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Весь контент masterchief

  1. masterchief


  2. masterchief

    Npc Classe bug

    java.lang.NullPointerException at com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2ClassMasterInstance.getRequiredItems(L2ClassMasterInstance.java:526) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2ClassMasterInstance.showHtmlMenu(L2ClassMasterInstance.java:339) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2ClassMasterInstance.onBypassFeedback(L2ClassMasterInstance.java:79) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.clientpackets.RequestBypassToServer.runImpl(RequestBypassToServer.java:201) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.clientpackets.L2GameClientPacket.run(L2GameClientPacket.java:69) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.L2GameClient.run(L2GameClient.java:1140) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) npc classe master l2jmobius plz
  3. Название: L2J Unreal проект Добавил: masterchief Добавлен: 20 Jun 2015 Категория: Сборки Автор: masterchief Хроники: Goddess of Destruction Мы просим помощи для каждого испытания и размещение ошибок, ошибок и исправлений. Нажмите здесь, чтобы скачать файл
  4. masterchief

    L2J Unreal проект

    Версия обзор 64

    227 раз скачали

    Мы просим помощи для каждого испытания и размещение ошибок, ошибок и исправлений.


  5. equipe depois de eu colocar a mudança de linha : for ( ingridient: ingridients ) para : for ( ingridient AlchemyDataTemplate.AlchemyItem : ingridients ) apareceu erros imagem abaixo. Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/Gf2DkvsV
  6. AlchemyDataTemplate.java: package lineage2.gameserver.templates.item; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public final class AlchemyDataTemplate { private final int _skillId; private final int _skillLevel; private final int _successRate; private final List<AlchemyItem> _ingridients = new ArrayList(); private final List<AlchemyItem> _onSuccessProducts = new ArrayList(); private final List<AlchemyItem> _onFailProducts = new ArrayList(); public AlchemyDataTemplate(int skillId, int skillLevel, int successRate) { _skillId = skillId; _skillLevel = skillLevel; _successRate = successRate; } public int getSkillId() { return _skillId; } public int getSkillLevel() { return _skillLevel; } public int getSuccessRate() { return _successRate; } public void addIngridient(AlchemyItem ingridient) { _ingridients.add(ingridient); } public AlchemyItem[] getIngridients() { return (AlchemyItem[])_ingridients.toArray(new AlchemyItem[_ingridients.size()]); } public void addOnSuccessProduct(AlchemyItem product) { _onSuccessProducts.add(product); } public AlchemyItem[] getOnSuccessProducts() { return (AlchemyItem[])_onSuccessProducts.toArray(new AlchemyItem[_onSuccessProducts.size()]); } public void addOnFailProduct(AlchemyItem product) { _onFailProducts.add(product); } public AlchemyItem[] getOnFailProducts() { return (AlchemyItem[])_onFailProducts.toArray(new AlchemyItem[_onFailProducts.size()]); } public static class AlchemyItem { private final int _id; private final int _count; public AlchemyItem(int id, int count) { _id = id; _count = count; } public int getId() { return _id; } public long getCount() { return _count; } } }
  7. We solved this, but others appeared. Thank you for your help. if it does not account to correct others post here again.
  8. has some other part of java that you need to identify the error?
  9. извините ошибки Я использую Google переводчик. б редакция: Мобиус база l2p нужна помощь со следующей ошибкой: Java код где эта ошибка: package lineage2.gameserver.network.l2.c2s; import gnu.trove.iterator.TIntLongIterator; import gnu.trove.map.TIntLongMap; import gnu.trove.map.hash.TIntLongHashMap; import lineage2.commons.util.Rnd; import lineage2.gameserver.data.xml.holder.AlchemyDataHolder; import lineage2.gameserver.tables.SkillTable; import lineage2.gameserver.model.Player; import lineage2.gameserver.model.Skill; import lineage2.gameserver.model.items.Inventory; import lineage2.gameserver.model.items.ItemInstance; import lineage2.gameserver.network.GameClient; import lineage2.gameserver.network.serverpackets.components.SystemMsg; import lineage2.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ExAlchemyConversion; import lineage2.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SystemMessage; import lineage2.gameserver.templates.item.AlchemyDataTemplate; import lineage2.gameserver.templates.item.AlchemyDataTemplate.AlchemyItem; import lineage2.gameserver.utils.ItemFunctions; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class RequestAlchemyConversion extends L2GameClientPacket { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RequestAlchemyConversion.class); private int _count; private int _skillId; private int _skillLevel; protected void readImpl() { _count = readD(); readH(); _skillId = readD(); _skillLevel = readD(); } protected void runImpl() { Player activeChar = ((GameClient)getClient()).getActiveChar(); if (activeChar == null) { return; } if (_count <= 0) { activeChar.sendPacket(ExAlchemyConversion.FAIL); return; } if (activeChar.isActionsDisabled()) { activeChar.sendPacket(ExAlchemyConversion.FAIL); return; } if (activeChar.isInCombat()) { activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMsg.YOU_CANNOT_USE_ALCHEMY_DURING_BATTLE); activeChar.sendPacket(ExAlchemyConversion.FAIL); return; } if ((activeChar.isInStoreMode()) || (activeChar.isInTrade())) { activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMsg.YOU_CANNOT_USE_ALCHEMY_WHILE_TRADING_OR_USING_A_PRIVATE_STORE_OR_SHOP); activeChar.sendPacket(ExAlchemyConversion.FAIL); return; } if (activeChar.isDead()) { activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMsg.YOU_CANNOT_USE_ALCHEMY_WHILE_DEAD); activeChar.sendPacket(ExAlchemyConversion.FAIL); return; } if (activeChar.isMovementDisabled()) { activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMsg.YOU_CANNOT_USE_ALCHEMY_WHILE_IMMOBILE); activeChar.sendPacket(ExAlchemyConversion.FAIL); return; } Skill skill = SkillHolder.getInstance().getSkill(_skillId, _skillLevel); if (skill == null) { _log.warn(getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Error while alchemy: Cannot find alchemy skill[" + _skillId + "-" + _skillLevel + "]!"); activeChar.sendPacket(ExAlchemyConversion.FAIL); return; } AlchemyDataTemplate data = AlchemyDataHolder.getInstance().getData(skill); if (data == null) { _log.warn(getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Error while alchemy: Cannot find alchemy data[" + _skillId + "-" + _skillLevel + "]!"); activeChar.sendPacket(ExAlchemyConversion.FAIL); return; } AlchemyDataTemplate.AlchemyItem[] ingridients = data.getIngridients(); AlchemyDataTemplate.AlchemyItem[] onSuccessProducts = data.getOnSuccessProducts(); AlchemyDataTemplate.AlchemyItem[] onFailProducts = data.getOnFailProducts(); TIntLongMap deletedItems = new TIntLongHashMap(); TIntLongMap addedItems = new TIntLongHashMap(); int convensionCount = _count; Inventory inventory = activeChar.getInventory(); inventory.writeLock(); AlchemyDataTemplate.AlchemyItem ingridient; long count; try { for (AlchemyDataTemplate.AlchemyItem ingridient : ingridients) { ItemInstance item = inventory.getItemByItemId(ingridient.getId()); if ((item == null) || (item.getCount() < ingridient.getCount())) { activeChar.sendPacket(ExAlchemyConversion.FAIL); return; } convensionCount = Math.min(convensionCount, (int)Math.floor(item.getCount() / ingridient.getCount())); } for (ingridient : ingridients) { count = ingridient.getCount() * convensionCount; if (inventory.destroyItemByItemId(ingridient.getId(), count)) { long deleted = deletedItems.get(ingridient.getId()); deletedItems.put(ingridient.getId(), deleted + count); } } } finally { inventory.writeUnlock(); } int successCount = 0; int failCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < convensionCount; i++) { if (Rnd.chance(data.getSuccessRate())) successCount++; else failCount++; } AlchemyDataTemplate.AlchemyItem[] arrayOfAlchemyItem2; if (successCount > 0) { arrayOfAlchemyItem2 = onSuccessProducts; ingridient = arrayOfAlchemyItem2.length; for (count = 0; count < ingridient; count++) { AlchemyDataTemplate.AlchemyItem product = arrayOfAlchemyItem2[count]; long count = product.getCount() * successCount; long deleted = deletedItems.get(product.getId()); if (deleted > 0L) { deletedItems.put(product.getId(), Math.max(0L, deleted - count)); long added = count - deleted; if (added > 0L) addedItems.put(product.getId(), addedItems.get(product.getId()) + added); } else { addedItems.put(product.getId(), addedItems.get(product.getId()) + count); } } } if (failCount > 0) { arrayOfAlchemyItem2 = onFailProducts; ingridient = arrayOfAlchemyItem2.length; for (count = 0; count < ingridient; count++) { AlchemyDataTemplate.AlchemyItem product = arrayOfAlchemyItem2[count]; long count = product.getCount() * failCount; long deleted = deletedItems.get(product.getId()); if (deleted > 0L) { deletedItems.put(product.getId(), Math.max(0L, deleted - count)); long added = count - deleted; if (added > 0L) addedItems.put(product.getId(), addedItems.get(product.getId()) + added); } else { addedItems.put(product.getId(), addedItems.get(product.getId()) + count); } } } for (TIntLongIterator iterator = deletedItems.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { iterator.advance(); long count = iterator.value(); if (count > 0L) { activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMessagePacket.removeItems(iterator.key(), count)); } } for (TIntLongIterator iterator = addedItems.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { iterator.advance(); long count = iterator.value(); if (count > 0L) { ItemFunctions.addItem(activeChar, iterator.key(), count, true); } } if ((successCount == 0) && (failCount == 0)) activeChar.sendPacket(ExAlchemyConversion.FAIL); else activeChar.sendPacket(new ExAlchemyConversion(successCount, failCount)); } }
  10. **Скрытый текст: Вы должны нажать кнопку 'Мне нравится' для возможности просмотра скрытого текста.** [Ertheia] Geodata скачать . **Скрытый текст: Вы должны нажать кнопку 'Мне нравится' для возможности просмотра скрытого текста.** + Проги для нее .
  11. masterchief

    Code Infinite odyssey

    Mobius Suppost Classic no infinite odyssey
  12. masterchief

    Code Infinite odyssey

    кто-то может сказать мне, где я могу найти код пачку бесконечной одиссее
  13. - Fixed spawn locations gatekeeper in Mimir Altar - Mammon by Lindvior - Skills for heroic weapons: Infinity Shaper, Infinity Cutter, Infinity Slasher, Infinity Avenger, Infinity Fighter, Infinity Stormer, Infinity Thrower, Infinity Shooter, Infinity Buster, Infinity Caster, Infinity Retributer, Infinity Dualsword, Infinity Dual Dagger, Infinity Dual Blunt Weapon - Added spawn Seed Talisman Supervisor - Implemented the ability to: Phoenix Spirit, the Holy Sacrifice, the Great Shield of Protection, Spirit of Vengeance, Spirit of Vengeance, Summon Bloody Panthers, Vampirism, Spirit Eve Poems Summon Cube, Rubik Summon Mind, Great Property Diced, Spirit of Shilen, Summon Ghost Cube, Rubik Summon evil eye, Flash of Light, Ferocious convict, true Avant snipers, great skill arrow position for a quick Fire - Fixed items: Sayha's Shirt, Eva's Shirt, Maphr's Shirt, Life Stone: Adenian Underwear - Updated NPC Earthdragon Watcher Theodric + implemented ulushenie weapons Dragons - Updated zonal effects for some locations - Added missing spawn NPC Jenna Aden's Wizard - Implemented vitamin items: Adenian Military Underwear, Adenian Premium Underwear, Adenian Temptation Underwear, Adenian Cyber ​​Underwear, Adenian Cute Underwear - Updated NPC Watcher of Valakas Klein + sold better weapons Valakas - Fixed quest Start Of Fate - Fixed an Adventure Guide - Fixed drop in Wisdom of Splendor - Implemented the ability Confusion Bomber - Fix for the quest Going Into Real War - Fixes for mentoring - Fixed quest Follow Me - Hair beauty salons are now saved when restarting - Updated batch of - Implemented new classes - Updated system degeneration - Implemented an item of the West Wind: Treasure Chest, Hair Accessory Pack, Pendant Pack, Enchant Scroll Pack, Attribute Stone Pack, Ingredient Box, Hero's Treasure Chest, Hero's Lucky Enchant Stone Pack, Hero's Giant Enchant Scroll Pack, Hero's Blessed Enchant Scroll Pack, Hero's Unbind Scroll Pack, Hero's Attribute Crystal Pack, K Pack, Reputation Pack, Mysterious Shot Pack, Kaliel's Energy Box, Soul Bottle Pack, Top-grade Life Stone Pack - Additional fix skills: Mark of Weakness, Mark of Void, Mark of Plague, Mark of Trick - Implemented new recipes - Implemented settling locations The Cemetery - Implemented Monsters: Chief Quartermaster, Chief Magician, Royal Guard, Royal Knight, Personal Magician, Aden Raider, Commander of Operations, Operations Manager, Royal Quartermaster, Escort, Royal Guard Captain (Cemetery), Deceased King Travis, Commander Te Ochdumann, Operations Chief of the 7th Division - Implemented raid bosses in the location Gainak: Tebot, Tegaffe, Thesakar, Theor - Implemented new abnormals - Correction of study skills - Optimization, cleaning - Correct the spawn raid bosses in the location Gainak - Implemented missing routes jumps - Fixed some zone jumps - Implemented Monk Chaos - Implemented lots of new items Project Website: http://team-lineage2.com.br/ Download https://mega.co.nz/#...iaVD2Kop3O78IBc
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