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7 Подписчиков

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    São Paulo
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    To see beautiful works :D

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3223 просмотра профиля
  1. WilliamFS

    L2 Classic

    How curious... haven't Kamael or ertheia in character selection?
  2. This is sad I wanna a tool that I can set a different key per package... Another problem is I not trust in anyone, who ensures that you will generate a different key per user? And you will have access to all files, from all users! Look I'm not judging you, the fact is: Also you not trust in anyone, so I hope you understand me.... Sorry by spending your time, you seems a cool guy!
  3. And you can make one that the user can set the key?
  4. How it works? I can set my own key or it's generated by you?
  5. Sorry, you can talk in english? I can't translate your post, i'm using the google translator...
  6. Я сделал некоторую работу над текстурами:
  7. Thanks for the answer About the crowns, are not shared.
  8. Спасибо за комментарии! Текстуры были вставлены только для демонстрационных целей, я не сделал тщательную работу на них ... Об этом видео не понял вопроса: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJUgMhLM3IQ Что было бы в чем вопрос?
  9. Я никогда не видел вашего armor Ваша идея слаба, есть Гармония между shoulders и броню Все что я делаю это уникальное, не нужно никому подражать, я утра WilliamFS
  10. Настоящее время работает на этой броне: http://youtu.be/7GbxTrW4UYI хорошей?
  11. In fact it is a very creative guy and always has good ideas but the technical part of it is weak...
  12. Well, I took a look, this work is not any good, there is nothing interesting to use it, many errors in animation, most races are with shoulders incorrectly connected: I think the developer needs to study more! I can not believe someone bought this work ....
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