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Ошибка В Gameserver В Сборке R2Core Gracia Epilogue Rev. 14

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Перевод ошибки

03: 58: 02,593 | ============================================ == |

03: 58: 02,594 | Не можете скомпилировать скрипты!

03: 58: 02,594 | Подробнее в файле 'войти / разработчик / scripts_error.txt "!

03: 58: 02,594 | ============================================ == |

03: 58: 02,595 сценариев, загруженных с ошибками. Загружено 0 классы.

Прекращение сервера [состояние = 0] / Причина: Сценарии, загруженные с ошибками. Загружено 0 Classe



Система игры: Сервер прекращается.

Вообщем т.к я новичок в этом деле,понять как исправить не могу.

Вот содержимое файлика scripts_error.txt



Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
1. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\actions\ActionOnNpc.java (at line 1)
package actions;
The type java.lang.CharSequence cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
2. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\actions\OnActionShift.java (at line 1)
package actions;
The type java.util.Comparator cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
3. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\actions\OnActionShift.java (at line 3)
import java.util.Comparator;
The import java.util.Comparator cannot be resolved
4. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\actions\OnActionShift.java (at line 479)
final TreeSet<AggroInfo> aggroList = new TreeSet<AggroInfo>(new Comparator<AggroInfo>()
  public int compare(final AggroInfo o1, final AggroInfo o2)
   final int hateDiff = o1.hate - o2.hate;
   if(hateDiff != 0)
 return hateDiff;
   return o1.damage - o2.damage;
The type java.util.Map$Entry cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
5. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\actions\OnActionShift.java (at line 479)
final TreeSet<AggroInfo> aggroList = new TreeSet<AggroInfo>(new Comparator<AggroInfo>()
  public int compare(final AggroInfo o1, final AggroInfo o2)
   final int hateDiff = o1.hate - o2.hate;
   if(hateDiff != 0)
 return hateDiff;
   return o1.damage - o2.damage;
The constructor TreeSet<L2NpcInstance.AggroInfo>(new Comparator<L2NpcInstance.AggroInfo>(){}) is undefined
6. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\actions\OnActionShift.java (at line 479)
final TreeSet<AggroInfo> aggroList = new TreeSet<AggroInfo>(new Comparator<AggroInfo>()
Comparator cannot be resolved to a type
7. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\actions\OnActionShift.java (at line 482)
public int compare(final AggroInfo o1, final AggroInfo o2)
The method compare(L2NpcInstance.AggroInfo, L2NpcInstance.AggroInfo) of type new Comparator<L2NpcInstance.AggroInfo>(){} must override or implement a supertype method
8. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\events\bountyhunters\HuntersGuild.java (at line 77)
if(npc.title.contains("Quest Monster"))
The method contains(CharSequence) from the type String refers to the missing type CharSequence
9. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\events\npcbuffer\Buffer.java (at line 459)
html = html.replace("%min_lvl%", Integer.toString(Config.EVENT_MIN_LVL));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
10. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\events\npcbuffer\Buffer.java (at line 460)
html = html.replace("%max_lvl%", Integer.toString(Config.EVENT_MAX_LVL));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
11. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\events\npcbuffer\Buffer.java (at line 534)
html = html.replace("%menu%", generateHtmlMenu(1, targetType));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
12. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\events\npcbuffer\Buffer.java (at line 535)
html = html.replace("%buffs%", generateHtmlListBuffs(1, targetType));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
13. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\events\npcbuffer\Buffer.java (at line 536)
html = html.replace("%cur_select%", _buffPackage.get(1).getDescription());
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
14. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\events\npcbuffer\Buffer.java (at line 556)
html = html.replace("%menu%", generateHtmlMenu(pack_id, targetType));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
15. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\events\npcbuffer\Buffer.java (at line 557)
html = html.replace("%buffs%", generateHtmlListBuffs(pack_id, targetType));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
16. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\events\npcbuffer\Buffer.java (at line 558)
html = html.replace("%cur_select%", _buffPackage.get(pack_id).getDescription());
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
17. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\events\npcbuffer\Buffer.java (at line 584)
html = html.replace("%buffs%", replace.toString());
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
18. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\SagasSuperclass\SagasSuperclass.java (at line 352)
AutoChat(Archon, Text[13].replace("PLAYERNAME", st2.getPlayer().getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
19. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\SagasSuperclass\SagasSuperclass.java (at line 521)
AutoChat(Mob_2, Text[13].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
20. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\SagasSuperclass\SagasSuperclass.java (at line 642)
AutoChat(FindMySpawn(player, Mob[0]), Text[0].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
21. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\SagasSuperclass\SagasSuperclass.java (at line 647)
AutoChat(FindMySpawn(player, Mob[0]), Text[1].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
22. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\SagasSuperclass\SagasSuperclass.java (at line 653)
AutoChat(npc, Text[6].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
23. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\SagasSuperclass\SagasSuperclass.java (at line 667)
AutoChat(Mob_2, Text[14].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
24. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\SagasSuperclass\SagasSuperclass.java (at line 676)
AutoChat(Mob_2, Text[15].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
25. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\SagasSuperclass\SagasSuperclass.java (at line 685)
AutoChat(FindMySpawn(player, NPC[4]), Text[7].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
26. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\SagasSuperclass\SagasSuperclass.java (at line 693)
AutoChat(FindMySpawn(player, NPC[4]), Text[8].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
27. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\SagasSuperclass\SagasSuperclass.java (at line 702)
AutoChat(FindMySpawn(player, NPC[4]), Text[Rnd.get(9, 10)].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
28. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\SagasSuperclass\SagasSuperclass.java (at line 713)
AutoChat(NPC_4, Text[Rnd.get(11, 12)].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
29. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\SagasSuperclass\SagasSuperclass.java (at line 938)
AutoChat(npc, Text[16].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
30. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\SagasSuperclass\SagasSuperclass.java (at line 942)
AutoChat(npc, Text[17].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
31. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\SagasSuperclass\SagasSuperclass.java (at line 1017)
AutoChat(npc, ((SagasSuperclass) st1.getQuest()).Text[4].replace("PLAYERNAME", st1.getPlayer().getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
32. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\SagasSuperclass\SagasSuperclass.java (at line 1046)
AutoChat(npc, Text[12].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
33. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\SagasSuperclass\SagasSuperclass.java (at line 1068)
AutoChat(npc, Text[4].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
34. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\SagasSuperclass\SagasSuperclass.java (at line 1072)
AutoChat(npc, Text[5].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
35. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\SagasSuperclass\SagasSuperclass.java (at line 1088)
AutoChat(npc, Text[17].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
36. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_022_TragedyInVonHellmannForest\_022_TragedyInVonHellmannForest.java (at line 3)
import java.util.Arrays;
The import java.util.Arrays cannot be resolved
37. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_022_TragedyInVonHellmannForest\_022_TragedyInVonHellmannForest.java (at line 350)
if(Arrays.binarySearch(monsters, npcId) > 0)
Arrays cannot be resolved
38. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_115_TheOtherSideOfTruth\_115_TheOtherSideOfTruth.java (at line 131)
The method contains(CharSequence) from the type String refers to the missing type CharSequence
39. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_115_TheOtherSideOfTruth\_115_TheOtherSideOfTruth.java (at line 134)
event = event.replace("-pick", "");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
40. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1.java (at line 53)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%1%", st.getInt("T32119") == 0 ? "_" : "T");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
41. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1.java (at line 54)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%2%", st.getInt("E32119") == 0 ? "_" : "E");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
42. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1.java (at line 55)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%3%", st.getInt("P32119") == 0 ? "_" : "P");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
43. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1.java (at line 56)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%4%", st.getInt("U32119") == 0 ? "_" : "U");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
44. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1.java (at line 59)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%5%", "<a action=\"bypass -h Quest _125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1 OK32119\">OK</a>");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
45. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1.java (at line 63)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%5%", "");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
46. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1.java (at line 71)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%1%", st.getInt("T32120") == 0 ? "_" : "T");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
47. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1.java (at line 72)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%2%", st.getInt("O32120") == 0 ? "_" : "O");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
48. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1.java (at line 73)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%3%", st.getInt("O32120") <= 1 ? "_" : "O");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
49. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1.java (at line 74)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%4%", st.getInt("N32120") == 0 ? "_" : "N");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
50. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1.java (at line 77)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%5%", "<a action=\"bypass -h Quest _125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1 OK32120\">OK</a>");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
51. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1.java (at line 81)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%5%", "");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
52. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1.java (at line 89)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%1%", st.getInt("W32121") == 0 ? "_" : "W");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
53. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1.java (at line 90)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%2%", st.getInt("A32121") == 0 ? "_" : "A");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
54. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1.java (at line 91)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%3%", st.getInt("G32121") == 0 ? "_" : "G");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
55. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1.java (at line 92)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%4%", st.getInt("U32121") == 0 ? "_" : "U");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
56. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1.java (at line 95)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%5%", "<a action=\"bypass -h Quest _125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1 OK32121\">OK</a>");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
57. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1\_125_InTheNameOfEvilPart1.java (at line 99)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%5%", "");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
58. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_178_IconicTrinity\_178_IconicTrinity.java (at line 58)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%pass%", "");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
59. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_178_IconicTrinity\_178_IconicTrinity.java (at line 88)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%pass%", "****");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
60. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_178_IconicTrinity\_178_IconicTrinity.java (at line 93)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%pass%", "****");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
61. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_178_IconicTrinity\_178_IconicTrinity.java (at line 98)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%pass%", "****");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
62. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_178_IconicTrinity\_178_IconicTrinity.java (at line 115)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%pass%", "*");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
63. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_178_IconicTrinity\_178_IconicTrinity.java (at line 117)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%pass%", "**");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
64. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_178_IconicTrinity\_178_IconicTrinity.java (at line 119)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%pass%", "***");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
65. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_178_IconicTrinity\_178_IconicTrinity.java (at line 121)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%pass%", "****");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
66. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_178_IconicTrinity\_178_IconicTrinity.java (at line 134)
htmltext = htmltext.replace("%player_name%", st.getPlayer().getName());
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
67. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_373_SupplierOfReagents\_373_SupplierOfReagents.java (at line 202)
html = html.replace("INGR", r_ingr).replace("CATA", r_cata).replace("TEMP", temp);
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
68. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_373_SupplierOfReagents\_373_SupplierOfReagents.java (at line 204)
html = html.replace("MACT", "Retrieve");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
69. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_373_SupplierOfReagents\_373_SupplierOfReagents.java (at line 206)
html = html.replace("MACT", "Insert");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
70. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_373_SupplierOfReagents\_373_SupplierOfReagents.java (at line 208)
html = html.replace("IACT", "Retrieve");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
71. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_373_SupplierOfReagents\_373_SupplierOfReagents.java (at line 210)
html = html.replace("IACT", "Insert");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
72. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_373_SupplierOfReagents\_373_SupplierOfReagents.java (at line 212)
html = html.replace("CACT", "Retrieve");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
73. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_373_SupplierOfReagents\_373_SupplierOfReagents.java (at line 214)
html = html.replace("CACT", "Insert");
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
74. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_384_WarehouseKeepersPastime\_384_WarehouseKeepersPastime.java (at line 100)
else if(event.contains("-game") && _state == STARTED)
The method contains(CharSequence) from the type String refers to the missing type CharSequence
75. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_384_WarehouseKeepersPastime\_384_WarehouseKeepersPastime.java (at line 102)
boolean big_game = event.contains("-big");
The method contains(CharSequence) from the type String refers to the missing type CharSequence
76. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_384_WarehouseKeepersPastime\_384_WarehouseKeepersPastime.java (at line 114)
else if(event.contains("choice-") && _state == STARTED)
The method contains(CharSequence) from the type String refers to the missing type CharSequence
77. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_386_StolenDignity\_386_StolenDignity.java (at line 122)
else if(event.contains("choice-") && _state == STARTED)
The method contains(CharSequence) from the type String refers to the missing type CharSequence
78. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_426_QuestforFishingShot\_426_QuestforFishingShot.java (at line 3)
import java.util.Arrays;
The import java.util.Arrays cannot be resolved
79. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_426_QuestforFishingShot\_426_QuestforFishingShot.java (at line 382)
if(Arrays.binarySearch(HMOBS, npcId) >= 0)
Arrays cannot be resolved
80. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_501_ProofOfClanAlliance\_501_ProofOfClanAlliance.java (at line 3)
import java.util.Arrays;
The import java.util.Arrays cannot be resolved
81. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_501_ProofOfClanAlliance\_501_ProofOfClanAlliance.java (at line 221)
deadlist.addAll(Arrays.asList(leader.get("dead_list").split(" ")));
Arrays cannot be resolved
82. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_734_PierceThroughAShield\_734_PierceThroughAShield.java (at line 3)
import java.util.Arrays;
The import java.util.Arrays cannot be resolved
83. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_734_PierceThroughAShield\_734_PierceThroughAShield.java (at line 26)
private static final List<ClassId> ClassList = Arrays.asList(new ClassId[] {
Arrays cannot be resolved
84. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_734_PierceThroughAShield\_734_PierceThroughAShield.java (at line 82)
killer.sendPacket(new ExShowScreenMessage(Text[0].replace("MAX", String.valueOf(max)).replace("KILL", String.valueOf(kill)), 10000));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
85. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_735_MakeSpearsDull\_735_MakeSpearsDull.java (at line 3)
import java.util.Arrays;
The import java.util.Arrays cannot be resolved
86. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_735_MakeSpearsDull\_735_MakeSpearsDull.java (at line 26)
private static final List<ClassId> ClassList = Arrays.asList(new ClassId[] {
Arrays cannot be resolved
87. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_735_MakeSpearsDull\_735_MakeSpearsDull.java (at line 104)
killer.sendPacket(new ExShowScreenMessage(Text[0].replace("MAX", String.valueOf(max)).replace("KILL", String.valueOf(kill)), 10000));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
88. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_736_WeakenMagic\_736_WeakenMagic.java (at line 3)
import java.util.Arrays;
The import java.util.Arrays cannot be resolved
89. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_736_WeakenMagic\_736_WeakenMagic.java (at line 27)
private static final List<ClassId> ClassList = Arrays.asList(new ClassId[] {
Arrays cannot be resolved
90. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_736_WeakenMagic\_736_WeakenMagic.java (at line 93)
killer.sendPacket(new ExShowScreenMessage(Text[0].replace("MAX", String.valueOf(max)).replace("KILL", String.valueOf(kill)), 10000));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
91. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_737_DenyBlessings\_737_DenyBlessings.java (at line 3)
import java.util.Arrays;
The import java.util.Arrays cannot be resolved
92. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_737_DenyBlessings\_737_DenyBlessings.java (at line 26)
private static final List<ClassId> ClassList = Arrays.asList(new ClassId[] {
Arrays cannot be resolved
93. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_737_DenyBlessings\_737_DenyBlessings.java (at line 84)
killer.sendPacket(new ExShowScreenMessage(Text[0].replace("MAX", String.valueOf(max)).replace("KILL", String.valueOf(kill)), 10000));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
94. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_738_DestroyKeyTargets\_738_DestroyKeyTargets.java (at line 3)
import java.util.Arrays;
The import java.util.Arrays cannot be resolved
95. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_738_DestroyKeyTargets\_738_DestroyKeyTargets.java (at line 26)
private static final List<ClassId> ClassList = Arrays.asList(new ClassId[] {
Arrays cannot be resolved
96. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests\_738_DestroyKeyTargets\_738_DestroyKeyTargets.java (at line 86)
killer.sendPacket(new ExShowScreenMessage(Text[0].replace("MAX", String.valueOf(max)).replace("KILL", String.valueOf(kill)), 10000));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
97. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\quests_custom\PinsAndPouchUnseal\PinsAndPouchUnseal.java (at line 52)
The method contains(CharSequence) from the type String refers to the missing type CharSequence
98. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\services\DeLevel.java (at line 30)
content = content.replace("%price%", Config.SERVICES_DELEVEL_ITEM_COUNT + " " + price.getName());
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
99. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\services\DeLevel.java (at line 43)
content = content.replace("%price%", Config.SERVICES_LEVELUP_ITEM_COUNT + " " + price.getName());
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
100. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\services\ItemBrokerGold.java (at line 5)
import java.util.Map.Entry;
The import java.util.Map.Entry cannot be resolved
101. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\services\ItemBrokerGold.java (at line 265)
for(final Entry<Long, Item> entry : tempItems.entrySet())
Entry cannot be resolved to a type
102. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\services\ItemBrokerGold.java (at line 265)
for(final Entry<Long, Item> entry : tempItems.entrySet())
The method entrySet() from the type TreeMap<Long,ItemBrokerGold.Item> refers to the missing type Map$Entry
103. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\services\ItemBrokerGold.java (at line 284)
final Item item = type == L2Player.STORE_PRIVATE_BUY ? tempItems2.lastEntry().getValue() : tempItems2.firstEntry().getValue();
The method lastEntry() from the type TreeMap<Long,ItemBrokerGold.Item> refers to the missing type Map$Entry
104. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\services\ItemBrokerGold.java (at line 284)
final Item item = type == L2Player.STORE_PRIVATE_BUY ? tempItems2.lastEntry().getValue() : tempItems2.firstEntry().getValue();
The method firstEntry() from the type TreeMap<Long,ItemBrokerGold.Item> refers to the missing type Map$Entry
105. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\services\NoKarma.java (at line 50)
content = content.replace("%price%", Config.SERVICES_PK_ITEM_COUNT + " " + price.getName());
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
106. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\services\NoKarma.java (at line 69)
content = content.replace("%price%", Config.SERVICES_KARMA_ITEM_COUNT + " " + price.getName());
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
107. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\services\Rename.java (at line 1)
package services;
The type java.util.regex.Pattern cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
108. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\services\Rename.java (at line 216)
Pattern cannot be resolved to a type
109. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\services\Rename.java (at line 384)
Pattern cannot be resolved to a type
110. ERROR in C:\Server4\game\.\data\scripts\services\totalonline\totalonline.java (at line 19)
import java.util.Arrays;
The import java.util.Arrays cannot be resolved
[compiled 123585 lines in 2802 ms: 44105.9 lines/s]
110 problems (110 errors)[653 .class files generated]

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