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# GEO?


GeoData = False

GeoPathFinding = False




# GeoData used to check Line Of Sight (LOS)

# Used for skill casting and mob aggro check

GeoCheckLoS = True


DebugPath = False



# Pathfinding array buffers configuration

PathFindBuffers = 100x6;128x6;192x6;256x4;320x4;384x4;500x2


# Weight for nodes without obstacles far from walls

LowWeight = 0.5


# Weight for nodes near walls

MediumWeight = 2


# Weight for nodes with obstacles

HighWeight = 3


# Angle paths will be more "smart", but in cost of higher CPU utilization

AdvancedDiagonalStrategy = True


# Weight for diagonal movement. Used only with AdvancedDiagonalStrategy = True

# Default: LowWeight * sqrt(2)

DiagonalWeight = 0.707


# Maximum number of LOS postfilter passes, 0 will disable postfilter.

# Default: 3

MaxPostfilterPasses = 3

# -------------------------------------------------------------

# Use GeoData to prevent movement through walls.

# No path finding, but objects will stop if they hit a wall.

GeoCheckMovePlayable = True

GeoCheckMoveNpc = True


# -------------------------------------------------------------

# [True]Loads GeoData buffer's content into physical memory.

# [False] Does not necessarily imply that the GeoData buffer's content is not resident in physical memory.

ForceGeoData = False

# -------------------------------------------------------------

# Z-Axis correction for L2Spawns.

# Possible values: Town, Monster, None, All

# If you have problems with NPCs spawning on town roofs, change to "Monster" or "None"

# If you have problems with dungeon mobs spawning on surface, change to "Town" or "None"

GeoCorrectZ = All

# Handle Doors in GeoEngine

GeoDoors = True

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# GEO?


GeoData = False

GeoPathFinding = False




# GeoData used to check Line Of Sight (LOS)

# Used for skill casting and mob aggro check

GeoCheckLoS = True


DebugPath = False



# Pathfinding array buffers configuration

PathFindBuffers = 100x6;128x6;192x6;256x4;320x4;384x4;500x2


# Weight for nodes without obstacles far from walls

LowWeight = 0.5


# Weight for nodes near walls

MediumWeight = 2


# Weight for nodes with obstacles

HighWeight = 3


# Angle paths will be more "smart", but in cost of higher CPU utilization

AdvancedDiagonalStrategy = True


# Weight for diagonal movement. Used only with AdvancedDiagonalStrategy = True

# Default: LowWeight * sqrt(2)

DiagonalWeight = 0.707


# Maximum number of LOS postfilter passes, 0 will disable postfilter.

# Default: 3

MaxPostfilterPasses = 3

# -------------------------------------------------------------

# Use GeoData to prevent movement through walls.

# No path finding, but objects will stop if they hit a wall.

GeoCheckMovePlayable = True

GeoCheckMoveNpc = True


# -------------------------------------------------------------

# [True]Loads GeoData buffer's content into physical memory.

# [False] Does not necessarily imply that the GeoData buffer's content is not resident in physical memory.

ForceGeoData = False

# -------------------------------------------------------------

# Z-Axis correction for L2Spawns.

# Possible values: Town, Monster, None, All

# If you have problems with NPCs spawning on town roofs, change to "Monster" or "None"

# If you have problems with dungeon mobs spawning on surface, change to "Town" or "None"

GeoCorrectZ = All

# Handle Doors in GeoEngine

GeoDoors = True

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