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Весь контент tulllka

  1. tulllka

    Сколька Витримает Online

    какое нада тогда железо чтоб 200-300 чел?
  2. tulllka

    Сколька Витримает Online

    Виндовс 7 максимум
  3. tulllka

    Сколька Витримает Online

    Сколька онлайна витримает нет 50мб 6гб Озу 2 ядра 1.8 турбо коре розгон до 2.5 и видюха хз нах 3г )) сколька должно видержать онлайна ?? Виндовс 7 максимум
  4. tulllka

    Sql Запрос

    Подскажите Sql запрос что изменить всем мобам и нпс титул в игре
  5. при создание чара когда вожу ник можна толька числами а буквами нельзя как исправить чтоб било норм ?? # Шаблон имени персонажа # Например, если использовать такой шаблон: CnameTemplate=[A-Z][a-z]{3,3}[A-Za-z0-9]* # будет разрешать использовать имена с большой буквы и последующими маленькими, # и любыми словами или цифрами, к примеру ZbigN1eW # Наиболее рационально поставить CnameTemplate=[A-Z][a-z]* # т.е. имена начинаются с большой и заканчиваются маленькими буквами, к примеру Zbigniew CnameTemplate=[A-Z][a-z]* PetNameTemplate=[A-Z][a-z]* # Список ников, которые нельзя указывать в качестве имени персонажа при создании. # Указывать ники через запятую, после последнего слова ничего не ставить. # Регистр символов не важен (Sarkazm = SARKAzM) NotAllowedNicks = admin,odmin,sarkazm,administrator
  6. Помоги у меня ошибку выдаёт как нажимаю на л2.exe пишет :У вас запрещён доступ для приложения l2.exe к интернету по протоколу HTTP.Рекомендуем отключить фаерволл.Всё делал (отключал антивирус,фаерволл вырубил)что это может быть?
  7. tulllka

    Что За Ошибка ?

    Респект тебе лови спасиба)
  8. tulllka

    Что За Ошибка ?

    @echo off title Eon Interlude Project - Game Server :start echo Eon Interlude Project Game Server echo. java -Xmx2048m -Xms2048m -cp ./libraries/bsh-engine.jar;./libraries/bsh-2.0b5.jar;./libraries/gGuard.jar;./libraries/javolution.jar;./libraries/c3p0-;./libraries/mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar;./libraries/servercore.jar;./libraries/jython.jar;./libraries/jython-engine.jar;./libraries/java-engine.jar;./libraries/commons-logging.jar;./libraries/trove.jar;./libraries/javax.servlet.jar;./libraries/org.mortbay.jetty.jar;./libraries/rrd4j-2.0.1.jar net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto restart if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto error goto end :restart echo. echo ЏҐаҐ§ Јаг§Є ... echo. goto start :error echo. echo ђ Ў®в бҐаўҐа § ўҐа襭 ­ҐЄ®а४⭮ echo. :end echo. echo бҐаўҐа ®вЄ«о祭 echo. pause Что имено здесь убрать?
  9. tulllka

    Что За Ошибка ?

    виключил непомогло)
  10. tulllka

    Что За Ошибка ?

    где именно ?
  11. tulllka

    Что За Ошибка ?

    Eon Interlude Project Game Server Loading server configuration... MLog clients using java 1.4+ standard logging. Initializing c3p0- [built 21-May-2007 15:04:56; debug? true; trace: 10] Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource [ acquireInc rement -> 5, acquireRetryAttempts -> 0, acquireRetryDelay -> 500, autoCommitOnCl ose -> true, automaticTestTable -> connection_test_table, breakAfterAcquireFailu re -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null, connec tionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, dataSou rceName -> 1hvjauz8o1eabsns1v8ccvd|5443563e, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTrace s -> false, description -> null, driverClass -> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, factoryCl assLocation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false, identityToken - > 1hvjauz8o1eabsns1v8ccvd|5443563e, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 3600, initialPoo lSize -> 10, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://localhost/eon?useUnicode=true&charactersEnc oding=utf-8 , maxAdministrativeTaskTime -> 0, maxConnectionAge -> 0, maxIdleTime -> 0, maxIdleTimeExcessConnections -> 0, maxPoolSize -> 1000, maxStatements -> 0, maxStatementsPerConnection -> 100, minPoolSize -> 10, numHelperThreads -> 3, numThreadsAwaitingCheckoutDefaultUser -> 0, preferredTestQuery -> null, properti es -> {user=******, password=******}, propertyCycle -> 0, testConnectionOnChecki n -> false, testConnectionOnCheckout -> false, unreturnedConnectionTimeout -> 0, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies -> false ] =============================-[ Eon Interlude Project modified by L2jSoftware ] ######################################### ######################################### ### ### ### Eon Interlude Project ### ### Official website: ### ### www.eonsw.ru ### ### ### ######################################### ######################################### Updated characters online status. Cleaned 2001 elements from database. IDFactory: 411648 id's available. SkillTreeTable: Loaded 36058 skills. FishingSkillTreeTable: Loaded 109 general skills. FishingSkillTreeTable: Loaded 8 dwarven skills. EnchantSkillTreeTable: Loaded 13290 enchant skills. PledgeSkillTreeTable: Loaded 64 pledge skills ItemTable: Loaded 1056 Armors. ItemTable: Loaded 6906 Items. ItemTable: Loaded 1347 Weapons. Extractable items data: Loaded 334 extractable items! Summon items data: Loaded 14 summon items. ============================================================-[ Protect system ] ProtectSystem: Unable to connect site! сервер отключен Для продолжения нажмите любую клавишу . . .
  12. tulllka

    Gm Shop

    Дайте ктота робочий Гмшоп для l2jx ато захарело искать )) и если есть укавото ешо какието робочие нпс кидайте )
  13. Дак я всьо настроел вожу логин и пароль вибираю сервер а дале непускает хз что делать вот скрин ( http://s57.radikal.ru/i156/1207/ac/570b0a9b4b7d.png
  14. Кто поможет поставить сервер 4 элемента ?сменя спасиба огромное )) скайп nazarr40 вот силка на сборку http://l2maxi.ru/3938-shara-servera-4-elementa.html
  15. # ===================================# # Game Server Settings # # ===================================# # This is the server configuration file. Here you can set up the connection information for your server. # This was written with the assumption that you are behind a router. # Dumbed Down Definitions... # LAN (LOCAL area network) - typically consists of computers connected to the same router as you. # WAN (WIDE area network) - typically consists of computers OUTSIDE of your router (ie. the internet). # x.x.x.x - Format of an IP address. Do not include the x'es into settings. Must be real numbers. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Networking # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname # Common settings... # - If you are playing alone on a test server # 192.168.x.x - This is if you are on a 192.168.x.x type network (behind a standard consumer router) and want other computers from JUST the internal network to be able to connect # x.x.x.x - WAN IP obtained from http://www.whatismyip.com/. This is if you want people outside your internal network to be able to connect to your server. # If this IP is resolvable by the Login Server, just leave *. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enter here (ip) address of your game server, or use the symbol * GameserverHostname = goldworld.zapto.org GameserverPort = 7777 # Configure your external ip ExternalHostname = goldworld.zapto.org # Configure your internal ip InternalHostname = goldworld.zapto.org # Bunch ID and game server. It is better not to change. LoginPort = 9014 LoginHost = goldworld.zapto.org # Database Pool Type # Possible Values: c3p0 or BoneCP # c3p0: more stable # BoneCP: more performance DatabasePoolType=c3p0 # Parameters Databases - MYSQL Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/exille # Login - Mysql's user Login = root # Password - Mysql's Password Password = root # Attention: lazy init connections disabled! # Please, set only real values for your database # Default: 100 MaximumDbConnections = 5000 # Default: 0 MaximumDbIdleTime = 0 # The timeout before a new connection to the database (in ms) # 0 - to remove restrictions TimeOutConDb = 0 # The timeout before the single connection must be closed (in ms) # if a connection life is more then this timeout, a Runtime Exception # is rised up. Post the exception on forum (www.l2jfrozen.com) to solve # it. SingleConnectionTimeOutDb=200000 # Sets number of partitions to use.- BoneCP # In order to reduce lock contention and thus improve performance, # each incoming connection request picks off a connection from a pool that has thread-affinity, # i.e. pool[threadId % partition_count]. The higher this number, the better your performance will be for the case # when you have plenty of short-lived threads. Beyond a certain threshold, maintenance of these pools will start # to have a negative effect on performance (and only for the case when connections on a partition start running out). PartitionCount = 3 # Setting emulation off the kernel (package SendStatus) RemoteWhoLog = True RemoteWhoSendTrash = True RemoteWhoMaxOnline = 700 RemoteOnlineIncrement = 50 RemoteWhoForceInc = 50 RemotePrivStoreFactor = 12 # Datapack folder # DatapackRoot = C:/Work/tmp/DataPack
  16. #============================================================# # Frozen Dev.Team # #============================================================# # This is the server configuration file. Here you can set up the connection for your server. # Usually you have to change the ExternalHostname option to # - (if you want to play alone / testing purpose) # - LAN IP* (if you want to play from another computer in the network) # - WAN IP** (if you want to play with friends over internet) # - Questions? => http://l2jfrozen.com # # * = If you want to get your LAN IP, simply choose "Start" => "Run..." then type "cmd" => "ipconfig" # **= If you want to get you WAN IP, visit http://www.whatismyip.com # ================================================================================ =================== # ================================================================ # General server setting !!! REQUIRED to configure to everyone !!! # ================================================================ # This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname ExternalHostname = goldworld.zapto.org # This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname InternalHostname = goldworld.zapto.org # Bind ip of the loginServer, use * to bind on all available IPs LoginserverHostname = goldworld.zapto.org LoginserverPort = 2106 # How many times you can provide an invalid account/pass before the IP gets banned LoginTryBeforeBan = 3 # Time you won't be able to login back again after LoginTryBeforeBan tries to login. Provide a value in seconds. Default 10min. (600) LoginBlockAfterBan = 600 GMMinLevel = 100 # The address on which login will listen for GameServers, use * to bind on all available IPs LoginHostname = goldworld.zapto.org # The port on which login will listen for GameServers LoginPort = 9014 # If set to True any GameServer can register on your login's free slots AcceptNewGameServer = False # If False, the licence (after the login) will not be shown # It is highly recomended for Account Seciurity to leave this option as defalut (True) ShowLicence = True # Database Pool Type # Possible Values: c3p0 or BoneCP # c3p0: more stable # BoneCP: more performance DatabasePoolType=c3p0 # Database info Driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver #Driver=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver #Driver=com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver # Database Settings URL=jdbc:mysql://localhost/exille #URL=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jdb #URL=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=l2jdb/user=sa/password= # Parameters Databases - MYSQL # Login - Mysql's user Login = root # Password - Mysql's Password Password = root # maximum number of simultaneous connecting to the database MaximumDbConnections = 5000 # Default: 0 MaximumDbIdleTime = 0 # The timeout before a new connection to the database (in ms) # default 0 disabled TimeOutConDb = 0 # Sets number of partitions to use. - BoneCP # In order to reduce lock contention and thus improve performance, # each incoming connection request picks off a connection from a pool that has thread-affinity, # i.e. pool[threadId % partition_count]. The higher this number, the better your performance will be for the case # when you have plenty of short-lived threads. Beyond a certain threshold, maintenance of these pools will start # to have a negative effect on performance (and only for the case when connections on a partition start running out). PartitionCount = 3 # Limit fast connections (input username / password) FastConnectionLimit = 15 # Time of the normal connection (in ms) NormalConnectionTime = 700 # Time fast connection (in ms) FastConnectionTime = 350 # Maximum connections with the 1st IP MaxConnectionPerIP = 50 # The lifetime of the session with the login server. SessionTTL = 25000 MaxSessions = 100 # Choose the option: "true", to create an account when logging in automatically AutoCreateAccounts = true # Time to renew the IP address of the server in minutes (for dynamic IP) IpUpdateTime = 0 # The configuration of the local subnet # Example : 192.168 # Ppimer : 10.1 NetworkList = 192.168.;10.0. # =============================================================== # Test server configuration, not to switch on the game server! = # =============================================================== # Use the GG client authentication # Login server access let the client without GameGuard ForceGGAuth = False # Including protection from flood # IMPORTANT: Put True for server security. EnableFloodProtection = True # Enable mode "debugging" # With debug you will see more log on console and more messages in game. Debug = False # Switched on "development" Developer = False # ============================================================= # Anti Ddos protection. # This system works with iptables # ============================================================= # iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 7777 -j DROP # IMPORTANT: Put True for server security. # IMPORTANT: Active only with LINUX OS. EnableDdosProSystem = False # String deny_comms # IMPORTANT: If you don't know what is it, leave as default Deny_noallow_ip_ddos = /sbin/iptables -I INPUT 13 -p tcp --dport 7777 -s $IP -j ACCEPT # Active full log on Login Server console about Ddos protection Fulllog_mode_print = false #------------------------------------------- # Additional login server logs settings - #------------------------------------------- Debug = False Assert = False Developer = False EnableAllExceptionsLog = false DebugPackets = false
  17. Дак ктота поможет?
  18. перезалил вот норм скрин http://s57.radikal.ru/i156/1207/ac/570b0a9b4b7d.png
  19. Го тем вивер исправиш с меня спасиб
  20. нажимаю на названия сервера и непускает что за нах ??? в геймлогине вибивает ошибку вот скрин http://s57.radikal.ru/i156/1207/ac/570b0a9b4b7d.png Перезалил скрин (Непускает на чара ) дак ешо пишет пин 9999
  21. tulllka

    Дополнения Из Shamona

    да блин я неумею витаскивать в гугле немагу найти))
  22. tulllka

    Дополнения Из Shamona

    мне нада пухи шмотку нпс из шамона укаво есть чтота ??
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