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  1. Может еще кто то посоветует )
  2. Спасибо сейчас попробуем (надеялся на ссылки ) =)
  3. Здраствуйте ! какую сборку HF на ваше мнение можно взять (бесплатную) для не большего онлайна 100-200 человек ! (если можно кидайте ссылки) зарание спс и с меня +
  4. это я понял, можешь написать куда вставить no-ip в какую строку (обычно в Internalhost вставлял а тут такого нет )
  5. использую сборку Lineage-dev HF 44 рев. вот конфиг ЛСа куда вписывать IP от no-ip не могу понять , и какой ИП надо вписать в строку DatabaseHost # ================== #========================# # L2EMU PROJECT PACK # Network Configuration # # ================== #========================# # ================================================================================================= # # This is the network configuration file. Here you can set up the connection for your Loginserver. # # Usually you have to change the LoginServerHostName option to # # - (if you want to play alone / testing purpose) # # - LAN IP* (if you want to play from another computer in the network) # # - WAN IP** (if you want to play with friends over internet) # # - Support => http://www.l2-emu.net # # - If you want to get your LAN IP, simply choose "Start" => "Run..." then type "cmd" => "ipconfig" # # - If you want to get you WAN IP, visit http://www.whatismyip.com or www.showip.com # # ================================================================================================= # # ========== # Connection # ========== # Bind ip of the loginserver, use to bind on all available IPs LoginServerHostName = LoginServerPort = 2106 # The port, ip on which login will listen for GameServers LoginPort = 9014 LoginHostName = # The delay between IP Update Time. # set this delay in minutes after which the login updates the gameservers IP's # (usefull when ip is dynamic) # (0 = disabled) in Minutes IpUpdateTime = 10 # Telnet is disabled by default. EnableTelnet = false # ============ # Port Related # ============ # This is the port telnet server will bind to StatusPort = 12345 # ============ # Pass Related # ============ # If the following is not set, a random password is generated on server startup. # StatusPW = somePass # ===== # Hosts # ===== # This list can contain IPs or Hosts of clients you wish to allow. # Hosts must be resolvable to an IP. # The format is as follows: # ListOfHosts =,host,,host2,host3,host4, # Make sure there are no spaces between hosts/ips ListOfHosts =,lo,localhost # -------------------- # Database Information # -------------------- DatabaseHost = DatabasePort = 3306 DatabaseName = emuent # Your login to Database (default = root) Login = root # Your password to database (default = root) Password = # define here how many connections are allowed at the same time. MaximumDbConnections = 10
  6. большое спасибо вас (извените что натупил)
  7. хотелось бы пока что то из шары думал может кто то посоветует (использовал l2jserver)
  8. Здраствуйте нужна сборка фреи либо ХФ желательно с дополнениями )))
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