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The problem is that he gave me an estimated date of 2 to 5 days for do all, and two months have passed and he still hasn't given me anything to test. https://imgur.com/a/ahLeBJu i think i have been too patient ------------------- Проблема в том, что он дал мне приблизительную дату от 2 до 5 дней, и прошло два месяца, а он до сих пор не дал мне ничего, чтобы проверить. https://imgur.com/a/ahLeBJu я думаю, что я был слишком терпелив
First I paid him 650 dollars to fix the geoengine in l2jserver so that it works like in the Russian servers, this did not work at all well (some characters get into the walls, they can pass throw the closed doors, "the follow" does not work well), he said that It is because he needs to fix the movement system, we agreed a new payment to solve this, I sent him 200 dollars more on June 5, he did not give me anything after 10 days, and he asked me for 50 more dollars, I gave them to him and Today he does not answer my messages, nor does he answer my calls. //imgur.com/a/vLpTL7D It has been two months and I still receive absolutely nothing to test how the work is going ---------------------------------- Сначала я заплатил ему 650 долларов за то, чтобы починить геоинженер в l2jserver так, чтобы он работал как на русских серверах, это не сработало совсем (некоторые персонажи попадают в стены, они могут пройти через закрытые двери, «следовать» не работает хорошо), он сказал, что это потому, что ему нужно исправить систему передвижения, мы договорились о новом платеже, чтобы решить эту проблему, я отправил ему еще 200 долларов 5 июня, он не дал мне ничего после 10 дней, и он попросил у меня еще 50 долларов, я дал их ему, и сегодня он не отвечает на мои сообщения и не отвечает на мои звонки. //imgur.com/a/vLpTL7D Прошло два месяца, и я до сих пор не получаю абсолютно ничего, чтобы проверить, как идет работа
i think i lost my money with this guy я думаю, что потерял свои деньги с этим парнем
still waiting...you don't answer me or give me a estimated time
could you answer me I have already paid you and you have disappeared
Amazing coder, faster and skilled , and he get me great support and are very patience, highly recommended. translate: Удивительный кодер, более быстрый и квалифицированный, и он получает большую поддержку и очень терпение, настоятельно рекомендуется.
thx i'll
first of all I should clarify that I have little knowledge, it is why I contact and of course I am willing to pay for it. My server use the chronicle Hellbound (CT1.5). And i have a problem, most people can play without problems in the server, But Some People Have trouble for open the client, when they open the l2.exe and nothing happen. (i think the chronicle is too old, maybe the problem is that with some windows version's, or the graphic card, or idk). i try with other system's from internet but nothing work. But the same people with problems in my server can logg without problems in other server ("Dragon-NetWork Server for example this server use the same chronicle) That server system have a biggest fixed's this is the system from that server https://mega.nz/#!y0BkCTyC!jozKZc_jbkz6q5YLCQY790CSr591N6oQr5Z5vh1NJ7s So i just copy that system and try to edit the l2.ini ip with my server ip and use that system, and work fine the client start fine in all pc's , loggin pass but in not pass the server selection. And the console from my server show me this error "[19/07 14:00:41] Client: [iP:] - Failed reading: [C] 2B AuthLogin ; null java.nio.BufferUnderflowException at java.nio.Buffer.nextGetIndex(Buffer.java:506) at java.nio.HeapByteBuffer.getChar(HeapByteBuffer.java:259) at com.l2jserver.mmocore.ReceivablePacket.readS(ReceivablePacket.java:122) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.clientpackets.AuthLogin.readImpl(AuthLogin.java:48) at com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.clientpackets.L2GameClientPacket.read(L2GameClientPacket.java:47) at com.l2jserver.mmocore.SelectorThread.parseClientPacket(SelectorThread.java:456) at com.l2jserver.mmocore.SelectorThread.tryReadPacket(SelectorThread.java:391) at com.l2jserver.mmocore.SelectorThread.readPacket(SelectorThread.java:315) at com.l2jserver.mmocore.SelectorThread.run(SelectorThread.java:184)" So if someone can help me with this i can pay more than 30e just tell me if you can do something for help me with this Best Regards.
someone could make a fix for Hellbound(Ct1.5)? I'll pay this is the system https://mega.co.nz/#!O8AlzBqJ!8IIkQ_MusSX1ddlLPlswQf81xGzuRBwKr7li9--39_A
i love you, thx
Сборка сервера от L2J SECRETS v.1.3 someone reshare me pls