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<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct access allowed.');
* Provides Kohana-specific helper functions. This is where the magic happens!
* $Id: Kohana.php 4372 2009-05-28 17:00:34Z ixmatus $
* @package Core
* @author Kohana Team
* @copyright (c) 2007-2008 Kohana Team
* @license http://kohanaphp.com/license.html
final class Kohana {
// The singleton instance of the controller
public static $instance;
// Output buffering level
private static $buffer_level;
// Will be set to TRUE when an exception is caught
public static $has_error = FALSE;
// The final output that will displayed by Kohana
public static $output = '';
// The current user agent
public static $user_agent;
// The current locale
public static $locale;
// Configuration
private static $configuration;
// Include paths
private static $include_paths;
// Logged messages
private static $log;
// Cache lifetime
private static $cache_lifetime;
// Log levels
private static $log_levels = array
'error' => 1,
'alert' => 2,
'info' => 3,
'debug' => 4,
// Internal caches and write status
private static $internal_cache = array();
private static $write_cache;
private static $internal_cache_path;
private static $internal_cache_key;
private static $internal_cache_encrypt;
* Sets up the PHP environment. Adds error/exception handling, output
* buffering, and adds an auto-loading method for loading classes.
* This method is run immediately when this file is loaded, and is
* benchmarked as environment_setup.
* For security, this function also destroys the $_REQUEST global variable.
* Using the proper global (GET, POST, COOKIE, etc) is inherently more secure.
* The recommended way to fetch a global variable is using the Input library.
* @see http://www.php.net/globals
* @return void
public static function setup()
static $run;
// This function can only be run once
if ($run === TRUE)
// Start the environment setup benchmark
// Define Kohana error constant
define('E_KOHANA', 42);
// Define 404 error constant
define('E_PAGE_NOT_FOUND', 43);
// Define database error constant
define('E_DATABASE_ERROR', 44);
if (self::$cache_lifetime = self::config('core.internal_cache'))
// Are we using encryption for caches?
self::$internal_cache_encrypt = self::config('core.internal_cache_encrypt');

self::$internal_cache_key = self::config('core.internal_cache_key');

// Be sure the key is of acceptable length for the mcrypt algorithm used
self::$internal_cache_key = substr(self::$internal_cache_key, 0, 24);

// Set the directory to be used for the internal cache
if ( ! self::$internal_cache_path = self::config('core.internal_cache_path'))
self::$internal_cache_path = APPPATH.'cache/';
// Load cached configuration and language files
self::$internal_cache['configuration'] = self::cache('configuration', self::$cache_lifetime);
self::$internal_cache['language'] = self::cache('language', self::$cache_lifetime);
// Load cached file paths
self::$internal_cache['find_file_paths'] = self::cache('find_file_paths', self::$cache_lifetime);
// Enable cache saving
Event::add('system.shutdown', array(__CLASS__, 'internal_cache_save'));
// Disable notices and "strict" errors
$ER = error_reporting(~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT);
// Set the user agent
self::$user_agent = ( ! empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? trim($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) : '');
if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set'))
$timezone = self::config('locale.timezone');
// Set default timezone, due to increased validation of date settings
// which cause massive amounts of E_NOTICEs to be generated in PHP 5.2+
date_default_timezone_set(empty($timezone) ? date_default_timezone_get() : $timezone);
// Restore error reporting
// Start output buffering
ob_start(array(__CLASS__, 'output_buffer'));
// Save buffering level
self::$buffer_level = ob_get_level();
// Set autoloader
spl_autoload_register(array('Kohana', 'auto_load'));
// Set error handler
set_error_handler(array('Kohana', 'exception_handler'));
// Set exception handler
set_exception_handler(array('Kohana', 'exception_handler'));
// Send default text/html UTF-8 header
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
// Load locales
$locales = self::config('locale.language');
// Make first locale UTF-8
$locales[0] .= '.UTF-8';
// Set locale information
self::$locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, $locales);
if (self::$configuration['core']['log_threshold'] > 0)
// Set the log directory
// Enable log writing at shutdown
register_shutdown_function(array(__CLASS__, 'log_save'));
// Enable Kohana routing
Event::add('system.routing', array('Router', 'find_uri'));
Event::add('system.routing', array('Router', 'setup'));
// Enable Kohana controller initialization
Event::add('system.execute', array('Kohana', 'instance'));
// Enable Kohana 404 pages
Event::add('system.404', array('Kohana', 'show_404'));
// Enable Kohana output handling
Event::add('system.shutdown', array('Kohana', 'shutdown'));
if (self::config('core.enable_hooks') === TRUE)
// Find all the hook files
$hooks = self::list_files('hooks', TRUE);
foreach ($hooks as $file)
// Load the hook
include $file;
// Setup is complete, prevent it from being run again
$run = TRUE;
// Stop the environment setup routine
* Loads the controller and initializes it. Runs the pre_controller,
* post_controller_constructor, and post_controller events. Triggers
* a system.404 event when the route cannot be mapped to a controller.
* This method is benchmarked as controller_setup and controller_execution.
* @return object instance of controller
public static function & instance()
if (self::$instance === NULL)
// Include the Controller file
require Router::$controller_path;
// Start validation of the controller
$class = new ReflectionClass(ucfirst(Router::$controller).'_Controller');
catch (ReflectionException $e)
// Controller does not exist
if ($class->isAbstract() OR (IN_PRODUCTION AND $class->getConstant('ALLOW_PRODUCTION') == FALSE))
// Controller is not allowed to run in production
// Run system.pre_controller
// Create a new controller instance
$controller = $class->newInstance();
// Controller constructor has been executed
// Load the controller method
$method = $class->getMethod(Router::$method);
// Method exists
if (Router::$method[0] === '_')
// Do not allow access to hidden methods
if ($method->isProtected() or $method->isPrivate())
// Do not attempt to invoke protected methods
throw new ReflectionException('protected controller method');
// Default arguments
$arguments = Router::$arguments;
catch (ReflectionException $e)
// Use __call instead
$method = $class->getMethod('__call');
// Use arguments in __call format
$arguments = array(Router::$method, Router::$arguments);
// Stop the controller setup benchmark
// Start the controller execution benchmark
// Execute the controller method
$method->invokeArgs($controller, $arguments);
// Controller method has been executed
// Stop the controller execution benchmark
return self::$instance;
* Get all include paths. APPPATH is the first path, followed by module
* paths in the order they are configured, follow by the SYSPATH.
* @param boolean re-process the include paths
* @return array
public static function include_paths($process = FALSE)
if ($process === TRUE)
// Add APPPATH as the first path
self::$include_paths = array(APPPATH);
foreach (self::$configuration['core']['modules'] as $path)
if ($path = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($path)))
// Add a valid path
self::$include_paths[] = $path.'/';
// Add SYSPATH as the last path
self::$include_paths[] = SYSPATH;
return self::$include_paths;
* Get a config item or group.
* @param string item name
* @param boolean force a forward slash (/) at the end of the item
* @param boolean is the item required?
* @return mixed
public static function config($key, $slash = FALSE, $required = TRUE)
if (self::$configuration === NULL)
// Load core configuration
self::$configuration['core'] = self::config_load('core');
// Re-parse the include paths
// Get the group name from the key
$group = explode('.', $key, 2);
$group = $group[0];
if ( ! isset(self::$configuration[$group]))
// Load the configuration group
self::$configuration[$group] = self::config_load($group, $required);
// Get the value of the key string
$value = self::key_string(self::$configuration, $key);
if ($slash === TRUE AND is_string($value) AND $value !== '')
// Force the value to end with "/"
$value = rtrim($value, '/').'/';
return $value;
* Sets a configuration item, if allowed.
* @param string config key string
* @param string config value
* @return boolean
public static function config_set($key, $value)
// Do this to make sure that the config array is already loaded
if (substr($key, 0, 7) === 'routes.')
// Routes cannot contain sub keys due to possible dots in regex
$keys = explode('.', $key, 2);
// Convert dot-noted key string to an array
$keys = explode('.', $key);
// Used for recursion
$conf =& self::$configuration;
$last = count($keys) - 1;
foreach ($keys as $i => $k)
if ($i === $last)
$conf[$k] = $value;
$conf =& $conf[$k];
if ($key === 'core.modules')
// Reprocess the include paths
return TRUE;
* Load a config file.
* @param string config filename, without extension
* @param boolean is the file required?
* @return array
public static function config_load($name, $required = TRUE)
if ($name === 'core')
// Load the application configuration file
require APPPATH.'config/config'.EXT;
if ( ! isset($config['site_domain']))
// Invalid config file
die('Your Kohana application configuration file is not valid.');
return $config;
if (isset(self::$internal_cache['configuration'][$name]))
return self::$internal_cache['configuration'][$name];
// Load matching configs
$configuration = array();
if ($files = self::find_file('config', $name, $required))
foreach ($files as $file)
require $file;
if (isset($config) AND is_array($config))
// Merge in configuration
$configuration = array_merge($configuration, $config);
if ( ! isset(self::$write_cache['configuration']))
// Cache has changed
self::$write_cache['configuration'] = TRUE;
return self::$internal_cache['configuration'][$name] = $configuration;
* Clears a config group from the cached configuration.
* @param string config group
* @return void
public static function config_clear($group)
// Remove the group from config
unset(self::$configuration[$group], self::$internal_cache['configuration'][$group]);
if ( ! isset(self::$write_cache['configuration']))
// Cache has changed
self::$write_cache['configuration'] = TRUE;
* Add a new message to the log.
* @param string type of message
* @param string message text
* @return void
public static function log($type, $message)
if (self::$log_levels[$type] <= self::$configuration['core']['log_threshold'])
$message = array(date('Y-m-d H:i:s P'), $type, $message);
// Run the system.log event
Event::run('system.log', $message);
self::$log[] = $message;
* Save all currently logged messages.
* @return void
public static function log_save()
if (empty(self::$log) OR self::$configuration['core']['log_threshold'] < 1)
// Filename of the log
$filename = self::log_directory().date('Y-m-d').'.log'.EXT;
if ( ! is_file($filename))
// Write the SYSPATH checking header
'<?php defined(\'SYSPATH\') or die(\'No direct script access.\'); ?>'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL);
// Prevent external writes
chmod($filename, 0644);
// Messages to write
$messages = array();
// Load the next mess
list ($date, $type, $text) = array_shift(self::$log);
// Add a new message line
$messages[] = $date.' --- '.$type.': '.$text;
while ( ! empty(self::$log));
// Write messages to log file
file_put_contents($filename, implode(PHP_EOL, $messages).PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
* Get or set the logging directory.
* @param string new log directory
* @return string
public static function log_directory($dir = NULL)
static $directory;
if ( ! empty($dir))
// Get the directory path
$dir = realpath($dir);
if (is_dir($dir) AND is_writable($dir))
// Change the log directory
$directory = str_replace('\\', '/', $dir).'/';
// Log directory is invalid
throw new Kohana_Exception('core.log_dir_unwritable', $dir);
return $directory;
* Load data from a simple cache file. This should only be used internally,
* and is NOT a replacement for the Cache library.
* @param string unique name of cache
* @param integer expiration in seconds
* @return mixed
public static function cache($name, $lifetime)
if ($lifetime > 0)
$path = self::$internal_cache_path.'kohana_'.$name;
if (is_file($path))
// Check the file modification time
if ((time() - filemtime($path)) < $lifetime)
// Cache is valid! Now, do we need to decrypt it?
$data = file_get_contents($path);

$iv_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);
$iv = mcrypt_create_iv($iv_size, MCRYPT_RAND);

$decrypted_text = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, self::$internal_cache_key, $data, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv);

$cache = unserialize($decrypted_text);

// If the key changed, delete the cache file
// If cache is false (as above) return NULL, otherwise, return the cache
return ($cache ? $cache : NULL);
return unserialize(file_get_contents($path));
// Cache is invalid, delete it
// No cache found
return NULL;
* Save data to a simple cache file. This should only be used internally, and
* is NOT a replacement for the Cache library.
* @param string cache name
* @param mixed data to cache
* @param integer expiration in seconds
* @return boolean
public static function cache_save($name, $data, $lifetime)
if ($lifetime < 1)
return FALSE;
$path = self::$internal_cache_path.'kohana_'.$name;
if ($data === NULL)
// Delete cache
return (is_file($path) and unlink($path));
// Using encryption? Encrypt the data when we write it
// Encrypt and write data to cache file
$iv_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);
$iv = mcrypt_create_iv($iv_size, MCRYPT_RAND);

// Serialize and encrypt!
$encrypted_text = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, self::$internal_cache_key, serialize($data), MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv);

return (bool) file_put_contents($path, $encrypted_text);
// Write data to cache file
return (bool) file_put_contents($path, serialize($data));
* Kohana output handler. Called during ob_clean, ob_flush, and their variants.
* @param string current output buffer
* @return string
public static function output_buffer($output)
// Could be flushing, so send headers first
if ( ! Event::has_run('system.send_headers'))
// Run the send_headers event

self::$output = $output;

// Set and return the final output
return self::$output;
* Closes all open output buffers, either by flushing or cleaning, and stores the Kohana
* output buffer for display during shutdown.
* @param boolean disable to clear buffers, rather than flushing
* @return void
public static function close_buffers($flush = TRUE)
if (ob_get_level() >= self::$buffer_level)
// Set the close function
$close = ($flush === TRUE) ? 'ob_end_flush' : 'ob_end_clean';
while (ob_get_level() > self::$buffer_level)
// Flush or clean the buffer
// Store the Kohana output buffer
* Triggers the shutdown of Kohana by closing the output buffer, runs the system.display event.
* @return void
public static function shutdown()
// Close output buffers
// Run the output event
Event::run('system.display', self::$output);
// Render the final output
* Inserts global Kohana variables into the generated output and prints it.
* @param string final output that will displayed
* @return void
public static function render($output)
if (self::config('core.render_stats') === TRUE)
// Fetch memory usage in MB
$memory = function_exists('memory_get_usage') ? (memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024) : 0;
// Fetch benchmark for page execution time
$benchmark = Benchmark::get(SYSTEM_BENCHMARK.'_total_execution');
// Replace the global template variables
$output = str_replace(
number_format($memory, 2).'MB',
if ($level = self::config('core.output_compression') AND ini_get('output_handler') !== 'ob_gzhandler' AND (int) ini_get('zlib.output_compression') === 0)
if ($level < 1 OR $level > 9)
// Normalize the level to be an integer between 1 and 9. This
// step must be done to prevent gzencode from triggering an error
$level = max(1, min($level, 9));
if (stripos(@$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip') !== FALSE)
$compress = 'gzip';
elseif (stripos(@$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'deflate') !== FALSE)
$compress = 'deflate';
if (isset($compress) AND $level > 0)
switch ($compress)
case 'gzip':
// Compress output using gzip
$output = gzencode($output, $level);
case 'deflate':
// Compress output using zlib (HTTP deflate)
$output = gzdeflate($output, $level);
// This header must be sent with compressed content to prevent
// browser caches from breaking
header('Vary: Accept-Encoding');
// Send the content encoding header
header('Content-Encoding: '.$compress);
// Sending Content-Length in CGI can result in unexpected behavior
if (stripos(PHP_SAPI, 'cgi') === FALSE)
header('Content-Length: '.strlen($output));
echo $output;
* Displays a 404 page.
* @throws Kohana_404_Exception
* @param string URI of page
* @param string custom template
* @return void
public static function show_404($page = FALSE, $template = FALSE)
throw new Kohana_404_Exception($page, $template);
* Dual-purpose PHP error and exception handler. Uses the kohana_error_page
* view to display the message.
* @param integer|object exception object or error code
* @param string error message
* @param string filename
* @param integer line number
* @return void
public static function exception_handler($exception, $message = NULL, $file = NULL, $line = NULL)
// PHP errors have 5 args, always
$PHP_ERROR = (func_num_args() === 5);

// Test to see if errors should be displayed
if ($PHP_ERROR AND (error_reporting() & $exception) === 0)

// This is useful for hooks to determine if a page has an error
self::$has_error = TRUE;

// Error handling will use exactly 5 args, every time
$code = $exception;
$type = 'PHP Error';
$template = 'kohana_error_page';
$code = $exception->getCode();
$type = get_class($exception);
$message = $exception->getMessage();
$file = $exception->getFile();
$line = $exception->getLine();
$template = ($exception instanceof Kohana_Exception) ? $exception->getTemplate() : 'kohana_error_page';

if (is_numeric($code))
$codes = self::lang('errors');

if ( ! empty($codes[$code]))
list($level, $error, $description) = $codes[$code];
$level = 1;
$error = $PHP_ERROR ? 'Unknown Error' : get_class($exception);
$description = '';
// Custom error message, this will never be logged
$level = 5;
$error = $code;
$description = '';

// Remove the DOCROOT from the path, as a security precaution
$file = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($file));
$file = preg_replace('|^'.preg_quote(DOCROOT).'|', '', $file);

if ($level <= self::$configuration['core']['log_threshold'])
// Log the error
self::log('error', self::lang('core.uncaught_exception', $type, $message, $file, $line));

$description = self::lang('errors.'.E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR);
$description = is_array($description) ? $description[2] : '';

if ( ! headers_sent())
// Send the 500 header
header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
if (method_exists($exception, 'sendHeaders') AND ! headers_sent())
// Send the headers if they have not already been sent

// Close all output buffers except for Kohana
while (ob_get_level() > self::$buffer_level)

// Test if display_errors is on
if (self::$configuration['core']['display_errors'] === TRUE)
if ( ! IN_PRODUCTION AND $line != FALSE)
// Remove the first entry of debug_backtrace(), it is the exception_handler call
$trace = $PHP_ERROR ? array_slice(debug_backtrace(), 1) : $exception->getTrace();

// Beautify backtrace
$trace = self::backtrace($trace);

// Load the error
require self::find_file('views', empty($template) ? 'kohana_error_page' : $template);
// Get the i18n messages
$error = self::lang('core.generic_error');
$message = self::lang('core.errors_disabled', url::site(), url::site(Router::$current_uri));

// Load the errors_disabled view
require self::find_file('views', 'kohana_error_disabled');

if ( ! Event::has_run('system.shutdown'))
// Run the shutdown even to ensure a clean exit

// Turn off error reporting
catch (Exception $e)
die('Fatal Error');
die('Fatal Error: '.$e->getMessage().' File: '.$e->getFile().' Line: '.$e->getLine());
* Provides class auto-loading.
* @throws Kohana_Exception
* @param string name of class
* @return bool
public static function auto_load($class)
if (class_exists($class, FALSE))
return TRUE;
if (($suffix = strrpos($class, '_')) > 0)
// Find the class suffix
$suffix = substr($class, $suffix + 1);
// No suffix
$suffix = FALSE;
if ($suffix === 'Core')
$type = 'libraries';
$file = substr($class, 0, -5);
elseif ($suffix === 'Controller')
$type = 'controllers';
// Lowercase filename
$file = strtolower(substr($class, 0, -11));
elseif ($suffix === 'Model')
$type = 'models';
// Lowercase filename
$file = strtolower(substr($class, 0, -6));
elseif ($suffix === 'Driver')
$type = 'libraries/drivers';
$file = str_replace('_', '/', substr($class, 0, -7));
// This could be either a library or a helper, but libraries must
// always be capitalized, so we check if the first character is
// uppercase. If it is, we are loading a library, not a helper.
$type = ($class[0] < 'a') ? 'libraries' : 'helpers';
$file = $class;
if ($filename = self::find_file($type, $file))
// Load the class
require $filename;
// The class could not be found
return FALSE;
if ($filename = self::find_file($type, self::$configuration['core']['extension_prefix'].$class))
// Load the class extension
require $filename;
elseif ($suffix !== 'Core' AND class_exists($class.'_Core', FALSE))
// Class extension to be evaluated
$extension = 'class '.$class.' extends '.$class.'_Core { }';
// Start class analysis
$core = new ReflectionClass($class.'_Core');
if ($core->isAbstract())
// Make the extension abstract
$extension = 'abstract '.$extension;
// Transparent class extensions are handled using eval. This is
// a disgusting hack, but it gets the job done.
return TRUE;
* Find a resource file in a given directory. Files will be located according
* to the order of the include paths. Configuration and i18n files will be
* returned in reverse order.
* @throws Kohana_Exception if file is required and not found
* @param string directory to search in
* @param string filename to look for (without extension)
* @param boolean file required
* @param string file extension
* @return array if the type is config, i18n or l10n
* @return string if the file is found
* @return FALSE if the file is not found
public static function find_file($directory, $filename, $required = FALSE, $ext = FALSE)
// NOTE: This test MUST be not be a strict comparison (===), or empty
// extensions will be allowed!
if ($ext == '')
// Use the default extension
$ext = EXT;
// Add a period before the extension
$ext = '.'.$ext;
// Search path
$search = $directory.'/'.$filename.$ext;
if (isset(self::$internal_cache['find_file_paths'][$search]))
return self::$internal_cache['find_file_paths'][$search];
// Load include paths
$paths = self::$include_paths;
// Nothing found, yet
$found = NULL;
if ($directory === 'config' OR $directory === 'i18n')
// Search in reverse, for merging
$paths = array_reverse($paths);
foreach ($paths as $path)
if (is_file($path.$search))
// A matching file has been found
$found[] = $path.$search;
foreach ($paths as $path)
if (is_file($path.$search))
// A matching file has been found
$found = $path.$search;
// Stop searching
if ($found === NULL)
if ($required === TRUE)
// Directory i18n key
$directory = 'core.'.inflector::singular($directory);
// If the file is required, throw an exception
throw new Kohana_Exception('core.resource_not_found', self::lang($directory), $filename);
// Nothing was found, return FALSE
$found = FALSE;
if ( ! isset(self::$write_cache['find_file_paths']))
// Write cache at shutdown
self::$write_cache['find_file_paths'] = TRUE;
return self::$internal_cache['find_file_paths'][$search] = $found;
* Lists all files and directories in a resource path.
* @param string directory to search
* @param boolean list all files to the maximum depth?
* @param string full path to search (used for recursion, *never* set this manually)
* @return array filenames and directories
public static function list_files($directory, $recursive = FALSE, $path = FALSE)
$files = array();
if ($path === FALSE)
$paths = array_reverse(self::include_paths());
foreach ($paths as $path)
// Recursively get and merge all files
$files = array_merge($files, self::list_files($directory, $recursive, $path.$directory));
$path = rtrim($path, '/').'/';
if (is_readable($path))
$items = (array) glob($path.'*');
if ( ! empty($items))
foreach ($items as $index => $item)
$files[] = $item = str_replace('\\', '/', $item);
// Handle recursion
if (is_dir($item) AND $recursive == TRUE)
// Filename should only be the basename
$item = pathinfo($item, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
// Append sub-directory search
$files = array_merge($files, self::list_files($directory, TRUE, $path.$item));
return $files;
* Fetch an i18n language item.
* @param string language key to fetch
* @param array additional information to insert into the line
* @return string i18n language string, or the requested key if the i18n item is not found
public static function lang($key, $args = array())
// Extract the main group from the key
$group = explode('.', $key, 2);
$group = $group[0];
// Get locale name
$locale = self::config('locale.language.0');
if ( ! isset(self::$internal_cache['language'][$locale][$group]))
// Messages for this group
$messages = array();
if ($files = self::find_file('i18n', $locale.'/'.$group))
foreach ($files as $file)
include $file;
// Merge in configuration
if ( ! empty($lang) AND is_array($lang))
foreach ($lang as $k => $v)
$messages[$k] = $v;
if ( ! isset(self::$write_cache['language']))
// Write language cache
self::$write_cache['language'] = TRUE;
self::$internal_cache['language'][$locale][$group] = $messages;
// Get the line from cache
$line = self::key_string(self::$internal_cache['language'][$locale], $key);
if ($line === NULL)
self::log('error', 'Missing i18n entry '.$key.' for language '.$locale);
// Return the key string as fallback
return $key;
if (is_string($line) AND func_num_args() > 1)
$args = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1);
// Add the arguments into the line
$line = vsprintf($line, is_array($args[0]) ? $args[0] : $args);
return $line;
* Returns the value of a key, defined by a 'dot-noted' string, from an array.
* @param array array to search
* @param string dot-noted string: foo.bar.baz
* @return string if the key is found
* @return void if the key is not found
public static function key_string($array, $keys)
if (empty($array))
return NULL;
// Prepare for loop
$keys = explode('.', $keys);
// Get the next key
$key = array_shift($keys);
if (isset($array[$key]))
if (is_array($array[$key]) AND ! empty($keys))
// Dig down to prepare the next loop
$array = $array[$key];
// Requested key was found
return $array[$key];
// Requested key is not set
while ( ! empty($keys));
return NULL;
* Sets values in an array by using a 'dot-noted' string.
* @param array array to set keys in (reference)
* @param string dot-noted string: foo.bar.baz
* @return mixed fill value for the key
* @return void
public static function key_string_set( & $array, $keys, $fill = NULL)
if (is_object($array) AND ($array instanceof ArrayObject))
// Copy the array
$array_copy = $array->getArrayCopy();
// Is an object
$array_object = TRUE;
if ( ! is_array($array))
// Must always be an array
$array = (array) $array;
// Copy is a reference to the array
$array_copy =& $array;
if (empty($keys))
return $array;
// Create keys
$keys = explode('.', $keys);
// Create reference to the array
$row =& $array_copy;
for ($i = 0, $end = count($keys) - 1; $i <= $end; $i++)
// Get the current key
$key = $keys[$i];
if ( ! isset($row[$key]))
if (isset($keys[$i + 1]))
// Make the value an array
$row[$key] = array();
// Add the fill key
$row[$key] = $fill;
elseif (isset($keys[$i + 1]))
// Make the value an array
$row[$key] = (array) $row[$key];
// Go down a level, creating a new row reference
$row =& $row[$key];
if (isset($array_object))
// Swap the array back in
* Retrieves current user agent information:
* keys: browser, version, platform, mobile, robot, referrer, languages, charsets
* tests: is_browser, is_mobile, is_robot, accept_lang, accept_charset
* @param string key or test name
* @param string used with "accept" tests: user_agent(accept_lang, en)
* @return array languages and charsets
* @return string all other keys
* @return boolean all tests
public static function user_agent($key = 'agent', $compare = NULL)
static $info;
// Return the raw string
if ($key === 'agent')
return self::$user_agent;
if ($info === NULL)
// Parse the user agent and extract basic information
$agents = self::config('user_agents');
foreach ($agents as $type => $data)
foreach ($data as $agent => $name)
if (stripos(self::$user_agent, $agent) !== FALSE)
if ($type === 'browser' AND preg_match('|'.preg_quote($agent).'[^0-9.]*+([0-9.][0-9.a-z]*)|i', self::$user_agent, $match))
// Set the browser version
$info['version'] = $match[1];
// Set the agent name
$info[$type] = $name;
if (empty($info[$key]))
switch ($key)
case 'is_robot':
case 'is_browser':
case 'is_mobile':
// A boolean result
$return = ! empty($info[substr($key, 3)]);
case 'languages':
$return = array();
if (preg_match_all('/[-a-z]{2,}/', strtolower(trim($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])), $matches))
// Found a result
$return = $matches[0];
case 'charsets':
$return = array();
if ( ! empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET']))
if (preg_match_all('/[-a-z0-9]{2,}/', strtolower(trim($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET'])), $matches))
// Found a result
$return = $matches[0];
case 'referrer':
if ( ! empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']))
// Found a result
$return = trim($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
// Cache the return value
isset($return) and $info[$key] = $return;
if ( ! empty($compare))
// The comparison must always be lowercase
$compare = strtolower($compare);
switch ($key)
case 'accept_lang':
// Check if the lange is accepted
return in_array($compare, self::user_agent('languages'));
case 'accept_charset':
// Check if the charset is accepted
return in_array($compare, self::user_agent('charsets'));
// Invalid comparison
return FALSE;
// Return the key, if set
return isset($info[$key]) ? $info[$key] : NULL;
* Quick debugging of any variable. Any number of parameters can be set.
* @return string
public static function debug()
if (func_num_args() === 0)
// Get params
$params = func_get_args();
$output = array();
foreach ($params as $var)
$output[] = '<pre>('.gettype($var).') '.html::specialchars(print_r($var, TRUE)).'</pre>';
return implode("\n", $output);
* Displays nice backtrace information.
* @see http://php.net/debug_backtrace
* @param array backtrace generated by an exception or debug_backtrace
* @return string
public static function backtrace($trace)
if ( ! is_array($trace))
// Final output
$output = array();
foreach ($trace as $entry)
$temp = '<li>';
if (isset($entry['file']))
$temp .= self::lang('core.error_file_line', preg_replace('!^'.preg_quote(DOCROOT).'!', '', $entry['file']), $entry['line']);
$temp .= '<pre>';
if (isset($entry['class']))
// Add class and call type
$temp .= $entry['class'].$entry['type'];
// Add function
$temp .= $entry['function'].'( ';
// Add function args
if (isset($entry['args']) AND is_array($entry['args']))
// Separator starts as nothing
$sep = '';
while ($arg = array_shift($entry['args']))
if (is_string($arg) AND is_file($arg))
// Remove docroot from filename
$arg = preg_replace('!^'.preg_quote(DOCROOT).'!', '', $arg);
$temp .= $sep.html::specialchars(print_r($arg, TRUE));
// Change separator to a comma
$sep = ', ';
$temp .= ' )</pre></li>';
$output[] = $temp;
return '<ul class="backtrace">'.implode("\n", $output).'</ul>';
* Saves the internal caches: configuration, include paths, etc.
* @return boolean
public static function internal_cache_save()
if ( ! is_array(self::$write_cache))
return FALSE;
// Get internal cache names
$caches = array_keys(self::$write_cache);
// Nothing written
$written = FALSE;
foreach ($caches as $cache)
if (isset(self::$internal_cache[$cache]))
// Write the cache file
self::cache_save($cache, self::$internal_cache[$cache], self::$configuration['core']['internal_cache']);
// A cache has been written
$written = TRUE;
return $written;
} // End Kohana
* Creates a generic i18n exception.
class Kohana_Exception extends Exception {
// Template file
protected $template = 'kohana_error_page';
// Header
protected $header = FALSE;
// Error code
protected $code = E_KOHANA;
* Set exception message.
* @param string i18n language key for the message
* @param array addition line parameters
public function __construct($error)
$args = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1);
// Fetch the error message
$message = Kohana::lang($error, $args);
if ($message === $error OR empty($message))
// Unable to locate the message for the error
$message = 'Unknown Exception: '.$error;
// Sets $this->message the proper way
* Magic method for converting an object to a string.
* @return string i18n message
public function __toString()
return (string) $this->message;
* Fetch the template name.
* @return string
public function getTemplate()
return $this->template;
* Sends an Internal Server Error header.
* @return void
public function sendHeaders()
// Send the 500 header
header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
} // End Kohana Exception
* Creates a custom exception.
class Kohana_User_Exception extends Kohana_Exception {
* Set exception title and message.
* @param string exception title string
* @param string exception message string
* @param string custom error template
public function __construct($title, $message, $template = FALSE)
$this->code = $title;
if ($template !== FALSE)
$this->template = $template;
} // End Kohana PHP Exception
* Creates a Page Not Found exception.
class Kohana_404_Exception extends Kohana_Exception {
protected $code = E_PAGE_NOT_FOUND;
* Set internal properties.
* @param string URL of page
* @param string custom error template
public function __construct($page = FALSE, $template = FALSE)
if ($page === FALSE)
// Construct the page URI using Router properties
$page = Router::$current_uri.Router::$url_suffix.Router::$query_string;
Exception::__construct(Kohana::lang('core.page_not_found', $page));
$this->template = $template;
* Sends "File Not Found" headers, to emulate server behavior.
* @return void
public function sendHeaders()
// Send the 404 header
header('HTTP/1.1 404 File Not Found');
} // End Kohana 404 Exception



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