6 -
Тип контента
Весь контент bismoney
Знающие ребята пару вопросов если позволите задам, общие для понимания. Любую сбору надо пилить я понимаю но все же, я нашел тут исходники двух сборок aCis и Lucera 2, что пойдет лучше на перед? Lucera выложил root, в начале этого года, а асик только вчера выложили 344 помоему. Не целесообразнее взять асик по свежее? Другой вопрос касаемо вебобвязки, что посоветуете к примеру gthweb или stressweb или что-то свое кастомное? Спасибо.
Так точно java version "1.8.0_40" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_40-b26) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.40-b25, mixed mode) Намек понял 1.7? )
В общем он долго стоял и думал и потом выдал код внизу и вроде бы запустился но ошибки есть. И при это клиент выдает due to high server traffic Не подскажите с чем они связанны? ===========================================-[ Events/Script/CoreScript/Engine ] [INFO 16:01:43]: BuffHolder: Loaded 3 buffScheme(s) incorrect classpath: ./extensions/* Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM ---------- 1. ERROR in \ClassMaster.java (at line 84) replace += buttom.replace("%classId%", Integer.toString(child.getId())). replace("%classname%", CharTemplateTable.getClassNameById(child.getId())); ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The type java.lang.CharSequence cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files ---------- 2. ERROR in \ClassMaster.java (at line 84) replace += buttom.replace("%classId%", Integer.toString(child.getId())). replace("%classname%", CharTemplateTable.getClassNameById(child.getId())); ^^^^^^^ The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the argu ments (String, String) ---------- 3. ERROR in \ClassMaster.java (at line 106) for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : Config.CLASS_MASTER_SETTINGS.ge tRequireItems(newJobLevel).entrySet()) ^^^^^^^^^ The type java.util.Map$Entry cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced fro m required .class files ---------- 4. ERROR in \ClassMaster.java (at line 106) for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : Config.CLASS_MASTER_SETTINGS.ge tRequireItems(newJobLevel).entrySet()) ^^^^^^^^^ Map.Entry cannot be resolved to a type ---------- 5. ERROR in \ClassMaster.java (at line 106) for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : Config.CLASS_MASTER_SETTINGS.ge tRequireItems(newJobLevel).entrySet()) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The type Map$Entry is not generic; it cannot be parameterized with arguments <K, V> ---------- 5 problems (5 errors)The type java.lang.CharSequence cannot be resolved. It is i ndirectly referenced from required .class files The method replace(char, char) in the type java.lang.String is not applicable fo r the arguments (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) The type java.util.Map$Entry cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced fro m required .class files Map.Entry cannot be resolved to a type The type java.util.Map$Entry is not generic; it cannot be parameterized with arg uments <K, V> [WARN 16:01:43]: Failed executing script: F:\DOWNLOAD\lucera2\lucera2\build\game \data\scripts\handlers\voice\ClassMaster.java. See ClassMaster.java.error.log fo r details. incorrect classpath: ./extensions/* Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM ---------- 1. ERROR in \WhoAmI.java (at line 47) msg.setHtml(html); ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The type java.lang.CharSequence cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files ---------- 2. ERROR in \WhoAmI.java (at line 47) msg.setHtml(html); ^^^^^^^ The method setHtml(CharSequence) in the type NpcHtmlMessage is not applicable fo r the arguments (String) ---------- 2 problems (2 errors)The type java.lang.CharSequence cannot be resolved. It is i ndirectly referenced from required .class files The method setHtml(java.lang.CharSequence) in the type ru.catssoftware.gameserve r.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage is not applicable for the arguments (java .lang.String) [WARN 16:01:44]: Failed executing script: F:\DOWNLOAD\lucera2\lucera2\build\game \data\scripts\handlers\voice\WhoAmI.java. See WhoAmI.java.error.log for details. [INFO 16:01:44]: Spawn Events Managers [INFO 16:01:47]: Loaded: 369 quests ======================================================================-[ HTML ] [INFO 16:01:47]: HtmCache: Loaded 24797 HTM file(s) for 2 language(s) ====================================================================-[ Spawns ] [INFO 16:01:47]: Despawned 232 creature(s), spawned 601 [INFO 16:01:48]: RaidBossReturnHomeManager: Initialized. [INFO 16:01:48]: RaidBossSpawnManager: Loaded 192 Instances [INFO 16:01:48]: RaidBossSpawnManager: Scheduled 0 Instances ===================================================================-[ Economy ] [INFO 16:01:48]: CursedWeaponsManager: loaded 2 cursed weapon(s). [INFO 16:01:49]: FollowTaskManager: Initialized. [INFO 16:01:49]: AttackFollowTaskManager: Initialized. [INFO 16:02:12]: ArrivedCharacterManager: Initialized. [INFO 16:03:45]: TradeListTable: Loaded 634 Buylists. [INFO 16:03:49]: ManorSystem: Manor period approve updated [INFO 16:03:49]: ManorSystem: Schedule for period approve @ Thu Apr 02 06:00:49 MSK 2015 [INFO 16:03:50]: ManorManager: Loaded 256 seeds [INFO 16:04:09]: AuctionManager: loaded 38 auction(s) [INFO 16:04:10]: TimedItems: loaded 0 items ==================================================================-[ Olympiad ] [INFO 16:04:10]: Olympiad System: Loading Olympiad System.... [INFO 16:04:10]: Olympiad System: Currently in Olympiad Period [INFO 16:04:10]: Olympiad System: 42236 minutes until period ends [INFO 16:04:10]: Olympiad System: Next weekly change is in 10079 minutes [INFO 16:04:10]: Olympiad System: Loaded 0 Nobles [INFO 16:04:10]: Olympiad System: Competition Period Starts in 0 days, 1 hours a nd 56 mins. [INFO 16:04:10]: Olympiad System: Event starts/started : Wed Apr 01 18:00:10 MSK 2015 ===========================================================-[ DimensionalRift ] [INFO 16:04:10]: DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 7 room types with 56 rooms. [INFO 16:04:10]: DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 462 dimensional rift spawns, 0 e rrors. ============================================================-[ FourSepulchers ] [INFO 16:04:10]: FourSepulchersManager: Loaded 4 mausoleum(s) [INFO 16:04:10]: FourSepulchersManager: Four Sepulchers will open at Wed Apr 01 16:55:00 MSK 2015 ====================================================================-[ Bosses ] [INFO 16:04:10]: GrandBossReturnHomeManager: Initialized. [INFO 16:04:10]: QueenAntManager: State of QueenAnt is ALIVE. [INFO 16:04:11]: ZakenManager: State of Zaken is ALIVE. [INFO 16:04:11]: CoreManager: State of Core is ALIVE. [INFO 16:04:12]: OrfenManager: State of Orfen is ALIVE. [INFO 16:04:12]: SailrenManager: State of Sailren is NOTSPAWN. [INFO 16:04:14]: VanHalterManager : State of High Priestess van Halter is ALIVE. ===============================================================-[ GrandBosses ] [INFO 16:04:14]: AntharasManager: State of Antharas is NOTSPAWN. [INFO 16:04:14]: BaiumManager: State of Baium is NOTSPAWN. [INFO 16:04:14]: ValakasManager: State of Valakas is NOTSPAWN. [INFO 16:04:14]: LastImperialTombManager: Init The Last Imperial Tomb. [INFO 16:04:14]: FrintezzaManager: State of Frintezza is NOTSPAWN. ==========================================================-[ Factions Manager ] [INFO 16:04:14]: Faction Manager: disabled. ==================================================================-[ Handlers ] [INFO 16:04:14]: RecipeController: Loaded 865 recipes. [INFO 16:04:14]: ItemHandler: Loaded 2349 handlers. [INFO 16:04:14]: SkillHandler: Loaded 92 handlers. [INFO 16:04:14]: ChatHandler: Loaded 16 handlers. ======================================================================-[ Misc ] [INFO 16:04:14]: ObjectRestrictions: loading... [INFO 16:04:15]: ObjectRestrictions: loaded 0 restrictions. [INFO 16:04:15]: SiegeStatus: loading... [INFO 16:04:15]: TaskManager: initalized. [INFO 16:04:15]: TaskManager: Registered: 6 Tasks. [INFO 16:04:15]: PetitionManager: initalized. [INFO 16:04:15]: Fishing Championship Manager : started [INFO 16:04:16]: Fishing Championship Manager : start new event period. ===========================================================-[ Offline Service ] [INFO 16:04:16]: Offline Manager: restore traders disables. =============================================================-[ ServerThreads ] [INFO 16:04:17]: Connecting to login on [INFO 16:04:18]: IOFloodManager: initialized. ===================================================================-[ Daemons ] [INFO 16:04:18]: PCCaffe: Task scheduled every 10 minutes ====================================================================-[ Events ] [INFO 16:04:18]: GameEventManager: Loaded 4 events. ======================================================================-[ Mods ] [INFO 16:04:18]: Cristmas event status: Off. [INFO 16:04:18]: Medals event status: Off. [INFO 16:04:18]: StarlightFestival event status: Off. [INFO 16:04:18]: L2Day event status: Off. [INFO 16:04:18]: BigSquash event status: Off. =================================================================-[ Gm System ] [INFO 16:04:18]: GmController: Loaded 308 handlers. [INFO 16:04:18]: GmController: Loaded 0 admin players. ================================================================-[ Extensions ] [INFO 16:04:18]: Loaded 0 extensions. =============================================================-[ Tasks Manager ] [INFO 16:04:18]: TaskManager: Loaded: 3 Tasks From Database. ===============================================================-[ Server Info ] [INFO 16:04:19]: Free memory: 615 Mb of 1000 Mb [INFO 16:04:19]: Ready on IP: [INFO 16:04:19]: Max players: 1000 [INFO 16:04:19]: Registered on login as Server 1 : Bartz [INFO 16:04:19]: Load time: 646 Seconds. ==========================================================================-[ ]
Ребята сервер не стартует после компиляции что не так? Вроде варнингов нет... PS. На Centos также.. Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize=96m; support was removed in 8.0 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=96m; supp ort was removed in 8.0 ==============================================================-[ Boot Manager ] BootManager: Initializing Logging. log4j:ERROR No appender named [debug] could be found. BootManager: Creating Boot Folders and Files. BootManager: All Directories and Files Created! BootManager: Initializing Configs. =====================================================-[ Network Configuration ] [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/network/network.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/network/hexid.txt ========================================================-[ Main Configuration ] [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/areas.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/ban.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/datetime.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/gameserver.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/respawns.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/regeneration.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/petitions.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/altgame.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/custom.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/clans.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/entities.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/communityboard.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/nicks.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/drops.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/enchant.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/party.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/options.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/other_settings.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/geodata.properties. [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/warehouse.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/permissions.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/pvp_settings.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/services.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/security.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/rates.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/skills.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/inventory.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/pvtstores.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/l2top.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/manor.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/equipment.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/grid.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/id_factory.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/safe.properties ======================================================-[ Events Configuration ] [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/events/seven_signs.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/events/castle_siege.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/events/olympiad.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/events/lottery.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/events/fortsiege.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/events/pccaffe.properties ========================================================-[ Chat Configuration ] [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/chat/chat.properties =====================================================-[ Filters Configuration ] [INFO 22:53:33]: Loaded 708 Filter Words. ==============================================-[ Administration Configuration ] [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/administration/gm_access.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/administration/developer.properties ==================================================-[ Announment Configuration ] [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/main/announces.properties ========================================================-[ Mods Configuration ] [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/mods/champion_mobs.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/mods/jail.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/mods/wedding.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/mods/fun_events.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/mods/classmaster.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/mods/classes.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/mods/classes_armor.properties [INFO 22:53:33]: Loading: ./config/mods/banking.properties ==============================================================-[ Boot Manager ] BootManager: Config Sucessffully Loaded. BootManager: Preparations Done. Staring GameServer! ===============================================================-[ Chat Filter ] [INFO 22:53:33]: Loaded 1416 Filter Words. ===========================================================-[ Database Engine ] [INFO 22:53:33]: L2DatabaseFactory: Connected to database server ===============================================================-[ System Info ] [INFO 15:53:37]: .................................................. [INFO 15:53:37]: System Time: 01-04-2015 03:53:37 PM [INFO 15:53:37]: .................................................. [INFO 15:53:37]: OS: Windows 8.1 Build: 6.3 [INFO 15:53:37]: OS Arch: amd64 [INFO 15:53:37]: .................................................. [INFO 15:53:37]: .................................................. [INFO 15:53:37]: Avaible CPU(s): 8 [INFO 15:53:37]: Processor(s) Identifier: Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9, GenuineIntel [INFO 15:53:37]: .................................................. [INFO 15:53:37]: .................................................. [INFO 15:53:37]: Runtime Information [INFO 15:53:37]: Current Free Heap Size: 720 mb [INFO 15:53:37]: Current Heap Size: 744 mb [INFO 15:53:37]: Maximum Heap Size: 1000 mb [INFO 15:53:37]: .................................................. [INFO 15:53:37]: .................................................. [INFO 15:53:37]: Java Platform Information [INFO 15:53:37]: Java Runtime Name: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment [INFO 15:53:37]: Java Version: 1.8.0_40 [INFO 15:53:37]: Java Class Version: 52.0 [INFO 15:53:37]: .................................................. [INFO 15:53:37]: .................................................. [INFO 15:53:37]: Virtual Machine Information (JVM) [INFO 15:53:37]: JVM Name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM [INFO 15:53:37]: JVM installation directory: D:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_40 [INFO 15:53:37]: JVM version: 25.40-b25 [INFO 15:53:37]: JVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation [INFO 15:53:37]: JVM Info: mixed mode [INFO 15:53:37]: .................................................. [INFO 15:53:37]: .................................................. =========================================================-[ Scripting Engines ] [INFO 15:53:37]: Initializing Script Engine Manager. [INFO 15:53:37]: Script Engine: jython 2.2.1 - Language: python - Language Versi on: 2.2.1 [INFO 15:53:38]: Script Engine: Oracle Nashorn 1.8.0_40 - Language: ECMAScript - Language Version: ECMA - 262 Edition 5.1 [INFO 15:53:38]: Script Engine: java 1.6 - Language: java - Language Version: 1. 6 ========================================================-[ ThreadPool Manager ] [INFO 15:53:38]: ThreadPoolManager: Initializing. [INFO 15:53:38]: General threads: ..... 24. [INFO 15:53:38]: Effect threads: ...... 32. [INFO 15:53:38]: AI threads: .......... 32. [INFO 15:53:38]: Packet threads: ...... 16. [INFO 15:53:38]: Total threads: ....... 104. ===========================================================-[ Lineage 2 World ] [INFO 15:53:38]: L2World: Setting up World Regions [INFO 15:53:38]: L2World: (95 by 135) World Region Grid set up. =========================================================-[ DeadLock Detector ] [INFO 15:53:38]: DeadlockDetector: Initializing =========================================================-[ MapRegion Manager ] [INFO 15:53:44]: IdFactory: Cleaned 0 elements [INFO 15:53:45]: IdFactory: Cleanup items [INFO 15:53:45]: IdFactory: Cleanup clans [INFO 15:53:46]: IdFactory: Cleanup items on ground [INFO 15:53:47]: IDFactory: 102912 id's avaliable. [INFO 15:53:47]: MapRegionManager: Loaded 38 restartpoint(s). [INFO 15:53:47]: MapRegionManager: Loaded 23 restartareas with 145 arearegion(s) . [INFO 15:53:47]: MapRegionManager: Loaded 235 zoneregion(s). [INFO 15:53:47]: MapRegionManager: Loaded 4 race depending redirects. ==========================================================-[ Announce Manager ] [INFO 15:53:47]: AnnounceManager: Loaded 0 announce [INFO 15:53:47]: AnnounceManager: Loaded 0 auto announce ========================================================-[ ID Factory Manager ] [INFO 15:53:47]: IdFactory: Free ObjectID's remaining: 1879048046 ============================================================-[ Geodata Engine ] [INFO 15:53:47]: Geodata Engine: Disabled. ============================================================-[ Static Objects ] [INFO 15:53:47]: Static Objects: Loaded 29 object(s) ============================================================-[ Server Manager ] [INFO 15:53:47]: GameTimeController: Initialized. [INFO 15:53:47]: Initializing BoatManager [INFO 15:53:47]: Initializing InstanceManager [INFO 15:53:47]: Multiverse Instance created [INFO 15:53:47]: Universe Instance created ==============================================================-[ TaskManagers ] [INFO 15:53:47]: AttackStanceTaskManager: Initialized. [INFO 15:53:47]: DecayTaskManager: Initialized. [INFO 15:53:47]: KnownListUpdateTaskManager: Initialized. [INFO 15:53:47]: LeakTaskManager: Initialized. [INFO 15:53:47]: SQLQueue: started ============================================================-[ Teleport Table ] [INFO 15:53:49]: TeleportTable: Loaded 925 location ====================================================================-[ Skills ] [INFO 15:54:08]: SkillTreeTable: Loaded 36066 skills. [INFO 15:54:11]: FishingSkillTreeTable: Loaded 109 general skills. [INFO 15:54:11]: FishingSkillTreeTable: Loaded 8 dwarven skills. [INFO 15:54:11]: EnchantSkillTreeTable: Loaded 14520 enchant skills. [INFO 15:54:11]: PledgeSkillTreeTable: Loaded 64 pledge skills. [INFO 15:54:15]: SkillTable: Loaded 31174 skill templates from XML files. [INFO 15:54:15]: SkillTable: Occupying arrays for 75061. [INFO 15:54:15]: ExtraSkillTable: Loaded 55 skills. [INFO 15:54:16]: ResidentialSkillTable: Loaded 0 skills. [INFO 15:56:07]: RegenTaskManager: Initialized. [INFO 15:56:07]: DoorTable: Loaded 224 Door Templates. [INFO 15:56:07]: DayNightSpawnManager: Day/Night handler initialized [INFO 15:56:45]: PetSkillsTable: Loaded 1594 skills. [INFO 15:56:45]: NobleSkillTable: Initialized. [INFO 15:56:45]: HeroSkillTable: Initialized. =====================================================================-[ Items ] [INFO 15:56:45]: Items: Cleanup items table [INFO 15:56:50]: ItemTable: Loaded 6882/6882 Items. [INFO 15:56:50]: ItemTable: Loaded 1014/1014 Armors. [INFO 15:56:50]: ItemTable: Loaded 1313/1313 Weapons. [INFO 15:56:50]: ArmorSetsTable: Loaded 51 armor sets. [INFO 15:56:50]: ArmorSetsTable: Loaded 51 armor sets. [INFO 15:56:50]: AugmentationData: Loaded: 52 augmentation stats. [INFO 15:56:50]: AugmentationData: Loaded: 1780 weapons skills. [INFO 15:56:51]: SkillSpellbookTable: Loaded 334 Spellbooks. [INFO 15:56:51]: SummonItemsData: Loaded 38 Summon Items from summon_items.xml [INFO 15:56:51]: Extractable items data: Loaded 344 extractable items! [INFO 15:56:51]: FishTable: Loaded 270 Fishes. [INFO 15:56:51]: ItemsAutoDestroy: initialized ================================================================-[ Characters ] [INFO 15:56:51]: CharNameTable: Loaded 0 character names. [INFO 15:56:51]: CharTemplateTable: Loaded 89 Character Templates. [INFO 15:56:52]: LevelUpData: Loaded 103 Character Level Up Templates. [INFO 15:56:52]: Helper Buff Table: Loaded 25 Templates. [INFO 15:56:52]: HennaTable: Loaded 180 Templates. [INFO 15:57:08]: HennaTreeTable: Loaded 7128 Henna Tree Templates. [INFO 15:57:08]: CoupleManager: loaded 0 couples(s) [INFO 15:57:08]: ClanTable: restored 0 clans from the database. [INFO 15:57:08]: Cache[Crest]: 0,000MB on 0 files loaded. [INFO 15:57:08]: Cache[Crest]: (Forget Time: 300s , Capacity: 50) [INFO 15:57:08]: HeroSystem: Loaded 0 Heroes. [INFO 15:57:08]: HeroSystem: Loaded 0 all time Heroes. [INFO 15:57:09]: BlockListManager: Loaded 0 character block(s). =================================================================-[ NPC Stats ] [INFO 15:57:14]: NpcTable: Loaded 7052 Npc Templates. [INFO 15:57:14]: NpcTable: Loaded 6 Custom Npc Templates. [INFO 15:57:18]: NpcTable: Loaded 447 Minions. [INFO 15:57:18]: NpcLikePc :Loaded 1 template(s) [INFO 15:57:18]: PetDataTable: loaded 12 pets. =============================================================-[ Auto Handlers ] [INFO 15:57:25]: AutoChatHandler: Loaded 32 handlers in total. [INFO 15:57:48]: AutoSpawnHandler: Loaded 129 spawn group(s) from the database. ===============================================================-[ Seven Signs ] [INFO 15:57:49]: SevenSigns: Currently in the Competition (Quest Event) period! [INFO 15:57:49]: SevenSigns: The Seal of Avarice remains unclaimed. [INFO 15:57:49]: SevenSigns: The Seal of Gnosis remains unclaimed. [INFO 15:57:49]: SevenSigns: The Seal of Strife remains unclaimed. [INFO 15:57:49]: SevenSigns: The competition, if the current trend continues, wi ll end in a tie this week. [INFO 15:57:49]: SevenSigns: Next period begins in 5 days, 2 hours and 2 mins. [INFO 15:57:49]: SevenSignsFestival: first Festival of Darkness cycle begins in 2 minutes. ========================================================-[ Entities and zones ] [INFO 15:57:49]: CrownManager: Initialized. [INFO 15:57:49]: ClanHallManager: loaded 0 clan halls [INFO 15:57:49]: ClanHallManager: loaded 44 free clan halls [INFO 15:57:49]: ClanHallManager: 4 halls in Gludio [INFO 15:57:49]: ClanHallManager: 5 halls in Gludin [INFO 15:57:49]: ClanHallManager: 4 halls in Dion [INFO 15:57:49]: ClanHallManager: 5 halls in Giran [INFO 15:57:49]: ClanHallManager: 7 halls in Aden [INFO 15:57:49]: ClanHallManager: 5 halls in Goddard [INFO 15:57:49]: ClanHallManager: 9 halls in Rune [INFO 15:57:49]: ClanHallManager: 4 halls in Schuttgart [INFO 15:57:54]: Loaded: 9 castles [INFO 15:57:54]: SiegeManager: Loaded 0 registred siege(s) [INFO 15:57:54]: Initializing FortManager [INFO 15:58:03]: GuardReturnHomeManager: Initialized. [INFO 15:58:04]: AttackableAiTaskManager: Initialized. [INFO 15:58:06]: WalkerRoutesTable: Loaded 626 Npc Walker Routes. [INFO 15:58:06]: Initializing Walkers Routes Table. [INFO 15:58:06]: NpcWalkerAiTaskManager: Initialized. [INFO 15:58:07]: SpawnTable: Loaded 37393 Npc Spawn Locations. [INFO 15:58:07]: SpawnTable: 0 Npc Not Spawned.
Тоесть я так понимаю Error loading config : hexid.txt! это как раз регистрация Asic, но как зарегистрировать?
Ребята скажите пожалуйста, скомпилил исходники но выдает ошибку Loading flood protectors. Loading gameserver configuration files. Error loading config : hexid.txt! Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: null at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source) at net.sf.l2j.Config.load(Config.java:895) at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:388) Скажите это привязка? как отвязать?