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Исходники различных сборок

108 файлов

  1. Бесплатный

    L2jmobius vanguard sources premium

    Here is for free
    System eu
    System eu 362
    System Ru
    System Ru 362
    Geodata 362
    Just Say Thx

    230 раз скачали


  2. Бесплатный

    Исходники Ztgs-dev Ertheia

    Нашел на просторах интернета "Исходники"
    Сам не пользовался и не проверял
    Ertheia rev 4.7 от Ztgs

    226 раз скачали


  3. Бесплатный

    aCis 390 Source

    нашол в просторах интернета 
    пользуйтесь на здоровье )))
    p.s просьба быть внимательней так как было скачено с другого форума
    данный сурс может быть изменённым кем-то ранние.

    226 раз скачали


  4. Бесплатный

    Source RvR

    Source RvR

    222 раза скачали


  5. Бесплатный

    Фагат геодвижек

    Купил данную вещ такак плохо работает геодата. Персы постояно проваливаются. В итоге автор сказал что я сам должен все это прикручивать к сборке а потом еще и посмеялся что исходник закрыт !!! ЗАчем мне эта херня если я сам должен его адаптировать.
    В архиве все то мне было передано
    Описание автора отсюда https://forum.zone-g...ead.php?t=35215
    Что в основе?
    В основе движка лежит мой древний nGeoEngine, который датируется 2011 годом.
    Он же в свою очередь был основан на геодвижке от l2j-server.
    Движек использует Java 8. Возможен вариант перепила под J7/J6 по индивидуальной договоренности.
    Алгоритмы поиска пути:
    1. Евклидово расстояние
    2. Евклидов квадрат расстояния
    3. Евклидов квадрат расстояния с учетом направления
    4. Грид
    5. Без поиска пути (возврат точки около преграды)
    1. FullController - полная загрузка геодаты в память при старте и контроль доступа к ней
    2. LazyController - "ленивая" загрузка геодаты (только для активных регионов), контроль выгрузки при неактивных регионах и общий контроль за доступом
    1. DefaultLoader - загрузчик l2j-геодаты
    2. DatLoader - загрузчик PTS-геодаты (conv.dat)
    3. SerializableLoader - загрузчик сериализированного хранилища
    Алгоритмы сглаживания:
    1. L2JSmoothing - 3 точки и отрезок проходимости
    2. MixedSmoothing - SimpleSmoothing & L2JSmoothing
    3. SmoothingWoAngle - 3 точки и направление движения каждой из них
    4. SimpleSmoothing - 3 точки проверка на смещение координат
    5. FourStepSmoothing - 4 точки и отрезок проходимости
    Что там в комплекте?
    1. Исходный код
    2. Немного документации
    3. Базовые шаблоны прикрутки для l2j
    4. Мой скайп для консультации
    Бесплатная версия 0.5.0: исходник
    Отличия бесплатной версии от платной 0.5.0:
    1. Убраны депендли инжекты
    2. Только один алгоритм поиска пути
    3. Только l2j загрузчик геодаты
    4. Только FullController

    221 раз скачали


  6. Бесплатный

    [Шара] Исходники с4 festina-project

    Очень давно пылится на харде, возможно кто то продолжит разработку.
    Не забываем благодарить

    215 раз скачали


  7. Бесплатный


    За основу взята сборка l2jServer High Five
    Последней ревизи: GS 6478 - DP 10247
    http://trac.l2jserve...anches/unstable (не реклама)
    http://trac.l2jdp.co...anches/unstable (не реклама)
    Cборка переделывается под собственные нужды по своему усмотрению
    и не является коммерческим проектом.
    про апдейты не знаю , валялся у меня на компе решил загрузить.

    207 раз скачали


  8. Бесплатный

    Lindvior Source Westeros

    Вот выкладаваю исход старый от Westeros  нашол на буржуйским форуме 531 протокол 

    196 раз скачали


  9. Бесплатный

    Java монстры Chronicle 1 и Chronicle 2

    Возможно кому то будет интересно посмотреть на эти творения старых хроник.

    195 раз скачали


  10. Бесплатный

    Rhongominyad Rev 133

    Исходник Interlude на клиенте High Five, с дополнениями. За базу была взята сборка ацис, многое было переписано полностью, дп полностью выправлен. За исключением мелких недочетов вполне играбельно по задуманной концепции. Пакетка полная только по геймплейной части, ненужную хрень типа невита и итем молла я не делал.

    191 раз скачали


  11. Бесплатный

    Реализация вкладки "Избранное" в Community.

    Многие наверное не могли решить проблему с не рабочей вкладкой "Избранное" в коммунити, я же ее решил)) И выкладываю ядро коммунити. Так же файл "getfav.htm", его закинуть в "community/data/top/ваш_сервер/html/"

    187 раз скачали


  12. Бесплатный

    Мобиус приват ветка

    Хомункулус, возвращение короля и эссенс сильф

    177 раз скачали


  13. Бесплатный


    Кому интересно можете поковырять, сурсы, билд, свн. 
    Без привязок и лишнего мусора.

    170 раз скачали


  14. Бесплатный

    aCis 368 Build, Source, Diff

    Changeset 368 (712)
    Chamberlain Manor's Certificates feature, Cleanup Config, Login, MMOCore, Instance rename && reorganization part II, Logging rework, Misc
    Chamberlain Manor's Certificates
    - Implement a missing castle chamberlain feature, the possibility to buy Manor's Certificates. HTMs and behavior is OFF-like.
    - Added "//reset_certificates castleName" admincommand. Integrate it on the castle panel (had to reorganize it a little).
    Cleanup Config
    - Drop DATABASE_MAX_IDLE_TIME time (set to 0 by default).
    - Re-order login/server .properties
    - Drop ACCEPT_ALTERNATE_ID / REQUEST_ID from login on Config.java (weren't existing on .properties, not used by login)
    - Drop external/internal hostnames system ; only one hostname is allowed.
    - LoginServerThread cleanup :
    - Drop _waitingClients (synchronized, check logic already handled by the other CHMap).
    - Drop some variables (7 were calling Config), some unused methods. Some rename are made.
    - Move some of the security check logic here and there to make it cleaner.
    - ServerStatus content is reorganized in both LS and GS sides. Addition of age limit / pvp server tags.
    - FloodProtectedListener connections are registered on a ConcurrentHashMap.
    - Creation of ServerData class (was part of ServerList packet). Cleanup of ServerList for easier proxy handler implementation.
    - Creation of GameServerInfo class (was part of GameServerTable).
    - Avoid to crash on packet read buffer underflow (client connection is dropped instead).
    - Tweak MMOCore values to process packets x4 faster (5k packets = from 16s to 4s).
    Instance rename && reorganization part II
    - L2Object is renamed WorldObject.
    - Character (previously L2Character) is renamed Creature due to class already defined on JDK (and making imports complicated).
    - AI models are renamed to fit with new naming convention (PlayerAI, PlayableAI, CreatureAI, etc).
    - The package gameserver.ai is now moved on gameserver.model.actor.ai (best location). ai.model is renamed ai.type (because gameserver.model.actor.ai.model was redundant).
    - Templates, Stat && Status models are renamed to fit with new naming convention.
    Logging rework
    - log.cfg is renamed logging.properties.
    - Drop 'audit' layer && associated IllegalPlayerAction system (all punishements are deleted, DefaultPunish && DefaultPunishParam configs are dropped). Reason : that's the point you write integrity checks.
    - Drop GMAudit, uses the default formatter/handler/filter (all GMs are written on the same file).
    - Whole logging system is moved into commons. Create 'filter', 'formatter' && 'handler' packages on log. Rename package 'log' to 'logging'.
    - All handlers got a limit and a count to avoid to flood server with logs. The log limit is set to 1mo instead of 500ko. The count is setted to 5 files.
    - All logs are now moved in their own folders (those folders are created by default).
    - Logs name pattern has been edited (typeName_count.txt), the extension is now .txt.
    - All formatters are based on same writting style.
    - Merge math methods from Util with MathUtil. Delete Util.
    - banned_ip.cfg is renamed banned_ips.properties.
    - FloodProtectors class is moved from gameserver.util to gameserver.network.
    - Addition of SysUtil, holding system related methods.
    - L2Bookmark > Bookmark + basic cleanup of BookmarkTable.
    - Minor cleanup of GameServer and L2LoginServer (don't keep references when not needed, drop of "L2" > LoginServer).
    - MinionList cleanup, replace the CopyOnWriteArrayList (poor performance).
    - Minor cleanup of RaidBoss (drop a double isMovementDisabled() check).
    - Fix a typo error on query prior to sieges rework, ty HaddWik for report. Minor Siege class cleanup.
    - SevenSigns minor cleanup (drop 3 redundant static variables and one method).
    - Slight cleanup of RecipeShopSellList packet (avoid .get on a for loop).
    - villagemaster/30594.htm edit.
    PS: if you got better log writting style, I would eventually integrate it.
    PS2: build.xml is edited, some .properties are edited.

    167 раз скачали


  15. Бесплатный

    aCis 371 Build, Source, Diff

    Changeset 371 (821)
    Datatype reorganization, Skill stuff, Misc
    Datatype reorganization
       - MapRegionTable > MapRegionData
          - Javadoc, extends XMLDocument, moved to data.xml, edit for mapRegions.xml. Drop useless methods.
       - PlayerNameTable > PlayerInfoTable
          - Javadoc, moved to data.sql, DataHolder > PlayerInfo.
       - DoorTable > DoorData
          - Javadoc, extends XMLDocument, moved to data.xml, StatsSet reuse, writting style.
       - RecipeTable > RecipeData
          - Javadoc, extends XMLDocument, moved to data.xml, StatsSet used for Recipe, RecipeList > Recipe. Extract RecipeItemMaker from RecipeData, and create model.craft package to store it.
          - The data is reparsed using L2OFF data.
          - Fix an issue with recipe name when destroying such recipe from book (was the case for Orcish Poleaxe for example).
          - Rework character_recipebook table, dropping one column. Datatypes are tweaked.
          - Fix an issue on complete recipe book destroy ; the deleted stuff wasn't saved on database.
          - Rework RecipeBookItemList packet. Add a missing use of it on Recipes itemhandler (refresh book or open it on recipe addition).
       - CharTemplateTable > PlayerData
          - Skill trees are now stored directly into player templates under a List, rather than SkillTreeTable. Most methods are moved into Player, since its a generic needed parameter.
          - We don't store anymore Item template list (for character creation items generation), but int array (since storing Item templates was pointless and not even used correctly).
          - All methods got a "single" and "all" versions to avoid to loop for nothing on all skills.
       - SkillTreeTable > SkillTreeData
          - Rework all skills holders, and move them on model.skillnode
          - All methods got a "single" and "all" versions to avoid to loop for nothing on all skills.
       - BufferTable > BufferManager
          - Use XMLDocument, move to data package, rename/cleanup. Data is edited to reflect changes.
          - Add an integrity check for available skills on player schemes loading to avoid NPE. Ty katara.
    Skill stuff
       - Drop getSkillLearningClassId / setSkillLearningClassId concept.
       - Drop _expertiseIndex. It is now directly calculated from skill 239 level, and can be found using getSkillLevel().
       - Rework subclass skills addition. We only storeSkill the final List, leading to a massive drop of mid-operations. Ty vladalien for the initial workbench.
       - Cleanup removeSkill() / storeSkill().
       - autoGet skills are handled by PlayerTemplate data (skills with getSpCost == 0), the stuff isn't hardcoded anymore.
       - getSkillLevel returns 0 instead of -1 if no skill is found, making checks easier to write.
       - hasSkill is used instead of getSkillLevel when skill existence is needed, but we don't specifically need the level.
       - Skill enchantable routes now handle level 79 and 80. Each route can be manually edited.
       - Fix a visual issue about shortcut refresh on failed enchant skill.
       - Drop RATE_CONSUMABLE_COST && ALT_GAME_SHIELD_BLOCKS configs. Rename some players.properties configs.
       - Addition of StatsSet getIntIntHolder, getIntIntHolderList && getDoubleArray.
       - Fix an issue using a toggle when you run to a target with ATTACK intention. Ty Sahar.
       - getCurrentFolkNPC() -> getCurrentFolk(). The value retained is now a Folk, not a Npc.
       - Fix an issue on RequestAnswerJoinAlly introduced on rev 366, ty sahar.
       - Region size decreases from 4096 to 2048 (x4 WorldRegion amount, vision is reduced from 6k to 3k max). It now fits retail knownlist range.
       - Fist Weapon is moved from Player to PlayerTemplate (no calculation needed anymore on player login).
       - Formatting rule for lambdas && try-with-ressources. Use lambda writting style for all Runnable.
       - Cleanup L2Request > Request, keep a reference of the task to cancel it on onRequestResponse().
       - RequestRestartPoint doesn't use anymore a Runnable for instant use.
       - Drop door onEvtAttacked behavior, which was adding a ridiculous amount of operations for nothing.
       - RequestCrystallizeItem packet is cleaned up (avoid getItemByObjectId x2, World.getInstance().removeObject is already handled).

    156 раз скачали


  16. Бесплатный

    Исходный код RUSaCis 2.0

    Как и обещалось ранее, каждые 10 рев, будут выкладываться сурсы старый ревизий (то есть с выходом 3.0 должны были быть доступны 2.0, но решил дать на рассмотрение уже).

    154 раза скачали


  17. Бесплатный

    aCis last rev 367 Build+Source

    Changeset 367 (668)
    Reorganization ! You will hate me.
    Edit all instance types.
    All instances types are shortcuted as following : L2PetInstance > Pet (remove "L2" and "Instance" from naming convention, to shortcut checks and writing style).
    Mother classes simply lose the "L2" prefix (L2Attackable, L2Character, L2Playable,...).
    The previous rule doesn't apply exactly on following cases :
    - L2BufferInstance > SchemeBuffer (fits better with the role).
    - L2PcInstance > Player (I guess Pc stands for 'player character', so make it more intuitive).
    - L2SummonInstance > Servitor (to avoid confusion between L2Summon and L2SummonInstance ; the first being mother class of all summons and second being summoners servitors).
    - L2XMassTreeInstance > ChristmasTree (because we aren't #1337 #YOLO #Swag #doge).
    - L2WarehouseInstance > WarehouseKeeper (conflict with Warehouse, part of Inventory).
    - L2CastleWarehouseInstance > CastleWarehouseKeeper (to fit with above).
    - L2CabaleBufferInstance > CabalBuffer (cabal in english, not cabale).
    - L2ArtefactInstance > HolyThing (L2OFF naming).
    - L2ObservationInstance > BroadcastingTower (more proper name).
    - L2NpcInstance > Folk (because those are considered as non attackable targets).
    - L2MutedNpcInstance > MutedFolk (because they are based on Folk).
    - L2FriendlyMobInstance > FriendlyMonster (Monster not Mob).
    - L2NpcWalkerInstance > Walker (drop of Npc).
    - L2TeleporterInstance > Gatekeeper (fits better with the role).
    - L2DoormenInstance > Doorman (not plural).
    - L2CastleDoormenInstance > CastleDoorman (not plural).
    - L2ClanHallDoormenInstance > ClanHallDoorman (not plural).
    - L2GoldenRamInstance > GoldenRamMercenary (more informative).
    - L2CastleTeleporterInstance > CastleGatekeeper.
    - All "Manager" ending NPC types are followed by "Npc" to avoid any conflict with instancemanager (ex : L2ClanHallManagerInstance > ClanHallManagerNpc), even if there isn't any conflict (just respect same rule everytime).

    - Rename StaticObject serverpacket to StaticObjectInfo (after all we got CharInfo, PetInfo, UserInfo,...), to avoid conflict with StaticObject instance type.
    - Fix //removecastle admincommand (owner was still listed).
    - Fix Christmas Trees (and cleanup the instance). Ty Azik for report.
    - Deletion of GNU headers. Reasons :
    - aCis uses its own licence.
    - There is more licence than actual code characters in 80% of classes (notably packets).
    - Faster search tool, lighweight-ier sources when distributed.
    - Edit of licence.htm with latest aCis ToA.

    PS : Since it's a complete mess, I will share, exceptionally, the complete pack on rev 367. For people who already owns a server, may Elmoroden gods pity you. I'm the best troll ever.

    151 раз скачали


  18. Бесплатный

    чистий исходник c5

    предупреждаю проблема конекта с логином иза патчей а имено l2.exe
    кто иправит поделитесь буду благодарен

    119 раз скачали


  19. Бесплатный

    aCis [Diff File] 343 to 344

    Файл для обновления с версии 343 до 344
    Changeset 344
    Duels - part I
    I decide to commit first part of Duels, as there is already a lot of work.
    All is functional, and far better written than before. Part 2 will get few fixes && little tweaks for Party Duels, probably 10% of what I'm commiting now.
    - General cleanup : aCis code style, DuelState Enum creation, setIsInDuel > setInDuel rename. Numerous comments && Javadoc as documentation.
    - Fix a ConcurrentException on DuelManager (couldn't handle simultaneous Duel creations).
    - Duel id is correctly calculated (it was probably very, very sad before).
    - Chaotic players (karma > 0) can't start or accept a duel request.
    - Fix a potential ConcurrentException on buff/debuff storing.
    - Fix a NPE with _playerConditions.
    - Fix few custom String for SystemMessage counterparts.
    - Fix the way duels handle disconnected players. It is considered as a surrender, as L2OFF. Ty sahar for report.
    - Fix an issue with surrender SystemMessage winner name.
    - Fix the max range for duel request && check task.
    - Fix the check task
    - It is fired once the duel is accepted (instead of after countdowns). A duel can now be disturbed during the countdown.
    - Added missing checks for party duels (zones, interrupted state, distance, pvpflag).
    - Fix RequestDuelAnswerStart checks, which are now exactly the same than RequestDuelStart packet.
    - Fix when a party in a command channel requests or accepts a party duel, that party is automatically withdrawn from the command channel.
    - Fix parties teleport, which are ported back to previous stored location no matter the duel end (in prevision to arena coordinates).
    Victory/lose animations
    - Fix an issue with kneel animation for 'B player/party winner' case.
    - Add Victory animation for winners.
    - Animations are sent even if one side is missing.
    - Revert party duel timer to 120 seconds (retail time).
    - The 1vs1 countdown is setted to 5sec instead of 3sec + "void" 3sec. Messages for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 cases.
    - The party countdown is setted to 30sec instead of 20sec, with messages for 30, 20, 15, 10 cases. It also uses 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 messages from 1vs1.
    - Drop the 5sec timer at the end of a duel.
    - The two left tasks, CheckTask && StartTask, use scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate to avoid to generate tasks every seconds.
    - Rework PartyMatchList, ExListPartyMatchingWaitingRoom serverpackets.

    118 раз скачали


  20. Бесплатный

    pwsoft обновление m-connector-j

    Всем привет!
    Обновил до jython is 2.7.3.
    Обновил до mysql-connector-j-8.0.32
    В архиве 2 папки сборка(настроенная сборка ) и pwsoft(исходники с файлами из сборки для теста)
    исходник PWsoft+09.01.2017
    mysql 8.0.31
    java 11
    java 13
    Редактировал исходники через:
    IntelliJ IDEA
    Для проверки прокачался до 10 уровня:)
    Возможно кому то пригодится......

    110 раз скачали


  21. Бесплатный

    aCis 406 Source

    Four Sepulchers, SpawnManager, Bugfixes

    Four Sepulchers - ty Hasha
       - Q620_FourGoblets now extends ScheduledQuest, handling both FourSepulchers script and FourSepulcherManager. It now uses SpawnManager lists.
       - Missing room behaviors are added (such as Charm of Corner room, etc)
       - Change NPCs' type from SepulcherNpc to Folk. Moved and checked HTMLs.
       - Goblets are not quest items (kept during abort) as per L2OFF. Chapel Key is quest item as per L2OFF.
       - When accepting quest while having Antique Brooch, set cond 2 directly.
       - Fix opening of "Sealed Boxes" at "Ghost Chamberlain of Elmoreden" as per L2OFF.
       - Fix Ghost of Wigoth (Four Sepulchers) HTML logic.
       - Fix Ghost of Wigoth (Pilrimg's Temple) HTML logic, added missing HTMLs.
       - Fix Q620 Sealed Boxes droplist and chances.

    SpawnManager - ty Hasha
       - Spawns heading is now set between 0 and 65536.
       - Rename events.

       - Fix skill cast animation being interrupted when attacking with a bow. Ty Sluger for report, Sahar for fix.
       - Fix Siege Summon unsummon upon teleportation.

    102 раза скачали


  22. Бесплатный


    Как и обещал первая версия исходного кода с минимальными исправлениями.

    93 раза скачали


  23. Бесплатный

    aCis [Diff File] 340 to 341

    Файл для обновления с версии 340 до 341
    Changeset 341
    MMOCore, Announcements, Eclipse settings, Scripts, Misc
    MMOCore - basic update to latest L2J version.
    - Add a try/catch to avoid core crashing.
    - Disable Nagle's algorithm (better latency, but bigger bandwitdh usage). It's a real time application, for love of goodness !
    - Client is setted on putPacketIntoWriteBuffer method.
    - Fix an issue regarding Announcement limit.
    - Add //announce all_auto, allowing to announce auto tasks. Add the appropriate button on Announcements admin panel.
    Eclipse settings
    - Added project based Java8 compliance on both projects.
    - Copied project settings from gameserver to datapack. It seems I was using workbench settings on datapack.
    - Fix few missing stuff on datapack, such as static keywords or nested return.
    - "Incomplete switch cases on enum option" is now setted to "Ignore".
    - addition of SecondClassChange script. I can't test all cases and HTMs, so please report any issue on forums.
    - addition of Q662. Ty RooT.
    - numerous packets cleanups
    - clean one nested Item Class.
    - improve readability or performance.
    - reduce the amount or complexity of variables / parameters when not needed.
    - HennaInfo is fixed, the class level defines the number of henna slots. Ty RooT.
    - getItems() from Inventory returns a List, not an array anymore.
    - Fix possible double attacks issue, ty Hasha.
    - Decrease timer between multiple pickups.
    - Added a new multisell bypass, with a newbie check for L2Merchant exchange equipment. Ty ArhsGr.
    - Fix a NPE regarding CrestCache rework. Ty katara for report.

    90 раз скачали


  24. Бесплатный

    aCis 366 Build, Source, Diff

    Changeset 366 (664)
    Castle, Siege part II, ZoneManager / zones, Clans, Misc
    - Rename _zone > _siegeZone (getter included).
    - Move zones attributions to entity creation (instead of getters).
    Siege part II
    - Due to following ZoneManager and zones rework, we now support :
    - PKs are ported in the vicinity of second closest town (and not inside).
    - banished players are ported in the vicinity of the castle (and not on closest town).
    - Cleanup L2SiegeFlagInstance, it works even if clan parameter is broken.
    - Cleanup loadSiegeClan() uses, which were called on numerous useless places (called on startSiege(), approveSiegeDefenderClan(), removeSiegeClan(), startAutoTask()).
    - On castle siege end, if your clan is victorious versus former clan, you gain static 1K CRP instead of calculated amount based on former clan CRPs.
    - All CastleManager.getInstance().getCastle(player) used to only retrieve an ACTIVE siege are now replaced by CastleManager.getInstance().getSiege(player), as it is shorter and cleaner.
    - Drop SiegeClan layer. Siege flag is now registered on L2Clan.
    - Creation of SiegeSide enum. Store it under String format rather than int (similar to CabalType, SealType, etc).
    - CopyOnWriteArrayLists about attackers / defenders / pending defenders are replaced by a single ConcurrentHashMap (better performance and avoid heavy lists manipulations).
    - Creation of checkSide(L2Clan), checkSide(L2Clan, SiegeSide), checkSides(L2Clan, SiegeSide...) methods, which is now the center of sides checks (instead of getAttackerClan / getDefenderClan).
    - Drop the possiblity for a clan to hold numerous headquarters flags (it was producing a IOOBE when the first flag of the list was destroyed anyway).
    - L2Clan.isRegisteredOnSiege() method simply checks memory content rather than making a SQL query.
    - Fix following checks :
    - dissolve alliance now checks if ANY allied clans is registered on a active siege (before was only checking your clan status).
    - create alliance now checks if your clan is registered into an ACTIVE siege (avoid to stuck creation if you're castle lord).
    - join alliance now checks if the invited clan is registered as an opposite clan, on any active siege. The previous check checking both characters are on siege zone is dropped (pointless).
    ZoneManager / zones
    - Little cleanup of ZoneManager (drop of getArena(L2PcInstance), getOlympiadStadium(L2PcInstance), checkId(int) and getClosestZone(L2Object, Class<T>) methods).
    - L2SiegeZone zones are now considered L2SpawnZone, and hold following L2OFF lists : other_restart_village_list && chao_restart_point_list. Drop the isGM() exception from banishForeigners. Zones shape match with retail values.
    - L2CastleZone zones now hold banish_point_list. chao_restart_point_list is moved to L2SiegeZone, but still hold owner_restart_point_list. We drop _castle variable, which is pointless. Zones shape match with retail values.
    - L2CastleTeleportZone cleanup (isOnline() check is wrong, it basically means a offline shop can stay here).
    - L2ZoneType _characterList is edited from CopyOnWriteArrayList to ConcurrentHashMap (performance boost). The class is cleaned up (javadocs, comments, organization).
    - ZoneManager _debugItems is edited from List to ConcurrentHashMap (performance boost).
    - L2DynamicZone is deleted (no purpose).
    - //zone_visual adena drop count reflects zone id (for an instant overview). Their step spawn is also cutted by 2.5 (from 20 to 50) to faster the generation process.
    - clans are registered into a ConcurrentHashMap to avoid ConcurrentException. Drop synchronized keywords. getClans() returns a Collection instead of array.
    - destroyClan() is reworked ; parameter is now a L2Clan, the clan is removed of ANY siege (before : only if you had a castle)
    - getClanAllies() returns a Collections.emptyList() if no alliance is found.
    - checkAllyJoinCondition is now static (as variables are setted up as parameters).
    - RequestRestartPoint packet is cleaned up, jail location is now static.
    - Drop ALT_GAME_FREE_TELEPORT config, as HTMs can't scale with that config (were still displaying adena cost).
    - Fix L2TeleportLocation isForNoble() item consumption, ty Heinsenberg.
    - Fix skillId 1402 enchantlevel, ty Anarchy.
    - Fix TownPet instance task. Ty TreasureHuman for report.
    - Fix the merchant NPE due to Castle rework.
    - Random cleanup
    - MapRegionTable.getTeleToLocation renamed getLocationToTeleport (english plz). Method is cleaned up, MDT location is now static.
    - FIXED revive option uses player.getPosition() rather than generating a new Location object based on x/y/z.
    - RequestAnswerJoinAlly packet is secured (transaction is correctly cleaned up).
    PS : due to Sieges part II, sieges_clans is edited. I invite you to either drop the whole table and add the new one asking your players to register anew on sieges (castle owners are automatically registered), or you can query it to edit all int values to String values.

    78 раз скачали


  25. Бесплатный

    исходники сборки RusACIS 3.5

    - Небольшая оптимизация кода.
    - Исправлена ошибка, при которой оффлайн трейд не сохранялся.
    - Добавлены пропущенные миньены РБ Carnamakos.
    - Добавлен звук успешного прохождения Mortal Blow и Deadly Blow. (Спасибо за репорт Atrein).
    - Исправлена проблема с сохранением вещей в оффлайн трейде (при рестарте сервера). (Спасибо за репорт Mi-star).
    - Исправлены несколько неправильных телепортов (по ПТС). (Спасибо за репорт Mi-star).
    - Исправлена проблема, когда после нажатий кнопок на клавиатуре, персонаж полностью зависал.
    - Исправлена проблема, когда флаг (headquarters) не добавлял регенерацию МП. (Спасибо за репорт Mi-star).
    - Исправлена проблема с РБ, ранее после смерти - миньены не пропадали.
    - Добавлены виверны в КХ Адена (по ПТС).
    - Исправлена проблема, когда после захвата замка, флаги не пропадали. (атакующих). (Спасибо за репорт Mi-star).
    - Исправлена проблема с возрождением игрока на осаде (ранее была задержка, чего быть не должно). (по ПТС). (Спасибо за репорт Mi-star).
    - Исправлена ошибка, когда мы хотели атаковать игрока не участвующего в осаде (NPE).
    - Исправлена ошибка с AntiFeedManager (null).
    - Добавлены пропущенные validateCapacity, где они нужны (лимит инвентаря). (Спасибо за репорт Mi-star).
    - Исправлены окончательно фантомные мобы.
    - Убрана проверка на СА, для синих мобов. (по ПТС). (Спасибо за репорт Mi-star).
    - Убрана возможно продажи квестовых предметов в магазин (по ПТС).
    - Исправлена проблема когда CabalBuffer не баффал и не дебаффал игрока.
    - Исправлена неправильная осадная зона в руне (Спасибо за репорт и фикс Mi-star).
    - Исправлена критическая ошибка в Фестивалях, ранее можно было получать очки за каждый вход (по 150, сейчас работает по ПТСу). (Спасибо за репорт Mi-star).
    - Добавлена зона SSQZone, запрещаем юзать петов и суммонов в фестивалях (по ПТС).
    - Исправлена мана у КХ (баффера) (по ПТС). (Спасибо за репорт Mi-star).
    - Теперь смерть РБ записывается в бд сразу после смерти, а не после рестарта сервера. (нужно для статистики убийства РБ). (по просьбам).
    - Удалено сообщение (окно) S1_HAS_INVITED_YOU_TO_JOIN_THE_CLAN_S2 (по ПТС). (Спасибо за репорт Mi-star).

    75 раз скачали



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