanks yusuketh. Tutorial update. It's more C4-like now, plus some improvements. C4 novice status is back. If one character reaches level 6... Pursuit Clan Ambition quest fixes. - Fixed players not being able to talk to Blacksmith Kusto until they hand over the eggs to Martien. - Witch cleo quest part spawns 2 more witches, but it spawned witch cleo once more, so as to talk. Use o... Party Matching implementation. Check forum for details. Added Manage Clan option to Admin Panel. Admins can create a clan, delete it, or change its level. -Fixed Admin Panel login html not working. -Added Grand Boss jewels to gmshop -> S grade items. Thanks WilliamFS for sharing. -Fixed serious... NPC related update. Check forum for details. Total optimization of hate while casting support magic on hated player. My eyes couldn't believe it was being done in such an awful way. The formula is still the same, but hate and its checks are being done in a more nice and bugless way. R... GeoEditor Update. Removed check from autoAttackCondition. There is no reason for mobs to attack petrified players, plus i have no clue about it being retail. Added TvT commands (.tvtjoin and .tvtleave) for TvT Event. Thanks DanielaCZ & romali for suggesting. Corrected enchant values and did few checks. TvTManager was renamed to TvTEvent and moved to entity folder. Removed a folder that remained from previous update & cleaning. Added message for potion use. Removed isEffectReplaceable check from quick healing potion. Implemented admin command //giveitem, based on jamaica's share. Thanks a lot. Eclipse is misbehaving. Oops. Previous revision got error. Updating Libraries. This is an update of pure optimization. AI Update. Check forum for more details. AutoAnnouncement implementation by L2JServer. Thanks a lot jamaica. Added a configuration to modify buff duration. Thanks vitorjose12 and WilliamFS for suggesting. Details will be posted in forum. Have fun. Missing Quests (Part 3). Thanks a lot roko91. Check forum for more details. This is a general update. Missing Quests Part 2. Special thanks to roko91. Core support for onAggroRangeEnter. Possible ClassCastException fix. Ai thread pool is being used now. Have a nice summer. Missing Quests Part 1. All done by roko91. Missing htmls by roko91. Thanks a lot roko91. Added a message for effect zones in admin command handler related to command "zone_check". Creating a branch. Effect Zone support. Added Big Head zones (Hot springs). Thanks G-hamster for reporting, and roko91 for feedback. Added missing NPC spawns. Thanks roko91. Added a small fix for disabled skills that had no cast range. Database Updates. Fixed a dozen of NPEs in Remedy handler. Updated Proof of Clan Alliance quest. Fixed all errors & bugs and added some exploit protections. Fixed Symbol of Loyalty being stackable in items table and non-stackable in client. Added a check to ... Minor change for TvT Event. Added all S grade (including hero) weapons to GMShop. Just click S grade Items to move to weapons and armors. ^^ Fixed Friend List not working. Friends were being notified too early, and before they are registered to L2World. Fixed Little Wing's Adventure quest being fully exploitable. Mystery Potion is a buff now, just like retail and players can fig... Fixed flying players not being visible on wyvern to other players but only themselves. - Fear skills do no affect players at pvp anymore. That's the retail way. - Fixed players with fear state being able to move to a target, cast a skill ... Small fix for PartySpelled packet. I heard that if a party member clicked to see another members' buffs, he would get a critical error. I believe this is caused if player has more than 20 effects, which is the retail limit. Now, once effect... Retail inventory item order. The last item obtained should be the first in the item list. This was achieved by using a special loop in ItemList packet. Auto Attack update. Auto attack hits number should be more accurate now. This might also fix auto attack stop caused in server machines with low memory or heavy CPU. Also, fixed stackorder for Resist Aqua/Fire/Wind. This caused problems. More TvT checks. Thanks DanielaCZ. Fixed Noblesse quest. Thanks G-hamster. Added messages for TvT Registration. TvT Manager being instanced caused bugs. Some methods have become static for the sake of TvT engine working like it should. Now Focus Attack skill of warlord class is retail like.When activated, player can hit a single target at a time. Add... Нажмите здесь, чтобы скачать файл
  4. Писал в скайпе Вы молчите, разработка ведется?
  5. Rsk

    Куплю LameGuard C4

    Закрывайте, нашел убуса.
  6. Rsk

    Куплю LameGuard C4

    Куплю лейм под с4 с привязкой по домену. Предложения в ЛС.
  7. Rsk

    DDOS защита.

    В 3 раза, у mcwa чуточку дешевле
  8. Пора уже эти ежедневные выпуски сразу удалять, тупо хочет собрать аудиторию) но его видео никому не интересны
  9. Что простите? Потребление сервером оперативы ОС. Или Потребление сервером выделенной памяти? Если первое то в батнике или sh указать javaopts=" -Xms4096m" javaopts="$javaopts -Xmx4096m" или java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -Xincgc com.lameguard.LameGuard net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer Если второе то отключи геодату, скрипты не нужные, спавнилист и т .д.
  10. safe_mysqld -O max_connect_errors=10000 & в линуксе
  11. Какая сборка? какая ява? Есть ли русские символы в пути к папке с геймом?
  12. PATH=/home/java/7u21/bin export PATH в батник или sh пихай
  13. Rsk

    Как удалить НПЦ?

    Ищи таблицу spawnlist должна быть, если не вынесли в XML
  14. Rsk

    pw soft и lameguard

    Возможно дело в либке, кто может скинуть своб либку лг с который заходит на пв софт с защитой? Для теста P.S. Еще раз для тех кто не понял, пустышку которая идет со сборкой не надо
  15. Rsk

    pw soft и lameguard

    Порты открыты, без защиты заходит
  16. Rsk

    pw soft и lameguard

    REM for libs SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;./../libs/lameguard-1.9.5.jar SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;./../libs/ecj.jar SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;./../libs/bsf.jar SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;./../libs/jython.jar SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;./../libs/bsh-2.0b4.jar SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;./../libs/guava-17.0.jar SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;./../libs/java-engine.jar SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;./../libs/c3p0- SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;./../libs/bonecp-0.8.0.jar SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;./../libs/log4j-1.2.15.jar SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;./../libs/slf4j-api-1.6.3.jar SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;./../libs/slf4j-nop-1.6.3.jar SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;./../libs/javolution-5.5.1.jar SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;./../libs/netty-3.6.3.Final.jar SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;./../libs/commons-logging-1.1.jar SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;./../libs/mysql-connector-java-5.1.30-bin.jar SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;./../libs/core-gs.jar REM for configuration SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;./config/ echo Starting Game Server. echo.
  17. Rsk

    pw soft и lameguard

    Ничего не пишет, нажимаешь выбрать сервер и 0 эмоций @echo off title GameServer Console :start REM ----------- Set Class Paths and Calls setenv.bat ----------------- SET OLDCLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH% call classpath.bat REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ REM ------------------------------------- REM ѕараметры запуска сервера: java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -Xincgc com.lameguard.LameGuard net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer REM REM ------------------------------------- REM ≈сли у вас крута¤ тачка, можно запускать так: REM java -server -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xmx3550m -Xms3550m -Xmn2g -Xss128k -XX:ParallelGCThreads=20 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=31 REM или так: REM java -server -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xmx3550m -Xms3550m -Xmn2g -Xss128k -XX:ParallelGCThreads=20 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=31 -XX:+AggressiveOpts REM ------------------------------------- SET CLASSPATH=%OLDCLASSPATH% if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto restart if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto error goto end :restart echo. echo Admin Restart ... echo. goto start :error echo. echo Server terminated abnormaly echo. :end echo. echo server terminated echo. pause
  18. Rsk

    pw soft и lameguard

    Естественно, на логин то я захожу
  19. Rsk

    pw soft и lameguard

    Ув. форумчане! Как полдключается лейм в сборке pw? В батник прописываю java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -Xincgc com.lameguard.LameGuard net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer Закидываю либку в либы, папку с конфигами лг в папку game При запуске сервера пишет что лейм подгрузился Starting Game Server. Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Using incremental CMS is deprecatednd will likely be removed in a future release LAMEGUARD - Loaded 1 hwid(s), 0 ip(s), 0 login(s) from banned_hwid.txt. LAMEGUARD - Loading configuration. Но при выборе сервера 0 эмоций, зайти невозможно. В логах лг чисто, гс тоже молчит. P.S. С этим же леймом спокойно захожу на сборку ловели
  20. Зачем давать советы если в не разбираешься? Человек так и делал, и что это за развернутое объяснение "И делаем для чего они нам , ну вы поняли...." Уже тошно от ваших сообщений на форуме, в каждой теме затычка
  21. Купи фильтры, а лучше сразу хостинг с защитой. Сам на обычном хостинге никак не защитишься.
  22. Rsk

    stress от повера

    Помню были, но от кого точно не скажу. Лучше используй SW 13
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