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Доброго всем времени суток! Хотел потестить сборку Lucera 2 (rc 7.4), выложенную в шару самим разрабом! Скомпилировал сурс, все шло хорошо! Запустил логин! Но когда начал запускать гейм сервер, то после коннект к логину, почему-то мгновенно происходит дисконект и гейм закрывается! Есть только 2 ошибки при загрузки скриптов, но судя по всему это не самое важно!


Буду рад помощи, может кто сталкивался! Вот логи gameserver! Ниже логи Loginserver!



[06.06.15 23:16:10] Loading: ./config/network/network.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:10] Loading: ./config/network/hexid.txt

[06.06.15 23:16:10] Loading: ./config/main/areas.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:10] Loading: ./config/main/ban.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:10] Loading: ./config/main/datetime.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:10] Loading: ./config/main/gameserver.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:10] Loading: ./config/main/respawns.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:10] Loading: ./config/main/regeneration.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:10] Loading: ./config/main/petitions.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:10] Loading: ./config/main/altgame.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:10] Loading: ./config/main/custom.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:10] Loading: ./config/main/clans.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:10] Loading: ./config/main/entities.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:10] Loading: ./config/main/communityboard.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:10] Loading: ./config/main/nicks.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:10] Loading: ./config/main/drops.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:10] Loading: ./config/main/enchant.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:10] Loading: ./config/main/party.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:10] Loading: ./config/main/options.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:10] Loading: ./config/main/other_settings.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/main/geodata.properties.

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/main/warehouse.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/main/permissions.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/main/pvp_settings.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/main/services.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/main/security.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/main/rates.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/main/skills.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/main/inventory.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/main/pvtstores.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/main/l2top.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/main/manor.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/main/equipment.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/main/grid.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/main/id_factory.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/main/safe.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/main/events/seven_signs.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/main/events/castle_siege.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/main/events/olympiad.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/main/events/lottery.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/main/events/fortsiege.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/main/events/pccaffe.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/chat/chat.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loaded 708 Filter Words.

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/administration/gm_access.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/administration/developer.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/main/announces.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/mods/champion_mobs.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/mods/jail.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/mods/wedding.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/mods/fun_events.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/mods/classmaster.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/mods/classes.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/mods/classes_armor.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loading: ./config/mods/banking.properties

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Loaded 1416 Filter Words.

[06.06.15 23:16:11] L2DatabaseFactory: Connected to database server

[06.06.15 23:16:11] ..................................................

[06.06.15 23:16:11] System Time: 06-06-2015 08:16:11 PM

[06.06.15 23:16:11] ..................................................

[06.06.15 23:16:11] OS: Windows 7 Build: 6.1

[06.06.15 23:16:11] OS Arch: x86

[06.06.15 23:16:11] ..................................................

[06.06.15 23:16:11] ..................................................

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Avaible CPU(s): 2

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Processor(s) Identifier: x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11, GenuineIntel

[06.06.15 23:16:11] ..................................................

[06.06.15 23:16:11] ..................................................

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Runtime Information

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Current Free Heap Size: 720 mb

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Current Heap Size: 744 mb

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Maximum Heap Size: 1000 mb

[06.06.15 23:16:11] ..................................................

[06.06.15 23:16:11] ..................................................

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Java Platform Information

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Java Runtime  Name: Java SE Runtime Environment

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Java Version: 1.8.0_45

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Java Class Version: 52.0

[06.06.15 23:16:11] ..................................................

[06.06.15 23:16:11] ..................................................

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Virtual Machine Information (JVM)

[06.06.15 23:16:11] JVM Name: Java HotSpot Client VM

[06.06.15 23:16:11] JVM installation directory: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_45

[06.06.15 23:16:11] JVM version: 25.45-b02

[06.06.15 23:16:11] JVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation

[06.06.15 23:16:11] JVM Info: mixed mode

[06.06.15 23:16:11] ..................................................

[06.06.15 23:16:11] ..................................................

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Initializing Script Engine Manager.

[06.06.15 23:16:11] Script Engine: java 1.6 - Language: java - Language Version: 1.6

[06.06.15 20:16:12] Script Engine: Oracle Nashorn 1.8.0_45 - Language: ECMAScript - Language Version: ECMA - 262 Edition 5.1

[06.06.15 20:16:13] Script Engine: jython 2.2.1 - Language: python - Language Version: 2.2.1

[06.06.15 20:16:13] ThreadPoolManager: Initializing.

[06.06.15 20:16:13] General threads: ..... 6.

[06.06.15 20:16:13] Effect threads: ...... 8.

[06.06.15 20:16:13] AI threads: .......... 8.

[06.06.15 20:16:13] Packet threads: ...... 4.

[06.06.15 20:16:13] Total threads: ....... 26.

[06.06.15 20:16:13] L2World: Setting up World Regions

[06.06.15 20:16:13] L2World: (95 by 135) World Region Grid set up.

[06.06.15 20:16:13] DeadlockDetector: Initializing

[06.06.15 20:16:14] IdFactory: Cleaned 0 elements

[06.06.15 20:16:15] IdFactory: Cleanup items

[06.06.15 20:16:15] IdFactory: Cleanup clans

[06.06.15 20:16:15] IdFactory: Cleanup items on ground

[06.06.15 20:16:15] IDFactory: 102912 id's avaliable.

[06.06.15 20:16:15] MapRegionManager: Loaded 38 restartpoint(s).

[06.06.15 20:16:15] MapRegionManager: Loaded 23 restartareas with 145 arearegion(s).

[06.06.15 20:16:15] MapRegionManager: Loaded 235 zoneregion(s).

[06.06.15 20:16:15] MapRegionManager: Loaded 4 race depending redirects.

[06.06.15 20:16:15] AnnounceManager: Loaded 0 announce

[06.06.15 20:16:15] AnnounceManager: Loaded 0 auto announce

[06.06.15 20:16:15] IdFactory: Free ObjectID's remaining: 1879048046

[06.06.15 20:16:15] Geodata Engine: Disabled.

[06.06.15 20:16:15] Static Objects: Loaded 29 object(s)

[06.06.15 20:16:15] GameTimeController: Initialized.

[06.06.15 20:16:15] Initializing BoatManager

[06.06.15 20:16:15] Initializing InstanceManager

[06.06.15 20:16:15] Multiverse Instance created

[06.06.15 20:16:15] Universe Instance created

[06.06.15 20:16:15] AttackStanceTaskManager: Initialized.

[06.06.15 20:16:15] DecayTaskManager: Initialized.

[06.06.15 20:16:15] KnownListUpdateTaskManager: Initialized.

[06.06.15 20:16:15] LeakTaskManager: Initialized.

[06.06.15 20:16:15] SQLQueue: started

[06.06.15 20:16:16] TeleportTable: Loaded 925 location

[06.06.15 20:16:17] SkillTreeTable:          Loaded 36066 skills.

[06.06.15 20:16:18] FishingSkillTreeTable:   Loaded 109 general skills.

[06.06.15 20:16:18] FishingSkillTreeTable:   Loaded 8 dwarven skills.

[06.06.15 20:16:18] EnchantSkillTreeTable:   Loaded 14520 enchant skills.

[06.06.15 20:16:18] PledgeSkillTreeTable:    Loaded 64 pledge skills.

[06.06.15 20:16:25] SkillTable: Loaded 31174 skill templates from XML files.

[06.06.15 20:16:25] SkillTable: Occupying arrays for 75061.

[06.06.15 20:16:25] ExtraSkillTable: Loaded  55 skills.

[06.06.15 20:16:25] ResidentialSkillTable: Loaded 0 skills.

[06.06.15 20:16:26] PetSkillsTable: Loaded 1594 skills.

[06.06.15 20:16:26] NobleSkillTable: Initialized.

[06.06.15 20:16:26] HeroSkillTable: Initialized.

[06.06.15 20:16:26] Items: Cleanup items table

[06.06.15 20:16:27] ItemTable: Loaded 6882/6882 Items.

[06.06.15 20:16:29] ItemTable: Loaded 1014/1014 Armors.

[06.06.15 20:16:30] ItemTable: Loaded 1313/1313 Weapons.

[06.06.15 20:16:30] ArmorSetsTable: Loaded 51 armor sets.

[06.06.15 20:16:30] ArmorSetsTable: Loaded 51 armor sets.

[06.06.15 20:16:30] AugmentationData: Loaded: 52 augmentation stats.

[06.06.15 20:16:30] AugmentationData: Loaded: 1780 weapons skills.

[06.06.15 20:16:30] SkillSpellbookTable: Loaded 334 Spellbooks.

[06.06.15 20:16:30] SummonItemsData: Loaded 38 Summon Items from summon_items.xml

[06.06.15 20:16:30] Extractable items data: Loaded 344 extractable items!

[06.06.15 20:16:31] FishTable: Loaded 270 Fishes.

[06.06.15 20:16:31] ItemsAutoDestroy: initialized

[06.06.15 20:16:34] CharNameTable: Loaded 0 character names.

[06.06.15 20:16:34] CharTemplateTable: Loaded 89 Character Templates.

[06.06.15 20:16:34] LevelUpData: Loaded 103 Character Level Up Templates.

[06.06.15 20:16:34] Helper Buff Table: Loaded 25 Templates.

[06.06.15 20:16:34] HennaTable: Loaded 180 Templates.

[06.06.15 20:16:34] HennaTreeTable: Loaded 7128 Henna Tree Templates.

[06.06.15 20:16:34] CoupleManager: loaded 0 couples(s)

[06.06.15 20:16:34] ClanTable: restored 0 clans from the database.

[06.06.15 20:16:34] Cache[Crest]: 0,000MB on 0 files loaded.

[06.06.15 20:16:34] Cache[Crest]: (Forget Time: 300s , Capacity: 50)

[06.06.15 20:16:34] HeroSystem: Loaded 0 Heroes.

[06.06.15 20:16:34] HeroSystem: Loaded 0 all time Heroes.

[06.06.15 20:16:34] BlockListManager: Loaded 0 character block(s).

[06.06.15 20:16:35] NpcTable: Loaded 7052 Npc Templates.

[06.06.15 20:16:35] NpcTable: Loaded 6 Custom Npc Templates.

[06.06.15 20:16:36] NpcTable: Loaded 447 Minions.

[06.06.15 20:16:36] NpcLikePc :Loaded 1 template(s)

[06.06.15 20:16:36] PetDataTable: loaded 12 pets.

[06.06.15 20:16:36] AutoChatHandler: Loaded 32 handlers in total.

[06.06.15 20:16:36] AutoSpawnHandler: Loaded 129 spawn group(s) from the database.

[06.06.15 20:16:36] SevenSigns: Currently in the Competition (Quest Event) period!

[06.06.15 20:16:36] SevenSigns: The Seal of Avarice remains unclaimed.

[06.06.15 20:16:36] SevenSigns: The Seal of Gnosis remains unclaimed.

[06.06.15 20:16:36] SevenSigns: The Seal of Strife remains unclaimed.

[06.06.15 20:16:36] SevenSigns: The competition, if the current trend continues, will end in a tie this week.

[06.06.15 20:16:36] SevenSigns: Next period begins in 1 days, 21 hours and 43 mins.

[06.06.15 20:16:36] SevenSignsFestival: first Festival of Darkness cycle begins in 2 minutes.

[06.06.15 20:16:36] CrownManager: Initialized.

[06.06.15 20:16:37] ClanHallManager: loaded 0 clan halls

[06.06.15 20:16:37] ClanHallManager: loaded 44 free clan halls

[06.06.15 20:16:37] ClanHallManager: 4 halls in Gludio

[06.06.15 20:16:37] ClanHallManager: 5 halls in Gludin

[06.06.15 20:16:37] ClanHallManager: 4 halls in Dion

[06.06.15 20:16:37] ClanHallManager: 5 halls in Giran

[06.06.15 20:16:37] ClanHallManager: 7 halls in Aden

[06.06.15 20:16:37] ClanHallManager: 5 halls in Goddard

[06.06.15 20:16:37] ClanHallManager: 9 halls in Rune

[06.06.15 20:16:37] ClanHallManager: 4 halls in Schuttgart

[06.06.15 20:16:37] RegenTaskManager: Initialized.

[06.06.15 20:16:37] DoorTable: Loaded 224 Door Templates.

[06.06.15 20:16:37] Loaded: 9 castles

[06.06.15 20:16:37] SiegeManager: Loaded 0 registred siege(s)

[06.06.15 20:16:37] Initializing FortManager

[06.06.15 20:16:39] GuardReturnHomeManager: Initialized.

[06.06.15 20:16:40] AttackableAiTaskManager: Initialized.

[06.06.15 20:16:40] WalkerRoutesTable: Loaded 626 Npc Walker Routes.

[06.06.15 20:16:40] Initializing Walkers Routes Table.

[06.06.15 20:16:40] NpcWalkerAiTaskManager: Initialized.

[06.06.15 20:16:40] DayNightSpawnManager: Day/Night handler initialized

[06.06.15 20:16:42] SpawnTable: Loaded 37393 Npc Spawn Locations.

[06.06.15 20:16:42] SpawnTable: 0 Npc Not Spawned.

[06.06.15 20:16:43] Loaded: 21 fortress

[06.06.15 20:16:43] FortSiegeManager: Loaded 21 siege(s)

[06.06.15 20:16:43] ZoneManager: arena.xml loaded with 8 zones

[06.06.15 20:16:43] Initializing QuestManager

[06.06.15 20:16:44] ZoneManager: boss.xml loaded with 18 zones

[06.06.15 20:16:44] Siege of Gludio: Sat Jun 13 20:00:00 MSK 2015

[06.06.15 20:16:44] Siege of Dion: Sat Jun 13 20:00:00 MSK 2015

[06.06.15 20:16:45] Siege of Giran: Sun Jun 14 16:00:00 MSK 2015

[06.06.15 20:16:45] Siege of Oren: Sun Jun 14 16:00:00 MSK 2015

[06.06.15 20:16:45] Siege of Aden: Sat Jun 13 20:00:00 MSK 2015

[06.06.15 20:16:45] Siege of Innadril: Sun Jun 14 16:00:00 MSK 2015

[06.06.15 20:16:45] Siege of Goddard: Sun Jun 14 16:00:00 MSK 2015

[06.06.15 20:16:45] Siege of Rune: Sat Jun 13 20:00:00 MSK 2015

[06.06.15 20:16:45] Siege of Schuttgart: Sun Jun 14 16:00:00 MSK 2015

[06.06.15 20:16:45] ZoneManager: castle.xml loaded with 48 zones

[06.06.15 20:16:46] ZoneManager: clanhall.xml loaded with 44 zones

[06.06.15 20:16:46] ZoneManager: custom.xml loaded with 0 zones

[06.06.15 20:16:46] ZoneManager: fishing.xml loaded with 40 zones

[06.06.15 20:16:46] ZoneManager: forts.xml loaded with 42 zones

[06.06.15 20:16:47] ZoneManager: foursepulchers.xml loaded with 8 zones

[06.06.15 20:16:47] ZoneManager: misc.xml loaded with 34 zones

[06.06.15 20:16:47] ZoneManager: monstertrack.xml loaded with 2 zones

[06.06.15 20:16:47] ZoneManager: mothertree.xml loaded with 5 zones

[06.06.15 20:16:47] ZoneManager: pagan.xml loaded with 1 zones

[06.06.15 20:16:49] ZoneManager: peace.xml loaded with 42 zones

[06.06.15 20:16:49] ZoneManager: stadia.xml loaded with 22 zones

[06.06.15 20:16:50] ZoneManager: water.xml loaded with 200 zones

[06.06.15 20:16:50] MercTicketManager: loaded 0 Mercenary Tickets

[06.06.15 20:16:50] SiegeManager of Fortress Of Resistence

[06.06.15 20:16:50] SiegeManager of Bandits Stronghold

[06.06.15 20:16:50] SiegeManager of Devastated Castle

[06.06.15 20:16:50] SiegeManager of Fortres Of Dead

[06.06.15 20:16:50] SiegeManager of Wild Beasts Farm

[06.06.15 20:16:50] SiegeManager of Rainbow Springs Chateau

[06.06.15 20:16:50] BuffHolder: Loaded 3 buffScheme(s)

[06.06.15 20:16:55] Failed executing script: D:\l2s\build\game\data\scripts\handlers\voice\ClassMaster.java. See ClassMaster.java.error.log for details.

[06.06.15 20:16:55] Failed executing script: D:\l2s\build\game\data\scripts\handlers\voice\WhoAmI.java. See WhoAmI.java.error.log for details.

[06.06.15 20:16:55] Spawn Events Managers

[06.06.15 20:17:00] Loaded: 369 quests

[06.06.15 20:17:00] HtmCache: Loaded 24797 HTM file(s) for 2 language(s)

[06.06.15 20:17:01] Despawned 601 creature(s), spawned 232

[06.06.15 20:17:01] RaidBossReturnHomeManager: Initialized.

[06.06.15 20:17:01] RaidBossSpawnManager: Loaded 191 Instances

[06.06.15 20:17:01] RaidBossSpawnManager: Scheduled 0 Instances

[06.06.15 20:17:01] CursedWeaponsManager: loaded 2 cursed weapon(s).

[06.06.15 20:17:01] TradeListTable: Loaded 634 Buylists.

[06.06.15 20:17:01] ManorSystem: Schedule for manor refresh @ Sun Jun 07 20:00:01 MSK 2015

[06.06.15 20:17:01] ManorSystem: Manor period approve updated

[06.06.15 20:17:01] ManorSystem: Schedule for period approve @ Sun Jun 07 06:00:01 MSK 2015

[06.06.15 20:17:02] ManorManager: Loaded 256 seeds

[06.06.15 20:17:02] AuctionManager: loaded 38 auction(s)

[06.06.15 20:17:02] FollowTaskManager: Initialized.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] AttackFollowTaskManager: Initialized.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] TimedItems: loaded 0 items

[06.06.15 20:17:02] Olympiad System: Loading Olympiad System....

[06.06.15 20:17:02] Olympiad System: Currently in Olympiad Period

[06.06.15 20:17:02] Olympiad System: 34783 minutes until period ends

[06.06.15 20:17:02] Olympiad System: Next weekly change is in 10073 minutes

[06.06.15 20:17:02] Olympiad System: Loaded 0 Nobles

[06.06.15 20:17:02] Olympiad System: Competition Period Starts in 0 days, 0 hours and 2 mins.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] Olympiad System: Event starts/started : Sat Jun 06 18:00:02 MSK 2015

[06.06.15 20:17:02] DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 7 room types with 56 rooms.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 462 dimensional rift spawns, 0 errors.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] FourSepulchersManager: Loaded 4 mausoleum(s)

[06.06.15 20:17:02] FourSepulchersManager: Four Sepulchers will open at Sat Jun 06 20:55:00 MSK 2015

[06.06.15 20:17:02] GrandBossReturnHomeManager: Initialized.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] QueenAntManager: State of QueenAnt is ALIVE.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] ZakenManager: State of Zaken is ALIVE.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] CoreManager: State of Core is ALIVE.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] OrfenManager: State of Orfen is ALIVE.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] SailrenManager: State of Sailren is NOTSPAWN.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] VanHalterManager : State of High Priestess van Halter is ALIVE.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] AntharasManager: State of Antharas is NOTSPAWN.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] BaiumManager: State of Baium is NOTSPAWN.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] ValakasManager: State of Valakas is NOTSPAWN.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] LastImperialTombManager: Init The Last Imperial Tomb.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] FrintezzaManager: State of Frintezza is NOTSPAWN.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] Faction Manager: disabled.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] RecipeController: Loaded 865 recipes.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] ItemHandler: Loaded 2349 handlers.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] SkillHandler: Loaded 92 handlers.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] ChatHandler: Loaded 16 handlers.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] ObjectRestrictions: loading...

[06.06.15 20:17:02] ObjectRestrictions: loaded 0 restrictions.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] SiegeStatus: loading...

[06.06.15 20:17:02] TaskManager: initalized.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] TaskManager: Registered: 6 Tasks.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] PetitionManager: initalized.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] Fishing Championship Manager : started

[06.06.15 20:17:02] Offline Manager: initialize...

[06.06.15 20:17:02] Offline Manager: load players from database.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] Offline Manager: 0 trader(s) loaded.

[06.06.15 20:17:02] Offline Manager: 0 trader(s) deleted.

[06.06.15 20:17:04] Connecting to login on localhost:9014

[06.06.15 20:17:04] IOFloodManager: initialized.

[06.06.15 20:17:04] GameEventManager: Loaded 4 events.

[06.06.15 20:17:04] Cristmas event status: Off.

[06.06.15 20:17:04] Medals event status: Off.

[06.06.15 20:17:04] StarlightFestival event status: Off.

[06.06.15 20:17:04] L2Day event status: Off.

[06.06.15 20:17:04] BigSquash event status: Off.

[06.06.15 20:17:04] GmController: Loaded 308 handlers.

[06.06.15 20:17:04] GmController: Loaded 0 admin players.

[06.06.15 20:17:04] Loaded 0 extensions.

[06.06.15 20:17:04] TaskManager: Loaded: 3 Tasks From Database.

[06.06.15 20:17:06] Free memory: 656 Mb of 1000 Mb

[06.06.15 20:17:06] Ready on IP:

[06.06.15 20:17:06] Max players: 1000

[06.06.15 20:17:06] Load time: 55 Seconds.

[06.06.15 20:17:06] Registered on login as Server 1 : Bartz

[06.06.15 23:17:06] Updated Gameserver [1] Bartz IP's:

[06.06.15 23:17:06] localhost (

[06.06.15 23:17:13] GameServer [1] Bartz: Connection lost: Connection reset

[06.06.15 23:17:13] Server [1] Bartz is now set as disconnected



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Научитесь уже пользоваться спойлером. 


Проблема может быть в наличии привязки, есть почитать тему побольше, то можете найти там уже готовый билд для запуска

Поделиться сообщением

Ссылка на сообщение
Поделиться на другие сайты

Для публикации сообщений создайте учётную запись или авторизуйтесь

Вы должны быть пользователем, чтобы оставить комментарий

Создать учетную запись

Зарегистрируйте новую учётную запись в нашем сообществе. Это очень просто!

Регистрация нового пользователя


Уже есть аккаунт? Войти в систему.


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