Menil 28 Опубликовано 23 сентября, 2014 Сборка: Emurt 7 rev Epilogue Качал уже все возможные патчи, но при попытке коннекта к серверу пишет пинг 0 Клиент поставил чистый. Настройки протокола: #------------------------------------------------------------- # Настройки протокола #------------------------------------------------------------- # Минимальный и максимальный клиентские протоколы для входа на сервер # Gracia Epilogue = 146-152 MinProtocolRevision = 1 MaxProtocolRevision = 999 У кого есть какие идеи по данной проблеме? Лог гейм серва (Показать контент) [06:24:56] INFO ================================================= [06:24:56] INFO Developer: ............... EmuRT [06:24:56] INFO Site: ....................'> [06:24:56] INFO License type: ............ Demo Edition [06:24:56] INFO ================================================= [06:24:56] INFO Revision: ................ 7 revision [06:24:56] INFO Version: ................. Epilogue [06:24:56] INFO Build date: .............. 2014.06.01 12:24 [06:24:56] INFO Compiler version: ........ 1.7.0_21-b11 (Oracle Corporation) [06:24:56] INFO ================================================= [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/server.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/altsettings.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/ai.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/clan.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/community/community_general.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/community/community_shop.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/community/community_buffer.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/community/community_teleport.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/community/community_carrier.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/community/community_commission.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/develop.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/enchant.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/events/events.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/epic.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/events/TeamVsTeam.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/events/TvTArena.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/events/LastHero.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/events/DeathMatch.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/events/CaptureTheFlag.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/ext.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/formulas.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/geodata.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/olympiad.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/other.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/pvp.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/rate.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/residence.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/skills.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/spoil.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/services.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/webserver.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/vote/l2top.ini [06:24:56] INFO Loading Config File: config/vote/mmotop.ini [06:24:56] INFO Abuse: Loaded 18 abuse words. [06:24:57] INFO IdFactory: Clear characters online status. [06:24:57] INFO IdFactory: Extracted total 0 used id's. [06:24:57] INFO IdFactory: 102912 id's available. [06:24:57] INFO Scripts: Loading... [06:24:58] INFO Scripts: Loaded 1084 classes. [06:24:58] INFO Loaded 418 translit entries. [06:24:58] INFO GameTimeController: initialized. Current time is 20:29 in the day. [06:24:58] INFO L2World: Creating regions: [256][272][32]. [06:24:58] INFO HtmCache: disabled. [06:24:58] INFO StringHolder: load strings: 567 for lang: ENGLISH [06:24:58] INFO StringHolder: load strings: 567 for lang: RUSSIAN [06:25:05] INFO SkillsEngine: Loaded 65864 skill templates from XML files. Max id: 90001, max level: 259 [06:25:08] INFO OptionDataHolder: loaded 24973 option data(s) count. [06:25:08] INFO ItemsOnLevelHolder: loaded 0 items on level(s) count. [06:25:11] INFO ItemHolder: loaded 17687 item(s) count. [06:25:16] INFO NpcHolder: loaded 9848 npc(s) count. [06:25:16] INFO CategoryDataHolder: load 123 extended categorys. [06:25:16] INFO MapRegionManager: loaded 272 map region manager(s) count. [06:25:16] INFO MapRegionManager: loaded 272 map region manager(s) count. [06:25:16] INFO StaticObjectHolder: loaded 50 static object(s) count. [06:25:16] INFO DoorHolder: loaded 1148 door(s) count. [06:25:16] INFO ZoneHolder: loaded 1160 zone(s) count. [06:25:17] INFO SpawnHolder: loaded 32882 spawn(s) count. [06:25:17] INFO InstantZoneHolder: loaded 61 instant zone(s) count. [06:25:18] INFO AirshipDockHolder: loaded 3 airship dock(s) count. [06:25:19] INFO SkillAcquireHolder: load 56338 normal learns for 103 classes. [06:25:19] INFO SkillAcquireHolder: load 79 transfer learns for 3 classes. [06:25:19] INFO SkillAcquireHolder: load 120 transformation learns for 6 races. [06:25:19] INFO SkillAcquireHolder: load 662 fishing learns for 6 races. [06:25:19] INFO SkillAcquireHolder: load 72 certification learns. [06:25:19] INFO SkillAcquireHolder: load 3 collection learns. [06:25:19] INFO SkillAcquireHolder: load 44 pledge learns. [06:25:19] INFO SkillAcquireHolder: load 18 sub unit learns. [06:25:19] INFO CharTemplateHolder: loaded 206 char template(s) count. [06:25:19] INFO ResidenceHolder: total size: 83 [06:25:19] INFO ResidenceHolder: - load 9 dominion(s). [06:25:19] INFO ResidenceHolder: - load 9 castle(s). [06:25:19] INFO ResidenceHolder: - load 44 clanhall(s). [06:25:19] INFO ResidenceHolder: - load 21 fortress(s). [06:25:19] INFO FStringHolder: loaded 5912 f string(s) count. [06:25:19] INFO RaidBossSpawnManager: Loaded 0 Statuses [06:25:19] INFO SevenSigns: Currently in the Competition (Quest Event) period! [06:25:19] INFO SevenSigns: The Seal of Gnosis remains unclaimed. [06:25:19] INFO SevenSigns: The Seal of Avarice remains unclaimed. [06:25:19] INFO SevenSigns: The Seal of Strife remains unclaimed. [06:25:19] INFO SevenSigns: The Competition this week, if the trend continue, will end with a tie. [06:25:19] INFO SevenSigns: Next period begins in 6 days, 11 hours and 34 mins. [06:25:20] INFO EventHolder: loaded 100 event(s) count. [06:25:20] INFO CubicHolder: loaded 145 cubic(s) count. [06:25:20] INFO TradeController: Loaded 4 file(s). [06:25:20] INFO TradeController: Loaded 25136 Items. [06:25:20] INFO TradeController: Loaded 721 Buylists. [06:25:20] INFO RecipeController: Loaded 935 Recipes. [06:25:21] INFO ProductItemTable: Loaded 191 product item on sale. [06:25:21] INFO HennaHolder: loaded 180 henna(s) count. [06:25:21] INFO EnchantItemHolder: load 4 enchant scroll(s). [06:25:21] INFO SoulCrystalHolder: loaded 48 soul crystal(s) count. [06:25:21] INFO ArmorSetsHolder: loaded 198 armor sets(s) count. [06:25:21] INFO FishDataHolder: load 271 fish(es). [06:25:21] INFO FishDataHolder: load 30 lure(s). [06:25:21] INFO FishDataHolder: load 4 distribution(s). [06:25:21] INFO PetitionGroupHolder: loaded 1 petition group(s) count. [06:25:21] INFO CommunityHolder: loaded 90 community(s) count. [06:25:21] INFO CrestCache: Loaded 0 crests [06:25:21] INFO SkillTreeTable: Loaded 525 enchanted skills. [06:25:21] INFO Initializing AugmentationData. [06:25:21] INFO AugmentationData: 10 bad skill(s) were skipped. [06:25:21] INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 52 augmentation stats. [06:25:21] INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 24 accessory augmentation stats. [06:25:21] INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 0 [06:25:21] INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 1 [06:25:21] INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 2 [06:25:21] INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 3 [06:25:21] INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 4 [06:25:21] INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 5 [06:25:21] INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 6 [06:25:21] INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 7 [06:25:21] INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 8 [06:25:21] INFO AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLevel 9 [06:25:21] INFO EnchantHPBonusTable: Loaded bonuses for 6 grades. [06:25:21] INFO PetSkillsTable: Loaded 2257 skills. [06:25:21] INFO Initializing ItemAuctionManager [06:25:22] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 1000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:23] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 2000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:23] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 3000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:24] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 5000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:24] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 6000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:24] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 7000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:24] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 8000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:24] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 9000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:24] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 10000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:24] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 13000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:25] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 14000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:25] INFO Naia Tower Manager: Loaded 12 rooms [06:25:25] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 15000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:25] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 16000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:25] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 17000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:26] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 20000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:26] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 21000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:26] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 24000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:26] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 25000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:26] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 26000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:26] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 27000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:26] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 32000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:27] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 33000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:27] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 34000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:27] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 35000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:28] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 36000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:28] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 37000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:28] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 38000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:28] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 39000 npc for group: NONE [06:25:28] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 39371 npc; spawns: 20690; group: NONE [06:25:28] INFO BoatHolder: loaded 5 boat(s) count. [06:25:28] INFO BoatHolder: Spawning: AdenGracia_Airship [06:25:28] INFO BoatHolder: Spawning: GiranTalkin_Vehicle [06:25:28] INFO BoatHolder: Spawning: GludinRune_Vehicle [06:25:28] INFO BoatHolder: Spawning: RunePrimeval_Vehicle [06:25:28] INFO BoatHolder: Spawning: TalkingGludin_Vehicle [06:25:28] INFO StaticObjectHolder: spawned: 50 static object(s). [06:25:28] INFO AntharasManager: State of Antharas is NOTSPAWN. [06:25:28] INFO AntharasManager: Next spawn date of Antharas is 03:00 01.01.1970. [06:25:28] INFO Beleth Manager: Loaded successfuly [06:25:28] INFO FourSepulchersManager: Loaded 20 Mysterious-Box spawns. [06:25:28] INFO FourSepulchersManager: loaded 716 physical monsters spawns. [06:25:28] INFO FourSepulchersManager: loaded 716 magical monsters spawns. [06:25:28] INFO FourSepulchersManager: loaded 92 Church of duke monsters spawns. [06:25:28] INFO FourSepulchersManager: loaded 68 Emperor's grave NPC spawns. [06:25:28] INFO FourSepulchersManager: Spawned Conquerors' Sepulcher Manager [06:25:28] INFO FourSepulchersManager: Spawned Emperors' Sepulcher Manager [06:25:28] INFO FourSepulchersManager: Spawned Great Sages' Sepulcher Manager [06:25:28] INFO FourSepulchersManager: Spawned Judges' Sepulcher Manager [06:25:28] INFO FourSepulchersManager: Beginning in Attack time [06:25:28] INFO Tue Sep 23 06:25:28 MSK 2014 Atk announce scheduled to 25.0 minute of this hour. [06:25:28] INFO FrintezzaManager: State of FrintezzaManager is NOTSPAWN. [06:25:28] INFO LastImperialTombManager: Init The Last Imperial Tomb. [06:25:28] INFO SailrenManager: State of Sailren is NOTSPAWN. [06:25:28] INFO SailrenManager: Next spawn date of Sailren is 03:00 01.01.1970. [06:25:28] INFO ValakasManager: State of Valakas is NOTSPAWN. [06:25:28] INFO ValakasManager: Next spawn date of Valakas is 03:00 01.01.1970. [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: Apil Fool's Day [state: deactivated] [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: Cataclizm Aden [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: Cataclizm Dion [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: Cataclizm Giran [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: Cataclizm Gludio [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: Cataclizm Goddart [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: Cataclizm Heine [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: Cataclizm Oren [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: Cataclizm Rune [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: Cataclizm Schuttgard [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: Christmas [state: deactivated] [06:25:28] WARN ItemHandler: Duplicate handler for item: 8547(Extractable,FishItem) [06:25:28] WARN ItemHandler: Duplicate handler for item: 15342(EquipableItem,ItemSkills) [06:25:28] INFO PetDataTable: Loaded 2322 pets. [06:25:28] INFO Manor: Loaded 256 Seeds. [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: Coffer of Shadows [state: deactivated] [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: Capture The Flag State {Deactivated} [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: DeathMatch State {Deactivated} [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: Gift Of Vitality [state: deactivated] [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: GvG [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: Hunting for Sharks [state: deactivated] [06:25:28] WARN ItemHandler: Duplicate handler for item: 20868(kotatzItem,kotatzItem) [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: March 8 [state: deactivated] [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: Master of Enchanting [state: deactivated] [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: PcCafePointsExchange [state: deactivated] [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: SavingSnowman [state: deactivated] [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: Soul Collector Event [state: deactivated] [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: Summer Meleons [state: deactivated] [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: TVT Arena 1 [state: activated] [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: TVT Arena 2 [state: activated] [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: TVT Arena 3 [state: activated] [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: TVT Arena 4 [state: activated] [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: TVT Arena 5 [state: activated] [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: The Fall Harvest [state: deactivated] [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: The Flow Of The Horror [state: deactivated] [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: Trick of Trnasmutation [state: deactivated] [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: TvT State {Deactivated} [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: Bounty Hunters Guild [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: L2 Medal Collection Event [state: deactivated] [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: Change of Heart[state: deactivated] [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: null [state: deactivated] [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: l2day [state: deactivated] [06:25:28] INFO Loaded Event: Last Hero State {Deactivated} [06:25:29] INFO Loaded Service: Bash [disabled] [06:25:29] INFO CommunityBoard: Clan Community service loaded. [06:25:29] INFO CommunityBoard: Manage Favorites service loaded. [06:25:29] INFO CommunityBoard: Manage Friends service loaded. [06:25:29] INFO CommunityBoard: Manage Memo service loaded. [06:25:29] INFO CommunityBoard: Private Mail service loaded. [06:25:29] INFO CommunityBoard: Region service loaded. [06:25:29] INFO CommunityBoard: Support Community service loaded. [06:25:29] INFO CommunityBoard: Carrier Community service loaded. [06:25:29] INFO CommunityBoard: Commission Loaded [06:25:29] INFO CommunityBoard: Personal Office service loaded. [06:25:29] INFO CommunityBoard: Statistic service loaded. [06:25:29] INFO CommunityBoard: Teleport Community service loaded. [06:25:29] INFO CommunityBoard: Warehouse loaded. [06:25:29] INFO DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 13 room types with 112 rooms. [06:25:29] INFO DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 300 dimensional rift spawns, 0 errors. [06:25:29] INFO Craft Failure Manager: Loaded [06:25:29] INFO AutoSpawnHandler: Loaded 50 handlers in total. [06:25:29] INFO Loading Config File: config/olympiad.ini [06:25:29] INFO Olympiad System: Loading Olympiad System.... [06:25:29] INFO Olympiad System: Currently in Olympiad Period [06:25:29] INFO Olympiad System: Period Ends.... [06:25:29] INFO Olympiad System: In 8 days, 17 hours and 34 mins. [06:25:29] INFO Olympiad System: Next Weekly Change is in.... [06:25:29] INFO Olympiad System: In 6 days, 16 hours and 49 mins. [06:25:29] INFO Olympiad System: Loaded 0 Noblesses [06:25:29] INFO Olympiad System: Competition Period Starts in 0 days, 11 hours and 34 mins. [06:25:29] INFO Olympiad System: Event starts/started: Tue Sep 23 18:00:29 MSK 2014 [06:25:29] INFO Hero System: Loaded 0 Heroes. [06:25:29] INFO Hero System: Loaded 0 all time Heroes. [06:25:29] INFO Initializing PetitionManager [06:25:29] INFO CursedWeaponsManager: Loaded 2 cursed weapon(s). [06:25:29] INFO AdminCommandHandler: loaded 354 admin command handler(s) count. [06:25:29] INFO UserCommandHandler: loaded 16 user command handler(s) count. [06:25:29] INFO VoicedCommandHandler: loaded 40 voiced command handler(s) count. [06:25:29] INFO Initializing Prime Shop Manager(Item Moll) [06:25:29] INFO CastleSiegeEvent: Gludio Castle time - 16:00 05.10.2014 [06:25:29] INFO CastleSiegeEvent: Dion Castle time - 16:00 05.10.2014 [06:25:29] INFO CastleSiegeEvent: Giran Castle time - 20:00 05.10.2014 [06:25:29] INFO CastleSiegeEvent: Oren Castle time - 20:00 05.10.2014 [06:25:29] INFO CastleSiegeEvent: Aden Castle time - 16:00 05.10.2014 [06:25:29] INFO CastleSiegeEvent: Innadril Castle time - 20:00 05.10.2014 [06:25:29] INFO CastleSiegeEvent: Goddard Castle time - 20:00 05.10.2014 [06:25:29] INFO CastleSiegeEvent: Rune Castle time - 16:00 05.10.2014 [06:25:29] INFO CastleSiegeEvent: Schuttgart Castle time - 16:00 05.10.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallNpcSiegeEvent: Fortress Of Resistance time - 18:00 06.10.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Moonstone Hall time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Onyx Hall time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Topaz Hall time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Ruby Hall time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Crystal Hall time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Onyx Hall time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Sapphire Hall time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Moonstone Hall time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Emerald Hall time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Atramental Barracks time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Scarlet Barracks time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Viridian Barracks time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallSiegeEvent: Devastated Castle time - 20:00 27.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallTeamBattleEvent: Bandit Stronghold time - 20:00 27.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Golden Chamber time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Silver Chamber time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Mithril Chamber time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Silver Manor time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Gold Manor time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Bronze Chamber time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Golden Chamber time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Silver Chamber time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Mithril Chamber time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: The Bronze Chamber time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Silver Manor time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Moonstone Hall time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Onyx Hall time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Emerald Hall time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Sapphire Hall time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Mont Chamber time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Astaire Chamber time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Aria Chamber time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Yiana Chamber time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Roien Chamber time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Luna Chamber time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Traban Chamber time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Eisen Hall time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Heavy Metal Hall time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Molten Ore Hall time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallAuctionEvent: Titan Hall time - 19:00 22.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallMiniGameEvent: Rainbow Springs time - 21:00 27.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallTeamBattleEvent: Wild Beast Reserve time - 20:00 27.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO ClanHallSiegeEvent: Fortress of Dead time - 20:00 27.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO DominionSiegeEvent: Gludio Dominion time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO DominionSiegeEvent: Dion Dominion time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO DominionSiegeEvent: Giran Dominion time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO DominionSiegeEvent: Oren Dominion time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO DominionSiegeEvent: Aden Dominion time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO DominionSiegeEvent: Innadril Dominion time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO DominionSiegeEvent: Goddard Dominion time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO DominionSiegeEvent: Rune Dominion time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO DominionSiegeEvent: Schuttgart Dominion time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Shanty Fortress time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Southern Fortress time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Hive Fortress time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Valley Fortress time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Ivory Fortress time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Narsell Fortress time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Bayou Fortress time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: White Sands Fortress time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Borderland Fortress time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Swamp Fortress time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Archaic Fortress time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Floran Fortress time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Cloud Mountain Fortress time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Tanor Fortress time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Dragonspine Fortress time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Antharas Fortress time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Western Fortress time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Hunter's Fortress time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Aaru Fortress time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Demon Fortress time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO FortressSiegeEvent: Monastic Fortress time - undefined [06:25:29] INFO KrateisCubeEvent: Krateis Cube 70-75 Level time - 06:30 23.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO KrateisCubeEvent: Krateis Cube 76-79 Level time - 06:30 23.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO KrateisCubeEvent: Krateis Cube 80-85 Level time - 06:30 23.09.2014 [06:25:29] INFO Manor System: Initializing... [06:25:29] INFO IdFactory: Free ObjectID's remaining: 1878998560 [06:25:29] INFO Initializing CoupleManager [06:25:29] INFO Loaded: 0 couples(s) [06:25:29] INFO =[Hellbound]====================================== [06:25:29] INFO HellboundManager: Loaded 271 spawn entries. [06:25:29] INFO HellboundManager: Spawned 2 mobs and NPCs according to the current Hellbound stage [06:25:29] INFO Hellbound Manager: Current Level 0 [06:25:29] INFO Hellbound Manager: Loaded [06:25:29] INFO Naia Core Manager: Loaded [06:25:29] INFO =[seed of Destruction]============================ [06:25:29] INFO Seed of Destruction Manager: Loaded [06:25:29] INFO =[seed of Infinity]=============================== [06:25:29] INFO Seed of Infinity Manager: Loaded. Current stage is: 1 [06:25:29] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 4 npc; spawns: 4; group: soi_world_mouths [06:25:29] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 1 npc; spawns: 1; group: soi_world_abyssgaze2 [06:25:29] INFO Scheduled server restart in 22h 34m 31s. [06:25:29] INFO GameServer Started [06:25:29] INFO Maximum Numbers of Connected Players: 3000 [06:25:29] INFO Connecting to loginserver on IP тачки:9014 [06:25:29] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 653 npc; spawns: 429; group: dawn_spawn [06:25:29] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 443 npc; spawns: 121; group: DAY [06:25:29] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 653 npc; spawns: 429; group: dusk_spawn [06:25:29] INFO ================================================= [06:25:30] INFO AllowedMemory: ........... 1474560 KB [06:25:30] INFO Allocated: .......... 1159168 KB (78.6111%) [06:25:30] INFO Non-Allocated: ...... 315392 KB (21.3889%) [06:25:30] INFO AllocatedMemory: ......... 1159168 KB [06:25:30] INFO Used: ............... 950013 KB (64.4269%) [06:25:30] INFO Unused (cached): .... 209154 KB (14.1842%) [06:25:30] INFO UseableMemory: ........... 524546 KB (35.5731%) [06:25:30] INFO ================================================= [06:25:30] INFO **********[ GameGuard: Protection OFF........]********** [06:25:30] INFO Server Loaded in 33 seconds [06:25:30] INFO Registered on loginserver as 1 [bartz] [06:25:59] INFO Restored 0 offline traders [06:30:00] INFO Recommendation Global Task: launched. [06:30:00] INFO Recommendation Global Task: completed. [06:50:28] INFO FourSepulchersManager: Entry time: Tue Sep 23 06:55:28 MSK 2014 [07:00:00] INFO SpawnManager: spawned 571 npc; spawns: 200; group: NIGHT Лог логин серва (Показать контент) [06:25:10] INFO Loaded 127 server names [06:25:11] INFO ================================================= [06:25:11] INFO Developer: ............... EmuRT [06:25:11] INFO Site: .................... [06:25:11] INFO License type: ............ Demo Edition [06:25:11] INFO ================================================= [06:25:11] INFO Revision: ................ 7 revision [06:25:11] INFO Version: ................. Epilogue [06:25:11] INFO Build date: .............. 2014.06.01 12:24 [06:25:11] INFO Compiler version: ........ 1.7.0_21-b11 (Oracle Corporation) [06:25:11] INFO ================================================= [06:25:11] INFO Loaded whirlpool2 as default crypt. [06:25:13] INFO Cached 10 KeyPairs for RSA communication [06:25:13] INFO Stored 20 keys for Blowfish communication [06:25:13] INFO Loaded 1 registered GameServer(s). [06:25:13] INFO Listening for gameservers on *:9014 [06:25:13] INFO Listening for clients on *:2106 [06:25:13] INFO ================================================= [06:25:13] INFO AllowedMemory: ........... 63360 KB [06:25:13] INFO Allocated: .......... 30592 KB (48.2828%) [06:25:13] INFO Non-Allocated: ...... 32768 KB (51.7172%) [06:25:13] INFO AllocatedMemory: ......... 30592 KB [06:25:13] INFO Used: ............... 22514 KB (35.5344%) [06:25:13] INFO Unused (cached): .... 8077 KB (12.7484%) [06:25:13] INFO UseableMemory: ........... 40845 KB (64.4656%) [06:25:13] INFO ================================================= [06:25:29] INFO Trying to register gameserver: 1 [ip тачки] [06:25:30] INFO Gameserver registration successful. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Menil 28 Опубликовано 23 сентября, 2014 Теперь пинг нормальный, просто пишет: Не верная версия протокола Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Angelika 622 Опубликовано 23 сентября, 2014 В 23.09.2014 в 03:28, Menil сказал: Теперь пинг нормальный, просто пишет: Не верная версия протокола Попробуй 148 протокол папка Life клиента . там именно она нужна . Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Menil 28 Опубликовано 23 сентября, 2014 В 23.09.2014 в 03:31, ДизайнерАлиса сказал: Попробуй 148 протокол папка Life клиента . там именно она нужна . А ссылки нет на такой патч? Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
Menil 28 Опубликовано 24 сентября, 2014 Проблему не смог решить, так же проблема наблюдается на клиенте HF, сборку ставил LRServ R14-09 [High Five] Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты