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Весь контент WariinG
Вы можете загрузить файл в MediaFire? скачать всегда терпят неудачу. *Я использую Google Translate. *
Привет, ребята, кто-нибудь может порекомендовать один L2fileedit, чтобы открыть корейский DAT-файлов?
Sorry, but i don't understand. I have to edit l2ini from korean system or ini from pawnviewer?
Hello guys, I have a little problem with GameGuard in Korean Client. I'm try to open pawnviewer in L2KR but unsuccessfully. Any1 can help me?
i try to make a button without lose quality in Lower Detail... but i can't understand your explanation.
i need to uncheck or check this?
Try that: https://mega.nz/#!N1NRza5C!VvcheoXuwqvb6Ka2UB41p9YbbI3Q6B9hMdTBnBwxlI4
Systextures folder... File: fromincicon.utx Delete or remake...
is possible to move to the correct area? Chronicle: Interlude, bro.
In export? I did not understand, my friend.
Hello my friends, i'm here again... Anybody can give me a tip or teach me how i can keep High quality of texture of Armors, Weapons in Lower Detail in Lineage?
[media] [/ media] Link 1º - Mediafire Link 2º - Mega Credits: WariinG Password: Perfect Team
- 3 ответа
- 3
Aah... I Checked my friend, thank you so much! ~ Thank you for all to those who help me, everyone has my respect greatly.
I'm running out of hope.
thank you for helping me. I extract with your .bat, but the extension is not .uc! And your class files only show that: i want the uc files like that, with all properties.
i'm testing now, thanks my friend.
Here, my friend: Mega Link
Hello @l2inplay, I really appreciate to answer on the topic, but I wish that extracted like this, in .UC format:
Hello guys, anyone can teach me how i can extract effect classes from LineageEffect.u ?