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Весь контент SteveDogs

  1. Версия 4.7.9

    29 раз скачали

    Core Added support for Emoji 14. Added a minimum of one day end date to Alerts. Improved the database checker to change member id columns to BIGINT if they are nearing a limit. Improved performance in some situations when posting content. Improved outbound connection speed when connecting to the same host multiple times. Move web app settings to a new controller in the AdminCP. Fixed an issue where moving conversations between folders may move to the wrong folder or fail to move. Fixed an issue where the member_create webhook wouldn't include custom profile field data. Fixed an issue where club settings would be shown on the ACP-Settings-Clubs page even if clubs were disabled. Fixed an issue where "this club" was not set as the default search context when viewing clubs. Fixed an issue where deleting a post from a hidden topic could remove the topic from the activity streams. Fixed an issue where the same emoji may show in the shortcode popup more than once where the name is the same. Fixed an issue where pasting files into the editor may display an unsupported file type notification. Fixed an issue where profanity filters were being applied to account email addresses. Hid ACP statistics blocks for Clubs when Clubs are disabled. Fixed an issue where users could edit comments that were hidden by a moderator. Hid member-menu in ModCP Approval Queue when reviewing content posted by guests. Allow users to reply to alerts even if they have messenger restrictions that would prevent them from doing so. Allow iOS/Safari notifications from Safari 16.4 onwards. Accordion titles on the Notifications settings page now wrap to multiple lines if they're too wide for the browser window. Commerce Increased number of days PayPal Subscriptions are checked for payments. Updated PayPal integration to v2 API where appropriate. Updated PayPal Payout API to latest version. Updated Maxmind integration to latest API, added support for tracking pixel. Fixed an issue where a customer may be charged before accepting the terms and conditions when requiring T&Cs and using Stripe. Fixed an issue where incoming emails containing '-' or '.' may be discard. Fixed an issue where a fatal error is thrown during email processing if the email character set is not supported by current PHP configuration. Deprecated Authorize.net, Braintree and 2Checkout payment gateways. Removed Hosting Reseller support. Pages Added the media URL to the ACP - Media Details sidebar. Added the ability for records to use the publish date field when synchronising with forum topics. Fixed an issue where the Media Preview Image wouldn't be shown on the ACP - Media Details page. Fixed an issue where it was possible to create paths that conflicted with system folders. Fixed an issue where comment counts displayed in the record feed when comments were disabled. Forums Added support for mark solved in clubs. Downloads Removed an unnecessary span tag from the rows template. Added the moderator checkbox to grid view as it was previously missing. Added status badges (pinned, hidden, etc) to the grid view. Padding has been added to grid cells while viewing files in profiles. Gallery Added some customization options to the Overview page. Now, when searching for images via the "Insert other attachment" editor option, searching by album name returns images from that album. Events Added links to subscribe to and download iCal events on the overview page. Fixed an issue where the "All Calendars" dropdown link would load the overview page instead of monthly view. Fixed an issue where the 'Copy Event' link would be shown even if the member had no permission to create new events in the calendar. Fixed an issue where recurring events would time out for some locales and languages. Fixed an issue where venue events may not show on the happening near me map. Converters Added basic support for converting [table] and


  2. тест на лайф сервере с живом онлайном обеспечу. пиши в телеграм https://t.me/stevedog
  3. Работа API-восстановлена.
  4. SteveDogs

    Исходники для PW

    Относитесь к участинкам форума более уважительно, предупреждение выдано за неоднократное нарушения правил.
  5. Сегодня все клиенты столкнулись проблемой доступности API MMOWEB, на данный момент не работает не одного клиента апи, регистрация, входы в личный кабинет, и прочее.
  6. @L2Banners - вот сюда пиши не ошибешься, нервы будут спокойны, и желания вскрыть вены от плохой адаптации не будет его сайт https://get-web.site/
  7. Итоги конкурса 13.01. Ждем еще ваших историй так как тема была закрыта 2 дня.
  8. Извиняюсь, в теме нельзя было публиковать сообщения спасибо @L2Banners что сообщил. Ждем ваших историй
  9. Пожелания администрации FORUMMAXI к администраторам, и пользователям нашего форума любителям Lineage2 ---------------------------- Пожелаю в Новый год, Чтобы шел год без хлопот, Подарил Вам много счастья И укрыл от всех ненастий. Пусть случится волшебство, Дарит радость торжество. Пусть все сбудутся мечты. Счастья, мира, доброты! ---------------------------- Конкурс Мы делаем конкурс в этой теме опубликуйте вашу самую интересную историю из мира Lineage2 - возможно как вы создавали сервер, или играли в нашу любимую игру. Расскажите историю о том как вы познакомились с миром Линейки. Победителей будет 3 человека, определяет администрация форума по количеству лайков на вашей истории. Для тех у кого уже есть премиум-аккаунт будем рады услышать вашу историю.
  10. SteveDogs

    Обвязка !!!

    Какую обвязку есть желание поставить?
  11. Заказывал, пару логотипов, и пару векторных блоков для alt+b сделали все в лучшем виде.
  12. нужно сделать так чтобы бафф лежал в инвентаре постоянно, и после 7 дней исчезал?
  13. SteveDogs

    IPS 4.7.4

    Просмотр файла IPS 4.7.4 IPS 4.7.4 Добавил SteveDogs Добавлено 11/20/22 Категория Web составляющие Автор IPS  
  14. SteveDogs

    IPS 4.7.4

    Версия 4.7.4

    103 раза скачали

    IPS 4.7.4


  15. С начало бы провести хоть какую либо аналитику, как ломали, какой тип спама, и прочее. У @Deazer в сборке очень хорошо реализованы моменты с флуд-протектом, и защитой логина. Скорей всего это больше ваша оплошность в настройки оборудования, или конфигов. Одна из самых стабильных, и цена качество сборок это люцера, даже сомнений нет в этом. Л2дрим, Оверлорд, и еще много других проектов работают стабильно без каких либо проблем. Чтобы понять что у вас случилось надо смотреть логи сервера, логи оборудования, проверять все настройки чтобы делать какие либо выводы.
  16. подобное можешь глянуть в пвсофте, атака на город в исходном коде есть
  17. Во всей этой схеме не было учтено, чтобы открыть кофейну заплати барыгам, заплати налог, получи закрытие кофейни, и веревку с мылом) Особенно касается тех людей кто берет франшизу, и пытается что-то сделать. в любом деле все зависит от человека его подхода, и интереса к этому делу. Если человек приходит дает деньги, и говорить сделайте чтобы я зарабатывал миллионы так не бывает
  18. SteveDogs

    Invision Community Nulled 4.7.0

    файлы полностью оригинальные, ничего не модифицировано, кроме того как убраны проверки лицензии, и прочее звонилки
  19. SteveDogs

    Invision Community Nulled 4.7.0

    Просмотр файла Invision Community Nulled 4.7.0 Что нового в версии 4.7.0 All platform key changes: New Alerts feature Improvements to the fluid mode per forum view hCaptcha added as a new CAPTCHA option for use on the Contact Us form and when accepting guest posts Ability to only log searches from specific member groups New solved/unsolved filter for activity streams Speed improvements when rebuilding Elastic Search indexes Fixes and improvements to our Zapier integration Self-hosting platform key changes: PHP minimum version increased to 7.4 Support for PHP 8.1 Cloud platform key changes: New product architecture to consolidate existing cloud functionality and to provide forthcoming features [BETA] "Real time" notices when others are reading and replying to the same topics as you [BETA] Image processing and moderation [BETA] Sentiment analysis data collection [BETA] Trending content Additional Information Core Added alerts functionality. Added hCaptcha support. Added a setting to exclude groups from search logs. Added support for PHP 8.1. Increased minimum PHP version to 7.4 and recommended version to 8.0. Added a solved/unsolved filter for activity streams. Added an option to enter the main site's URL and name for JSON-LD if different from the community's URL (eg, installed in a directory or sub-domain). Added AdminCP keyword for 'solution' to guide admins to forum edit/add forms. Changed Marketplace search to 'AND' mode for more accurate results. Changed 'member download' to output comma-separated values instead of tab-separated values to be consistent with member import. Changed the poll behaviour to allow everybody to view the poll result of closed polls. Improved the email editor to show the full email name while editing it. Updated CKEditor to 4.19.0. Moved the stream subscription links to an own menu item. Fixed an HTML validation error for embeds. Fixed an issue where private messages that the user could view may show in trending content. Fixed an error when deleting pages from clubs. Fixed an issue where achievement rules were not removed when an application is deleted. Fixed an SQL error that may show when viewing the top referrer statistics in the admin control panel. Fixed an issue that may prevent attaching audio files to content. Fixed a minor typo in the forms.css template. Fixed upload area not showing on minimized editors for guest users. Fixed an issue where post counts were incremented even when a new item was held for approval via the profanity filters. Fixed an issue where filters and sort options do not persist between deleting members in the Admin CP. Fixed an issue where sitemap may show entries from offline applications. Fixed an issue where support account may show as the latest registered member. Fixed an issue where the upgrade process would fail to finish because of duplicate DB queries. Fixed an issue where the default streams had a broken time period. Fixed an issue where widgets may not be available even with enabled apps. Fixed an issue where status updates where appearing as search results even if the user had no permissions to view profiles. Fixed some issues with the online status indicator in account settings. Fixed an issue with deleting bulletins when deleted remotely. Fixed an issue where clicking on the reorder-menu link in clubs can add multiple reorder icons. Fixed an issue where managing Widgets via the AdminCP > Applications > Dev Center meant that Yes/No toggles could fail to work. Fixed an issue where the block submission filter failed to catch loose matches when in the middle of a word and/or using non latin characters. Fixed an incorrect link on a modal popup when trying to follow a member when the member hasn't configured their preferences. Fixed an issue fetching Clubs via the REST API when they have custom fields. Fixed an issue when viewing a list of awarded badges if one was earned by a rule in a deleted application. Fixed a missing </ul> in the poll template. Fixed an issue where the 'approved content' notification (and any newly added notifications) might not have valid default options until edited via AdminCP. Fixed missing padding on the AdminCP file locations modal. Fixed some UX issues when revoking an OAuth access token. Fixed an issue where non-image attachments inserted via the editor may not download. Fixed a missing language string in member history when spam defense system applies moderation to a new member. Fixed an issue with 'solved' push notifications linking to a non-existent page. Fixed an issue with the Zapier Extension when PHP was running in CGI mode. Fixed an issue where rank progress would still show in profiles when no ranks exist. Fixed an issue using the ban filters in member group promotion rules. Fixed an issue with announcements when loaded outside of the framework. Fixed an issue where OpenSearch failed the version check when configuring. Fixed an issue where toggling editor source mode may cause errors with certain blockquote html. Fixed an issue embedding some external content when PHP 8 is used on Windows/IIS when a storage location is absolutely defined. Fixed an issue where the members block may show spammers, banned and validating members. Fixed an issue with viewing member points/badges in AdminCP if either had been awarded by an application that has been deleted. Fixed an issue where RSS imports set to be hidden on creation were still visible in the activity stream. Fixed an issue where CKEditor would double paste images if "paste as plain text" was enabled. Fixed an issue with tracking email click statistics when a URL is really long in an email. Fixed an issue where some members in group that is set to force anonymous status may not be anonymous. The Editor Preview Button was removed from ACP Editors. Removed the deprecated FX Country code from the Geolocation class. Removed the ability to rebuild existing attachment thumbnails due to an incompatibility with content attributes required for lazy-loading. Removed the SQL Toolbox. Forums Improved the fluid-mode per forum filters to remove a page reload, and to reverse the filter checkbox status to make it clear which are being viewed. Fixed an issue where checking an archived topic for new replies when you ignore other members may always show a 'new' post has been created. Fixed an issue where top posters in the topic statistics section may show in the wrong order. Gallery Fixed an issue with the followed Gallery Images page. Fixed an issue with rebuilding thumbnails on legacy communities where the original image may no longer exist. Removed some deprecated sitemap tags. Pages Added the missing __indefart_cms_page language string. Added copy buttons on the modal that displays the HTML to copy to embed blocks elsewhere. Improved search indexing speed of comments when Elastic Search is used. Fixed an issue where sorting by a numerical field could duplicate the option with an incorrect label. Fixed issue with 'image upload' block carousels not working in the sidebar Fixed an issue where custom Yes/No fields when used as a database filter were ignored when further sorting. Fixed an issue where categories could have broken breadcrumbs. Fixed an issue where entering a blank value for a required decimal field would save the value as 0. Fixed an issue where using a Yes/No field as a database filter may cause the custom sort form display to not allow toggling of the Yes/No field. Fixed an issue that allowed duplicate template group names in some circumstances. Fixed an issue where who's online widget blocks would throw an error while creating or editing them in the ACP. Removed the block output preview in the ACP while creating/editing it. Converters Fixed an issue rebuilding some profile photo images. Fixed an issue where vBulletin [video] tags would not be parsed if the video ID contained a hyphen. Commerce Added a notification email when tracked invoices expire. Added ability to require an active subscription to use community. Added support for Stripe - Apple Pay Domain Verification Files on Cloud. Improved Subscriptions including up/downgrading to other subscriptions and offering limited free subscriptions. Improved performance when updating a large number of existing purchases. Removed deprecated Amex Express checkout options. Fixed some issues that can occur when requiring a subscription or product to be purchased during registration. Fixed an issue where a card would not be auto-billed if the customer did not have an address. Fixed a niche issue where a renewal invoice (for manual payment) would not be generated if a PayPal Subscription was cancelled on an active purchase. Fixed an issue where account credit would not be used for an invoice if the credit remaining was the exact value of the invoice. Fixed an issue calculating the next renewal date when upgrading between Subscriptions that may use a different renewal period (i.e. monthly vs annually). Fixed an issue where setting the member for a stock action could fail. Fixed an issue where the contact name would not show when a support request was created via the Contact Us form. Calendar Fixed an issue where the day view wouldn't show todays events when it's being used as the default calendar view. Downloads Fixed an issue where change logs may show the wrong published date if the file description had been edited since the last update. Fixed an issue where creating a downloads category with the "Keep previous versions?" Setting being disabled would result in a DB error. Platform Added real time and historic trending data in sidebar blocks and leaderboard. Added Sentiment Analysis stats charts REST, Webhooks and Zapier Fixed an issue where the 'hidden' content item filter would be ignored for any content type except topics. Fixed an issue where the date parameter for the 'Edit a topic' endpoint was not updating topic/post post date. Changes affecting third-party developers and designers Added PHP 8.1 support, however we have silenced deprecation errors for core applications and system directory as we work through those in the following releases. Updated Whoops to 2.14.5 Fixed an issue where managing MFA in the Account Settings would result in an IN_DEV CSRF key warning. Fixed an issue where you could not pass variables to the {hextorgb} theme plugin. Fixed an issue where cresting or editing a forum with IN_DEV being enabled would return an error. Fixed an issue with ips.ui.infiniteScroll.js when using FURLs. Fixed a syntax error in the core unsubscribeStream.txt email template. Fixed an issue where records were not removed from core_follow_count_cache when an application was uninstalled. Member filters will only be processed/visible for group promotions if they have a matches() method. Добавил SteveDogs Добавлено 08/06/22 Категория Web составляющие Автор Invision Community  
  20. Версия 4.7.0

    86 раз скачали

    Что нового в версии 4.7.0 All platform key changes: New Alerts feature Improvements to the fluid mode per forum view hCaptcha added as a new CAPTCHA option for use on the Contact Us form and when accepting guest posts Ability to only log searches from specific member groups New solved/unsolved filter for activity streams Speed improvements when rebuilding Elastic Search indexes Fixes and improvements to our Zapier integration Self-hosting platform key changes: PHP minimum version increased to 7.4 Support for PHP 8.1 Cloud platform key changes: New product architecture to consolidate existing cloud functionality and to provide forthcoming features [BETA] "Real time" notices when others are reading and replying to the same topics as you [BETA] Image processing and moderation [BETA] Sentiment analysis data collection [BETA] Trending content Additional Information Core Added alerts functionality. Added hCaptcha support. Added a setting to exclude groups from search logs. Added support for PHP 8.1. Increased minimum PHP version to 7.4 and recommended version to 8.0. Added a solved/unsolved filter for activity streams. Added an option to enter the main site's URL and name for JSON-LD if different from the community's URL (eg, installed in a directory or sub-domain). Added AdminCP keyword for 'solution' to guide admins to forum edit/add forms. Changed Marketplace search to 'AND' mode for more accurate results. Changed 'member download' to output comma-separated values instead of tab-separated values to be consistent with member import. Changed the poll behaviour to allow everybody to view the poll result of closed polls. Improved the email editor to show the full email name while editing it. Updated CKEditor to 4.19.0. Moved the stream subscription links to an own menu item. Fixed an HTML validation error for embeds. Fixed an issue where private messages that the user could view may show in trending content. Fixed an error when deleting pages from clubs. Fixed an issue where achievement rules were not removed when an application is deleted. Fixed an SQL error that may show when viewing the top referrer statistics in the admin control panel. Fixed an issue that may prevent attaching audio files to content. Fixed a minor typo in the forms.css template. Fixed upload area not showing on minimized editors for guest users. Fixed an issue where post counts were incremented even when a new item was held for approval via the profanity filters. Fixed an issue where filters and sort options do not persist between deleting members in the Admin CP. Fixed an issue where sitemap may show entries from offline applications. Fixed an issue where support account may show as the latest registered member. Fixed an issue where the upgrade process would fail to finish because of duplicate DB queries. Fixed an issue where the default streams had a broken time period. Fixed an issue where widgets may not be available even with enabled apps. Fixed an issue where status updates where appearing as search results even if the user had no permissions to view profiles. Fixed some issues with the online status indicator in account settings. Fixed an issue with deleting bulletins when deleted remotely. Fixed an issue where clicking on the reorder-menu link in clubs can add multiple reorder icons. Fixed an issue where managing Widgets via the AdminCP > Applications > Dev Center meant that Yes/No toggles could fail to work. Fixed an issue where the block submission filter failed to catch loose matches when in the middle of a word and/or using non latin characters. Fixed an incorrect link on a modal popup when trying to follow a member when the member hasn't configured their preferences. Fixed an issue fetching Clubs via the REST API when they have custom fields. Fixed an issue when viewing a list of awarded badges if one was earned by a rule in a deleted application. Fixed a missing </ul> in the poll template. Fixed an issue where the 'approved content' notification (and any newly added notifications) might not have valid default options until edited via AdminCP. Fixed missing padding on the AdminCP file locations modal. Fixed some UX issues when revoking an OAuth access token. Fixed an issue where non-image attachments inserted via the editor may not download. Fixed a missing language string in member history when spam defense system applies moderation to a new member. Fixed an issue with 'solved' push notifications linking to a non-existent page. Fixed an issue with the Zapier Extension when PHP was running in CGI mode. Fixed an issue where rank progress would still show in profiles when no ranks exist. Fixed an issue using the ban filters in member group promotion rules. Fixed an issue with announcements when loaded outside of the framework. Fixed an issue where OpenSearch failed the version check when configuring. Fixed an issue where toggling editor source mode may cause errors with certain blockquote html. Fixed an issue embedding some external content when PHP 8 is used on Windows/IIS when a storage location is absolutely defined. Fixed an issue where the members block may show spammers, banned and validating members. Fixed an issue with viewing member points/badges in AdminCP if either had been awarded by an application that has been deleted. Fixed an issue where RSS imports set to be hidden on creation were still visible in the activity stream. Fixed an issue where CKEditor would double paste images if "paste as plain text" was enabled. Fixed an issue with tracking email click statistics when a URL is really long in an email. Fixed an issue where some members in group that is set to force anonymous status may not be anonymous. The Editor Preview Button was removed from ACP Editors. Removed the deprecated FX Country code from the Geolocation class. Removed the ability to rebuild existing attachment thumbnails due to an incompatibility with content attributes required for lazy-loading. Removed the SQL Toolbox. Forums Improved the fluid-mode per forum filters to remove a page reload, and to reverse the filter checkbox status to make it clear which are being viewed. Fixed an issue where checking an archived topic for new replies when you ignore other members may always show a 'new' post has been created. Fixed an issue where top posters in the topic statistics section may show in the wrong order. Gallery Fixed an issue with the followed Gallery Images page. Fixed an issue with rebuilding thumbnails on legacy communities where the original image may no longer exist. Removed some deprecated sitemap tags. Pages Added the missing __indefart_cms_page language string. Added copy buttons on the modal that displays the HTML to copy to embed blocks elsewhere. Improved search indexing speed of comments when Elastic Search is used. Fixed an issue where sorting by a numerical field could duplicate the option with an incorrect label. Fixed issue with 'image upload' block carousels not working in the sidebar Fixed an issue where custom Yes/No fields when used as a database filter were ignored when further sorting. Fixed an issue where categories could have broken breadcrumbs. Fixed an issue where entering a blank value for a required decimal field would save the value as 0. Fixed an issue where using a Yes/No field as a database filter may cause the custom sort form display to not allow toggling of the Yes/No field. Fixed an issue that allowed duplicate template group names in some circumstances. Fixed an issue where who's online widget blocks would throw an error while creating or editing them in the ACP. Removed the block output preview in the ACP while creating/editing it. Converters Fixed an issue rebuilding some profile photo images. Fixed an issue where vBulletin [video] tags would not be parsed if the video ID contained a hyphen. Commerce Added a notification email when tracked invoices expire. Added ability to require an active subscription to use community. Added support for Stripe - Apple Pay Domain Verification Files on Cloud. Improved Subscriptions including up/downgrading to other subscriptions and offering limited free subscriptions. Improved performance when updating a large number of existing purchases. Removed deprecated Amex Express checkout options. Fixed some issues that can occur when requiring a subscription or product to be purchased during registration. Fixed an issue where a card would not be auto-billed if the customer did not have an address. Fixed a niche issue where a renewal invoice (for manual payment) would not be generated if a PayPal Subscription was cancelled on an active purchase. Fixed an issue where account credit would not be used for an invoice if the credit remaining was the exact value of the invoice. Fixed an issue calculating the next renewal date when upgrading between Subscriptions that may use a different renewal period (i.e. monthly vs annually). Fixed an issue where setting the member for a stock action could fail. Fixed an issue where the contact name would not show when a support request was created via the Contact Us form. Calendar Fixed an issue where the day view wouldn't show todays events when it's being used as the default calendar view. Downloads Fixed an issue where change logs may show the wrong published date if the file description had been edited since the last update. Fixed an issue where creating a downloads category with the "Keep previous versions?" Setting being disabled would result in a DB error. Platform Added real time and historic trending data in sidebar blocks and leaderboard. Added Sentiment Analysis stats charts REST, Webhooks and Zapier Fixed an issue where the 'hidden' content item filter would be ignored for any content type except topics. Fixed an issue where the date parameter for the 'Edit a topic' endpoint was not updating topic/post post date. Changes affecting third-party developers and designers Added PHP 8.1 support, however we have silenced deprecation errors for core applications and system directory as we work through those in the following releases. Updated Whoops to 2.14.5 Fixed an issue where managing MFA in the Account Settings would result in an IN_DEV CSRF key warning. Fixed an issue where you could not pass variables to the {hextorgb} theme plugin. Fixed an issue where cresting or editing a forum with IN_DEV being enabled would return an error. Fixed an issue with ips.ui.infiniteScroll.js when using FURLs. Fixed a syntax error in the core unsubscribeStream.txt email template. Fixed an issue where records were not removed from core_follow_count_cache when an application was uninstalled. Member filters will only be processed/visible for group promotions if they have a matches() method.


  21. напиши мне в телеграм, может помогу если мелочь https://t.me/istevedogs
  22. Вы могли бы предоставить какие криты конкретно у вас появляются
  23. по звуку там вороны летают, а на видео нет, значит фейк
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