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вроде как Вы будете стартовать с вуден сетом, лучшим НГ оружием, набором сосок екстра перчатками и ботинками





UPDATE char_creation_items SET itemId='736' WHERE itemId = 12753;

-- kamael soe for simple soe (x10)


UPDATE char_creation_items SET itemId='219' WHERE itemId = 10;

-- starting dagger for Sword Breaker

UPDATE char_creation_items SET itemId='311' WHERE itemId = 6;

-- starting wand for Crucifix of Blessing

UPDATE char_creation_items SET itemId='68' WHERE itemId = 2369;

-- starting sword for Falchion

UPDATE char_creation_items SET itemId='257' WHERE itemId = 2368;

-- starting fists for Viper Fang

UPDATE char_creation_items SET itemId='155' WHERE itemId = 2370;

-- starting fists for Flanged Mace


UPDATE char_creation_items SET itemId='1101' WHERE itemId = 425;

-- starting mystics armor for Devotion armor

UPDATE char_creation_items SET itemId='1104' WHERE itemId = 461;

-- starting mystics armor for Devotion armor


UPDATE char_creation_items SET itemId='23' WHERE itemId = 1146;

-- starting fifghers armor for Wooden armor

UPDATE char_creation_items SET itemId='2386' WHERE itemId = 1147;

-- starting fifghers armor for Wooden armor


INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (0,43,1,'true');

-- Wooden set helm

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (18,43,1,'true');

-- Wooden set helm

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (31,43,1,'true');

-- Wooden set helm

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (44,43,1,'true');

-- Wooden set helm

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (53,43,1,'true');

-- Wooden set helm

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (123,43,1,'true');

-- Wooden set helm

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (124,43,1,'true');

-- Wooden set helm


INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (10,44,1,'true');

-- Devotion set helm

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (25,44,1,'true');

-- Devotion set helm

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (38,44,1,'true');

-- Devotion set helm

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (49,44,1,'true');

-- Devotion set helm


INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (0,5590,1,'true');

-- Random Boots (id:5590 - Squeaking Shoes)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (18,5590,1,'true');

-- Random Boots (id:5590 - Squeaking Shoes)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (31,5590,1,'true');

-- Random Boots (id:5590 - Squeaking Shoes)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (44,5590,1,'true');

-- Random Boots (id:5590 - Squeaking Shoes)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (53,5590,1,'true');

-- Random Boots (id:5590 - Squeaking Shoes)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (123,5590,1,'true');

-- Random Boots (id:5590 - Squeaking Shoes)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (124,5590,1,'true');

-- Random Boots (id:5590 - Squeaking Shoes)


INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (10,5590,1,'true');

-- Random Boots (id:5590 - Squeaking Shoes)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (25,5590,1,'true');

-- Random Boots (id:5590 - Squeaking Shoes)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (38,5590,1,'true');

-- Random Boots (id:5590 - Squeaking Shoes)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (49,5590,1,'true');

-- Random Boots (id:5590 - Squeaking Shoes)


INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (0,51,1,'true');

-- Random gloves (id:51 - Bracer Gloves)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (18,51,1,'true');

-- Random gloves (id:51 - Bracer Gloves)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (31,51,1,'true');

-- Random gloves id:51 - Bracer Gloves)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (44,51,1,'true');

-- Random gloves (id:51 - Bracer Gloves)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (53,51,1,'true');

-- Random gloves (id:51 - Bracer Gloves)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (123,51,1,'true');

-- Random gloves (id:51 - Bracer Gloves)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (124,51,1,'true');

-- Random gloves (id:51 - Bracer Gloves)


INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (10,51,1,'true');

-- Random gloves (id:51 - Bracer Gloves)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (25,51,1,'true');

-- Random gloves (id:51 - Bracer Gloves)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (38,51,1,'true');

-- Random gloves id:51 - Bracer Gloves)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (49,51,1,'true');

-- Random gloves (id:51 - Bracer Gloves)


INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (0,5250,2,'true');

-- shoots x2 (id:5250 - Greater Compressed Package of Soulshots: No-grade)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (18,5250,2,'true');

-- shoots x2 (id:5250 - Greater Compressed Package of Soulshots: No-grade)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (31,5250,2,'true');

-- shoots x2 (id:5250 - Greater Compressed Package of Soulshots: No-grade)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (44,5250,2,'true');

-- shoots x2 (id:5250 - Greater Compressed Package of Soulshots: No-grade)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (53,5250,2,'true');

-- shoots x2 (id:5250 - Greater Compressed Package of Soulshots: No-grade)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (123,5250,2,'true');

-- shoots x2 (id:5250 - Greater Compressed Package of Soulshots: No-grade)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (124,5250,2,'true');

-- shoots x2 (id:5250 - Greater Compressed Package of Soulshots: No-grade)


INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (10,5262,1,'false');

-- shoots (id:5262 - Greater Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: No-grade)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (25,5262,1,'false');

-- shoots (id:5262 - Greater Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: No-grade)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (38,5262,1,'false');

-- shoots (id:5262 - Greater Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: No-grade)

INSERT INTO char_creation_items VALUES (49,5262,1,'false');

-- shoots (id:5262 - Greater Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: No-grade)


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