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Весь контент CodyRo

  1. How must to save thats? I saved as .bmp as sp_32b_01.bmp, sp_32b_02.bmp, sp_32b_03.bmp, sp_32b_04.bmp, sp_32b_05.bmp, sp_32b_06.bmp but thats do not appears... Something i make wrong and i dont know what.
  2. Link are dead. Can you reupload please?
  3. L2Edit H5 cannot encrpt the armorgrp... So do not work on H5?
  4. Anyone can share thats items/effect for High Five? I try to search in forum but i cant find thats.
  5. http://forummaxi.ru/topic/40245-antharas-valakas-lindvior-weapons-%D0%B4%D0%BB%D1%8F-freya-hf-god/
  6. I have a problem with the l2editor to add the lines to itemname-e.dat and to weapongrp.dat. I use H5 client i tested many editors for Gracia Freya and Gracia Freya High Five on all combination 413, 412, 411, 111, 414, 120, 212, 121 but all time i get Crit error. Anyone can help me please? Relly i dont understand ...
  7. I have a problem with the l2editor to add the lines to itemname-e.dat and to weapongrp.dat. I use H5 client but on game load appears Freya images and logo BUT i tested many editors for Gracia Freya and Gracia Freya High Five on all combination 413, 412, 411, 111, 414, 120, 212, 121 but all time i get Crit Error. Anyone can help me please? Relly i dont understand...
  8. Anyone have a good editor for freya client? And which code must use on encript? 414 or which one? How can i know this?
  9. In my H5 server i dont have "weapon" DATABASE. How can in import the .sql?
  10. Download link are dead
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