goodvin1709 3 Опубликовано 2 июля, 2012 Кто может выложить исходник квеста "A game cards"61~80 (игра в карты)61-80 уровни. На одном сервере набил много шариков посмотреть бы исходник как играть. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
swamp 32 Опубликовано 3 июля, 2012 (изменено) Держы,выдернул со сборки la2era tauti, другова дп ненашол (.Хотя впринцепи разницы никакой,вроде не апался package quests; import l2p.commons.util.Rnd; import l2p.gameserver.model.instances.NpcInstance; import; import; import l2p.gameserver.scripts.ScriptFile; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; public class _662_AGameOfCards extends Quest implements ScriptFile { // NPCs private final static int KLUMP = 30845; // Mobs private final static int[] mobs = { 20677, 21109, 21112, 21116, 21114, 21004, 21002, 21006, 21008, 21010, 18001, 20672, 20673, 20674, 20955, 20962, 20961, 20959, 20958, 20966, 20965, 20968, 20973, 20972, 21278, 21279, 21280, 21286, 21287, 21288, 21520, 21526, 21530, 21535, 21508, 21510, 21513, 21515}; // Quest Items private final static int RED_GEM = 8765; // Items private final static int Enchant_Weapon_S = 959; private final static int Enchant_Weapon_A = 729; private final static int Enchant_Weapon_B = 947; private final static int Enchant_Weapon_C = 951; private final static int Enchant_Weapon_D = 955; private final static int Enchant_Armor_D = 956; private final static int ZIGGOS_GEMSTONE = 8868; // Chances private final static int drop_chance = 35; private final static Map<Integer, CardGame> Games = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, CardGame>(); public _662_AGameOfCards() { super(true); addStartNpc(KLUMP); addKillId(mobs); addQuestItem(RED_GEM); } @Override public String onEvent(String event, QuestState st, NpcInstance npc) { int _state = st.getState(); if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("30845_02.htm") && _state == CREATED) { st.setCond(1); st.setState(STARTED); st.playSound(SOUND_ACCEPT); } else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("30845_07.htm") && _state == STARTED) { st.playSound(SOUND_FINISH); st.exitCurrentQuest(true); } else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("30845_03.htm") && _state == STARTED && st.getQuestItemsCount(RED_GEM) >= 50) return "30845_04.htm"; else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("30845_10.htm") && _state == STARTED) { if (st.getQuestItemsCount(RED_GEM) < 50) return "30845_10a.htm"; st.takeItems(RED_GEM, 50); int player_id = st.getPlayer().getObjectId(); if (Games.containsKey(player_id)) Games.remove(player_id); Games.put(player_id, new CardGame(player_id)); } else if (event.equalsIgnoreCase("play") && _state == STARTED) { int player_id = st.getPlayer().getObjectId(); if (!Games.containsKey(player_id)) return null; return Games.get(player_id).playField(); } else if (event.startsWith("card") && _state == STARTED) { int player_id = st.getPlayer().getObjectId(); if (!Games.containsKey(player_id)) return null; try { int cardn = Integer.valueOf(event.replaceAll("card", "")); return Games.get(player_id).next(cardn, st); } catch (Exception E) { return null; } } return event; } @Override public String onTalk(NpcInstance npc, QuestState st) { if (npc.getNpcId() != KLUMP) return "noquest"; int _state = st.getState(); if (_state == CREATED) { if (st.getPlayer().getLevel() < 61) { st.exitCurrentQuest(true); return "30845_00.htm"; } st.setCond(0); return "30845_01.htm"; } else if (_state == STARTED) return st.getQuestItemsCount(RED_GEM) < 50 ? "30845_03.htm" : "30845_04.htm"; return "noquest"; } @Override public String onKill(NpcInstance npc, QuestState qs) { if (qs.getState() == STARTED) qs.rollAndGive(RED_GEM, 1, drop_chance); return null; } @Override public void onLoad() { } @Override public void onReload() { } @Override public void onShutdown() { } private static class CardGame { private final String[] cards = new String[5]; private final int player_id; private final static String[] card_chars = new String[]{"A", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K"}; private final static String html_header = "<html><body>"; private final static String html_footer = "</body></html>"; private final static String table_header = "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"3\"><tr>"; private final static String table_footer = "</tr></table><br><br>"; private final static String td_begin = "<center><td width=\"50\" align=\"center\"><br><br><br> "; private final static String td_end = " <br><br><br><br></td></center>"; public CardGame(int _player_id) { player_id = _player_id; for (int i = 0; i < cards.length; i++) cards[i] = "<a action=\"bypass -h Quest _662_AGameOfCards card" + i + "\">?</a>"; } public String next(int cardn, QuestState st) { if (cardn >= cards.length || !cards[cardn].startsWith("<a")) return null; cards[cardn] = card_chars[Rnd.get(card_chars.length)]; for (String card : cards) if (card.startsWith("<a")) return playField(); return finish(st); } private String finish(QuestState st) { String result = html_header + table_header; Map<String, Integer> matches = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (String card : cards) { int count = matches.containsKey(card) ? matches.remove(card) : 0; count++; matches.put(card, count); } for (String card : cards) if (matches.get(card) < 2) matches.remove(card); String[] smatches = matches.keySet().toArray(new String[matches.size()]); Integer[] cmatches = matches.values().toArray(new Integer[matches.size()]); String txt = "Hmmm...? This is... No pair? Tough luck, my friend! Want to try again? Perhaps your luck will take a turn for the better..."; if (cmatches.length == 1) { if (cmatches[0] == 5) { txt = "Hmmm...? This is... Five of a kind!!!! What luck! The goddess of victory must be with you! Here is your prize! Well earned, well played!"; st.giveItems(ZIGGOS_GEMSTONE, 43); st.giveItems(Enchant_Weapon_S, 3); st.giveItems(Enchant_Weapon_A, 1); } else if (cmatches[0] == 4) { txt = "Hmmm...? This is... Four of a kind! Well done, my young friend! That sort of hand doesn't come up very often, that's for sure. Here's your prize."; st.giveItems(Enchant_Weapon_S, 2); st.giveItems(Enchant_Weapon_C, 2); } else if (cmatches[0] == 3) { txt = "Hmmm...? This is... Three of a kind? Very good, you are very lucky. Here's your prize."; st.giveItems(Enchant_Weapon_C, 2); } else if (cmatches[0] == 2) { txt = "Hmmm...? This is... One pair? You got lucky this time, but I wonder if it'll last. Here's your prize."; st.giveItems(Enchant_Armor_D, 2); } } else if (cmatches.length == 2) if (cmatches[0] == 3 || cmatches[1] == 3) { txt = "Hmmm...? This is... A full house? Excellent! you're better than I thought. Here's your prize."; st.giveItems(Enchant_Weapon_A, 1); st.giveItems(Enchant_Weapon_B, 2); st.giveItems(Enchant_Weapon_D, 1); } else { txt = "Hmmm...? This is... Two pairs? You got lucky this time, but I wonder if it'll last. Here's your prize."; st.giveItems(Enchant_Weapon_C, 1); } for (String card : cards) if (smatches.length > 0 && smatches[0].equalsIgnoreCase(card)) result += td_begin + "<font color=\"55FD44\">" + card + "</font>" + td_end; else if (smatches.length == 2 && smatches[1].equalsIgnoreCase(card)) result += td_begin + "<font color=\"FE6666\">" + card + "</font>" + td_end; else result += td_begin + card + td_end; result += table_footer + txt; if (st.getQuestItemsCount(RED_GEM) >= 50) result += "<br><br><a action=\"bypass -h Quest _662_AGameOfCards 30845_10.htm\">Play Again!</a>"; result += html_footer; Games.remove(player_id); return result; } public String playField() { String result = html_header + table_header; for (String card : cards) result += td_begin + card + td_end; result += table_footer + "Check your next card." + html_footer; return result; } } } Изменено 3 июля, 2012 пользователем swamp Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты