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вот сам лс

<variation mineralId="94188">
            <optionGroup order="0">
                <optionCategory chance="100">
                    <optionRange from="34249" to="34268" chance="1.37" />
                    <optionRange from="34289" to="34308" chance="1.37" />
                    <optionRange from="34329" to="34348" chance="1.37" />
            <optionGroup order="1">
                <optionCategory chance="55">
                    <optionRange from="34409" to="34428" chance="5.89" />
                <optionCategory chance="35">
                    <optionRange from="34449" to="34468" chance="0.94" />
                <optionCategory chance="10">
                    <optionRange from="34489" to="34508" chance="1.85" />


Вот как понимаю эти оптионы которые отвечают за этот параметр, этих оптионов просто нету.


                    <optionRange from="34289" to="34308" chance="1.37" />
                    <optionRange from="34329" to="34348" chance="1.37" />
            <optionGroup order="1">
                <optionCategory chance="55">
                    <optionRange from="34409" to="34428" chance="5.89" />
                <optionCategory chance="35">
                    <optionRange from="34449" to="34468" chance="0.94" />
                <optionCategory chance="10">
                    <optionRange from="34489" to="34508" chance="1.85" />



вот пример оптиона на хп он есть в этом лс и норм работает, подскажите как сделать именно те параметры которые отметил на скрине

    <option id="34249" name="max_hp">
            <effect name="MaxHp">


    <option id="34268" name="max_hp">
            <effect name="MaxHp">


Вот документация скилов


AbnormalShield: Blocks a given amount of debuffs. (Like DOTA's Linken Sphere)
AbnormalTimeChange: Changes the duration of the buffs/debuffs of the target.
AbsorbDamage: Absorbs given amount of damage. Immune message is displayed when damage is blocked. Target can still be debuffed.
AbstractConditionalHpEffect: Abstract class for managing conditional HP stats. Skills like Frenzy, Final Fortress, etc.
AbstractStatAddEffect: Abstract class for managing stat adding.
AbstractStatEffect: Abstract class for managing stats.
AbstractStatPercentEffect: Abstract class for managing stat percentages. (l2jmobius)
Accuracy: P. Accuracy stat.
AddHate: Instant effect that increases target's hate towards you.
AddHuntingTime: Add time for time limited hunting zones. (l2jmobius)
AdditionalPotionCp: Increases the amount of CP heal gained from potions or elixirs. (l2jmobius)
AdditionalPotionHp: Increases the amount of HP heal gained from potions or elixirs. (l2jmobius)
AdditionalPotionMp: Increases the amount of MP heal gained from potions or elixirs. (l2jmobius)
AddSkillBySkill: Add skill when other skill already exists. (l2jmobius)
AddTeleportBookmarkSlot: Instant effect that increases the amount of My Teleport slots.
AgathionSlot: Agathion slot modifier. (l2jmobius)
AreaDamage: Topography (Danger Zone) resistance stat.
ArtifactSlot: Artifact slot modifier. (l2jmobius)
AttackAttribute: Stat that increases specific attack attribute.
AttackAttributeAdd: Stat that increases all attack attribute.
AttackBehind: Enables all attacks regardless of position to land towards the back.
AttackTrait: Stat that manages all attack traits.
AutoAttackDamageBonus: Auto attack damage modifier. (l2jmobius)
Backstab: Inflicts physical damage according to the backstab formula.
Betray: Causes the target summon to attack its owner.
Blink: Teleport to location effect.
BlinkSwap: You teleport to target's location and target teleports to your location.
BlockAbnormalSlot: Blocks any AbnormalType from receiving its skill effects. Horn, Drum, Pipe Organ Melody etc are using this.
BlockAction: Blocks basic gameplay actions (Bot Report button stuff)
BlockActions: Prevents target from doing any actions. Stun, paralyze etc.
BlockChat: Chat ban effect (Bot Report button stuff)
BlockControl: Blocks target's control over itself. Fear.
BlockEscape: Blocks teleportation
BlockMove: Blocks movement. Root.
BlockParty: Party ban effect (Bot Report button stuff)
BlockResurrection: Blocked target from getting ressurected.
BlockSkill: Blocks usage of given skill magic types. Identity Crysis.
BlockTarget: Causes the target to become untargetable.
Bluff: Rotates the target so you face its back.
BonusDropAdena: Bonus amount for dropped adena. (l2jmobius)
BonusDropAmount: Bonus amount for dropped items. (l2jmobius)
BonusDropRate: Bonus chance for dropping items. (l2jmobius)
BonusDropRateLCoin: Bonus chance for LCoins. (l2jmobius)
BonusRaidPoints: Bonus amount for raid points. (l2jmobius)
BonusSpoilRate: Bonus chance for acquiring spoil items. (l2jmobius)
Breath: Underwater breathing stat.
BuffBlock: Blocks target from receiving buffs.
CallLearnedSkill: Calls existing learned skill. (l2jmobius)
CallParty: Recalls whole party.
CallPc: Recalls a Player.
CallRandomSkill: Triggers a random skill. (l2jmobius)
CallSkill: Triggers a specified skill.
CallSkillOnActionTime: Triggers a specified skill every given amount of time.
CallTargetParty: Recalls the whole party of the target.
ChameleonRest: Relax and Silent Move-like effect.
ChangeBody: Transforms the target, but its unable to use the transformation template's skills.
ChangeFace: Changes the Player's face. Facelifting Potion.
ChangeFishingMastery: Empty effect.
ChangeHairColor: Changes the Player's hair color.
ChangeHairStyle: Changes the Player's Hair style.
CheapShot: Oldschool cheap shot SA effect. Has a chance to consume less soulshots during attack.
ClassChange: Switch to the given subclass index. Main class, Dual class, Sub-class 1, Sub-Class 2.
Compelling: Force target to move at caster. (l2jmobius)
Confuse: Causes the target to attack random target.
ConsumeBody: Removes target NPC's corpse.
ConvertItem: Kamael's Change Weapon skill effect.
CounterPhysicalSkill: Counters a physical skill.
CpHeal: Increases current CP by a given amount.
CpHealOverTime: Increases current CP by a given amount over time.
CpHealPercent: Increases current CP by a given percentage amount.
Cp: Increases current CP by a static amount.
CpRegen: CP Regeneration stat.
CraftRate: Craft success rate bonus. (l2jmobius)
CriticalDamage: Critical Damage stat.
CriticalDamagePosition: Critical Damage depending on position stat.
CriticalRate: Critical Rate stat.
CriticalRatePositionBonus: Critical Rate depending on position stat. Ignores the critical rate cap of 500.
CubicMastery: Max cubics stat.
DamageBlock: Blocks Hp or Mp damage/heal.
DamageByAttack: An effect that changes damage taken from an attack.
DamageShield: Reflect damage percentage stat.
DamageShieldResist: Reflect damage percentage resist.
DamOverTime: Damage over time effect. Magic Critical results in 10 times amount to me instantly inflicted before the effect is started.
DamOverTimePercent: Damage percentage of HP over time.
DeathLink: Inflicts magical damage proportional to your current HP.
DebuffBlock: Blocks target being affected from debuffs.
DefenceAttribute: Stat that increases specific defence attribute.
DefenceCriticalDamage: Critical Damage resist stat.
DefenceCriticalRate: Critical Rate resist stat.
DefenceMagicCriticalDamage: Magic Critical Damage resist stat.
DefenceMagicCriticalRate: Magic Critical Rate resist stat.
DefenceSkillCriticalDamage: Physical skill Critical Damage resist stat. (l2jmobius)
DefenceTrait: Stat that manages all defence traits.
DeleteHate: Has a chance to delete target's hate towards everyone.
DeleteHateOfMe: Has a chance to delete target's hate towards you.
DeleteTopAgro: Has a chance to delete target's most hated from the list.
DetectHiddenObjects: Finds hidden doors
Detection: Detects hidden creatures.
DisableTargeting: Disables your target's ability to target.
Disarm: Removes the weapon of target player.
Disarmor: Removes the armor of target player.
DispelAll: Stops all effects of the target.
DispelByCategory: Removes given amount of target's effects from a BUFF/DEBUFF category.
DispelBySlot: Removes given amount of target's effects by specified AbnormalType and maximum abnormal level.
DispelBySlotMyself: Removes given amount of effects by specified AbnormalType
DispelBySlotProbability: Removes given amount of effects by specified AbnormalType at a given rate.
DoubleCast: Triggers Fire, Water, Wind, Earth stance and enables the ability to cast two skills at once.
DuelistFury: Synergy effect for Faceoff effect. (l2jmobius)
ElementalSpiritAttack: Elemental spirit attack stat effect. (JoeAlisson)
ElementalSpiritDefense: Elemental spirit defense stat effect. (JoeAlisson)
EnableCloak: See/unsee cloaks.
EnchantRate: Enchant rate modifier, does not work for non grade items. (l2jmobius)
EnemyCharge: Charges towards the enemy. Rush Impact.
EnergyAttack: Physical attack based on Momentum formula. Triple Sonic Slash, Double Sonic Slash etc.
EnlargeAbnormalSlot: Increase the amount of buff slots.
EnlargeSlot: Increases the amount of inventory, warehouse, recipe or trade slots.
Escape: Teleport to Town, Castle, Clanhall etc effect. Scroll of Escape effects.
ExpModify: Bonus EXP stat.
Faceoff: Focuses attacking a given target with all other damage blocked.
FakeDeath: Plays dead to avoid enemy NPC aggression.
FatalBlow: Physical attack based on blow formula. Deadly Blow, Lethal Blow etc.
FatalBlowRate: Blow land rate stat.
FatalBlowRateDefence: Blow land rate defence stat. (l2jmobius)
Fear: Causes the target to run away. Does not block it though.
Feed: Gives food to pet.
FishingExpSpBonus: Bonus Exp and SP from fishing. (l2jmobius)
Flag: Starts pvpflag.
FlyMove: Moves towards target location.
FocusEnergy: Max momentum stat.
FocusMaxMomentum: Increases momentum to its maximum.
FocusMomentum: Increases momentum by a given value.
FocusSouls: Increases souls by a given value.
GetAgro: Causes enemy NPC to attack you.
GetDamageLimit: Sets the maximum amount of damage you can receive.
GetMomentum: Increases momentum by a given value at fixed rate.
GiveClanReputation: Gives clan reputation points to a players clan. (l2jmobius)
GiveExpAndSp: Gives a given amount of XP and SP. (l2jmobius)
GiveFame: Gives a given amount of Fame. (l2jmobius)
GiveHonorCoins: Gives a given amount of Honor Coins. (l2jmobius)
GiveRecommendation: Gives recommendations to a player. Blue name.
GiveSp: Gives a given amount of SP.
GiveXp: Gives a given amount of XP. (l2jmobius)
Grow: Sets NPC collision to its growth collision.
HairAccessorySet: See/Unsee hair accessory.
Harvesting: Manor's harvesting seed.
HateAttack: Attacks with increased hate value
HeadquarterCreate: Creates a siege flag
HealEffect: Increases the amount of HP received.
Heal: Increases current HP by a given amount.
HealOverTime: Increases current HP by a given amount over time.
HealPercent: Increases current HP by a given percentage amount.
Hide: Hide effect.
HitAtNight: Used by Shadow Sense to modify Accuracy at night. (l2jmobius)
HitNumber: Polearm attack max hit creatures.
HpByLevel: recovers certain amount of HP, but current implementation is wrong... final amount should be computed from skill power and character level difference
HpCpHealCritical: HpCp heal effects always trigger Magic Critical Hit.
HpCpHeal: Increases current HP by a given amount. If the given amount exceeds maximum HP, it increases current CP with the rest value as well.
HpDrain: Magical attack that absorbs given percentage of the damage inflicted as HP.
Hp: Increases current HP by a static value.
HpRegen: HP Regeneration stat.
HpToOwner: DOT effect that absorbs HP over time.
IgnoreDeath: Become undying. Hp cannot decrease below 1.
ImmobileDamageBonus: Bonus damage to immobile targets. (l2jmobius)
ImmobileDamageResist: Resist damage while immobile. (l2jmobius)
ImmobilePetBuff: Causes your pet to become immobilized.
InstantKillResist: Resist against Lethal strike.
KarmaCount: Sets current Karma.
KnockBack: Knocks back or knocks down target.
Lethal: Upon success sets enemy Player's CP to 1 and enemy NPC's HP to 50%.
LimitCp: Sets maximum recoverable CP through heals.
LimitHp: Sets maximum recoverable HP through heals.
LimitMp: Sets maximum recoverable MP through heals.
Lucky: dummy effect since behavior is hardcoded
MagicAccuracy: M. Accuracy stat.
MagicalAbnormalDispelAttack: Magical attack that does damage only if it manages to dispel the given AbnormalType
MagicalAbnormalResist: Magical mesmerizing resist.
MagicalAttackByAbnormal: Curse of divinity effect.
MagicalAttackByAbnormalSlot: Magical attack that does damage only if given AbnormalType is present.
MagicalAttack: Magical attack effect.
MagicalAttackMp: Mana burn effect.
MagicalAttackRange: Magical attack effect that is blocked by shield. Has percentage range of the amount of shield p.def to act as m.def
MagicalAttackSpeed: Casting Spd. stat
MagicalDamOverTime: Magical attack over time.
MagicalDefence: M. Def stat.
MagicalEvasion: M. Evasion stat.
MagicalSkillPower: Magical Skill Power stat. (l2jmobius)
MagicalSoulAttack: Magical attack based on souls formula.
MagicCriticalDamage: Magical Critical Damage stat
MagicCriticalRate: Magical Critical Rate stat.
MagicCriticalRateByCriticalRate: Magical Critical Rate bonus from Critical Rate stat. (l2jmobius)
MagicLampExpRate: Sets the magic lamp exp rate. (l2jmobius)
MagicMpCost: Sets mana cost per magic type. Clarity.
ManaCharge: Mana Recharge stat.
ManaDamOverTime: Mana damage over time.
ManaHealByLevel: Increases current MP depending on the level diff of the effector and effected.
ManaHeal: Increases current MP.
ManaHealOverTime: Increases current MP over time.
ManaHealPercent: Increases current MP by a given percentage.
MAtk: M. Atk. stat.
MAtkByPAtk: M. Atk. bonus from P. Atk stat. (l2jmobius)
MaxCp: Max. CP stat.
MaxHp: Max. HP stat.
MaxMagicCriticalRate: Stat that overrides the default config MAX_MCRIT_RATE. (l2jmobius)
MaxMp: Max. MP stat.
ModifyCraftPoints: Modifies player Craft Point count. (l2jmobius)
ModifyDeathPoints: Modifies player Death Point count. (l2jmobius)
ModifyMagicLampPoints: Modifies player MagicLamp point count. (l2jmobius)
ModifyVital: Modifies current HP/MP/CP
MpConsumePerLevel: Consumes mana over time depending on your level.
Mp: Increases current MP by a given static amount.
MpRegen: MP Regeneration stat.
MpShield: Transfers given percentage of damage as mana damage. Mana Shield.
MpVampiricAttack: Absorbs given percentage of mana during attack.
Mute: Prevents target from using magical skills. Silence.
NoblesseBless: Does not remove buffs upon death except itself.
OpenChest: Opens a treasure chest.
OpenCommonRecipeBook: Shows the common recipe book window.
OpenDoor: Unlocks doors at a given chance.
OpenDwarfRecipeBook: Shows the dwarven craft recipe book window.
Passive: Disables skills and movement of npc.
PAtk: P. Atk stat.
PhysicalAbnormalResist: Physical mesmerizing stat.
PhysicalAttackHpLink: Physical attack proportional to your current HP.
PhysicalAttack: Physical attack effect.
PhysicalAttackMute: Prevents autoattack.
PhysicalAttackRange: Autoattack range.
PhysicalAttackSaveHp: Physical attack that does not recude HP more than the given percentage value.
PhysicalAttackSpeed: Atk. Spd. stat.
PhysicalAttackWeaponBonus: Physical attack depending on WeaponType. Erruption.
PhysicalDefence: P. Def stat.
PhysicalEvasion: P. Evasion stat.
PhysicalMute: Prevents the usage of physical skills. Shield Slam.
PhysicalShieldAngleAll: Causes the shield to block at 360 degree angle.
PhysicalSkillCriticalRate: Physical skill critical rate stat. (l2jmobius)
PhysicalSkillPower: Physical Skill Power stat.
PhysicalSoulAttack: Physical attack depending on souls.
PkCount: Increases PK kills.
Plunder: Takes bonus item from monster. Sweep effect.
PolearmSingleTarget: Effect used by Focus Attack (317) skill.
ProtectDeathPenalty: Unable to acquire death penalty.
ProtectionBlessing: Keeps you safe from a PK if he is 10 levels or higher.
PullBack: Pulls the target towards you. 
PveMagicalSkillDamageBonus: Magical skill damage stat against NPCs.
PveMagicalSkillDefenceBonus: Magical skill defence stat when taking damage from NPCs.
PvePhysicalAttackDamageBonus: Autoattack damage stat against NPCs.
PvePhysicalAttackDefenceBonus: Autoattack defence stat when taking damage from NPCs.
PvePhysicalSkillDamageBonus: Physical skill damage stat against NPCs.
PvePhysicalSkillDefenceBonus: Physical skill defence stat when taking damage from NPCs.
PveRaidMagicalSkillDamageBonus: Magical skill damage stat against Raidbosses. (l2jmobius)
PveRaidMagicalSkillDefenceBonus: Magical skill defence stat when taking damage from Raidboss NPCs.
PveRaidPhysicalAttackDamageBonus: Autoattack damage stat against Raidbosses. (l2jmobius)
PveRaidPhysicalAttackDefenceBonus: Autoattack defence stat when taking damage from Raidboss NPCs.
PveRaidPhysicalSkillDamageBonus: Physical skill damage stat against Raidbosses. (l2jmobius)
PveRaidPhysicalSkillDefenceBonus: Physical skill defence stat when taking damage from Raidboss NPCs.
PvpMagicalSkillDamageBonus: Magical skill damage stat against Players and Summons.
PvpMagicalSkillDefenceBonus: Magical skill defence stat when taking damage from Players and Summons.
PvpPhysicalAttackDamageBonus: Autoattack damage stat against Players and Summons.
PvpPhysicalAttackDefenceBonus: Autoattack defence stat when taking damage from Players and Summons.
PvpPhysicalSkillDamageBonus: Physical skill damage stat against Players and Summons.
PvpPhysicalSkillDefenceBonus: Physical skill defence stat when taking damage from Players and Summons.
RandomizeHate: Target NPC stops hating you and starts hating random target with your hate.
RealDamage: Static damage.
RealDamageResist: Resist modifier for RealDamage effect. (l2jmobius)
RearDamage: Multiplier for damage done from behind the target. (l2jmobius)
RebalanceHP: Balances targets' current HP.
RebalanceHPSummon: Balances targets' current HP for summons.
RecoverVitalityInPeaceZone: Recover periodically vitality when player is in a peace zone. (l2jmobius)
ReduceCancel: Magic skill casting interruption stat.
ReduceDropPenalty: Reduces EXP lost and death penalty chance.
ReflectMagic: Deflects magical damage back to the attacker.
ReflectSkill: Deflects physical/magical debuffs back to the attacker.
RefuelAirship: Increases Airship's fuel.
Relax: Sits down and increases HP regeneration until full.
ResetInstanceEntry: Resets instance re-entry time. (l2jmobius)
ResistAbnormalByCategory: Buff/debuff resist stat.
ResistDDMagic: Magic resist stat (magic attack 50% effective or 1 damage)
ResistDispelByCategory: Buff/Debuff cancellation resist.
ResistSkill: Become invulnerable against given skills.
Restoration: Creates specified item id and count.
RestorationRandom: Creates items randomly from a specified list. Its multiplied by extractable rate from config.
Resurrection: Resurrects target Player or Summon.
ResurrectionSpecial: Resurrects target Player or Summon only in specified instance IDs.
Reuse: Decreases skill reuse time based on its magic type.
ReuseSkillById: Resets reuse time for the skill with the specific id. (l2jmobius)
ReuseSkillIdByDamage: Resets reuse time for the skill with the specific id when damage is taken. (l2jmobius)
Root: Stops movement.
SacrificeSummon: Sacrifices the players summon. (l2jmobius)
SafeFallHeight: Minimum falling height for taking damage stat.
SayhaGraceSupport: Set Sayha Grace support end time. (l2jmobius)
SendSystemMessageToClan: Sends the specified SystemMessageId to the clan.
ServitorShare: Servitor share effect.
SetHp: Sets current HP to the given amount.
SetCp: Sets current CP to the given amount. (l2jmobius)
SetSkill: Adds a skill to the Player and saves it in the database.
ShieldDefence: Shield P. Def stat.
ShieldDefenceRate: Shield block success rate stat.
ShotsBonus: Additional shot damage bonus. (l2jmobius)
SilentMove: Prevents aggressive mobs from attacking you when entering aggression range.
SkillBonusRange: Additional cast range for skills. (l2jmobius)
SkillCriticalDamage: Skill critical damage stat.
SkillEvasion: Skill evasion stat.
SkillMastery: Activates double debuff or cooldown reset critical based on the specified stat.
SkillMasteryRate: Bonus chance for skill mastery stat.
SkillPowerAdd: Adds set ammount of power to skills. (l2jmobius)
SkillTurning: Stops target's casting.
SkillTurningOverTime: Stops target's casting at a fixed rate.
SoulBlow: Physical attack based on blow formula with bonus damage from souls.
SoulEating: Absorbs souls when taking exp from mobs and sets max soul count.
Sow: Planting a seed into NPC target. Manor stuff.
Speed: Speed stat.
SphericBarrier: Blocks damage and buff/debuff incoming from outside the specified range.
SpiritExpModify: Spirit EXP modify stat effect. (JoeAlisson)
SpModify: Bonus SP stat.
Spoil: Spoils a mob activating its extra sweep drop.
StatAddForLevel: Adds a fixed amount of a Stat for a specific player level. (l2jmobius)
StatAddForMp: Adds a fixed amount of a Stat for when player max MP is over a value. (l2jmobius)
StatAddForStat: Adds a fixed amount of a Stat based on player current value. (l2jmobius)
StatBonusSkillCritical: Changes skill critical rate to depend on the specified base stat.
StatBonusSpeed: Changes Speed stat to depend on the specified base stat.
StatByMoveType: Adds stat based on your movement type (standing, running, walking).
StatMulForBaseStat: Multiplies a Stat based on player current BaseStat value. (l2jmobius)
StatMulForLevel: Multiplies a fixed amount of a Stat for a specific player level. (l2jmobius)
StatUp: Increases the specified base stat.
StealAbnormal: Steals enemy's buffs.
Summon: Summons a servitor.
SummonAgathion: Summons the specified agathion Npc Id.
SummonCubic: Summons the specified Cubic ID.
SummonHallucination: Creates a doppelganger. Clone Attack skill.
SummonMulti: Summons a servitor without unsummoning previous servitors.
SummonNpc: Summons a specified Npc Id.
SummonPet: Summons a specified pet.
SummonPoints: Maximum summon points stat.
SummonTrap: Summons a trap.
Sweeper: Takes extra items from a spoiled mob's corpse.
Synergy: Gives a buff at fixed rate based on current AbnormalType. Party Solidarity.
TakeCastle: Engraves a castle.
TakeCastleStart: Starts engraving a castle.
TakeFort: Engraves a fortress.
TakeFortStart: Starts engraving a fortress.
TalismanSlot: Maximum talisman slots stat.
TargetCancel: Cancels enemy's target.
TargetMe: Changes your enemy's target to you.
TargetMeProbability: Changes your enemy's target to you with a given probability.
Teleport: Teleports to a specified XYZ location.
TeleportToNpc: Teleports to a specified Npc Id.
TeleportToPlayer: Teleports to targeted player. (l2jmobius)
TeleportToSummon: Teleports to your summon.
TeleportToTarget: Teleports to your target.
TransferDamageToPlayer: Transfers portion of incoming damage from target to you.
TransferDamageToSummon: Transfers portion of incoming damage towards your summon.
TransferHate: Transfers Npc's hate from you to your target.
Transformation: Transforms into the specified transformation id and gives its template skills.
TrapDetect: Detects a hidden trap.
TrapRemove: Removes a trap.
TriggerSkill: Triggers a specified skill. (l2jmobius)
TriggerSkillByAttack: Triggers a specified skill when you deal damage.
TriggerSkillByAvoid: Triggers a specified skill when you avoid autoattack damage.
TriggerSkillByDamage: Triggers a specified skill when you receive damage.
TriggerSkillByDeathBlow: Triggers a specified skill when you land a death blow (killing a creature).
TriggerSkillByDualRange: Triggers a specified skill based on close or ranged distance. (l2jmobius)
TriggerSkillByHpPercent: Triggers a specified skill based on effected HP percent. (l2jmobius)
TriggerSkillByKill: Triggers a specified skill when you kill a creature.
TriggerSkillByMagicType: Triggers skill when you finish casting a skill with a specified magic type.
TriggerSkillBySkillAttack: Triggers skill when you finish casting a skill that does damage.
TriggerSkillBySkill: Triggers skill when you finish casting a specified skill.
TwoHandedBluntBonus: P. Atk and accuracy bonus while using Two Handed Blunt weapon.
TwoHandedSwordBonus: P. Atk and accuracy bonus while using Two Handed Sword weapon.
UnsummonAgathion: Unsummons current summoned agathion.
Unsummon: Unsummons a target summon.
UnsummonServitors: Unsummons target servitors.
Untargetable: Becomes untargetable.
VampiricAttack: Increases current HP when dealing damage.
VampiricDefence: Resist stat towards VampiricAttack
VitalityExpRate: Sets the vitality exp rate. (l2jmobius)
VitalityPointsRate: Vitality points consume rate.
VitalityPointUp: Increases vitality points.
WeaponAttackAngleBonus: Additional range for weapon attack angle. (l2jmobius)
WeaponBonusMAtk: Additional MAtk for weapons. (l2jmobius)
WeaponBonusPAtk: Additional PAtk for weapons. (l2jmobius)
WeightLimit: Maximum weight stat.
WeightPenalty: Weight penalty level stat.
WorldChatPoints: Modify world chat points to use per day.



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  В 06.04.2022 в 12:53, imek сказал:

Добавь если их нет

Ты же сам скинул каких не хватает

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  В 06.04.2022 в 12:55, Grek сказал:

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в какой документации

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  В 06.04.2022 в 12:56, imek сказал:

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которую выше написал там параметры которые можно добавлять у каждой сборки есть документация)

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  В 06.04.2022 в 13:39, Grek сказал:

которую выше написал там параметры которые можно добавлять у каждой сборки есть документация)

дожился, а открыть любой скил который использует такое же свойство не судьба и посмотреть название эффекта ?

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