4dminkO 64 Опубликовано 29 октября, 2014 Есть идея сделать сервер. А именно с 2ма сетами небольшых статов: Кто сможет реализировать статы в сете и пухах : * Cuirass Heavy -1 26012,26000,26001,26002,26003 STR+2,DEX+1,CON+1¬pAtk Speed+15%¬pAtk+15%¬mDef+10%¬pDef+10%¬MaxHP+700¬MaxMP+400¬MaxCP+700¬Accuracy +3¬Reflect Magic+7¬Weight Limit+5795¬Cancel Vulnerability+5%¬Stun Vulnerability+5%¬Paralysis Vulnerability+5%¬Shield Block+5%¬Run Speed+2%¬RegXP\MP. 0 0 6 P.Def. and MP Regeneration increase when a set item is reinforced by 6 or more. * Leather Breastplate Light -1 26013,26004,26005,26006,26007 STR+1,DEX+2,CON+2¬pAtk Speed+20%¬pAtk+10%¬mAtk+10%¬mDef+10%¬pDef+6%¬MaxHP+600¬MaxMP+600¬MaxCP +600¬Accuracy+5¬Reflect Magic+7¬Weight Limit+5795¬Cancel Vulnerability+5%¬Stun Vulnerability+5%¬Paralysis Vulnerability+5%¬Run Speed+5%¬Evasion+5¬RegXP\MP. 0 0 6 Magic Resistence and Evasion Increase when a set item is reinforced by 6 or more. * Tunic Robe -1 26014,26008,26009,26010,26011 WIT+2,INT+2,CON+2¬Casting Spd+15%¬mAtk+15%¬mDef+7%¬pDef+5%¬MaxHP+500¬MaxMP+700¬MaxCP+600¬Weight Limit+5795¬Cancel Vulnerability+5%¬Stun Vulnerability+5%¬Paralysis Vulnerability+5%¬RegXP\MP. 0 0 6 P.Def. and weight limit Increase when a set item is reinforced by 6 or more. * Slayer Increases critical attack rate by 122 and Atk. Spd. by 11%. -1 a,By NewBalance... Legendary weapon assassins. 0 0 0 * Core Sword Increases critical attack rate by 122 and Atk. Spd. by 11%. -1 a,NewBalance... Legendary weapon assassins. 0 0 0 * Visage Increases M. Atk. by 10% and casting speed by 25%. -1 a,By NewBalance... Legendary weapon assassins. 0 0 0 * Assassin Mace Increases HP by 30% and critical attack rate by 88. -1 a,By NewBalance... Legendary weapon assassins. 0 0 0 * Bow Increases critical damage by 9% and critical attack rate by 122. -1 a,By NewBalance... Legendary weapon assassins. 0 0 0 * Pike Increases HP by 30% and Atk. Spd. by 11%. -1 a,By NewBalance... Legendary weapon assassins. 0 0 0 * Spirit Increases M. Atk. by 10% and casting speed by 25%. -1 a,By NewBalance... Legendary weapon assassins. 0 0 0 * Claw Increases critical attack rate by 122 and Atk. Spd. by 11%. -1 a,By NewBalance... Legendary weapon assassins. 0 0 0 * Edge Increases critical damage by 9% and Atk. Spd. by 11%. -1 a,By NewBalance... Legendary weapon assassins. 0 0 0 * Retributer Increases HP by 30% and critical attack rate by 88. -1 a,By NewBalance... Legendary weapon assassins. 0 0 0 * Core Sword*Assassin Core Sword Increases HP by 30% and critical attack rate by 122. -1 a, Legendary weapon assassins. 0 0 0 * Gate Shield Increases P/M. Def. by 6% -1 a,By NewBalance... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/olafPRchEpg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
rooti 764 Опубликовано 29 октября, 2014 Сначала ты шаришь сборку, а потом просишь сделать сеты... "Forummaxi.ru - мы умеем удивлять!" Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
h2o 39 Опубликовано 29 октября, 2014 В 29.10.2014 в 08:02, NewBalance сказал: Есть идея сделать сервер. А именно с 2ма сетами небольшых статов: Кто сможет реализировать статы в сете и пухах : * Cuirass Heavy -1 26012,26000,26001,26002,26003 STR+2,DEX+1,CON+1¬pAtk Speed+15%¬pAtk+15%¬mDef+10%¬pDef+10%¬MaxHP+700¬MaxMP+400¬MaxCP+700¬Accuracy +3¬Reflect Magic+7¬Weight Limit+5795¬Cancel Vulnerability+5%¬Stun Vulnerability+5%¬Paralysis Vulnerability+5%¬Shield Block+5%¬Run Speed+2%¬RegXP\MP. 0 0 6 P.Def. and MP Regeneration increase when a set item is reinforced by 6 or more. * Leather Breastplate Light -1 26013,26004,26005,26006,26007 STR+1,DEX+2,CON+2¬pAtk Speed+20%¬pAtk+10%¬mAtk+10%¬mDef+10%¬pDef+6%¬MaxHP+600¬MaxMP+600¬MaxCP +600¬Accuracy+5¬Reflect Magic+7¬Weight Limit+5795¬Cancel Vulnerability+5%¬Stun Vulnerability+5%¬Paralysis Vulnerability+5%¬Run Speed+5%¬Evasion+5¬RegXP\MP. 0 0 6 Magic Resistence and Evasion Increase when a set item is reinforced by 6 or more. * Tunic Robe -1 26014,26008,26009,26010,26011 WIT+2,INT+2,CON+2¬Casting Spd+15%¬mAtk+15%¬mDef+7%¬pDef+5%¬MaxHP+500¬MaxMP+700¬MaxCP+600¬Weight Limit+5795¬Cancel Vulnerability+5%¬Stun Vulnerability+5%¬Paralysis Vulnerability+5%¬RegXP\MP. 0 0 6 P.Def. and weight limit Increase when a set item is reinforced by 6 or more. * Slayer Increases critical attack rate by 122 and Atk. Spd. by 11%. -1 a,By NewBalance... Legendary weapon assassins. 0 0 0 * Core Sword Increases critical attack rate by 122 and Atk. Spd. by 11%. -1 a,NewBalance... Legendary weapon assassins. 0 0 0 * Visage Increases M. Atk. by 10% and casting speed by 25%. -1 a,By NewBalance... Legendary weapon assassins. 0 0 0 * Assassin Mace Increases HP by 30% and critical attack rate by 88. -1 a,By NewBalance... Legendary weapon assassins. 0 0 0 * Bow Increases critical damage by 9% and critical attack rate by 122. -1 a,By NewBalance... Legendary weapon assassins. 0 0 0 * Pike Increases HP by 30% and Atk. Spd. by 11%. -1 a,By NewBalance... Legendary weapon assassins. 0 0 0 * Spirit Increases M. Atk. by 10% and casting speed by 25%. -1 a,By NewBalance... Legendary weapon assassins. 0 0 0 * Claw Increases critical attack rate by 122 and Atk. Spd. by 11%. -1 a,By NewBalance... Legendary weapon assassins. 0 0 0 * Edge Increases critical damage by 9% and Atk. Spd. by 11%. -1 a,By NewBalance... Legendary weapon assassins. 0 0 0 * Retributer Increases HP by 30% and critical attack rate by 88. -1 a,By NewBalance... Legendary weapon assassins. 0 0 0 * Core Sword*Assassin Core Sword Increases HP by 30% and critical attack rate by 122. -1 a, Legendary weapon assassins. 0 0 0 * Gate Shield Increases P/M. Def. by 6% -1 a,By NewBalance... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/olafPRchEpg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Более читабельным сделать, не? глаза режет.... Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
NiNTeNDo 23 Опубликовано 29 октября, 2014 В 29.10.2014 в 08:02, NewBalance сказал: Есть идея сделать сервер. А именно с 2ма сетами небольшых статов: * Core Sword*Assassin Core Sword Increases HP by 30% and critical attack rate by 122. -1 a, Legendary weapon assassins. 0 0 0 Копирайт забыли вставить. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
4dminkO 64 Опубликовано 29 октября, 2014 http://forummaxi.ru/topic/59581-ischu-cheloveka-kotoryj-mozhet-sdelat-takoe-chudo-i/ Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
4dminkO 64 Опубликовано 29 октября, 2014 В 29.10.2014 в 08:04, rooti сказал: Сначала ты шаришь сборку, а потом просишь сделать сеты... "Forummaxi.ru - мы умеем удивлять!" Каждый труд должен быть оплачен ! Я за про100 так не прошу http://forummaxi.ru/topic/59581-ischu-cheloveka-kotoryj-mozhet-sdelat-takoe-chudo-i/ Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты