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Loading: ./config/main/Feature.ini

L2Properties: Missing property for key - AllowNewCharacterTitle

L2Properties: Missing property for key - NewCharacterTitle

L2Properties: Missing property for key - RemoteOnlineKeepStat

L2Properties: Missing property for key - AllowinfoView

L2Properties: Missing property for key - AllowDelevelCommand

Hck 1

L2Properties: Missing property for key - DelevelAdenaId

Hck 2

L2Properties: Missing property for key - DelevelAdenaCount

Hck 3

L2Properties: Missing property for key - LevelCountDelevel

Hck 4

Loading: ./config/main/Character.ini

Loading: ./config/main/MMO.ini

Loading: ./config/main/IDFactory.ini

Loading: ./config/main/General.ini

Loading: ./config/main/FloodProtector.ini

Loading: ./config/main/NPC.ini

Loading: ./config/main/Rates.ini

Loading: ./config/main/Siege.ini

Loading: ./config/main/PvP.ini

Loading: ./config/main/Olympiad.ini

Loading: ./config/main/GrandBoss.ini

Loading: ./config/main/ChatFilter.txt

Loaded 12 Filter Words.

Loading: ./config/main/Security.ini

Loading: ./config/main/MMO.ini

Loading: ./config/main/ConquerableHallSiege.ini

---------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Mods ]

Loading: ./config/mods/Banking.ini

Loading: ./config/mods/Champion.ini

Loading: ./config/mods/Chars.ini

Loading: ./config/mods/Chat.ini

Loading: ./config/mods/Classes.ini

Loading: ./config/mods/Custom.ini

Loading: ./config/mods/GraciaSeeds.ini

Loading: ./config/mods/L2jMods.ini

Loading: ./config/mods/Message.ini

Loading: ./config/mods/OfflineTrade.ini

Loading: ./config/mods/Wedding.ini

-------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Events ]

Loading: ./config/events/DM.ini

Loading: ./config/events/Events.ini

Loading: ./config/events/Hitman.ini

Loading: ./config/events/LM.ini

Loading: ./config/events/TvT.ini

-------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Script ]

Loading: ./config/scripts/BufferNpc.ini

Loading: ./config/scripts/RankNpc.ini

-----------------------------------------------------------------=[ Security ]

Loading: ./config/security/ProtectionAdmin.ini

Loading: ./config/security/ProtectionBot.ini

Loading: ./config/security/ProtectionBox.ini

--------------------------------------------------------------=[ Versionning ]

Loading: ./config/version/l2j-version.properties

Loading: ./config/version/l2jdp-version.properties

-----------------------------------------------------------------=[ Database ]

Initializing BoneCP [ version: 0.7.1.RELEASE, databaseDriver -> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2boz, maxConnectionsPerPartition -> 100, username -> root, password -> 123 ]

Searching for default mapping file in file:/root/hf/1/libs/l2-game_without_shift.jar

Searching for default mapping file in file:/root/hf/1/libs/l2-game_without_shift.jar

JavaSECMPInitializer - transformer is null.

Could not initialize Validation Factory. Encountered following exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/validation/Validation

EclipseLink, version: Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.2.0.v20110202-r8913

Detected Vendor platform: org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.MySQLPlatform



user name=> ""

connector=>JNDIConnector datasource name=>null


Connected: jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2boz

User: root@localhost

Database: MySQL Version: 5.1.62-0ubuntu0.10.04.1

Driver: MySQL-AB JDBC Driver Version: mysql-connector-java-5.1.17 ( Revision: ${bzr.revision-id} )



user name=> ""

connector=>JNDIConnector datasource name=>null


Connected: jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2boz

User: root@localhost

Database: MySQL Version: 5.1.62-0ubuntu0.10.04.1

Driver: MySQL-AB JDBC Driver Version: mysql-connector-java-5.1.17 ( Revision: ${bzr.revision-id} )

file:/root/hf/1/libs/l2-game_without_shift.jar_default_nonJtaDataSource=4766008 login successful

L2J Server Version: svn: This client is too old to work with working copy '.'. You need

L2J Datapack Version: svn: This client is too old to work with working copy '.'. You need

Updated characters online status.

Cleaned 4 elements from database in 0 s

Cleaned 0 expired timestamps from database.

IDFactory: 102912 id's available.

------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Engines ]

Initializing Script Engine Manager

Script Engine: BeanShell Engine 1.1 - Language: BeanShell - Language Version: 2.0b5

Script Engine: jython 2.2.1 - Language: python - Language Version: 2.2.1

Script Engine: java 1.6 - Language: java - Language Version: 1.6

Script Engine: Mozilla Rhino 1.7 release 3 PRERELEASE - Language: ECMAScript - Language Version: 1.8

--------------------------------------------------------------------=[ World ]

Initializing InstanceManager

Loaded 155 instance names

Multiverse Instance created

Universe Instance created

L2World: (128 by 136) World Region Grid set up.

-------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Skills ]

EnchantGroupsTable: Loaded 5 groups.

SkillsEngine: Loaded 65815 Skill templates from XML files.

SkillTreesData: Loaded 17173 Class Skills for 103 Class Skill Trees.

SkillTreesData: Loaded 76 Sub-Class Skills.

SkillTreesData: Loaded 77 Transfer Skills for 3 Transfer Skill Trees.

SkillTreesData: Loaded 117 Fishing Skills, 27 Dwarven only Fishing Skills.

SkillTreesData: Loaded 3 Collect Skills.

SkillTreesData: Loaded 74 Pledge Skills, 44 for Pledge and 30 Residential.

SkillTreesData: Loaded 18 Sub-Pledge Skills.

SkillTreesData: Loaded 32 Transform Skills.

PetSkillsTable: Loaded 1815 skills.



P.S. Название БД и пароль от БД поменял) так что не пишите типо "ты сдал пароль")

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допустим виноват mysql и как на счет Loading: ./config/main/Feature.ini

L2Properties: Missing property for key - AllowNewCharacterTitle

L2Properties: Missing property for key - NewCharacterTitle

L2Properties: Missing property for key - RemoteOnlineKeepStat

L2Properties: Missing property for key - AllowinfoView

L2Properties: Missing property for key - AllowDelevelCommand

Hck 1

L2Properties: Missing property for key - DelevelAdenaId

Hck 2

L2Properties: Missing property for key - DelevelAdenaCount

Hck 3

L2Properties: Missing property for key - LevelCountDelevel

Hck 4

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извини ты про ЛОГ?)))

Он про


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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Alternative Feature Settings

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# The defaults are set to be retail-like. If you modify any of these settings your server will deviate from being retail-like.

# Warning:

# Please take extreme caution when changing anything. Also please understand what you are changing before you do so on a live server.

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Castle

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Siege Time rules

# Which values can change Castle Lords (day,hour,minute)

# Default: hour

CLSetSiegeTimeList = hour


# Which hours can change Castle Lords

# Default: 16,20

SiegeHourList = 16,20


# Teleport Function price

# Price = 7 days

CastleTeleportFunctionFeeRatio = 604800000

CastleTeleportFunctionFeeLvl1 = 7000

CastleTeleportFunctionFeeLvl2 = 14000


# Support magic buff price

# Price = 1 day

CastleSupportFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000

CastleSupportFeeLvl1 = 7000

CastleSupportFeeLvl2 = 21000

CastleSupportFeeLvl3 = 37000

CastleSupportFeeLvl4 = 52000


# MP Regeneration price

# Price = 1 day

CastleMpRegenerationFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000

CastleMpRegenerationFeeLvl1 = 2000

CastleMpRegenerationFeeLvl2 = 6500

CastleMpRegenerationFeeLvl3 = 13750

CastleMpRegenerationFeeLvl4 = 20000


# Hp Regeneration price

# Price = 1 day

CastleHpRegenerationFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000

CastleHpRegenerationFeeLvl1 = 1000

CastleHpRegenerationFeeLvl2 = 1500

CastleHpRegenerationFeeLvl3 = 2250

CastleHpRegenerationFeeLvl4 = 3270

CastleHpRegenerationFeeLvl5 = 5166


# Exp Regeneration price

# Price = 1 day

CastleExpRegenerationFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000

CastleExpRegenerationFeeLvl1 = 9000

CastleExpRegenerationFeeLvl2 = 15000

CastleExpRegenerationFeeLvl3 = 21000

CastleExpRegenerationFeeLvl4 = 30000



# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Clan Hall

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Teleport Function price

# Price = 7 days

ClanHallTeleportFunctionFeeRatio = 604800000

ClanHallTeleportFunctionFeeLvl1 = 7000

ClanHallTeleportFunctionFeeLvl2 = 14000


# Support magic buff price

# Price = 1 day

ClanHallSupportFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000

ClanHallSupportFeeLvl1 = 2500

ClanHallSupportFeeLvl2 = 5000

ClanHallSupportFeeLvl3 = 7000

ClanHallSupportFeeLvl4 = 11000

ClanHallSupportFeeLvl5 = 21000

ClanHallSupportFeeLvl6 = 36000

ClanHallSupportFeeLvl7 = 37000

ClanHallSupportFeeLvl8 = 364000


# MP Regeneration price

# Price = 1 day

ClanHallMpRegenerationFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000

ClanHallMpRegenerationFeeLvl1 = 2000

ClanHallMpRegenerationFeeLvl2 = 3750

ClanHallMpRegenerationFeeLvl3 = 6500

ClanHallMpRegenerationFeeLvl4 = 13750

ClanHallMpRegenerationFeeLvl5 = 20000


# Hp Regeneration price

# Price = 1 day

ClanHallHpRegenerationFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000

ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl1 = 700

ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl2 = 800

ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl3 = 1000

ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl4 = 1166

ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl5 = 1500

ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl6 = 1750

ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl7 = 2000

ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl8 = 2250

ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl9 = 2500

ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl10 = 3250

ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl11 = 3750

ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl12 = 4250

ClanHallHpRegenerationFeeLvl13 = 5166


# Exp Regeneration price

# Price = 1 day

ClanHallExpRegenerationFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000

ClanHallExpRegenerationFeeLvl1 = 3000

ClanHallExpRegenerationFeeLvl2 = 6000

ClanHallExpRegenerationFeeLvl3 = 9000

ClanHallExpRegenerationFeeLvl4 = 15000

ClanHallExpRegenerationFeeLvl5 = 21000

ClanHallExpRegenerationFeeLvl6 = 23330

ClanHallExpRegenerationFeeLvl7 = 30000


# Creation item function

# Price = 1 day

ClanHallItemCreationFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000

ClanHallItemCreationFunctionFeeLvl1 = 30000

ClanHallItemCreationFunctionFeeLvl2 = 70000

ClanHallItemCreationFunctionFeeLvl3 = 140000


# Curtains Decoration

# Price = 7 days

ClanHallCurtainFunctionFeeRatio = 604800000

ClanHallCurtainFunctionFeeLvl1 = 2000

ClanHallCurtainFunctionFeeLvl2 = 2500


# Fixtures Decoration

# Price = 3 days

ClanHallFrontPlatformFunctionFeeRatio = 259200000

ClanHallFrontPlatformFunctionFeeLvl1 = 1300

ClanHallFrontPlatformFunctionFeeLvl2 = 4000


# If true Clan Hall buff cost 0 mp.

# Default: False

AltClanHallMpBuffFree = False



# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Fortress

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Teleport Function price

# Price = 7 days

FortressTeleportFunctionFeeRatio = 604800000

FortressTeleportFunctionFeeLvl1 = 1000

FortressTeleportFunctionFeeLvl2 = 10000


# Support magic buff price

# Price = 1 day

FortressSupportFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000

FortressSupportFeeLvl1 = 7000

FortressSupportFeeLvl2 = 17000


# MP Regeneration price

# Price = 1 day

FortressMpRegenerationFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000

FortressMpRegenerationFeeLvl1 = 6500

FortressMpRegenerationFeeLvl2 = 9300


# Hp Regeneration price

# Price = 1 day

FortressHpRegenerationFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000

FortressHpRegenerationFeeLvl1 = 2000

FortressHpRegenerationFeeLvl2 = 3500


# Exp Regeneration price

# Price = 1 day

FortressExpRegenerationFunctionFeeRatio = 86400000

FortressExpRegenerationFeeLvl1 = 9000

FortressExpRegenerationFeeLvl2 = 10000


# This is the time frequently when Fort owner gets Blood Oath, supply level raised and Fort fee is payed

# Default 360 mins

FortressPeriodicUpdateFrequency = 360


# The number of Blood Oath which given to the Fort owner clan when Fort Updater runs

# Default: 1

FortressBloodOathCount = 1


# The maximum Fort supply level

# Max lvl what you can define here is 21!

# Default: 6

FortressMaxSupplyLevel = 6


# Fort fee which payed to the Castle

# Default: 25000

FortressFeeForCastle = 25000


# The maximum time while a clan can own a fortress

# Deafault: 168 hours

FortressMaximumOwnTime = 168


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Seven Signs

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Determines whether castle ownership is determined by clan or by alliance.

# Default is by alliance, as on official servers.

AltRequireClanCastle = False


# Dawn:

# True - Players not owning castle need pay participation fee

# False - Anyone can join Dawn

AltCastleForDawn = True


# Dusk:

# True - Players owning castle can not join Dusk side

# False - Anyone can join Dusk

AltCastleForDusk = True


# Minimum Players for participate in SevenSigns Festival.

# Default: 5

AltFestivalMinPlayer = 5


# Maximum seal stone contribution per player during festival.

# Default: 1000000

AltMaxPlayerContrib = 1000000


# Festival Manager Start time (set in miliseconds; 1000 = 1 second).

# Default: 2 minutes

AltFestivalManagerStart = 120000


# Festival Length (set in miliseconds; 1000 = 1 second).

# Default: 18 minutes

AltFestivalLength = 1080000


# Festival Cycle Length.

# Default: 38 Minutes (20 minutes wait time + Festival Length) (set in miliseconds; 1000 = 1 second).

AltFestivalCycleLength = 2280000


# At what point the first festival spawn occurs.

# Default: 2 minutes (set in miliseconds; 1000 = 1 second).

AltFestivalFirstSpawn = 120000


# At what Point the first festival swarm occurs.

# Default: 5 minutes (set in miliseconds; 1000 = 1 second).

AltFestivalFirstSwarm = 300000


# At what Point the second festival spawn occurs.

# Default: 9 minutes (set in miliseconds; 1000 = 1 second).

AltFestivalSecondSpawn = 540000


# At what Point the second festival spawn occurs.

# Default: 12 minutes (set in miliseconds; 1000 = 1 second).

AltFestivalSecondSwarm = 720000


# At what point the chests spawn in.

# Default: 15 minutes (set in miliseconds; 1000 = 1 second).

AltFestivalChestSpawn = 900000


# This multipliers are used to change P.Def/M.Def of castle gates/walls while Seal of Strife is controlled by one of the sides.

# Default: 1.1,0.8,1.1,0.8

AltDawnGatesPdefMult = 1.1

AltDuskGatesPdefMult = 0.8

AltDawnGatesMdefMult = 1.1

AltDuskGatesMdefMult = 0.8


# If this = true only cabal period owners can use merchant and blacksmith of mammon.

# If false any player can use.

# Default: True

StrictSevenSigns = True


# Save SevenSigns status only each 30 mins and after period change.

# Player info saved only during periodic data store (set by CharacterDataStoreInterval) and logout.

# If False then save info and status immediately after changes.

# Default: True

AltSevenSignsLazyUpdate = True


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Clan Reputation Points

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Reputation score gained by taking Fortress.

TakeFortPoints = 200


# Reputation score gained by taking Castle.

TakeCastlePoints = 1500


# Reputation score gained by defended Castle.

CastleDefendedPoints = 750


# Reputation score gained per clan members of festival winning party.

FestivalOfDarknessWin = 200


# Reputation score gained for per hero clan members.

HeroPoints = 1000


# Minimum Reputation score gained after completing 2nd class transfer under Academy.

CompleteAcademyMinPoints = 190


# Maximum Reputation score gained after completing 2nd class transfer under Academy.

CompleteAcademyMaxPoints = 650


# Reputation score gained per killed ballista.

KillBallistaPoints = 30


# Reputation score gained for one Blood Alliance.

BloodAlliancePoints = 500


# Reputation score gained for 10 Blood Oaths.

BloodOathPoints = 200


# Reputation score gained for 100 Knight's Epaulettes.

KnightsEpaulettePoints = 20


# Reputation score gained per clan member listed as top raid killers.

1stRaidRankingPoints = 1250

2ndRaidRankingPoints = 900

3rdRaidRankingPoints = 700

4thRaidRankingPoints = 600

5thRaidRankingPoints = 450

6thRaidRankingPoints = 350

7thRaidRankingPoints = 300

8thRaidRankingPoints = 200

9thRaidRankingPoints = 150

10thRaidRankingPoints = 100

UpTo50thRaidRankingPoints = 25

UpTo100thRaidRankingPoints = 12


# Reputation score gained/reduced per kill during a clan war or siege war.

ReputationScorePerKill = 1


# Reputation score reduced by loosing Fortress in battle.

LooseFortPoints = 0


# Reputation score reduced by loosing Castle in battle.

LooseCastlePoints = 3000


# Reputation score reduced by creating Royal Guard.

CreateRoyalGuardCost = 5000


# Reputation score reduced by creating Knight Unit.

CreateKnightUnitCost = 10000


# Reputation score reduced by reinforcing Knight Unit (if clan level is 9 or more).

ReinforceKnightUnitCost = 5000


# Reputation score reduced by increasing clan level.

ClanLevel6Cost = 5000

ClanLevel7Cost = 10000

ClanLevel8Cost = 20000

ClanLevel9Cost = 40000

ClanLevel10Cost = 40000

ClanLevel11Cost = 75000


# Number of clan members needed to increase clan level.

ClanLevel6Requirement = 30

ClanLevel7Requirement = 50

ClanLevel8Requirement = 80

ClanLevel9Requirement = 120

ClanLevel10Requirement = 140

ClanLevel11Requirement = 170


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Other

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


# Allow riding wyvern during Castle/Fort Siege

# Default: True

AllowRideWyvernDuringSiege = True

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не думал что наши фри разработки кто то использует)))

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не думал что наши фри разработки кто то использует)))

А использовать то где органичение 40чел?))) кидай полную no free сборку))))

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Тему Ап. что никто не знает в чом пробла

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А использовать то где органичение 40чел?))) кидай полную no free сборку))))

ну как бы можно и купить в край случае разовую и не будет тебе ограничения)

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ну как бы можно и купить в край случае разовую и не будет тебе ограничения)

Ты что?)))) в последнее время ХАЛЯВА рулит))))

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