nerosermax 0 Опубликовано 18 августа, 2013 (изменено) Картинки все скажут Так себя вижу: Одетый и с Р пухой Так меня видят другие персонажы В чем проблема? Я весь CharInfo перерыл. Изменено 18 августа, 2013 пользователем nerosermax Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Gaikotsu 621 Опубликовано 18 августа, 2013 ну для начала сказал бы какие конкретно у тебя хроники, а во вторых - привел бы код своего CharInfo 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
nerosermax 0 Опубликовано 18 августа, 2013 Глори дай package; import javolution.util.FastList; import lineage2.gameserver.Config; import lineage2.gameserver.instancemanager.CursedWeaponsManager; import lineage2.gameserver.instancemanager.ReflectionManager; import lineage2.gameserver.model.Creature; import lineage2.gameserver.model.Player; import lineage2.gameserver.model.base.TeamType; import lineage2.gameserver.model.instances.DecoyInstance; import lineage2.gameserver.model.items.Inventory; import lineage2.gameserver.model.items.PcInventory; import lineage2.gameserver.model.matching.MatchingRoom; import lineage2.gameserver.model.pledge.Alliance; import lineage2.gameserver.model.pledge.Clan; import lineage2.gameserver.skills.effects.EffectCubic; import lineage2.gameserver.utils.Location; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class CharInfo extends L2GameServerPacket { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CharInfo.class); private int[][] _inv; private int _mAtkSpd, _pAtkSpd; private int _runSpd, _walkSpd, _swimSpd, _flRunSpd, _flWalkSpd, _flyRunSpd, _flyWalkSpd; private Location _loc, _fishLoc; private String _name, _title; private int _objId, _race, _sex, base_class, pvp_flag, karma, rec_have; private double speed_move, speed_atack, col_radius, col_height; private int hair_style, hair_color, face; private int clan_id, clan_crest_id, large_clan_crest_id, ally_id, ally_crest_id, class_id; private int _sit, _run, _combat, _dead, private_store, _enchant; private int _noble, _hero, _fishing, mount_type; private int plg_class, pledge_type, clan_rep_score, cw_level, mount_id; private int _nameColor, _title_color, _transform, _agathion, _clanBoatObjectId; private EffectCubic[] cubics; private boolean _isPartyRoomLeader, _isFlying; private TeamType _team; private int curHP, maxHP, curMP, maxMP, curCP; public CharInfo(Player cha) { this((Creature) cha); } public CharInfo(DecoyInstance cha) { this((Creature) cha); } public CharInfo(Creature cha) { if (cha == null) { System.out.println("CharInfo: cha is null!"); Thread.dumpStack(); return; } if (cha.isInvisible()) return; if (cha.isDeleted()) return; Player player = cha.getPlayer(); if (player == null) return; if (player.isInBoat()) { _loc = player.getInBoatPosition(); if (player.isClanAirShipDriver()) _clanBoatObjectId = player.getBoat().getBoatId(); } if (_loc == null) _loc = cha.getLoc(); _objId = cha.getObjectId(); // Проклятое оружие и трансформации для ТВ скрывают имя и все остальные // опознавательные знаки if (player.getTransformationName() != null || (player.getReflection() == ReflectionManager.GIRAN_HARBOR || player.getReflection() == ReflectionManager.PARNASSUS) && player.getPrivateStoreType() != Player.STORE_PRIVATE_NONE) { _name = player.getTransformationName() != null ? player.getTransformationName() : player.getName(); _title = ""; clan_id = 0; clan_crest_id = 0; ally_id = 0; ally_crest_id = 0; large_clan_crest_id = 0; if (player.isCursedWeaponEquipped()) cw_level = CursedWeaponsManager.getInstance().getLevel(player.getCursedWeaponEquippedId()); } else { _name = player.getName(); if (player.getPrivateStoreType() != Player.STORE_PRIVATE_NONE) _title = ""; else if (!player.isConnected()) { _title = "NO CARRIER"; _title_color = 255; } else { _title = player.getTitle(); _title_color = player.getTitleColor(); } Clan clan = player.getClan(); Alliance alliance = clan == null ? null : clan.getAlliance(); // clan_id = clan == null ? 0 : clan.getClanId(); clan_crest_id = clan == null ? 0 : clan.getCrestId(); large_clan_crest_id = clan == null ? 0 : clan.getCrestLargeId(); // ally_id = alliance == null ? 0 : alliance.getAllyId(); ally_crest_id = alliance == null ? 0 : alliance.getAllyCrestId(); cw_level = 0; } if (player.isMounted()) { _enchant = 0; mount_id = player.getMountNpcId() + 1000000; mount_type = player.getMountType(); } else { _enchant = player.getEnchantEffect(); mount_id = 0; mount_type = 0; } _inv = new int[inventory.PAPERDOLL_MAX][2]; for (int PAPERDOLL_ID : PAPERDOLL_ORDER) { _inv[PAPERDOLL_ID][0] = player.getInventory().getPaperdollItemId(PAPERDOLL_ID); _inv[PAPERDOLL_ID][1] = player.getInventory().getPaperdollAugmentationId(PAPERDOLL_ID); } _mAtkSpd = player.getMAtkSpd(); _pAtkSpd = player.getPAtkSpd(); speed_move = player.getMovementSpeedMultiplier(); _runSpd = (int) (player.getRunSpeed() / speed_move); _walkSpd = (int) (player.getWalkSpeed() / speed_move); _flRunSpd = 0; // TODO _flWalkSpd = 0; // TODO if (player.isFlying()) { _flyRunSpd = _runSpd; _flyWalkSpd = _walkSpd; } else { _flyRunSpd = 0; _flyWalkSpd = 0; } _swimSpd = player.getSwimSpeed(); _race = player.getRace().ordinal(); _sex = player.getSex(); base_class = player.getBaseClassId(); pvp_flag = player.getPvpFlag(); karma = player.getKarma(); speed_atack = player.getAttackSpeedMultiplier(); col_radius = player.getColRadius(); col_height = player.getColHeight(); hair_style = player.getHairStyle(); hair_color = player.getHairColor(); face = player.getFace(); if (clan_id > 0 && player.getClan() != null) clan_rep_score = player.getClan().getReputationScore(); else clan_rep_score = 0; _sit = player.isSitting() ? 0 : 1; // standing = 1 sitting = 0 _run = player.isRunning() ? 1 : 0; // running = 1 walking = 0 _combat = player.isInCombat() ? 1 : 0; _dead = player.isAlikeDead() ? 1 : 0; private_store = player.isInObserverMode() ? Player.STORE_OBSERVING_GAMES : player.getPrivateStoreType(); cubics = player.getCubics().toArray(new EffectCubic[player.getCubics().size()]); rec_have = player.isGM() ? 0 : player.getRecomHave(); class_id = player.getClassId().getId(); _team = player.getTeam(); _noble = player.isNoble() ? 1 : 0; // 0x01: symbol on char menu ctrl+I _hero = player.isHero() || player.isGM() && Config.GM_HERO_AURA ? 1 : 0; // 0x01: // Hero // Aura _fishing = player.isFishing() ? 1 : 0; _fishLoc = player.getFishLoc(); _nameColor = player.getNameColor(); // New C5 plg_class = player.getPledgeClass(); pledge_type = player.getPledgeType(); _transform = player.getTransformation(); _agathion = player.getAgathionId(); _isPartyRoomLeader = player.getMatchingRoom() != null && player.getMatchingRoom().getType() == MatchingRoom.PARTY_MATCHING && player.getMatchingRoom().getLeader() == player; _isFlying = player.isInFlyingTransform(); curCP = (int) player.getCurrentCp(); curHP = (int) player.getCurrentHp(); maxHP = player.getMaxHp(); curMP = (int) player.getCurrentMp(); maxMP = player.getMaxMp(); } @Override protected final void writeImpl() { Player activeChar = getClient().getActiveChar(); if (activeChar == null) return; if (_objId == 0) return; if (activeChar.getObjectId() == _objId) { _log.error("You cant send CharInfo about his character to active user!!!"); return; } writeC(0x31); writeD(_loc.x); writeD(_loc.y); writeD(_loc.z + Config.CLIENT_Z_SHIFT); writeD(_clanBoatObjectId); writeD(_objId); writeS(_name); writeD(_race); writeD(_sex); writeD(base_class); for (int PAPERDOLL_ID : PAPERDOLL_ORDER) writeD(_inv[PAPERDOLL_ID][0]); for (int PAPERDOLL_ID : PAPERDOLL_ORDER) writeD(_inv[PAPERDOLL_ID][1]); writeD(0x01); // TODO talisman count(VISTALL) writeD(0x00); // TODO cloak status(VISTALL) writeD(pvp_flag); writeD(karma); writeD(0); // Tauti writeD(0); // Tauti writeD(0); // Tauti writeD(0); // Tauti writeD(0); // Tauti writeD(0); // Tauti writeD(0); // Tauti writeD(0); // Tauti writeD(0); // Tauti writeD(_mAtkSpd); writeD(_pAtkSpd); writeD(0x00); writeD(_runSpd); writeD(_walkSpd); writeD(_swimSpd); writeD(_swimSpd); writeD(_flRunSpd); writeD(_flWalkSpd); writeD(_flyRunSpd); writeD(_flyWalkSpd); writeF(speed_move); // _cha.getProperMultiplier() writeF(speed_atack); // _cha.getAttackSpeedMultiplier() writeF(col_radius); writeF(col_height); writeD(hair_style); writeD(hair_color); writeD(face); writeS(_title); writeD(clan_id); writeD(clan_crest_id); writeD(ally_id); writeD(ally_crest_id); writeC(_sit); writeC(_run); writeC(_combat); writeC(_dead); writeC(0x00); // is invisible writeC(mount_type); // 1-on Strider, 2-on Wyvern, 3-on Great Wolf, 0-no // mount writeC(private_store); writeH(cubics.length); for (EffectCubic cubic : cubics) writeH(cubic == null ? 0 : cubic.getId()); writeC(_isPartyRoomLeader ? 0x01 : 0x00); // find party members writeC(_isFlying ? 0x02 : 0x00); writeH(rec_have); writeD(mount_id); writeD(class_id); writeD(0x00); writeC(_enchant); writeC(_team.ordinal()); // team circle around feet 1 = Blue, 2 = red writeD(large_clan_crest_id); writeC(_noble); writeC(_hero); writeC(_fishing); writeD(_fishLoc.x); writeD(_fishLoc.y); writeD(_fishLoc.z); writeD(_nameColor); writeD(_loc.h); writeD(plg_class); writeD(pledge_type); writeD(_title_color); writeD(cw_level); writeD(clan_rep_score); writeD(_transform); writeD(_agathion); writeD(0x01); // T2 writeD(0x00);// Unknown1 (GOD) writeD(0x00);// Unknown2 (GOD) writeD(0x00);// Unknown3 (GOD) writeD(curCP); writeD(curHP); writeD(maxHP); writeD(curMP); writeD(maxMP); writeD(0x00); writeD(0x00);// Unknown9 (GOD) writeC(0x00);// Unknown10 (GOD) writeC(0x00); // Tauti } public static final int[] PAPERDOLL_ORDER = { Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDER, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_HEAD, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RHAND, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_GLOVES, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_CHEST, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LEGS, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_FEET, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_BACK, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LRHAND, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_HAIR, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DHAIR, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RBRACELET, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LBRACELET, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DECO1, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DECO2, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DECO3, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DECO4, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DECO5, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DECO6, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_BELT }; } Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Gaikotsu 621 Опубликовано 18 августа, 2013 ну для начала у тебя пвп-флаг и карма шлются не на своем месте, во вторых не шлется внешний вид предметов, в третьих (хоть это к данной ситуации и не относится) - у тебя в пакете не реализована отсылка абнормалов по новому, т.е. так как они шлются с таути и далее 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
nerosermax 0 Опубликовано 18 августа, 2013 Хорошо а если так? package; import javolution.util.FastList; import lineage2.gameserver.Config; import lineage2.gameserver.instancemanager.CursedWeaponsManager; import lineage2.gameserver.instancemanager.ReflectionManager; import lineage2.gameserver.model.Creature; import lineage2.gameserver.model.Player; import lineage2.gameserver.model.base.TeamType; import lineage2.gameserver.model.instances.DecoyInstance; import lineage2.gameserver.model.items.Inventory; import lineage2.gameserver.model.items.PcInventory; import lineage2.gameserver.model.matching.MatchingRoom; import lineage2.gameserver.model.pledge.Alliance; import lineage2.gameserver.model.pledge.Clan; import lineage2.gameserver.skills.effects.EffectCubic; import lineage2.gameserver.utils.Location; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class CharInfo extends L2GameServerPacket { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CharInfo.class); private int[][] _inv; private int _mAtkSpd, _pAtkSpd; private int _runSpd, _walkSpd, _swimSpd, _flRunSpd, _flWalkSpd, _flyRunSpd, _flyWalkSpd; private Location _loc, _fishLoc; private String _name, _title; private int _objId, _race, _sex, base_class, pvp_flag, karma, rec_have; private double speed_move, speed_atack, col_radius, col_height; private int hair_style, hair_color, face; private int clan_id, clan_crest_id, large_clan_crest_id, ally_id, ally_crest_id, class_id; private int _sit, _run, _combat, _dead, private_store, _enchant; private int _noble, _hero, _fishing, mount_type; private int plg_class, pledge_type, clan_rep_score, cw_level, mount_id; private int _nameColor, _title_color, _transform, _agathion, _clanBoatObjectId; private EffectCubic[] cubics; private boolean _isPartyRoomLeader, _isFlying; private TeamType _team; private int curHP, maxHP, curMP, maxMP, curCP; private FastList<Integer> _aveList; private PcInventory inv; public CharInfo(Player cha) { this((Creature) cha); } public CharInfo(DecoyInstance cha) { this((Creature) cha); } public CharInfo(Creature cha) { if (cha == null) { System.out.println("CharInfo: cha is null!"); Thread.dumpStack(); return; } if (cha.isInvisible()) return; if (cha.isDeleted()) return; Player player = cha.getPlayer(); if (player == null) return; if (player.isInBoat()) { _loc = player.getInBoatPosition(); if (player.isClanAirShipDriver()) _clanBoatObjectId = player.getBoat().getBoatId(); } if (_loc == null) _loc = cha.getLoc(); _objId = cha.getObjectId(); if (player.getTransformationName() != null || (player.getReflection() == ReflectionManager.GIRAN_HARBOR || player.getReflection() == ReflectionManager.PARNASSUS) && player.getPrivateStoreType() != Player.STORE_PRIVATE_NONE) { _name = player.getTransformationName() != null ? player.getTransformationName() : player.getName(); _title = ""; clan_id = 0; clan_crest_id = 0; ally_id = 0; ally_crest_id = 0; large_clan_crest_id = 0; if (player.isCursedWeaponEquipped()) cw_level = CursedWeaponsManager.getInstance().getLevel(player.getCursedWeaponEquippedId()); } else { _name = player.getName(); if (player.getPrivateStoreType() != Player.STORE_PRIVATE_NONE) _title = ""; else if (!player.isConnected()) { _title = "NO CARRIER"; _title_color = 255; } else { _title = player.getTitle(); _title_color = player.getTitleColor(); } Clan clan = player.getClan(); Alliance alliance = clan == null ? null : clan.getAlliance(); // clan_id = clan == null ? 0 : clan.getClanId(); clan_crest_id = clan == null ? 0 : clan.getCrestId(); large_clan_crest_id = clan == null ? 0 : clan.getCrestLargeId(); // ally_id = alliance == null ? 0 : alliance.getAllyId(); ally_crest_id = alliance == null ? 0 : alliance.getAllyCrestId(); cw_level = 0; } if (player.isMounted()) { _enchant = 0; mount_id = player.getMountNpcId() + 1000000; mount_type = player.getMountType(); } else { _enchant = player.getEnchantEffect(); mount_id = 0; mount_type = 0; } _inv = new int[inventory.PAPERDOLL_MAX][2]; for (int PAPERDOLL_ID : PAPERDOLL_ORDER) { _inv[PAPERDOLL_ID][0] = player.getInventory().getPaperdollItemId(PAPERDOLL_ID); _inv[PAPERDOLL_ID][1] = player.getInventory().getPaperdollAugmentationId(PAPERDOLL_ID); } _mAtkSpd = player.getMAtkSpd(); _pAtkSpd = player.getPAtkSpd(); speed_move = player.getMovementSpeedMultiplier(); _runSpd = (int) (player.getRunSpeed() / speed_move); _walkSpd = (int) (player.getWalkSpeed() / speed_move); _flRunSpd = 0; // TODO _flWalkSpd = 0; // TODO if (player.isFlying()) { _flyRunSpd = _runSpd; _flyWalkSpd = _walkSpd; } else { _flyRunSpd = 0; _flyWalkSpd = 0; } _swimSpd = player.getSwimSpeed(); _race = player.getRace().ordinal(); _sex = player.getSex(); base_class = player.getBaseClassId(); pvp_flag = player.getPvpFlag(); karma = player.getKarma(); speed_atack = player.getAttackSpeedMultiplier(); col_radius = player.getColRadius(); col_height = player.getColHeight(); hair_style = player.getHairStyle(); hair_color = player.getHairColor(); face = player.getFace(); if (clan_id > 0 && player.getClan() != null) clan_rep_score = player.getClan().getReputationScore(); else clan_rep_score = 0; _sit = player.isSitting() ? 0 : 1; // standing = 1 sitting = 0 _run = player.isRunning() ? 1 : 0; // running = 1 walking = 0 _combat = player.isInCombat() ? 1 : 0; _dead = player.isAlikeDead() ? 1 : 0; private_store = player.isInObserverMode() ? Player.STORE_OBSERVING_GAMES : player.getPrivateStoreType(); cubics = player.getCubics().toArray(new EffectCubic[player.getCubics().size()]); rec_have = player.isGM() ? 0 : player.getRecomHave(); class_id = player.getClassId().getId(); _team = player.getTeam(); _noble = player.isNoble() ? 1 : 0; // 0x01: symbol on char menu ctrl+I _hero = player.isHero() || player.isGM() && Config.GM_HERO_AURA ? 1 : 0; // 0x01: // Hero // Aura _fishing = player.isFishing() ? 1 : 0; _fishLoc = player.getFishLoc(); _nameColor = player.getNameColor(); // New C5 plg_class = player.getPledgeClass(); pledge_type = player.getPledgeType(); _transform = player.getTransformation(); _agathion = player.getAgathionId(); _isPartyRoomLeader = player.getMatchingRoom() != null && player.getMatchingRoom().getType() == MatchingRoom.PARTY_MATCHING && player.getMatchingRoom().getLeader() == player; _isFlying = player.isInFlyingTransform(); curCP = (int) player.getCurrentCp(); curHP = (int) player.getCurrentHp(); maxHP = player.getMaxHp(); curMP = (int) player.getCurrentMp(); maxMP = player.getMaxMp(); _aveList = player.getAveList(); inv = player.getInventory(); } @Override protected final void writeImpl() { Player activeChar = getClient().getActiveChar(); if (activeChar == null) { return; } if (_objId == 0) { return; } if (activeChar.getObjectId() == _objId) { _log.error("You cant send CharInfo about his character to active user!!!"); return; } writeC(0x31); writeD(_loc.x); writeD(_loc.y); writeD(_loc.z + Config.CLIENT_Z_SHIFT); writeD(_clanBoatObjectId); writeD(_objId); writeS(_name); writeD(_race); writeD(_sex); writeD(base_class); for (int PAPERDOLL_ID : PAPERDOLL_ORDER) { writeD(_inv[PAPERDOLL_ID][0]); } for (int PAPERDOLL_ID : PAPERDOLL_ORDER) { writeD(_inv[PAPERDOLL_ID][1]); } writeD(0x01); // TODO talisman count(VISTALL) writeD(0x00); // TODO cloak status(VISTALL) writeD(pvp_flag); writeD(karma); writeD(inv.getVisualItemId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RHAND)); // Tauti writeD(inv.getVisualItemId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND)); // Tauti writeD(0); // Tauti writeD(inv.getVisualItemId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_GLOVES)); // Tauti writeD(inv.getVisualItemId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_CHEST)); // Tauti writeD(inv.getVisualItemId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LEGS)); // Tauti writeD(inv.getVisualItemId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_FEET)); // Tauti writeD(inv.getVisualItemId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_HAIR)); // Tauti writeD(inv.getVisualItemId(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DHAIR)); // Tauti writeD(_mAtkSpd); writeD(_pAtkSpd); writeD(0x00); writeD(_runSpd); writeD(_walkSpd); writeD(_swimSpd); writeD(_swimSpd); writeD(_flRunSpd); writeD(_flWalkSpd); writeD(_flyRunSpd); writeD(_flyWalkSpd); writeF(speed_move); // _cha.getProperMultiplier() writeF(speed_atack); // _cha.getAttackSpeedMultiplier() writeF(col_radius); writeF(col_height); writeD(hair_style); writeD(hair_color); writeD(face); writeS(_title); writeD(clan_id); writeD(clan_crest_id); writeD(ally_id); writeD(ally_crest_id); writeC(_sit); writeC(_run); writeC(_combat); writeC(_dead); writeC(0x00); // is invisible writeC(mount_type); // 1-on Strider, 2-on Wyvern, 3-on Great Wolf, 0-no mount writeC(private_store); writeH(cubics.length); for (EffectCubic cubic : cubics) { writeH(cubic == null ? 0 : cubic.getId()); } writeC(_isPartyRoomLeader ? 0x01 : 0x00); // find party members writeC(_isFlying ? 0x02 : 0x00); writeH(rec_have); writeD(mount_id); writeD(class_id); writeD(0x00); // special effects? circles around player... writeC(_enchant); writeC(_team.ordinal()); // team circle around feet 1 = Blue, 2 = red writeD(large_clan_crest_id); writeC(_noble); writeC(_hero); writeC(_fishing); writeD(_fishLoc.x); writeD(_fishLoc.y); writeD(_fishLoc.z); writeD(_nameColor); writeD(_loc.h); writeD(plg_class); writeD(pledge_type); writeD(_title_color); writeD(cw_level); writeD(clan_rep_score); writeD(_transform); writeD(_agathion); writeD(0x01); // T2 writeD(0x00); writeD(0x00); writeD(0x00); writeD(curCP); writeD(curHP); writeD(maxHP); writeD(curMP); writeD(maxMP); writeD(0x00); writeD(0x00); writeC(0x00); if (_aveList != null) { writeD(_aveList.size()); for (int i : _aveList) { writeD(i); } } else { writeD(0x00); } writeC(0x00); } public static final int[] PAPERDOLL_ORDER = { Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDER, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_HEAD, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RHAND, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_GLOVES, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_CHEST, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LEGS, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_FEET, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_BACK, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LRHAND, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_HAIR, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DHAIR, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RBRACELET, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LBRACELET, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DECO1, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DECO2, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DECO3, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DECO4, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DECO5, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DECO6, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_BELT }; } Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
nerosermax 0 Опубликовано 18 августа, 2013 ну для начала у тебя пвп-флаг и карма шлются не на своем месте, во вторых не шлется внешний вид предметов, в третьих (хоть это к данной ситуации и не относится) - у тебя в пакете не реализована отсылка абнормалов по новому, т.е. так как они шлются с таути и далее У тебя нет примера нормального кода? Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
HECKBuK 229 Опубликовано 18 августа, 2013 Для больших текстов юзайте spoiler] надоело листать овер 900000 строк Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Gaikotsu 621 Опубликовано 18 августа, 2013 (изменено) package; import l2p.gameserver.Config; import l2p.gameserver.instancemanager.CursedWeaponsManager; import l2p.gameserver.instancemanager.ReflectionManager; import l2p.gameserver.model.Creature; import l2p.gameserver.model.Player; import l2p.gameserver.model.base.TeamType; import l2p.gameserver.model.instances.DecoyInstance; import l2p.gameserver.model.items.Inventory; import l2p.gameserver.model.items.PcInventory; import l2p.gameserver.model.matching.MatchingRoom; import l2p.gameserver.model.pledge.Alliance; import l2p.gameserver.model.pledge.Clan; import l2p.gameserver.skills.effects.EffectCubic; import l2p.gameserver.utils.Location; public class CharInfo extends L2GameServerPacket { private int[][] _inv; private int _mAtkSpd, _pAtkSpd; private int _swimWalkSpd, _swimRunSpd, _runSpd, _walkSpd, _flRunSpd, _flWalkSpd, _flyRunSpd, _flyWalkSpd; private Location _loc, _fishLoc; private String _name, _title; private int _objId, _race, _sex, _baseClass, _pvpFlag, _karma, _recomHave; private double _moveSpdMul, _pAtkSpdMul, _colRadius, _colHeight; private int _hairStyle, _hairColor, _face; private int _clanId, _clanCrestId, _largeClanCrestId, _allyId, _allyCrestId, _classId; private int _isSitting, _isRunning, _combat, _dead, _privateStore, _enchant; private int _noble, _hero, _fishing, _mountType; private int _pledgeClass, _pledgeType, _clanRepScore, _cursedWeaponLevel, _mountId; private int _nameColor, _titleColor, _transform, _agathion, _clanBoatObjectId; private EffectCubic[] _cubics; private boolean _isPartyRoomLeader, _isFlying; private TeamType _team; private int _maxCP, _maxHP, _maxMP, _curCP, _curHP, _curMP; private int[] _abnormalEffects; public CharInfo(Player cha) { this((Creature) cha); } public CharInfo(DecoyInstance cha) { this((Creature) cha); } public CharInfo(Creature cha) { if (cha == null) { System.out.println("CharInfo: cha is null!"); Thread.dumpStack(); return; } if (cha.isInvisible() || cha.isDeleted()) return; Player player = cha.getPlayer(); if (player == null) return; if (player.isInBoat()) { _loc = player.getInBoatPosition(); if (player.isClanAirShipDriver()) _clanBoatObjectId = player.getBoat().getObjectId(); } if (_loc == null) _loc = cha.getLoc(); _objId = cha.getObjectId(); // Проклятое оружие и трансформации для ТВ скрывают имя и все остальные опознавательные знаки if (player.getTransformationName() != null || (player.getReflection() == ReflectionManager.GIRAN_HARBOR || player.getReflection() == ReflectionManager.PARNASSUS) && player.getPrivateStoreType() != Player.STORE_PRIVATE_NONE) { _name = player.getTransformationName() != null ? player.getTransformationName() : player.getName(); _title = ""; _clanId = 0; _clanCrestId = 0; _allyId = 0; _allyCrestId = 0; _largeClanCrestId = 0; if (player.isCursedWeaponEquipped()) _cursedWeaponLevel = CursedWeaponsManager.getInstance().getLevel(player.getCursedWeaponEquippedId()); } else { _name = player.getName(); if (player.getPrivateStoreType() != Player.STORE_PRIVATE_NONE) _title = ""; else if (!player.isConnected()) { _title = "NO CARRIER"; _titleColor = 255; } else { _title = player.getTitle(); _titleColor = player.getTitleColor(); } Clan clan = player.getClan(); Alliance alliance = clan == null ? null : clan.getAlliance(); _clanId = clan == null ? 0 : clan.getClanId(); _clanCrestId = clan == null ? 0 : clan.getCrestId(); _largeClanCrestId = clan == null ? 0 : clan.getCrestLargeId(); _allyId = alliance == null ? 0 : alliance.getAllyId(); _allyCrestId = alliance == null ? 0 : alliance.getAllyCrestId(); _cursedWeaponLevel = 0; } if (player.isMounted()) { _enchant = 0; _mountId = player.getMountNpcId() + 1000000; _mountType = player.getMountType(); } else { _enchant = player.getEnchantEffect(); _mountId = 0; _mountType = 0; } _inv = new int[PcInventory.PAPERDOLL_MAX][3]; for (int slot : PAPERDOLL_ORDER) { _inv[slot][0] = player.getInventory().getPaperdollItemId(slot); _inv[slot][1] = player.getInventory().getPaperdollAugmentationId(slot); _inv[slot][2] = player.getInventory().getPaperdollItemAppearanceId(slot); } _mAtkSpd = player.getMAtkSpd(); _pAtkSpd = player.getPAtkSpd(); _pAtkSpdMul = player.getAttackSpeedMultiplier(); _moveSpdMul = player.getMovementSpeedMultiplier(); _runSpd = (int) (player.getRunSpeed() / _moveSpdMul); _walkSpd = (int) (player.getWalkSpeed() / _moveSpdMul); _flRunSpd = 0; // TODO _flWalkSpd = 0; // TODO if (player.isFlying()) { _flyRunSpd = _runSpd; _flyWalkSpd = _walkSpd; } else { _flyRunSpd = 0; _flyWalkSpd = 0; } _race = player.getRace().ordinal(); _swimRunSpd = player.getSwimRunSpeed(); _swimWalkSpd = player.getSwimWalkSpeed(); _sex = player.getSex().ordinal(); _baseClass = player.getBaseClassId(); _pvpFlag = player.getPvpFlag(); _karma = player.getKarma(); _colRadius = player.getColRadius(); _colHeight = player.getColHeight(); _hairStyle = player.getNewHairStyle() > 0 ? player.getNewHairStyle() : player.getHairStyle(); _hairColor = player.getNewHairColor() > 0 ? player.getNewHairColor() : player.getHairColor(); _face = player.getNewFace() > 0 ? player.getNewFace() : player.getFace(); if (_clanId > 0 && player.getClan() != null) _clanRepScore = player.getClan().getReputationScore(); else _clanRepScore = 0; _isSitting = player.isSitting() ? 0 : 1; _isRunning = player.isRunning() ? 1 : 0; _combat = player.isInCombat() ? 1 : 0; _dead = player.isAlikeDead() ? 1 : 0; _privateStore = player.isInObserverMode() ? Player.STORE_OBSERVING_GAMES : player.getPrivateStoreType(); _cubics = player.getCubics().toArray(new EffectCubic[player.getCubics().size()]); _recomHave = player.isGM() ? 0 : player.getRecomHave(); _classId = player.getClassId().getId(); _team = player.getTeam(); _noble = player.isNoble() ? 1 : 0; _hero = player.isHero() || player.isGM() && Config.GM_HERO_AURA ? 1 : 0; _fishing = player.isFishing() ? 1 : 0; _fishLoc = player.getFishLoc(); _nameColor = player.getNameColor(); _pledgeClass = player.getPledgeClass().ordinal(); _pledgeType = player.getPledgeType(); _transform = player.getTransformation(); _agathion = player.getAgathionId(); _isPartyRoomLeader = player.getMatchingRoom() != null && player.getMatchingRoom().getType() == MatchingRoom.PARTY_MATCHING && player.getMatchingRoom().getLeader() == player; _isFlying = player.isInFlyingTransform(); _curCP = (int) player.getCurrentCp(); _curHP = (int) player.getCurrentHp(); _curMP = (int) player.getCurrentMp(); _maxCP = player.getMaxCp(); _maxHP = player.getMaxHp(); _maxMP = player.getMaxMp(); _abnormalEffects = !cha.isPlayerClone() ? player.getAbnormalEffects().toArray() : new int[0]; } @Override protected final void writeImpl() { Player player = getClient().getActiveChar(); if (player == null) return; if (_objId == 0) return; if (player.getObjectId() == _objId) { _log.error("You cant send CharInfo about his character to active user!!!"); return; } writeC(0x31); writeD(_loc.x); writeD(_loc.y); writeD(_loc.z + Config.CLIENT_Z_SHIFT); writeD(_clanBoatObjectId); writeD(_objId); writeS(_name); writeD(_race); writeD(_sex); writeD(_baseClass); for (int slot : PAPERDOLL_ORDER) writeD(_inv[slot][0]); for (int slot : PAPERDOLL_ORDER) writeD(_inv[slot][1]); writeD(0x00); // TODO talisman count writeD(0x01); // TODO cloak status for (int slot : Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DISPLAY_ID_ORDER_2) writeD(_inv[slot][2]); writeD(_pvpFlag); writeD(_karma); writeD(_mAtkSpd); writeD(_pAtkSpd); writeD(0x00); // Unknown writeD(_runSpd); writeD(_walkSpd); writeD(_swimRunSpd); writeD(_swimWalkSpd); writeD(_flRunSpd); writeD(_flWalkSpd); writeD(_flyRunSpd); writeD(_flyWalkSpd); writeF(_moveSpdMul); writeF(_pAtkSpdMul); writeF(_colRadius); writeF(_colHeight); writeD(_hairStyle); writeD(_hairColor); writeD(_face); writeS(_title); writeD(_clanId); writeD(_clanCrestId); writeD(_allyId); writeD(_allyCrestId); writeC(_isSitting); writeC(_isRunning); writeC(_combat); writeC(_dead); writeC(0x00); // is invisible writeC(_mountType); // 1-on Strider, 2-on Wyvern, 3-on Great Wolf, 0-no mount writeC(_privateStore); writeH(_cubics.length); for (EffectCubic cubic : _cubics) writeH(cubic == null ? 0 : cubic.getId()); writeC(_isPartyRoomLeader ? 0x01 : 0x00); // find party members writeC(_isFlying ? 0x02 : 0x00); writeH(_recomHave); writeD(_mountId); writeD(_classId); writeD(0x00); writeC(_enchant); writeC(_team.ordinal()); // team circle around feet 1 = Blue, 2 = red writeD(_largeClanCrestId); writeC(_noble); writeC(_hero); writeC(_fishing); writeD(_fishLoc.x); writeD(_fishLoc.y); writeD(_fishLoc.z); writeD(_nameColor); writeD(_loc.h); writeD(_pledgeClass); writeD(_pledgeType); writeD(_titleColor); writeD(_cursedWeaponLevel); writeD(_clanRepScore); writeD(_transform); writeD(_agathion); writeD(0x01); // T2 writeD(0x00); // Unknown (Tauti) writeD(0x00); // Unknown (Tauti) writeD(_maxCP); writeD(_curCP); writeD(_maxHP); writeD(_curHP); writeD(_maxMP); writeD(_curMP); writeD(0x00); // Unknown (Tauti) writeD(0x00); // Unknown (Tauti) writeC(0x00); // Unknown (Tauti) writeDD(_abnormalEffects, true); writeC(0x00); // Unknown (Tauti) } public static final int[] PAPERDOLL_ORDER = { Inventory.PAPERDOLL_UNDER, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_HEAD, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RHAND, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LHAND, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_GLOVES, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_CHEST, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LEGS, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_FEET, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_BACK, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LRHAND, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_HAIR, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DHAIR, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RBRACELET, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LBRACELET, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DECO1, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DECO2, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DECO3, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DECO4, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DECO5, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_DECO6, Inventory.PAPERDOLL_BELT }; } Изменено 18 августа, 2013 пользователем Gaikotsu 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
nerosermax 0 Опубликовано 18 августа, 2013 При компиляции выдает ошибки, типа cannot symbol Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Gaikotsu 621 Опубликовано 18 августа, 2013 (изменено) а ты что, просто мой вариант взял и запихнул? ну дак там тебе придется переделывать для начала много чего: внешний вид вещей у меня хранится по другому; абнормалы хранятся по другому; ну и еще и условия для инфы о прическах/цвете волос/лице - ибо так-то пакет у меня от линдвиора. ты просто сделай сравнение по тому, в какой последовательности у тебя и у меня отсылаются данные в пакете и поймешь что у тебя не там шлется. Изменено 18 августа, 2013 пользователем Gaikotsu 1 Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты