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108 файлов

  1. Бесплатный

    aCis [Diff File] 342 to 343

    Файл для обновления с версии 342 до 343
    Changeset 343
    Scripts, Inventories, Misc
    - Addition of Q220, Q226. Ty roko91.
    - Drop the unused "block" system on PcInventory.
    - Drop the "quests slots" system on PcInventory. Easier slots check.
    - Fix Packet Forge tool. Ty roko91 for the fix.
    - Fix a NPE on ShortcutInit packet.
    - Fix a NPE on removeCrest().
    - Fix a NPE on calculateRewards(), overhit related. Ty SweeTs for the fix.
    - Added a missing check on pickup method, related to overweight. Now you can't be 110% full...
    - RequestDestroyItem got its checks edited, with the addition of CANNOT_DESTROY_NUMBER_INCORRECT message (for both < 1 and > max item number conditions).
    - Remove GMs priviledges on few packets, leading to a most appropriated casual player experience for : attack stance on restart/logout, slot/weight overbuy, outofcontrol Action.

    70 раз скачали


  2. Бесплатный

    aCis [Diff File] 341 to 342

    Файл для обновления с версии 341 до 342
    Changeset 342
    FloodProtectors, Scripts, Misc
    - Simplified FP system (took L2JFree one). Timers are still configurable via config, all others configs are dropped (totally pointless).
    - A parameter setted to 0 means the action is always possible (you can enable/disable any FP that way).
    - GLOBAL_CHAT && TRADE_CHAT FPs are desactivated by default. GLOBAL_CHAT handles "All" and "Shout" chats.
    - SOCIAL timer has been tweaked to handle animations at the most global running speeds. Edit if you don't like.
    - addition of Q224, Q228, Q663. Ty to roko91 and RooT.
    - Fix, anew, the movement stuck issue.
    - Drop the empty folder in taskmanager.
    - You can use arrows UP and DOWN to move the character without making your client crashes. No configs.
    - Chats and RollDice handlers cleanup (nothing fantastic). Roll dice message is sent to anyone.
    - Complete StopRotation packet. Ty RooT.

    68 раз скачали


  3. Бесплатный

    aCis 367 Build, Source, Diff

    Changeset 367 (668)
    Reorganization ! You will hate me.
    Edit all instance types.
    All instances types are shortcuted as following : L2PetInstance > Pet (remove "L2" and "Instance" from naming convention, to shortcut checks and writing style).
    Mother classes simply lose the "L2" prefix (L2Attackable, L2Character, L2Playable,...).
    The previous rule doesn't apply exactly on following cases :
    - L2BufferInstance > SchemeBuffer (fits better with the role).
    - L2PcInstance > Player (I guess Pc stands for 'player character', so make it more intuitive).
    - L2SummonInstance > Servitor (to avoid confusion between L2Summon and L2SummonInstance ; the first being mother class of all summons and second being summoners servitors).
    - L2XMassTreeInstance > ChristmasTree (because we aren't #1337 #YOLO #Swag #doge).
    - L2WarehouseInstance > WarehouseKeeper (conflict with Warehouse, part of Inventory).
    - L2CastleWarehouseInstance > CastleWarehouseKeeper (to fit with above).
    - L2CabaleBufferInstance > CabalBuffer (cabal in english, not cabale).
    - L2ArtefactInstance > HolyThing (L2OFF naming).
    - L2ObservationInstance > BroadcastingTower (more proper name).
    - L2NpcInstance > Folk (because those are considered as non attackable targets).
    - L2MutedNpcInstance > MutedFolk (because they are based on Folk).
    - L2FriendlyMobInstance > FriendlyMonster (Monster not Mob).
    - L2NpcWalkerInstance > Walker (drop of Npc).
    - L2TeleporterInstance > Gatekeeper (fits better with the role).
    - L2DoormenInstance > Doorman (not plural).
    - L2CastleDoormenInstance > CastleDoorman (not plural).
    - L2ClanHallDoormenInstance > ClanHallDoorman (not plural).
    - L2GoldenRamInstance > GoldenRamMercenary (more informative).
    - L2CastleTeleporterInstance > CastleGatekeeper.
    - All "Manager" ending NPC types are followed by "Npc" to avoid any conflict with instancemanager (ex : L2ClanHallManagerInstance > ClanHallManagerNpc), even if there isn't any conflict (just respect same rule everytime).
    - Rename StaticObject serverpacket to StaticObjectInfo (after all we got CharInfo, PetInfo, UserInfo,...), to avoid conflict with StaticObject instance type.
    - Fix //removecastle admincommand (owner was still listed).
    - Fix Christmas Trees (and cleanup the instance). Ty Azik for report.
    - Deletion of GNU headers. Reasons :
    - aCis uses its own licence.
    - There is more licence than actual code characters in 80% of classes (notably packets).
    - Faster search tool, lighweight-ier sources when distributed.
    - Edit of licence.htm with latest aCis ToA.
    PS : Since it's a complete mess, I will share, exceptionally, the complete pack on rev 367. For people who already owns a server, may Elmoroden gods pity you. I'm the best troll ever.

    66 раз скачали


  4. Бесплатный

    Private L2JMobius feb/2022

    Here is for free
    If need. 
    Share don't hurt.
    Click here L2JMobius Premium Sources

    66 раз скачали


  5. Бесплатный

    aCis 363 diff

    Диффка для исходников aCis, версия обновления 363
    [spoiler=Что нового в этой версии?]
    Benom, Castles, Castle Manor, Event listeners, Sieges, Seven Signs, Inventories, Misc
    - Addition of Benom script.
    - CastleManager cleanup by svipben. Castles are hold on a Map, the key being castleId.
    - Castle doormen "busy" HTM is shared among all instances (39 HTMs dropped).
    - Drop _siegeRegistrationEndDate. The registration end time is now directly calculated from siege date (siege date - 1 day). It could generate issues if you didn't edit both times. regTimeEnd dissapears from castle.sql.
    - Static informations are now loaded from castles.xml (circlet id, related tickets, related NPCs, artifact id) and have been unhardcoded.
    - Create MercenaryTicket model, holding ticket infos. Each Castle got its own List of static tickets.
    - NPC getCastle() is entirely cleaned up and generated from castles.xml.
    - Castle model must be generated from a castle id and castle name.
    - Drop entirely castle index logic wherever it was used (replaced by castleId logic).
    - Move removeCirclet logic from CastleManager to Castle.
    - Avoid to generate pointless integers for each L2WyvernManager.
    - Add retail HTMs and core logic for Mercenary Managers. Introduce Seven Signs buylists (show different output depending who is currently owning the Seal of Strife).
    - Castle entity rework :
    - now holds Set<ItemInstance> _droppedTickets (before held by MercTicketManager).
    - now holds int _circletId (before held by CastleManager).
    - now holds List<Integer> _relatedNpcIds (before was generated on the fly using weird castle index and distance check).
    - now holds List<MercenaryTicket> _tickets (before held by MercTicketManager on multiple splitted static arrays ; which weren't even holding Seven Signs state).
    - now holds List<L2Npc> _siegeGuards (before held by MercTicketManager).
    - Artifact is now linked by id, and not by instance.
    - Dropped tickets are now processed by ItemsOnGroundTaskManager.
    Castle Manor
    - L2Manor (seeds.xml parsing) is merged with CastleManorManager. Castles related procure/crop lists are moved to CastleManorManager aswell (easier to handle database storage that way).
    - The different internal classes are now moved into model.manor package.
    - Addition of ManorMode enum.
    - CastleManorManager follows latest L2J for the writing style.
    - Complete ExShowCropInfo, ExShowCropSetting, ExShowManorDefaultInfo, ExShowSeedInfo, RequestSetSeed packets.
    - Delete 6 admincommands related to manor. Keep only //manor, based on latest L2J. Incorporate //manor into game_menu.htm.
    - Fix seed/harvest issues.
    - CastleUpdater is dropped. The automatic saving is now handled on CastleManorManager (save manor states every 2h). No more alternative saving Config.
    Event listeners
    - Addition of an event layer for sieges addSiegeNotify(castleId). Rework the system to handle siege status with an Enum, under SiegeStatus (which drops 2 booleans).
    - Item listener is now lazy initialized (as it was used for a single item until now, which avoid to generate 6k empty lists for nothing).
    - Teleport system during siege is entirely redone and fixed. All ppl are moved to second closest town, no matter what.
    - Drop SiegeManager and split content between castle entity initialization, Config, CastleManager. getSieges() method is dropped, use getCastles() / getSiege on a for loop to get them.
    - When a Life Control or Flame Control Tower is destroyed, a little, not-attackable version of it spawns.
    - Add 2 SystemMessage related to sieges (when all life controls are destroyed, and when you try to use L2Doormen open/close doors function when castle is being sieged).
    - Add Ressurection siege conditions (can't ress if not participant to a siege, if attacker hasn't a flag or if defender hasn't anymore Life Crystals).
    Seven Signs
    - Introduce following Enums : CabalType, SealType, PeriodType. Those enums are 'improved versions' and hold more infos (which avoid few static methods).
    - Due to previous change, all seven signs related tables must be edited.
    - Complete cleanup, which avoids sometimes 15-18 .get() calls and avoid String operations (notably on cabal type).
    - Drop Warehouse abstract layer, and slight cleanup on Inventories.
    - Creation of ItemState Enum to enforce item related modifications.
    - Replace ItemContainer CopyOnWriteArrayList for ConcurrentSkipListSet (because of terrible performance on write).
    - Order items (avoid the items jump on inventories), based on inventory's item addition (similar to L2OFF ; I didn't see other rule). We use an unused ItemInstance variable to store it, _time.
    - Edit items.sql to optimize datatypes. Drop useless column time_of_use.
    - Drop ItemInstance.changeCountWithoutTrace (single use).
    - Drop L2PcInstance._arrowItem (no uses).
    - Cleanup L2PcInstance.reduceArrowCount (probably can be replaced entirely by a simple destroyItem) && checkAndEquipArrows.
    - Due to mercenary tickets handling edition, ItemsOnGroundTaskManager has to be mandatory, so SaveDroppedItem config is now dropped to avoid admin "lack of brain" issue. All timers and configs are still reachable.
    - Drop StartingAdena config (value was wrong, and it can be handle with another config).
    - Edit default GC type for CMS, which avoid lag spikes.
    - Fix pet gain system (wolf, sin eater, etc). Ty Erlandys for the complete fix.
    - Drop deprecated KnownListUpdateInterval config, ty SweeTs for reminder.
    - Cleanup L2PcInstance.storeEffect() - ty svipben.
    - getName() / getTitle()
    - Headquarters name/title follows L2OFF. Ty RooT for fix.
    - isCustomNpc() approach is given up. We rely on templates to feed name/title, but current name/title can be changed (which fixes changename admincommand).
    - changename is merged with setname. Both changename and changename_menu commands are dropped. You can now settitle on L2Npc (it is temporary, similar to setname).
    - HennaTable StatsSet is re-used (avoid to generate 180 HashMaps).
    - MapRegionTable uses getInstance() logic (that's the point of singleton).
    - Edit TownZone "taxById" variable to "castleId", which is friendlier to understand.
    - Merge summon conditions SiegeManager.checkIfOkToSummon && SevenSigns.checkSummonConditions in L2PcInstance.checkUseMagicConditions (single use).
    - L2PcInstance.isCastleLord is cleaned up (compare castle ids directly, not godamn Castle entities).
    - Cleanup GatekeeperSpirit script.
    - Fix NPE on ExListPartyMatchingWaitingRoom, ty sahar for report.
    - //create_set admincommand is extended :
    - armorsets.xml now hold set name. ArmorSetsTable use StatsSet to feed ArmorSet objects.
    - A new panel is generated with existing sets (because good luck to remember chestId).
    - ArmorSet model is cleaned up.
    - CastleManorManager seeds parsing is slightly edited (StatsSet is reused).
    - Clicking on "Item" button simply popup itemcreation.htm.
    - Duel system : partymatch system is ended for any players (was written as TODO since Duel rework).
    - Edit checkEffectRangeInsidePeaceZone x, y, z parameters for Location.
    - Move and cleanup signet cast condition from L2Character to L2PcInstance.checkDoCastConditions.
    PS : castle guards spawn (from neutral castle) system isn't yet processed. Don't report it.
    PS : due to heavy changes, it is STRONGLY adviced to make a clean installation of tables if you got no clue about what you are doing.
    Due to the HUGE amount of edited engines (Seven Signs, Manor, Castles, Sieges,...), consider it as a part I, even if it's not finalized. I need your reviews to complete the part II. This changeset, in term of coding, worth 3 to 4 regular revisions. Unfortunately, as everything depends of everything, it couldn't be done of another mean.
    Some things have been voluntarly broken - I think notably about NPC guards, but most shouldn't. Consider to report everything. Due to the amount of code, I couldn't test all, and didn't test Benom, Seven Signs && Manor.


    63 раза скачали


  6. Бесплатный

    aCis 364 diff

    Диффка для исходников aCis, версия обновления 364
    [spoiler=Что нового в этой версии?]
    Scheme buffer v2, Auctioneer, Misc
    Tryskell, the scheme buffer v2 !
    - skill names and descriptions, hold by XML rather than Config.
    - less panels, easier to use.
    - paging system to avoid scrolling effect.
    - no "blinking" effect.
    - Drop of BufferMaxSkillsPerScheme config (now uses player max).
    Auctioneer instance is reworked :
    - bypasses work anew (caused by getCastle() refactor)
    - fix "Back" button on Bidders list (ty Anarchy)
    - Cleanup and more safety (ConcurrentHashMap, less calls of .get(), everything is try/catch, return is correctly used, paging system is refreshed).
    - Fix Lucky skill acquisition. Ty Ailierynn for report.
    - Valakas doesn't use a dummy anymore which lighten the code and avoid to bug custom raidboss checkers showing wrong location.
    - Revert interaction range edit (100 is buggy, return back to 150) until someone decides to care about all types of range in one throw.
    - Fix Broadcasting Tower knownlist issue. Methods are sync-ed with observe olympiad. Drop _observerMode boolean (can be guessed with clever use of _savedLocation). inObserveMode() renamed for isInObserveMode().
    - Fix the "unhandled slot type" issue. Ty Sahar.
    - Addition of Flame/Control infos on castle admin panel.
    - Wrath skill enchant route fix. Ty Sahar.
    - Olympiads : No forced stand up on L2OFF.
    - Olympiads : You are teleported back to a random town location, not your saved location.
    - teachTo is slightly edited ; avoid to generate 6k empty ArrayList and drop most of getters. Ty katara.
    - Rework the NPC skills holding system, avoid to generate 28k empty ArrayList.
    - Rework L2TamedBeast (cleaner version).
    - Fix previous revision regarding GrandBoss using returnHome. Ty Sahar.
    - Fix social/abnormal admin panels/commands. Ty katara for report.
    Ty to SweeTs for buffer design and Sahar for XML definition.


    62 раза скачали


  7. Бесплатный

    aCis [Diff File] 339 to 340

    Файл для обновления с версии 339 до 340
    Changeset 340
    Caches, Announcements, Misc
    - Filters are moved back into classes.
    - Drop of //admin_fix_cache_crest admincommand.
    - Drop of OLD_PLEDGE related stuff.
    - BMP filter edited for DDS one, crests are stored under .dds format file. Consider to CONVERT .bmp into .dds !
    - Crests are stored on a Map for an easier management.
    Announcements - Ty Sikken, xblx (&& me ofc).
    - Renamed Announcements > AnnouncementTable, moved into datatables. Addition of Announcement model. General cleanup and rework.
    - Addition of critical announcement type.
    - Addition of scheduled announcement ; you can schedule your announcement to happen X times, every Y times.
    - Saved under XML format instead of TXT.
    - Drop of //reload_announcements (handled directly by AdminAdmin //reload generic admincommand), //announce_menu (no use).
    - Merge of numerous announcements admincommands, now handled by //announce <list|all|add|add_auto|del>.
    - Addition of //say admincommand (critical counterpart for //ann).
    - Old //announce renamed for //ann.
    - Little reorganization on Gameserver.java.
    PS : so basically, regarding Announcements admincommands, you only have :
    - //ann && //say for instant announcements type.
    - //announce <list|all|add|add_auto|del> for advanced mode.
    - //reload announcement.

    61 раз скачали


  8. Бесплатный

    Source с4 l2j lisvus 752rev

    Линк на СВН

    21 раз скачали



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