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вот такую байду пишет про епик шмот и тату добавленные на сервер...

ето после того как я добавил веспер стало так писать...

прошу помочь т.к. не понимаю почему так...


Скрытый текст
Item item_id=9329 not known, object_id=268477624
Item item_id=9328 not known, object_id=268477623
Item item_id=9327 not known, object_id=268477622
Item item_id=9326 not known, object_id=268477621
Item item_id=9325 not known, object_id=268477620
Item item_id=9324 not known, object_id=268477619
Item item_id=9323 not known, object_id=268477618
Item item_id=9322 not known, object_id=268477617
Item item_id=9321 not known, object_id=268477616
Item item_id=9320 not known, object_id=268477615
Item item_id=9319 not known, object_id=268477614
Item item_id=9318 not known, object_id=268477613
Item item_id=9317 not known, object_id=268477612
Item item_id=9307 not known, object_id=268477551
Item item_id=9306 not known, object_id=268477550
Item item_id=9305 not known, object_id=268477549



после етого минуты через 3-4


появляется такое

причем при том када не было веспера такого не было

Скрытый текст
	at com.L2jFT.Game.network.serverpackets.MultiSellList.writeImpl(MultiSel
	at com.L2jFT.Game.network.serverpackets.L2GameServerPacket.write(L2GameS
	at mmo.SelectorThread.prepareWriteBuffer(SelectorThread.java:627)
	at mmo.SelectorThread.writePacket(SelectorThread.java:551)
	at mmo.SelectorThread.run(SelectorThread.java:241)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.network.serverpackets.MultiSellList.writeImpl(MultiSel
	at com.L2jFT.Game.network.serverpackets.L2GameServerPacket.write(L2GameS
	at mmo.SelectorThread.prepareWriteBuffer(SelectorThread.java:627)
	at mmo.SelectorThread.writePacket(SelectorThread.java:551)
	at mmo.SelectorThread.run(SelectorThread.java:241)


может это из за того что он не видит епик и тату?

т.к. из 3 тату есть 1 в шопе но ее нельзя купить они стоит черный квадрат когда покупаешь хватает 1 адену и все не чо не дает

тоже самое с епиком из 3 сетов показан тока 1 и то на него жмешь и там в столбце где показано какие товары показует тока тело а боты перчи шлем все ето черное и бещ имени и так же стоит черный квадрат...

причем веспер спавнится... и работает...

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так слушай это значит ты не тот SQL пихаеш в навикат....

а то что ерор пишет это от того что наверно эти айди уже есть на серве

советую сделать вайп или поменять у эпика ID




Если помог СТавь +

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так слушай это значит ты не тот SQL пихаеш в навикат....

а то что ерор пишет это от того что наверно эти айди уже есть на серве

советую сделать вайп или поменять у эпика ID




Если помог СТавь +


не помог ни хрина и бред сказал я же написал что епик до веспера работал!!!

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KFan что за сборка?

И проверь может ID совпадают.

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смотри у мя шяс стоит бразилька)

я поставил тату на 9703 и епик на 9703

короче теперь когда создаеш итем он создает 2 итема сразу и статы одни)))

вот такой баг...



реально какая сборка ?

если РТ то это уже понятно сразу делай вайп

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какая зборка???? и какие ты иды ставиш !?

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какая зборка???? и какие ты иды ставиш !?


хочу еще раз подметить все что до веспера работало пока не поставил веспер

сборка фултим 5.0.

9300	Angel Wings		Donate Wings	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9301	Energy Wings		Donate Wings	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9302	Aqua Wings		Donate Wings	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9303	Wind Wings		Donate Wings	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9304	Smok Wings		Donate Wings	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9305	Tattoo Воина	(Ellianor)	+23% атаки, 25% скорости атаки, +100 криту, +500 сила крита, +550хп, +410 к поподанию.	-1					0	0	0	
9306	Tattoo Мага	(Ellianor)	Таттушка для мага. Дает 29% к М.атк и Касту +10000 МП.	-1					0	0	0	
9307	Tattoo Бега	(Ellianor)	+40% к скорости бега и +200 к Уклонению. Минус скорость атаки, каста и атаки.	-1					0	0	0	
9308	Demonic Agony Splitter	Demonic 	Donate Weapon	-1					0	0	0	
9309	Demonic Corpse Impaler	Demonic 	Donate Weapon	-1					0	0	0	
9310	Demonic Blood Seeker	Demonic 	Donate Weapon	-1					0	0	0	
9311	Demonic Doom Bringer	Demonic 	Donate Weapon	-1					0	0	0	
9312	Demonic Spirit Bow	Demonic 	Increase Donate Weapon	-1					0	0	0	
9313	Demonic Soul Eater	Demonic 	Increase Donate Weapon	-1					0	0	0	
9314	Demonic Death Dealer	Demonic 	Donate Weapon	-1					0	0	0	
9315	Demonic Tormenting Whisper	Demonic 	Donate Weapon	-1					0	0	0	
9316	Demonic Fates Redemption	Demonic 	Donate Weapon	-1					0	0	0	
9317	Epic Dark Knight Gloves	Heavy	Part of the Heavy Epic Armor.	-1					0	0	0	
9318	Epic Dark Knight Armor	Heavy	Part of the Heavy Epic Armor.	-1	9800,9801,9802,9803	Produces the following effects: CON +4,STR +4,DEX +3.			0	0	6	
9319	Epic Dark Knight Boots	Heavy	Part of the Heavy Epic Armor.	-1					0	0	0	
9320	Epic Dark Knight Helmet	Heavy	Part of the Heavy Epic Armor.	-1					0	0	0	
9321	Epic Dark Knight Gloves	Light	Part of the Light Epic Armor.	-1					0	0	0	
9322	Epic Dark Knight Armor	Light	Part of the Light Epic Armor.	-1	9807,9806,9805,9804	Produces the following effects:  DEX +4,STR +4,CON +3.			0	0	6	
9323	Epic Dark Knight Boots	Light	Part of the Light Epic Armor.	-1					0	0	0	
9324	Epic Dark Knight Helmet	Light	Part of the Light Epic Armor.	-1					0	0	0	
9325	Epic Dark Knight Stockings	Robe	Part of the Robe Epic Armor.	-1					0	0	0	
9326	Epic Dark Knight Tunic	Robe	Part of the Robe Epic Armor.	-1	9808,9809,9810,9811,9812	Produces the following effects: WIT +4,INT +4,MEN +3.			0	0	6	
9327	Epic Dark Knight Gloves	Robe	Part of the Robe Epic Armor.	-1					0	0	0	
9328	Epic Dark Knight Boots	Robe	Part of the Robe Epic Armor.	-1					0	0	0	
9329	Epic Dark Knight Hat	Robe	Part of the Robe Epic Armor.	-1					0	0	0	
9513	Icarus Sawsword	Haste	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases Atk. Spd. by about 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9514	Icarus Sawsword	Health	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases maximum HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9515	Icarus Sawsword	Focus	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases critical chance by 84. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9516	Icarus Heavy Arms	Haste	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases Atk. Spd. by about 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9517	Icarus Heavy Arms	Health	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases maximum HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9518	Icarus Heavy Arms	Focus	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases critical chance by 84. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9519	Icarus Spirit	Acumen	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9520	Icarus Spirit	MP Regeneration	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases MP regeneration rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9521	Icarus Spirit	Mana Up	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases maximum MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9522	Icarus Spitter	Cheap Shot	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> During a general attack, 1 MP will be consumed 26% of the time. Enhances damage to a target during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9523	Icarus Spitter	Focus	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases Critical Attack by 88. Enhances damage to a target during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9524	Icarus Spitter	Critical Slow	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> During a critical attack, you Slow your target temporarily. Enhances damage to a target during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9525	Icarus Disperser	Crt.Damage	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases P. Atk. by 265 during a critical attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9526	Icarus Disperser	HP Drain	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Restores 3% of melee damage inflicted upon the enemy to your own HP. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9527	Icarus Disperser	Haste	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases Atk. Spd. by about 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9528	Icarus Trident	Health	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases maximum HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9529	Icarus Trident	Guidance	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases Accuracy by about 5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9530	Icarus Trident	Haste	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases Atk. Spd. by about 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9531	Icarus Hammer	HP Drain	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Restores 3% of melee damage inflicted upon the enemy to your own HP. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9532	Icarus Hammer	Health	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases maximum HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9533	Icarus Hammer	HP Regeneration	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases HP regeneration rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9534	Icarus Hall	Acumen	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9535	Icarus Hall	MP Regeneration	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases MP regeneration rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9536	Icarus Hall	Mana Up	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases maximum MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9537	Icarus Dual Sword		P.Atk of dual swords will increase more than one-handed type weapon when enchanted. Max HP +15%, Max MP +20%, Max CP +30% when enchanted by 4 or more. Enhances damage to target during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9538	Icarus Hand	Focus	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases critical chance by 80. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9539	Icarus Hand	Health	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases maximum HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9540	Icarus Hand	Crt.Stun	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Produces a stun effect at a rate of about 25% during a critical attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9710	Angel Wings			-1					0	0	0	
9711	Fallen Angel Wings			-1					0	0	0	
9712	Gargoyle Wings			-1					0	0	0	
9713	Chaos Wings			-1					0	0	0	
9714	Eva Wings			-1					0	0	0	
9715	Netherworld Wings			-1					0	0	0	
9716	Succubus Wings			-1					0	0	0	
9717	Valakas Wings			-1					0	0	0	
9718	Crusader Helmet		A hair accessory Helmet.	-1					0	0	0	
9900	Vesper Gold Helmet		Part of Vesper Gold Set.	-1					0	0	0	
9901	Vesper Gold Breastplate	Heavy Armor	Vesper Gold Breastplate.	-1	99991,99992,99990,99993,99994	Produces bonus effects level 4: Increases Max CP,HP,MP,\nP.atk, P.atk Speed, Speed,\nAccuracy, Evasion and Critical Rate.	70000		0	0	6	Quando todas as partes do set estiverem +6, um adicional de defesa lhe sera dado automaticamente.
9902	Vesper Gold Gaiters	Heavy Armor	Part of Vesper Gold Heavy Set.	-1					0	0	0	
9903	Vesper Gold Gloves	Heavy Armor	Part of Vesper Gold Heavy Set.	-1					0	0	0	
9904	Vesper Gold Boots	Heavy Armor	Part of Vesper Gold Heavy Set.	-1					0	0	0	
9905	Vesper Gold Leather Armor	Light Armor	Vesper Gold Leather Armor.	-1	99995,99996,99990,99997,99998	Produces bonus effects level 4: Increases Max CP,HP,MP,\nP.atk, P.atk Speed, Speed,\nAccuracy, Evasion and Critical Rate.			0	0	0	
9906	Vesper Gold Leggings	Light Armor	Part of Vesper Gold Light Set.	-1					0	0	0	
9907	Vesper Gold Gloves	Light Armor	Part of Vesper Gold Light Set.	-1					0	0	0	
9908	Vesper Gold Boots	Light Armor	Part of Vesper Gold light Set.	-1					0	0	0	
9909	Vesper Gold Tunic	Robe Armor	Vesper Gold Tunic.	-1	99999,99910,99990,99911,99912	Produces bonus effects level 4: Increases Max CP,HP,MP,\nM.atk, M.atk Speed, Speed,\nEvasion, Heal Effect\nand Decrease Cast Interrupt.			0	0	0	
9910	Vesper Gold Stockings	Robe Armor	Part of Vesper Gold Robe Set.	-1					0	0	0	
9911	Vesper Gold Gloves	Robe Armor	Part of Vesper Gold Robe Set.	-1					0	0	0	
9912	Vesper Gold Boots	Robe Armor	Part of Vesper Gold Robe Set.	-1					0	0	0

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Фиск ставил???

ато мне этот лог ненравиться

	at com.L2jFT.Game.network.serverpackets.MultiSellList.writeImpl(MultiSel
	at com.L2jFT.Game.network.serverpackets.L2GameServerPacket.write(L2GameS
	at mmo.SelectorThread.prepareWriteBuffer(SelectorThread.java:627)
	at mmo.SelectorThread.writePacket(SelectorThread.java:551)
	at mmo.SelectorThread.run(SelectorThread.java:241)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.network.serverpackets.MultiSellList.writeImpl(MultiSel
	at com.L2jFT.Game.network.serverpackets.L2GameServerPacket.write(L2GameS
	at mmo.SelectorThread.prepareWriteBuffer(SelectorThread.java:627)
	at mmo.SelectorThread.writePacket(SelectorThread.java:551)
	at mmo.SelectorThread.run(SelectorThread.java:241)

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Фиск ставил???

ато мне этот лог ненравиться

	at com.L2jFT.Game.network.serverpackets.MultiSellList.writeImpl(MultiSel
	at com.L2jFT.Game.network.serverpackets.L2GameServerPacket.write(L2GameS
	at mmo.SelectorThread.prepareWriteBuffer(SelectorThread.java:627)
	at mmo.SelectorThread.writePacket(SelectorThread.java:551)
	at mmo.SelectorThread.run(SelectorThread.java:241)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.network.serverpackets.MultiSellList.writeImpl(MultiSel
	at com.L2jFT.Game.network.serverpackets.L2GameServerPacket.write(L2GameS
	at mmo.SelectorThread.prepareWriteBuffer(SelectorThread.java:627)
	at mmo.SelectorThread.writePacket(SelectorThread.java:551)
	at mmo.SelectorThread.run(SelectorThread.java:241)


во 1 какой фикс? ум еня не 4.5 а 5.0

во 2 ето читай внимательней он пишет что то про мультиселл до веспера такого не было..


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Я наверно понял)

Есть 4 предположение....


1) Есть такой ID

2) Не тот SQL

3) Галимая Сборка

4) Статы...


Кстате есть вот такие статы :


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

<list><Вот тут ссылка файлы Armor.(формат не помню)>

<!-- Vesper Set by mend3 e XxJrBrxX L2JM Team-->

<!-- Edit By MaxwellHouse -->

<item id='99990' name="Vesper Gold Helmet">


<add val='250' order='0x10' stat='pDef' />

<add val='250' order='0x10' stat='mDef' />

<enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='mDef' />

<enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pDef' />




Убири ее может из за этого...

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не кто не помог...

потом я не знал чо делать и от делать нечего начал читать логи ГС от верху до низу...

нашел строчку что он не может прочитать статы как раз тех 2 файлов стат где лежат епик и тату

внимательно прочитав увидел что у меня там

вместо runSpd написано rumSpd так что из за 1 буквы вот такая запара...

может кому поможет))

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хочу еще раз подметить все что до веспера работало пока не поставил веспер

сборка фултим 5.0.

9300	Angel Wings		Donate Wings	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9301	Energy Wings		Donate Wings	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9302	Aqua Wings		Donate Wings	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9303	Wind Wings		Donate Wings	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9304	Smok Wings		Donate Wings	-1	a,	a,	a,	a,	0	0	0	a,
9305	Tattoo Воина	(Ellianor)	+23% атаки, 25% скорости атаки, +100 криту, +500 сила крита, +550хп, +410 к поподанию.	-1					0	0	0	
9306	Tattoo Мага	(Ellianor)	Таттушка для мага. Дает 29% к М.атк и Касту +10000 МП.	-1					0	0	0	
9307	Tattoo Бега	(Ellianor)	+40% к скорости бега и +200 к Уклонению. Минус скорость атаки, каста и атаки.	-1					0	0	0	
9308	Demonic Agony Splitter	Demonic 	Donate Weapon	-1					0	0	0	
9309	Demonic Corpse Impaler	Demonic 	Donate Weapon	-1					0	0	0	
9310	Demonic Blood Seeker	Demonic 	Donate Weapon	-1					0	0	0	
9311	Demonic Doom Bringer	Demonic 	Donate Weapon	-1					0	0	0	
9312	Demonic Spirit Bow	Demonic 	Increase Donate Weapon	-1					0	0	0	
9313	Demonic Soul Eater	Demonic 	Increase Donate Weapon	-1					0	0	0	
9314	Demonic Death Dealer	Demonic 	Donate Weapon	-1					0	0	0	
9315	Demonic Tormenting Whisper	Demonic 	Donate Weapon	-1					0	0	0	
9316	Demonic Fates Redemption	Demonic 	Donate Weapon	-1					0	0	0	
9317	Epic Dark Knight Gloves	Heavy	Part of the Heavy Epic Armor.	-1					0	0	0	
9318	Epic Dark Knight Armor	Heavy	Part of the Heavy Epic Armor.	-1	9800,9801,9802,9803	Produces the following effects: CON +4,STR +4,DEX +3.			0	0	6	
9319	Epic Dark Knight Boots	Heavy	Part of the Heavy Epic Armor.	-1					0	0	0	
9320	Epic Dark Knight Helmet	Heavy	Part of the Heavy Epic Armor.	-1					0	0	0	
9321	Epic Dark Knight Gloves	Light	Part of the Light Epic Armor.	-1					0	0	0	
9322	Epic Dark Knight Armor	Light	Part of the Light Epic Armor.	-1	9807,9806,9805,9804	Produces the following effects:  DEX +4,STR +4,CON +3.			0	0	6	
9323	Epic Dark Knight Boots	Light	Part of the Light Epic Armor.	-1					0	0	0	
9324	Epic Dark Knight Helmet	Light	Part of the Light Epic Armor.	-1					0	0	0	
9325	Epic Dark Knight Stockings	Robe	Part of the Robe Epic Armor.	-1					0	0	0	
9326	Epic Dark Knight Tunic	Robe	Part of the Robe Epic Armor.	-1	9808,9809,9810,9811,9812	Produces the following effects: WIT +4,INT +4,MEN +3.			0	0	6	
9327	Epic Dark Knight Gloves	Robe	Part of the Robe Epic Armor.	-1					0	0	0	
9328	Epic Dark Knight Boots	Robe	Part of the Robe Epic Armor.	-1					0	0	0	
9329	Epic Dark Knight Hat	Robe	Part of the Robe Epic Armor.	-1					0	0	0	
9513	Icarus Sawsword	Haste	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases Atk. Spd. by about 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9514	Icarus Sawsword	Health	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases maximum HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9515	Icarus Sawsword	Focus	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases critical chance by 84. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9516	Icarus Heavy Arms	Haste	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases Atk. Spd. by about 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9517	Icarus Heavy Arms	Health	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases maximum HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9518	Icarus Heavy Arms	Focus	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases critical chance by 84. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9519	Icarus Spirit	Acumen	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9520	Icarus Spirit	MP Regeneration	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases MP regeneration rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9521	Icarus Spirit	Mana Up	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases maximum MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9522	Icarus Spitter	Cheap Shot	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> During a general attack, 1 MP will be consumed 26% of the time. Enhances damage to a target during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9523	Icarus Spitter	Focus	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases Critical Attack by 88. Enhances damage to a target during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9524	Icarus Spitter	Critical Slow	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> During a critical attack, you Slow your target temporarily. Enhances damage to a target during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9525	Icarus Disperser	Crt.Damage	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases P. Atk. by 265 during a critical attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9526	Icarus Disperser	HP Drain	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Restores 3% of melee damage inflicted upon the enemy to your own HP. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9527	Icarus Disperser	Haste	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases Atk. Spd. by about 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9528	Icarus Trident	Health	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases maximum HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9529	Icarus Trident	Guidance	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases Accuracy by about 5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9530	Icarus Trident	Haste	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases Atk. Spd. by about 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9531	Icarus Hammer	HP Drain	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Restores 3% of melee damage inflicted upon the enemy to your own HP. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9532	Icarus Hammer	Health	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases maximum HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9533	Icarus Hammer	HP Regeneration	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases HP regeneration rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9534	Icarus Hall	Acumen	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases Casting Spd. by 15%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9535	Icarus Hall	MP Regeneration	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases MP regeneration rate. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9536	Icarus Hall	Mana Up	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases maximum MP by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9537	Icarus Dual Sword		P.Atk of dual swords will increase more than one-handed type weapon when enchanted. Max HP +15%, Max MP +20%, Max CP +30% when enchanted by 4 or more. Enhances damage to target during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9538	Icarus Hand	Focus	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases critical chance by 80. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9539	Icarus Hand	Health	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Increases maximum HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9540	Icarus Hand	Crt.Stun	<Soul Crystal Enhancement> Produces a stun effect at a rate of about 25% during a critical attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.	-1					0	0	0	
9710	Angel Wings			-1					0	0	0	
9711	Fallen Angel Wings			-1					0	0	0	
9712	Gargoyle Wings			-1					0	0	0	
9713	Chaos Wings			-1					0	0	0	
9714	Eva Wings			-1					0	0	0	
9715	Netherworld Wings			-1					0	0	0	
9716	Succubus Wings			-1					0	0	0	
9717	Valakas Wings			-1					0	0	0	
9718	Crusader Helmet		A hair accessory Helmet.	-1					0	0	0	
9900	Vesper Gold Helmet		Part of Vesper Gold Set.	-1					0	0	0	
9901	Vesper Gold Breastplate	Heavy Armor	Vesper Gold Breastplate.	-1	99991,99992,99990,99993,99994	Produces bonus effects level 4: Increases Max CP,HP,MP,\nP.atk, P.atk Speed, Speed,\nAccuracy, Evasion and Critical Rate.	70000		0	0	6	Quando todas as partes do set estiverem +6, um adicional de defesa lhe sera dado automaticamente.
9902	Vesper Gold Gaiters	Heavy Armor	Part of Vesper Gold Heavy Set.	-1					0	0	0	
9903	Vesper Gold Gloves	Heavy Armor	Part of Vesper Gold Heavy Set.	-1					0	0	0	
9904	Vesper Gold Boots	Heavy Armor	Part of Vesper Gold Heavy Set.	-1					0	0	0	
9905	Vesper Gold Leather Armor	Light Armor	Vesper Gold Leather Armor.	-1	99995,99996,99990,99997,99998	Produces bonus effects level 4: Increases Max CP,HP,MP,\nP.atk, P.atk Speed, Speed,\nAccuracy, Evasion and Critical Rate.			0	0	0	
9906	Vesper Gold Leggings	Light Armor	Part of Vesper Gold Light Set.	-1					0	0	0	
9907	Vesper Gold Gloves	Light Armor	Part of Vesper Gold Light Set.	-1					0	0	0	
9908	Vesper Gold Boots	Light Armor	Part of Vesper Gold light Set.	-1					0	0	0	
9909	Vesper Gold Tunic	Robe Armor	Vesper Gold Tunic.	-1	99999,99910,99990,99911,99912	Produces bonus effects level 4: Increases Max CP,HP,MP,\nM.atk, M.atk Speed, Speed,\nEvasion, Heal Effect\nand Decrease Cast Interrupt.			0	0	0	
9910	Vesper Gold Stockings	Robe Armor	Part of Vesper Gold Robe Set.	-1					0	0	0	
9911	Vesper Gold Gloves	Robe Armor	Part of Vesper Gold Robe Set.	-1					0	0	0	
9912	Vesper Gold Boots	Robe Armor	Part of Vesper Gold Robe Set.	-1					0	0	0

Сам вот тут написал что у тебя 5.0 :wacko:

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у меня все норм роботает ! токо есть одно но ! ошибка



вот такая


access$301(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.
run(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.autoAttackCondition(L2AttackableAI.j
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.thinkActive(L2AttackableAI.java:419)

	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.onEvtThink(L2AttackableAI.java:913)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2CharacterAI.onIntentionActive(L2CharacterAI.java:
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.onIntentionActive(L2AttackableAI.jav
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.setIntention(AbstractAI.java:287)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.setIntention(AbstractAI.java:237)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.L2Attackable.addDamageHate(L2Attackable.java:106
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.actor.instance.L2MonsterInstance.addDamageHate(L
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.onEvtAttacked(L2AttackableAI.java:95
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.notifyEvent(AbstractAI.java:376)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.notifyEvent(AbstractAI.java:346)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.L2Character.onHitTimer(L2Character.java:6135)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance.onHitTimer(L2PcInsta
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.L2Character$HitTask.run(L2Character.java:2533)
	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.
access$301(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.
run(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.autoAttackCondition(L2AttackableAI.j
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.thinkActive(L2AttackableAI.java:419)

	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.onEvtThink(L2AttackableAI.java:913)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2CharacterAI.onEvtCancel(L2CharacterAI.java:877)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.notifyEvent(AbstractAI.java:415)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.notifyEvent(AbstractAI.java:331)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.L2Character.onHitTimer(L2Character.java:5913)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.L2Character$HitTask.run(L2Character.java:2533)
	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.
access$301(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.
run(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.autoAttackCondition(L2AttackableAI.j
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.thinkActive(L2AttackableAI.java:419)

	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.onEvtThink(L2AttackableAI.java:913)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2CharacterAI.onEvtReadyToAct(L2CharacterAI.java:68
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.notifyEvent(AbstractAI.java:397)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.notifyEvent(AbstractAI.java:346)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.L2Character$NotifyAITask.run(L2Character.java:26
	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.
access$301(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.
run(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Initializing DuelManager

	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.autoAttackCondition(L2AttackableAI.j
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.thinkActive(L2AttackableAI.java:419)

	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.onEvtThink(L2AttackableAI.java:913)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2CharacterAI.onIntentionActive(L2CharacterAI.java:
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.onIntentionActive(L2AttackableAI.jav
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.setIntention(AbstractAI.java:287)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.setIntention(AbstractAI.java:237)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.L2Attackable.addDamageHate(L2Attackable.java:106
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.actor.instance.L2MonsterInstance.addDamageHate(L
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.onEvtAttacked(L2AttackableAI.java:95
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.notifyEvent(AbstractAI.java:376)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.notifyEvent(AbstractAI.java:346)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.L2Character.onHitTimer(L2Character.java:6135)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance.onHitTimer(L2PcInsta
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.L2Character$HitTask.run(L2Character.java:2533)
	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.
access$301(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.
run(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.autoAttackCondition(L2AttackableAI.j
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.thinkActive(L2AttackableAI.java:419)

	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.onEvtThink(L2AttackableAI.java:913)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2CharacterAI.onIntentionActive(L2CharacterAI.java:
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.onIntentionActive(L2AttackableAI.jav
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.setIntention(AbstractAI.java:287)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.setIntention(AbstractAI.java:237)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.L2Attackable.addDamageHate(L2Attackable.java:106
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.actor.instance.L2MonsterInstance.addDamageHate(L
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.onEvtAttacked(L2AttackableAI.java:95
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.notifyEvent(AbstractAI.java:376)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.notifyEvent(AbstractAI.java:346)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.L2Character.onHitTimer(L2Character.java:6135)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance.onHitTimer(L2PcInsta
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.L2Character$HitTask.run(L2Character.java:2533)
	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.
access$301(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.
run(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.autoAttackCondition(L2AttackableAI.j
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.thinkActive(L2AttackableAI.java:419)

	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.onEvtThink(L2AttackableAI.java:913)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2CharacterAI.onEvtCancel(L2CharacterAI.java:877)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.notifyEvent(AbstractAI.java:415)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.notifyEvent(AbstractAI.java:331)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.L2Character.onHitTimer(L2Character.java:5913)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.L2Character$HitTask.run(L2Character.java:2533)
	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.
access$301(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.
run(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.autoAttackCondition(L2AttackableAI.j
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.thinkActive(L2AttackableAI.java:419)

	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.onEvtThink(L2AttackableAI.java:913)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2CharacterAI.onEvtReadyToAct(L2CharacterAI.java:68
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.notifyEvent(AbstractAI.java:397)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.notifyEvent(AbstractAI.java:346)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.L2Character$NotifyAITask.run(L2Character.java:26
	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.
access$301(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.
run(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Created new character : BubbleGum for account: gumi
Guard System: 15 session(s) for 0, character:BubbleGum
Client: [Character: ZZzzzzz - Account: un1xon - IP:] - Buffer unde
rflow and has been kicked
Guard System: Session 0 closed

	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.autoAttackCondition(L2AttackableAI.j
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.thinkActive(L2AttackableAI.java:419)

	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.onEvtThink(L2AttackableAI.java:913)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2CharacterAI.onIntentionActive(L2CharacterAI.java:
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.onIntentionActive(L2AttackableAI.jav
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.setIntention(AbstractAI.java:287)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.setIntention(AbstractAI.java:237)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.L2Attackable.addDamageHate(L2Attackable.java:106
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.actor.instance.L2MonsterInstance.addDamageHate(L
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.onEvtAttacked(L2AttackableAI.java:95
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.notifyEvent(AbstractAI.java:376)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.notifyEvent(AbstractAI.java:346)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.L2Character.onHitTimer(L2Character.java:6135)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance.onHitTimer(L2PcInsta
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.L2Character$HitTask.run(L2Character.java:2533)
	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.
access$301(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.
run(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.autoAttackCondition(L2AttackableAI.j
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.thinkActive(L2AttackableAI.java:419)

	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.onEvtThink(L2AttackableAI.java:913)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2CharacterAI.onIntentionActive(L2CharacterAI.java:
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.onIntentionActive(L2AttackableAI.jav
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.setIntention(AbstractAI.java:287)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.setIntention(AbstractAI.java:237)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.L2Attackable.addDamageHate(L2Attackable.java:106
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.actor.instance.L2MonsterInstance.addDamageHate(L
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.L2AttackableAI.onEvtAttacked(L2AttackableAI.java:95
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.notifyEvent(AbstractAI.java:376)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.ai.AbstractAI.notifyEvent(AbstractAI.java:346)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.L2Character.onHitTimer(L2Character.java:6135)
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance.onHitTimer(L2PcInsta
	at com.L2jFT.Game.model.L2Character$HitTask.run(L2Character.java:2533)
	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.
access$301(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.
run(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Created new character : 354rtert for account: bopb3akohe
Guard System: 15 session(s) for 0, character:354rtert

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Ой тут кучу всего написали я сообщений 5 написал и вроде бы понял что не кто норм так и не ответил !

И так твой вайспер не совпадал наверно всеми столбцами с таблицов в твоей базе ! При этом он крухонул твою базу.

Тут 3 выхода апдейтить если апдейт есть норм ! или создаёшь базу с другим именем устонавлеваешь туда заново базу, ищи неполадки в первой и перекидуешь норм записи из второй в первую и 3 мой любимый вариант сноси базу и ставь заново !


Кажый вайп это шанс роскрутить сервак заново если он в нете !

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НЕ ставьте ее там кланы и альянсы не пашут их в ядре надо править!!!

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НЕ ставьте ее там кланы и альянсы не пашут их в ядре надо править!!!




а мб просто ты хацкер?)

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а мб просто ты хацкер?)


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ели фт норм поставить все там пашит !

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ели фт норм поставить все там пашит !

дай свою аську

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ели фт норм поставить все там пашит !


аха :help:


кфан - жжешь.


тема клоц!

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