CalypsoToolz 451 Опубликовано 9 августа, 2012 Подскажите что нужно удалить/изменить Вот Скрытый текстpackage items; import l2p.extensions.scripts.ScriptFile; import l2p.gameserver.cache.Msg; import l2p.gameserver.handler.IItemHandler; import l2p.gameserver.handler.ItemHandler; import l2p.gameserver.model.L2Playable; import l2p.gameserver.model.L2Player; import l2p.gameserver.model.items.L2ItemInstance; import l2p.gameserver.serverpackets.ExAutoSoulShot; import l2p.gameserver.serverpackets.MagicSkillUse; import l2p.gameserver.serverpackets.SystemMessage; import l2p.gameserver.tables.ItemTable; import l2p.gameserver.templates.L2Item; import l2p.gameserver.templates.L2Weapon; public class BlessedSpiritShot implements IItemHandler, ScriptFile { // all the items ids that this handler knowns private static final int[] _itemIds = {3947, 3948, 3949, 3950, 3951, 3952, 22072, 22073, 22074, 22075, 22076}; private static final short[] _skillIds = {2061, 2160, 2161, 2162, 2163, 2164}; public void useItem(L2Playable playable, L2ItemInstance item, Boolean ctrl) { if(playable == null || !playable.isPlayer()) { return; } L2Player player = (L2Player) playable; L2ItemInstance weaponInst = player.getActiveWeaponInstance(); L2Weapon weaponItem = player.getActiveWeaponItem(); int SoulshotId = item.getItemId(); boolean isAutoSoulShot = false; L2Item itemTemplate = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item.getItemId()); if(player.getAutoSoulShot().contains(SoulshotId)) { isAutoSoulShot = true; } if(weaponInst == null) { if(!isAutoSoulShot) { player.sendPacket(Msg.CANNOT_USE_SPIRITSHOTS); } return; } if(weaponInst.getChargedSpiritshot() == L2ItemInstance.CHARGED_BLESSED_SPIRITSHOT) // already charged by blessed spirit shot // btw we cant charge only when bsps is charged { return; } int spiritshotId = item.getItemId(); int grade = weaponItem.getCrystalType().externalOrdinal; int blessedsoulSpiritConsumption = weaponItem.getSpiritShotCount(); long count = item.getCount(); if(blessedsoulSpiritConsumption == 0) { // Can't use Spiritshots if(isAutoSoulShot) { player.removeAutoSoulShot(SoulshotId); player.sendPacket(new ExAutoSoulShot(SoulshotId, false), new SystemMessage(SystemMessage.THE_AUTOMATIC_USE_OF_S1_WILL_NOW_BE_CANCELLED).addSt ring(itemTemplate.getName())); return; } player.sendPacket(Msg.CANNOT_USE_SPIRITSHOTS); return; } if(grade == 0 && spiritshotId != 3947 // NG || grade == 1 && spiritshotId != 3948 && spiritshotId != 22072 // D || grade == 2 && spiritshotId != 3949 && spiritshotId != 22073 // C || grade == 3 && spiritshotId != 3950 && spiritshotId != 22074 // B || grade == 4 && spiritshotId != 3951 && spiritshotId != 22075 // A || grade == 5 && spiritshotId != 3952 && spiritshotId != 22076 // S ) { if(isAutoSoulShot) { return; } player.sendPacket(Msg.SPIRITSHOT_DOES_NOT_MATCH_WEAPON_GRADE); return; } if(count < blessedsoulSpiritConsumption) { if(isAutoSoulShot) { player.removeAutoSoulShot(SoulshotId); player.sendPacket(new ExAutoSoulShot(SoulshotId, false), new SystemMessage(SystemMessage.THE_AUTOMATIC_USE_OF_S1_WILL_NOW_BE_CANCELLED).addSt ring(itemTemplate.getName())); return; } player.sendPacket(Msg.NOT_ENOUGH_SPIRITSHOTS); return; } weaponInst.setChargedSpiritshot(L2ItemInstance.CHARGED_BLESSED_SPIRITSHOT); player.getInventory().destroyItem(item, blessedsoulSpiritConsumption, false); player.sendPacket(Msg.POWER_OF_MANA_ENABLED); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, player, _skillIds[grade], 1, 0, 0)); } public final int[] getItemIds() { return _itemIds; } public void onLoad() { ItemHandler.getInstance().registerItemHandler(this); } public void onReload() { } public void onShutdown() { } } Вот Скрытый текст package items; import l2p.extensions.scripts.ScriptFile; import l2p.gameserver.cache.Msg; import l2p.gameserver.handler.IItemHandler; import l2p.gameserver.handler.ItemHandler; import l2p.gameserver.model.L2Playable; import l2p.gameserver.model.L2Player; import l2p.gameserver.model.items.L2ItemInstance; import l2p.gameserver.serverpackets.ExAutoSoulShot; import l2p.gameserver.serverpackets.MagicSkillUse; import l2p.gameserver.serverpackets.SystemMessage; import l2p.gameserver.skills.Stats; import l2p.gameserver.tables.ItemTable; import l2p.gameserver.templates.L2Item; import l2p.gameserver.templates.L2Weapon; import l2p.gameserver.templates.L2Weapon.WeaponType; import l2p.util.Rnd; public class SoulShots implements IItemHandler, ScriptFile { private static final int[] _itemIds = {5789, 1835, 1463, 1464, 1465, 1466, 1467, 13037, 13045, 13055, 22082, 22083, 22084, 22085, 22086}; private static final short[] _skillIds = {2039, 2150, 2151, 2152, 2153, 2154}; public void useItem(L2Playable playable, L2ItemInstance item, Boolean ctrl) { if(playable == null || !playable.isPlayer()) { return; } L2Player player = (L2Player) playable; L2Weapon weaponItem = player.getActiveWeaponItem(); L2ItemInstance weaponInst = player.getActiveWeaponInstance(); int SoulshotId = item.getItemId(); boolean isAutoSoulShot = false; L2Item itemTemplate = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item.getItemId()); if(player.getAutoSoulShot().contains(SoulshotId)) { isAutoSoulShot = true; } if(weaponInst == null) { if(!isAutoSoulShot) { player.sendPacket(Msg.CANNOT_USE_SOULSHOTS); } return; } // soulshot is already active if(weaponInst.getChargedSoulshot() != L2ItemInstance.CHARGED_NONE) { return; } int grade = weaponItem.getCrystalType().externalOrdinal; int soulShotConsumption = weaponItem.getSoulShotCount(); long count = item.getCount(); if(soulShotConsumption == 0) { // Can't use soulshots if(isAutoSoulShot) { player.removeAutoSoulShot(SoulshotId); player.sendPacket(new ExAutoSoulShot(SoulshotId, false), new SystemMessage(SystemMessage.THE_AUTOMATIC_USE_OF_S1_WILL_NOW_BE_CANCELLED).addSt ring(itemTemplate.getName())); return; } player.sendPacket(Msg.CANNOT_USE_SOULSHOTS); return; } if(grade == 0 && SoulshotId != 5789 && SoulshotId != 1835 // NG || grade == 1 && SoulshotId != 1463 && SoulshotId != 22082 && SoulshotId != 13037 // D || grade == 2 && SoulshotId != 1464 && SoulshotId != 22083 && SoulshotId != 13045 // C || grade == 3 && SoulshotId != 1465 && SoulshotId != 22084 // B || grade == 4 && SoulshotId != 1466 && SoulshotId != 22085 && SoulshotId != 13055 // A || grade == 5 && SoulshotId != 1467 && SoulshotId != 22086 // S ) { // wrong grade for weapon if(isAutoSoulShot) { return; } player.sendPacket(Msg.SOULSHOT_DOES_NOT_MATCH_WEAPON_GRADE); return; } if(weaponItem.getItemType() == WeaponType.BOW || weaponItem.getItemType() == WeaponType.CROSSBOW) { int newSS = (int) player.calcStat(Stats.SS_USE_BOW, soulShotConsumption, null, null); if(newSS < soulShotConsumption && Rnd.chance(player.calcStat(Stats.SS_USE_BOW_CHANCE, soulShotConsumption, null, null))) { soulShotConsumption = newSS; } } if(count < soulShotConsumption) { player.sendPacket(Msg.NOT_ENOUGH_SOULSHOTS); return; } weaponInst.setChargedSoulshot(L2ItemInstance.CHARGED_SOULSHOT); player.getInventory().destroyItem(item, soulShotConsumption, false); player.sendPacket(Msg.POWER_OF_THE_SPIRITS_ENABLED); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, player, _skillIds[grade], 1, 0, 0)); } public final int[] getItemIds() { return _itemIds; } public void onLoad() { ItemHandler.getInstance().registerItemHandler(this); } public void onReload() { } public void onShutdown() { } } Вот Скрытый текст package items; import l2p.extensions.scripts.ScriptFile; import l2p.gameserver.cache.Msg; import l2p.gameserver.handler.IItemHandler; import l2p.gameserver.handler.ItemHandler; import l2p.gameserver.model.L2Playable; import l2p.gameserver.model.L2Player; import l2p.gameserver.model.items.L2ItemInstance; import l2p.gameserver.serverpackets.ExAutoSoulShot; import l2p.gameserver.serverpackets.MagicSkillUse; import l2p.gameserver.serverpackets.SystemMessage; import l2p.gameserver.tables.ItemTable; import l2p.gameserver.templates.L2Item; import l2p.gameserver.templates.L2Weapon; public class SpiritShot implements IItemHandler, ScriptFile { // all the items ids that this handler knowns private static final int[] _itemIds = {5790, 2509, 2510, 2511, 2512, 2513, 2514, 22077, 22078, 22079, 22080, 22081}; private static final short[] _skillIds = {2061, 2155, 2156, 2157, 2158, 2159}; public void useItem(L2Playable playable, L2ItemInstance item, Boolean ctrl) { if(playable == null || !playable.isPlayer()) { return; } L2Player player = (L2Player) playable; L2ItemInstance weaponInst = player.getActiveWeaponInstance(); L2Weapon weaponItem = player.getActiveWeaponItem(); int SoulshotId = item.getItemId(); boolean isAutoSoulShot = false; L2Item itemTemplate = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item.getItemId()); if(player.getAutoSoulShot().contains(SoulshotId)) { isAutoSoulShot = true; } if(weaponInst == null) { if(!isAutoSoulShot) { player.sendPacket(Msg.CANNOT_USE_SPIRITSHOTS); } return; } // spiritshot is already active if(weaponInst.getChargedSpiritshot() != L2ItemInstance.CHARGED_NONE) { return; } int SpiritshotId = item.getItemId(); int grade = weaponItem.getCrystalType().externalOrdinal; int soulSpiritConsumption = weaponItem.getSpiritShotCount(); long count = item.getCount(); if(soulSpiritConsumption == 0) { // Can't use Spiritshots if(isAutoSoulShot) { player.removeAutoSoulShot(SoulshotId); player.sendPacket(new ExAutoSoulShot(SoulshotId, false), new SystemMessage(SystemMessage.THE_AUTOMATIC_USE_OF_S1_WILL_NOW_BE_CANCELLED).addSt ring(itemTemplate.getName())); return; } player.sendPacket(Msg.CANNOT_USE_SPIRITSHOTS); return; } if(grade == 0 && SpiritshotId != 5790 && SpiritshotId != 2509 // NG || grade == 1 && SpiritshotId != 2510 && SpiritshotId != 22077 // D || grade == 2 && SpiritshotId != 2511 && SpiritshotId != 22078 // C || grade == 3 && SpiritshotId != 2512 && SpiritshotId != 22079 // B || grade == 4 && SpiritshotId != 2513 && SpiritshotId != 22080 // A || grade == 5 && SpiritshotId != 2514 && SpiritshotId != 22081 // S ) { // wrong grade for weapon if(isAutoSoulShot) { return; } player.sendPacket(Msg.SPIRITSHOT_DOES_NOT_MATCH_WEAPON_GRADE); return; } if(count < soulSpiritConsumption) { if(isAutoSoulShot) { player.removeAutoSoulShot(SoulshotId); player.sendPacket(new ExAutoSoulShot(SoulshotId, false), new SystemMessage(SystemMessage.THE_AUTOMATIC_USE_OF_S1_WILL_NOW_BE_CANCELLED).addSt ring(itemTemplate.getName())); return; } player.sendPacket(Msg.NOT_ENOUGH_SPIRITSHOTS); return; } weaponInst.setChargedSpiritshot(L2ItemInstance.CHARGED_SPIRITSHOT); player.getInventory().destroyItem(item, soulSpiritConsumption, false); player.sendPacket(Msg.POWER_OF_MANA_ENABLED); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, player, _skillIds[grade], 1, 0, 0)); } public final int[] getItemIds() { return _itemIds; } public void onLoad() { ItemHandler.getInstance().registerItemHandler(this); } public void onReload() { } public void onShutdown() { } } Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
DsQuared 243 Опубликовано 9 августа, 2012 Подскажите что нужно удалить/изменить Вот Скрытый текстpackage items; import l2p.extensions.scripts.ScriptFile; import l2p.gameserver.cache.Msg; import l2p.gameserver.handler.IItemHandler; import l2p.gameserver.handler.ItemHandler; import l2p.gameserver.model.L2Playable; import l2p.gameserver.model.L2Player; import l2p.gameserver.model.items.L2ItemInstance; import l2p.gameserver.serverpackets.ExAutoSoulShot; import l2p.gameserver.serverpackets.MagicSkillUse; import l2p.gameserver.serverpackets.SystemMessage; import l2p.gameserver.tables.ItemTable; import l2p.gameserver.templates.L2Item; import l2p.gameserver.templates.L2Weapon; public class BlessedSpiritShot implements IItemHandler, ScriptFile { // all the items ids that this handler knowns private static final int[] _itemIds = {3947, 3948, 3949, 3950, 3951, 3952, 22072, 22073, 22074, 22075, 22076}; private static final short[] _skillIds = {2061, 2160, 2161, 2162, 2163, 2164}; public void useItem(L2Playable playable, L2ItemInstance item, Boolean ctrl) { if(playable == null || !playable.isPlayer()) { return; } L2Player player = (L2Player) playable; L2ItemInstance weaponInst = player.getActiveWeaponInstance(); L2Weapon weaponItem = player.getActiveWeaponItem(); int SoulshotId = item.getItemId(); boolean isAutoSoulShot = false; L2Item itemTemplate = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item.getItemId()); if(player.getAutoSoulShot().contains(SoulshotId)) { isAutoSoulShot = true; } if(weaponInst == null) { if(!isAutoSoulShot) { player.sendPacket(Msg.CANNOT_USE_SPIRITSHOTS); } return; } if(weaponInst.getChargedSpiritshot() == L2ItemInstance.CHARGED_BLESSED_SPIRITSHOT) // already charged by blessed spirit shot // btw we cant charge only when bsps is charged { return; } int spiritshotId = item.getItemId(); int grade = weaponItem.getCrystalType().externalOrdinal; int blessedsoulSpiritConsumption = weaponItem.getSpiritShotCount(); long count = item.getCount(); if(blessedsoulSpiritConsumption == 0) { // Can't use Spiritshots if(isAutoSoulShot) { player.removeAutoSoulShot(SoulshotId); player.sendPacket(new ExAutoSoulShot(SoulshotId, false), new SystemMessage(SystemMessage.THE_AUTOMATIC_USE_OF_S1_WILL_NOW_BE_CANCELLED).addSt ring(itemTemplate.getName())); return; } player.sendPacket(Msg.CANNOT_USE_SPIRITSHOTS); return; } if(grade == 0 && spiritshotId != 3947 // NG || grade == 1 && spiritshotId != 3948 && spiritshotId != 22072 // D || grade == 2 && spiritshotId != 3949 && spiritshotId != 22073 // C || grade == 3 && spiritshotId != 3950 && spiritshotId != 22074 // B || grade == 4 && spiritshotId != 3951 && spiritshotId != 22075 // A || grade == 5 && spiritshotId != 3952 && spiritshotId != 22076 // S ) { if(isAutoSoulShot) { return; } player.sendPacket(Msg.SPIRITSHOT_DOES_NOT_MATCH_WEAPON_GRADE); return; } if(count < blessedsoulSpiritConsumption) { if(isAutoSoulShot) { player.removeAutoSoulShot(SoulshotId); player.sendPacket(new ExAutoSoulShot(SoulshotId, false), new SystemMessage(SystemMessage.THE_AUTOMATIC_USE_OF_S1_WILL_NOW_BE_CANCELLED).addSt ring(itemTemplate.getName())); return; } player.sendPacket(Msg.NOT_ENOUGH_SPIRITSHOTS); return; } weaponInst.setChargedSpiritshot(L2ItemInstance.CHARGED_BLESSED_SPIRITSHOT); player.getInventory().destroyItem(item, blessedsoulSpiritConsumption, false); player.sendPacket(Msg.POWER_OF_MANA_ENABLED); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, player, _skillIds[grade], 1, 0, 0)); } public final int[] getItemIds() { return _itemIds; } public void onLoad() { ItemHandler.getInstance().registerItemHandler(this); } public void onReload() { } public void onShutdown() { } } Вот Скрытый текст package items; import l2p.extensions.scripts.ScriptFile; import l2p.gameserver.cache.Msg; import l2p.gameserver.handler.IItemHandler; import l2p.gameserver.handler.ItemHandler; import l2p.gameserver.model.L2Playable; import l2p.gameserver.model.L2Player; import l2p.gameserver.model.items.L2ItemInstance; import l2p.gameserver.serverpackets.ExAutoSoulShot; import l2p.gameserver.serverpackets.MagicSkillUse; import l2p.gameserver.serverpackets.SystemMessage; import l2p.gameserver.skills.Stats; import l2p.gameserver.tables.ItemTable; import l2p.gameserver.templates.L2Item; import l2p.gameserver.templates.L2Weapon; import l2p.gameserver.templates.L2Weapon.WeaponType; import l2p.util.Rnd; public class SoulShots implements IItemHandler, ScriptFile { private static final int[] _itemIds = {5789, 1835, 1463, 1464, 1465, 1466, 1467, 13037, 13045, 13055, 22082, 22083, 22084, 22085, 22086}; private static final short[] _skillIds = {2039, 2150, 2151, 2152, 2153, 2154}; public void useItem(L2Playable playable, L2ItemInstance item, Boolean ctrl) { if(playable == null || !playable.isPlayer()) { return; } L2Player player = (L2Player) playable; L2Weapon weaponItem = player.getActiveWeaponItem(); L2ItemInstance weaponInst = player.getActiveWeaponInstance(); int SoulshotId = item.getItemId(); boolean isAutoSoulShot = false; L2Item itemTemplate = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item.getItemId()); if(player.getAutoSoulShot().contains(SoulshotId)) { isAutoSoulShot = true; } if(weaponInst == null) { if(!isAutoSoulShot) { player.sendPacket(Msg.CANNOT_USE_SOULSHOTS); } return; } // soulshot is already active if(weaponInst.getChargedSoulshot() != L2ItemInstance.CHARGED_NONE) { return; } int grade = weaponItem.getCrystalType().externalOrdinal; int soulShotConsumption = weaponItem.getSoulShotCount(); long count = item.getCount(); if(soulShotConsumption == 0) { // Can't use soulshots if(isAutoSoulShot) { player.removeAutoSoulShot(SoulshotId); player.sendPacket(new ExAutoSoulShot(SoulshotId, false), new SystemMessage(SystemMessage.THE_AUTOMATIC_USE_OF_S1_WILL_NOW_BE_CANCELLED).addSt ring(itemTemplate.getName())); return; } player.sendPacket(Msg.CANNOT_USE_SOULSHOTS); return; } if(grade == 0 && SoulshotId != 5789 && SoulshotId != 1835 // NG || grade == 1 && SoulshotId != 1463 && SoulshotId != 22082 && SoulshotId != 13037 // D || grade == 2 && SoulshotId != 1464 && SoulshotId != 22083 && SoulshotId != 13045 // C || grade == 3 && SoulshotId != 1465 && SoulshotId != 22084 // B || grade == 4 && SoulshotId != 1466 && SoulshotId != 22085 && SoulshotId != 13055 // A || grade == 5 && SoulshotId != 1467 && SoulshotId != 22086 // S ) { // wrong grade for weapon if(isAutoSoulShot) { return; } player.sendPacket(Msg.SOULSHOT_DOES_NOT_MATCH_WEAPON_GRADE); return; } if(weaponItem.getItemType() == WeaponType.BOW || weaponItem.getItemType() == WeaponType.CROSSBOW) { int newSS = (int) player.calcStat(Stats.SS_USE_BOW, soulShotConsumption, null, null); if(newSS < soulShotConsumption && Rnd.chance(player.calcStat(Stats.SS_USE_BOW_CHANCE, soulShotConsumption, null, null))) { soulShotConsumption = newSS; } } if(count < soulShotConsumption) { player.sendPacket(Msg.NOT_ENOUGH_SOULSHOTS); return; } weaponInst.setChargedSoulshot(L2ItemInstance.CHARGED_SOULSHOT); player.getInventory().destroyItem(item, soulShotConsumption, false); player.sendPacket(Msg.POWER_OF_THE_SPIRITS_ENABLED); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, player, _skillIds[grade], 1, 0, 0)); } public final int[] getItemIds() { return _itemIds; } public void onLoad() { ItemHandler.getInstance().registerItemHandler(this); } public void onReload() { } public void onShutdown() { } } Вот Скрытый текст package items; import l2p.extensions.scripts.ScriptFile; import l2p.gameserver.cache.Msg; import l2p.gameserver.handler.IItemHandler; import l2p.gameserver.handler.ItemHandler; import l2p.gameserver.model.L2Playable; import l2p.gameserver.model.L2Player; import l2p.gameserver.model.items.L2ItemInstance; import l2p.gameserver.serverpackets.ExAutoSoulShot; import l2p.gameserver.serverpackets.MagicSkillUse; import l2p.gameserver.serverpackets.SystemMessage; import l2p.gameserver.tables.ItemTable; import l2p.gameserver.templates.L2Item; import l2p.gameserver.templates.L2Weapon; public class SpiritShot implements IItemHandler, ScriptFile { // all the items ids that this handler knowns private static final int[] _itemIds = {5790, 2509, 2510, 2511, 2512, 2513, 2514, 22077, 22078, 22079, 22080, 22081}; private static final short[] _skillIds = {2061, 2155, 2156, 2157, 2158, 2159}; public void useItem(L2Playable playable, L2ItemInstance item, Boolean ctrl) { if(playable == null || !playable.isPlayer()) { return; } L2Player player = (L2Player) playable; L2ItemInstance weaponInst = player.getActiveWeaponInstance(); L2Weapon weaponItem = player.getActiveWeaponItem(); int SoulshotId = item.getItemId(); boolean isAutoSoulShot = false; L2Item itemTemplate = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item.getItemId()); if(player.getAutoSoulShot().contains(SoulshotId)) { isAutoSoulShot = true; } if(weaponInst == null) { if(!isAutoSoulShot) { player.sendPacket(Msg.CANNOT_USE_SPIRITSHOTS); } return; } // spiritshot is already active if(weaponInst.getChargedSpiritshot() != L2ItemInstance.CHARGED_NONE) { return; } int SpiritshotId = item.getItemId(); int grade = weaponItem.getCrystalType().externalOrdinal; int soulSpiritConsumption = weaponItem.getSpiritShotCount(); long count = item.getCount(); if(soulSpiritConsumption == 0) { // Can't use Spiritshots if(isAutoSoulShot) { player.removeAutoSoulShot(SoulshotId); player.sendPacket(new ExAutoSoulShot(SoulshotId, false), new SystemMessage(SystemMessage.THE_AUTOMATIC_USE_OF_S1_WILL_NOW_BE_CANCELLED).addSt ring(itemTemplate.getName())); return; } player.sendPacket(Msg.CANNOT_USE_SPIRITSHOTS); return; } if(grade == 0 && SpiritshotId != 5790 && SpiritshotId != 2509 // NG || grade == 1 && SpiritshotId != 2510 && SpiritshotId != 22077 // D || grade == 2 && SpiritshotId != 2511 && SpiritshotId != 22078 // C || grade == 3 && SpiritshotId != 2512 && SpiritshotId != 22079 // B || grade == 4 && SpiritshotId != 2513 && SpiritshotId != 22080 // A || grade == 5 && SpiritshotId != 2514 && SpiritshotId != 22081 // S ) { // wrong grade for weapon if(isAutoSoulShot) { return; } player.sendPacket(Msg.SPIRITSHOT_DOES_NOT_MATCH_WEAPON_GRADE); return; } if(count < soulSpiritConsumption) { if(isAutoSoulShot) { player.removeAutoSoulShot(SoulshotId); player.sendPacket(new ExAutoSoulShot(SoulshotId, false), new SystemMessage(SystemMessage.THE_AUTOMATIC_USE_OF_S1_WILL_NOW_BE_CANCELLED).addSt ring(itemTemplate.getName())); return; } player.sendPacket(Msg.NOT_ENOUGH_SPIRITSHOTS); return; } weaponInst.setChargedSpiritshot(L2ItemInstance.CHARGED_SPIRITSHOT); player.getInventory().destroyItem(item, soulSpiritConsumption, false); player.sendPacket(Msg.POWER_OF_MANA_ENABLED); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, player, _skillIds[grade], 1, 0, 0)); } public final int[] getItemIds() { return _itemIds; } public void onLoad() { ItemHandler.getInstance().registerItemHandler(this); } public void onReload() { } public void onShutdown() { } } В конфигах смотри.Там есть изменения на соски и стрелы. 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CalypsoToolz 451 Опубликовано 9 августа, 2012 В конфигах смотри.Там есть изменения на соски и стрелы. Я смотрел - не нашел, может подскажешь в каком именно? Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
kdp 113 Опубликовано 9 августа, 2012 Почему вам так тяжело сразу указать вашу Сборку?!.... Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
kdp 113 Опубликовано 9 августа, 2012 например у меня pw # Кушать сулшоты? UseSoulShots = False # Кушать стрелы? ConsumeArrows = False Находится в allsettings в конце. Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты
DeveloperS_TerlionA 182 Опубликовано 9 августа, 2012 kdp, а почему бы вам не открыть глаза, и не прочитать название темы? а по делу, на форуме есть конфиг для фрозенов, переписать не составит труда! Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на другие сайты