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Весь контент driad

  1. driad

    Eclipse Team

    Тему Ап. что никто не знает в чом пробла
  2. driad


    zabei na protokol. esl b protokol ne.sovpodal ti bi zamer na log i parole
  3. driad


  4. driad


    v konfige bila - maxpersacc -7 chtoto tipo togo
  5. driad

    Время Осад

    a ymenja napisano - 7mesyacev 15dney
  6. driad

    Время Осад

    xz cherez ipad norm vhodit cherez tel toje. a cherez komp pishet tipa.*stranica ne naidena* s mozila firefox s gogle chrome i s explore
  7. driad

    Время Осад

    net.v navikare cherez tv. s androida
  8. driad

    Время Осад

    я с тела... с компа на форум не заходит ссылку не скопировать...
  9. driad

    Время Осад

    про конвентируй сам а) на данный момент у меня числа1342364400000 это через 7месяцев и 15дней
  10. driad

    Время Осад

    Привет всем. Какое значение в НАВИКАТЕ вписать что бы осада была 8июля?с меня СПС
  11. driad

    Eclipse Team

    А использовать то где органичение 40чел?))) кидай полную no free сборку))))
  12. driad

    Eclipse Team

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Alternative Feature Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The defaults are set to be retail-like. If you modify any of these settings your server will deviate from being retail-like. # Warning: # Please take extreme caution when changing anything. Also please understand what you are changing before you do so on a live server. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Castle # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Siege Time rules # Which values can change Castle Lords (day,hour,minute) # Default: hour CLSetSiegeTimeList = hour # Which hours can change Castle Lords # Default: 16,20 SiegeHourList = 16,20 # Teleport Function price # Price = 7 days CastleTeleportFunctionFeeRatio = 604800000 CastleTeleportFunctionFeeLvl1 = 7000 CastleTeleportFunctionFeeLvl2 = 14000 # Support magic buff price # Price = 1 day CastleSupportFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000 CastleSupportFeeLvl1 = 7000 CastleSupportFeeLvl2 = 21000 CastleSupportFeeLvl3 = 37000 CastleSupportFeeLvl4 = 52000 # MP Regeneration price # Price = 1 day CastleMpRegenerationFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000 CastleMpRegenerationFeeLvl1 = 2000 CastleMpRegenerationFeeLvl2 = 6500 CastleMpRegenerationFeeLvl3 = 13750 CastleMpRegenerationFeeLvl4 = 20000 # Hp Regeneration price # Price = 1 day CastleHpRegenerationFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000 CastleHpRegenerationFeeLvl1 = 1000 CastleHpRegenerationFeeLvl2 = 1500 CastleHpRegenerationFeeLvl3 = 2250 CastleHpRegenerationFeeLvl4 = 3270 CastleHpRegenerationFeeLvl5 = 5166 # Exp Regeneration price # Price = 1 day CastleExpRegenerationFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000 CastleExpRegenerationFeeLvl1 = 9000 CastleExpRegenerationFeeLvl2 = 15000 CastleExpRegenerationFeeLvl3 = 21000 CastleExpRegenerationFeeLvl4 = 30000 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Clan Hall # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Teleport Function price # Price = 7 days ClanHallTeleportFunctionFeeRatio = 604800000 ClanHallTeleportFunctionFeeLvl1 = 7000 ClanHallTeleportFunctionFeeLvl2 = 14000 # Support magic buff price # Price = 1 day ClanHallSupportFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000 ClanHallSupportFeeLvl1 = 2500 ClanHallSupportFeeLvl2 = 5000 ClanHallSupportFeeLvl3 = 7000 ClanHallSupportFeeLvl4 = 11000 ClanHallSupportFeeLvl5 = 21000 ClanHallSupportFeeLvl6 = 36000 ClanHallSupportFeeLvl7 = 37000 ClanHallSupportFeeLvl8 = 364000 # MP Regeneration price # Price = 1 day ClanHallMpRegenerationFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000 ClanHallMpRegenerationFeeLvl1 = 2000 ClanHallMpRegenerationFeeLvl2 = 3750 ClanHallMpRegenerationFeeLvl3 = 6500 ClanHallMpRegenerationFeeLvl4 = 13750 ClanHallMpRegenerationFeeLvl5 = 20000 # Hp Regeneration price # Price = 1 day ClanHallHpRegenerationFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000 ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl1 = 700 ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl2 = 800 ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl3 = 1000 ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl4 = 1166 ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl5 = 1500 ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl6 = 1750 ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl7 = 2000 ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl8 = 2250 ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl9 = 2500 ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl10 = 3250 ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl11 = 3750 ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl12 = 4250 ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl13 = 5166 # Exp Regeneration price # Price = 1 day ClanHallExpRegenerationFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000 ClanHallExpRegenerationFeeLvl1 = 3000 ClanHallExpRegenerationFeeLvl2 = 6000 ClanHallExpRegenerationFeeLvl3 = 9000 ClanHallExpRegenerationFeeLvl4 = 15000 ClanHallExpRegenerationFeeLvl5 = 21000 ClanHallExpRegenerationFeeLvl6 = 23330 ClanHallExpRegenerationFeeLvl7 = 30000 # Creation item function # Price = 1 day ClanHallItemCreationFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000 ClanHallItemCreationFunctionFeeLvl1 = 30000 ClanHallItemCreationFunctionFeeLvl2 = 70000 ClanHallItemCreationFunctionFeeLvl3 = 140000 # Curtains Decoration # Price = 7 days ClanHallCurtainFunctionFeeRatio = 604800000 ClanHallCurtainFunctionFeeLvl1 = 2000 ClanHallCurtainFunctionFeeLvl2 = 2500 # Fixtures Decoration # Price = 3 days ClanHallFrontPlatformFunctionFeeRatio = 259200000 ClanHallFrontPlatformFunctionFeeLvl1 = 1300 ClanHallFrontPlatformFunctionFeeLvl2 = 4000 # If true Clan Hall buff cost 0 mp. # Default: False AltClanHallMpBuffFree = False # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fortress # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Teleport Function price # Price = 7 days FortressTeleportFunctionFeeRatio = 604800000 FortressTeleportFunctionFeeLvl1 = 1000 FortressTeleportFunctionFeeLvl2 = 10000 # Support magic buff price # Price = 1 day FortressSupportFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000 FortressSupportFeeLvl1 = 7000 FortressSupportFeeLvl2 = 17000 # MP Regeneration price # Price = 1 day FortressMpRegenerationFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000 FortressMpRegenerationFeeLvl1 = 6500 FortressMpRegenerationFeeLvl2 = 9300 # Hp Regeneration price # Price = 1 day FortressHpRegenerationFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000 FortressHpRegenerationFeeLvl1 = 2000 FortressHpRegenerationFeeLvl2 = 3500 # Exp Regeneration price # Price = 1 day FortressExpRegenerationFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000 FortressExpRegenerationFeeLvl1 = 9000 FortressExpRegenerationFeeLvl2 = 10000 # This is the time frequently when Fort owner gets Blood Oath, supply level raised and Fort fee is payed # Default 360 mins FortressPeriodicUpdateFrequency = 360 # The number of Blood Oath which given to the Fort owner clan when Fort Updater runs # Default: 1 FortressBloodOathCount = 1 # The maximum Fort supply level # Max lvl what you can define here is 21! # Default: 6 FortressMaxSupplyLevel = 6 # Fort fee which payed to the Castle # Default: 25000 FortressFeeForCastle = 25000 # The maximum time while a clan can own a fortress # Deafault: 168 hours FortressMaximumOwnTime = 168 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Seven Signs # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Determines whether castle ownership is determined by clan or by alliance. # Default is by alliance, as on official servers. AltRequireClanCastle = False # Dawn: # True - Players not owning castle need pay participation fee # False - Anyone can join Dawn AltCastleForDawn = True # Dusk: # True - Players owning castle can not join Dusk side # False - Anyone can join Dusk AltCastleForDusk = True # Minimum Players for participate in SevenSigns Festival. # Default: 5 AltFestivalMinPlayer = 5 # Maximum seal stone contribution per player during festival. # Default: 1000000 AltMaxPlayerContrib = 1000000 # Festival Manager Start time (set in miliseconds; 1000 = 1 second). # Default: 2 minutes AltFestivalManagerStart = 120000 # Festival Length (set in miliseconds; 1000 = 1 second). # Default: 18 minutes AltFestivalLength = 1080000 # Festival Cycle Length. # Default: 38 Minutes (20 minutes wait time + Festival Length) (set in miliseconds; 1000 = 1 second). AltFestivalCycleLength = 2280000 # At what point the first festival spawn occurs. # Default: 2 minutes (set in miliseconds; 1000 = 1 second). AltFestivalFirstSpawn = 120000 # At what Point the first festival swarm occurs. # Default: 5 minutes (set in miliseconds; 1000 = 1 second). AltFestivalFirstSwarm = 300000 # At what Point the second festival spawn occurs. # Default: 9 minutes (set in miliseconds; 1000 = 1 second). AltFestivalSecondSpawn = 540000 # At what Point the second festival spawn occurs. # Default: 12 minutes (set in miliseconds; 1000 = 1 second). AltFestivalSecondSwarm = 720000 # At what point the chests spawn in. # Default: 15 minutes (set in miliseconds; 1000 = 1 second). AltFestivalChestSpawn = 900000 # This multipliers are used to change P.Def/M.Def of castle gates/walls while Seal of Strife is controlled by one of the sides. # Default: 1.1,0.8,1.1,0.8 AltDawnGatesPdefMult = 1.1 AltDuskGatesPdefMult = 0.8 AltDawnGatesMdefMult = 1.1 AltDuskGatesMdefMult = 0.8 # If this = true only cabal period owners can use merchant and blacksmith of mammon. # If false any player can use. # Default: True StrictSevenSigns = True # Save SevenSigns status only each 30 mins and after period change. # Player info saved only during periodic data store (set by CharacterDataStoreInterval) and logout. # If False then save info and status immediately after changes. # Default: True AltSevenSignsLazyUpdate = True # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Clan Reputation Points # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Reputation score gained by taking Fortress. TakeFortPoints = 200 # Reputation score gained by taking Castle. TakeCastlePoints = 1500 # Reputation score gained by defended Castle. CastleDefendedPoints = 750 # Reputation score gained per clan members of festival winning party. FestivalOfDarknessWin = 200 # Reputation score gained for per hero clan members. HeroPoints = 1000 # Minimum Reputation score gained after completing 2nd class transfer under Academy. CompleteAcademyMinPoints = 190 # Maximum Reputation score gained after completing 2nd class transfer under Academy. CompleteAcademyMaxPoints = 650 # Reputation score gained per killed ballista. KillBallistaPoints = 30 # Reputation score gained for one Blood Alliance. BloodAlliancePoints = 500 # Reputation score gained for 10 Blood Oaths. BloodOathPoints = 200 # Reputation score gained for 100 Knight's Epaulettes. KnightsEpaulettePoints = 20 # Reputation score gained per clan member listed as top raid killers. 1stRaidRankingPoints = 1250 2ndRaidRankingPoints = 900 3rdRaidRankingPoints = 700 4thRaidRankingPoints = 600 5thRaidRankingPoints = 450 6thRaidRankingPoints = 350 7thRaidRankingPoints = 300 8thRaidRankingPoints = 200 9thRaidRankingPoints = 150 10thRaidRankingPoints = 100 UpTo50thRaidRankingPoints = 25 UpTo100thRaidRankingPoints = 12 # Reputation score gained/reduced per kill during a clan war or siege war. ReputationScorePerKill = 1 # Reputation score reduced by loosing Fortress in battle. LooseFortPoints = 0 # Reputation score reduced by loosing Castle in battle. LooseCastlePoints = 3000 # Reputation score reduced by creating Royal Guard. CreateRoyalGuardCost = 5000 # Reputation score reduced by creating Knight Unit. CreateKnightUnitCost = 10000 # Reputation score reduced by reinforcing Knight Unit (if clan level is 9 or more). ReinforceKnightUnitCost = 5000 # Reputation score reduced by increasing clan level. ClanLevel6Cost = 5000 ClanLevel7Cost = 10000 ClanLevel8Cost = 20000 ClanLevel9Cost = 40000 ClanLevel10Cost = 40000 ClanLevel11Cost = 75000 # Number of clan members needed to increase clan level. ClanLevel6Requirement = 30 ClanLevel7Requirement = 50 ClanLevel8Requirement = 80 ClanLevel9Requirement = 120 ClanLevel10Requirement = 140 ClanLevel11Requirement = 170 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Other # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Allow riding wyvern during Castle/Fort Siege # Default: True AllowRideWyvernDuringSiege = True
  13. driad

    Eclipse Team

    извини ты про ЛОГ?)))
  14. driad


    ...Завтра ТВ дашь настрою)
  15. driad


    спс) и ИД совпали) кста мож знаеш помоги) http://forummaxi.ru/index.php?showtopic=12322
  16. driad


    ссорь что ебу тебе мозги) но можеш точь в точь сказать название
  17. driad


    А ид дать можешь?)и ЛОВИ СПС
  18. driad


    блин) пойми блесы нужны не для 100% точки) так задумывалось пока мере на моем сервере и лови спс)
  19. driad


    Дивайн это какие ?)
  20. driad


    Ип динам или стат
  21. driad


    Заточка # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Контроль шанса заточки. # Все прописывается в % если вы поставить 100 то ваша вещь которою вы будете точить то она никогда не сломается. # Default: 66,66,66 EnchantChanceWeapon = 66 EnchantChanceArmor = 66 EnchantChanceJewelry = 66 EnchantChanceElementStone = 50 EnchantChanceElementCrystal = 30 EnchantChanceElementJewel = 20 EnchantChanceElementEnergy = 10 # Шанс для Blessed Scrool. Позволяет отдельно выставить шансы для Блес точек(можете поставить 100% и продовать их за реал, но не советую так как люди на таких серверах долго не играют=) ) # Default: 66,66,66 BlessedEnchantChanceWeapon = 66 BlessedEnchantChanceArmor = 66 BlessedEnchantChanceJewelry = 66 # Предел на точку. # Если вы поставите 10, то игроки не смогут точить вещи оружия и бижу выше 10. # Default: 0, 0, 0 EnchantMaxWeapon = 0 EnchantMaxArmor = 0 EnchantMaxJewelry = 0 # Безопасная Точка. # Вы можете установить безопасную точку чтобы вещь до определенного уровня не ломалась. # Если вы поставите 3 то люди будут точить со 100% шансом до3, а свыше 3 они будут точить с тем шансом которым вы указали выше. # Не вкоем случае не ставте 0, иначе сервер просто не запустится, значение должно быть больше 0. # Default: 3, 4 EnchantSafeMax = 15 EnchantSafeMaxFull = 15 # Список non-enchantable. # вещи которые нельзя точить, сдесь указанны вещи учеников, и Pailaka # Default: 7816,7817,7818,7819,7820,7821,7822,7823,7824,7825,7826,7827,7828,7829,7830,7831, 13293,13294,13296 EnchantBlackList = 7816,7817,7818,7819,7820,7821,7822,7823,7824,7825,7826,7827,7828,7829,7830,7831, 13293,13294,13296 неи такого конфига вроде
  22. driad


    опять не так обьяснил?)
  23. driad


    ...ты не так понял я хочу создать точки что б точили 100% пример в конфиги 66% точка а с этими точка будет точится 100%
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