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  1. SpirakosDafuq

    RIP L2Fusion.ru

    Great share thanks
  2. SpirakosDafuq

    Aion Final ( Project )

    anyone find the pass?
  3. SpirakosDafuq

    Рип Сайта L2-Club.ru

    useless w/o psd for header at least
  4. Hello maxi users. My name is Spiros and my nickname ass Dev,Player,Admin is Jeiko,i am from Greece and i am 21 years old. I play Lineage II since 2007-08 and i work as GM,Admin since 2011-12 and as developer the last year. What i can do for you? - I make banners on PS for servers,logos,signatures,etc since 2012 so i can make banners for advertise,signatures for forums advertise,logos for the website or advertise topics and w/e you will need. - I was moderator on some forums since 2009 so i have the knowledge to help on server forum too. - I work as GM,Chat Moderator,Head GM,Event GM,Administrator since 2011-12 so i have the knowledge i can handle everything in game i can create w/e you want in game i know almost everything. - I work as developer the last year i'm not pro,i don't know to create new codes but i can handle all the other things on development and client modifications.. - I can be online 5-6 hours per day (i can be more if we have something important). What i looking for? - Serious partners cause if you are not serious we cannot make any serious work. - Friendly partners cause if we don't have good communication we cannot make something good. Clients i prefer? - From Interlude (C6) to High Five. What i want from you? - I can't give any money for now cause i don't work so i just want 20% from server donates (If we are team of 2 persons if we are more ofc i want what i deserve). How to contact me? - Skype ID : Psycho.Dialitis - E-mail : jeikodev@hotmail.com
  5. ok i will think about this and i will pm you Thanks for help
  6. As tittle says i looking for epilogue geodata! All links are dead. Maybe someone have link for geodata? (For Free)
  7. Serious Team/Project looking for Sponsor/Partner! We are a team of 2 developers working on server for so many days/hours and we creating a full custom server! And what i mean full custom? -Custom Armors -Custom Weapons -Custom Tattoos -Custom NPC's -Custom Skills -Custom Zones And why we want to create a full Custom Server? -Because we will improve some "useless" classes so all classes will be playable and good for pvp's and more -Because with custom stats we can handle the balance of server for every class -Because we going by the people and not by the money so we want to create the best server for people who loves full custom servers! And what he will get by helping us! -He will be a part of team! -And what i mean with this? -He will take money from donates (But only in case we have the required money for the server expenses) -He will have access ofc on our server with a gm char (with admin rights) And what do we expect? -To start we need a machine with strong features so we can host the server which can handle a great number of connections! -Secondly we will need DDoS Protection for the server and website! -And ofc an active partner with hunger for work! Ofc i will not post all info here cauz we will not "give" our ideas to everyone so if you want to be our partner or sponsor you can contact us on Skype: -Psycho (Developer,Desinger) ID Psycho.Dialitis -Zarrox (Developer) ID stergios.dior
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